
Library ConCert.Examples.Congress.tests.Congress_BuggyTests

From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Monad.
From ConCert.Execution.Test Require Import QCTest.
From ConCert.Examples.Congress Require Import Congress_Buggy.
From ConCert.Examples.Congress Require Export Congress_BuggyGens.
From ConCert.Examples.Congress Require Export Congress_BuggyPrinters.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.

From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.

(* -------------------------- Tests of the Buggy Congress Implementation -------------------------- *)

Definition creator := addr_of_Z 10.

Definition rules := {|
  min_vote_count_permille := 200;
  margin_needed_permille := 501;
  debating_period_in_blocks := 0;

Definition exploit_example : option (Address * ChainBuilder) :=
  let chain := builder_initial in
  let add_block (chain : ChainBuilder) act_bodies :=
      let next_header :=
          {| block_height := S (chain_height chain);
             block_slot := S (current_slot chain);
             block_finalized_height := finalized_height chain;
             block_creator := creator;
             block_reward := 50; |} in
      let acts := map (build_act creator creator) act_bodies in
      option_of_result (builder_add_block chain next_header acts) in
  (* Get some money on the creator *)
  (* Deploy congress and exploit contracts *)
  do chain <- add_block chain [];
  let dep_congress := create_deployment 50 contract {| setup_rules := rules |} in
  let dep_exploit := create_deployment 0 exploit_contract tt in
  do chain <- add_block chain [dep_congress; dep_exploit];
  let exploit := addr_of_N 129%N in
  let congress := addr_of_N 128%N in
  (* Add creator to congress *)
  let add_creator := add_member creator in
  let act_bodies :=
      map (fun m => act_call congress 0 (serialize _ _ m))
          [add_creator] in
  do chain <- add_block chain act_bodies;
  Some (congress, chain).

Definition unpacked_exploit_example : Address * ChainBuilder :=
  unpack_option exploit_example.

Definition congress_caddr := addr_of_Z 128%Z.

Module NotationInfo <: TestNotationParameters.
  Definition gAction := (fun env => GCongressAction env act_depth congress_caddr).
  Definition init_cb := (snd unpacked_exploit_example).
End NotationInfo.
Module TN := TestNotations NotationInfo. Import TN.
(* Sample gChain. *)

(* Definition gCongressChain max_acts_per_block congress_cb max_length :=
  let act_depth := 2 in
  gChain congress_cb
    (fun env act_depth => GCongressAction env act_depth congress_caddr) max_length act_depth max_acts_per_block.

Definition forAllCongressChainTraces n :=
  forAllBlocks n (snd unpacked_exploit_example) (gCongressChain 2).

Definition pre_post_assertion_congress P c Q :=
  pre_post_assertion 2 (snd unpacked_exploit_example) (gCongressChain 1) Congress_Buggy.contract c P Q.
Notation "{{ P }} c {{ Q }}" := (pre_post_assertion_congress P c Q) (at level 50). *)

Local Close Scope Z_scope.

Definition num_cacts_in_state state :=
  sumnat (fun '(k, v) => length (actions v)) (FMap.elements (proposals state)).

Definition num_cacts_safe_P (msg : Congress_Buggy.Msg)
                            (resp_acts : list ActionBody)
                            (old_state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                            (new_state : Congress_Buggy.State) :=
  let nr_cacts := match msg with
                  | create_proposal ls => length ls
                  | _ => 0
                  end in
  (num_cacts_in_state new_state + length resp_acts <=?
  num_cacts_in_state old_state + nr_cacts)%nat.

Definition receive_state_well_behaved_P (chain : Chain)
                                        (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                        (old_state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                                        (msg : Congress_Buggy.Msg)
                                        (result : option (Congress_Buggy.State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match result with
  | Some (new_state, resp_acts) =>
    checker (num_cacts_safe_P msg resp_acts old_state new_state)
  | _ => checker false

(* QuickChick (
  {{fun _ _ => true}}
). *)

Block 1 ;
Block 2  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 50, <FAILED DESERIALIZATION>)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, <FAILED DESERIALIZATION>)};
Block 3  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, add_member 10%256)};
Block 4  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 79, create_proposal (call: 128%256, 80, add_member 0%256))};
Block 5  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 13, finish_proposal 1)}; |}

*** Failed after 33 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards)