
Library ConCert.Execution.Blockchain

This file defines blockchains, both a contract's view (which is more computational) and the semantics of executing smart contracts in a blockchain.
The most important types are:
  • The ChainBase type describes basic assumptions made of any blockchain. In most cases, we will abstract over this type.
  • The Chain type describes a smart contract's view of the blockchain. This is the data that can be accessed by smart contracts.
  • The Action type describes how smart contracts (and external users) interact with the blockchain. We allow transfers, calls and deployment of contracts.
  • The WeakContract type describes a "weak" or "stringly" typed version of smart contracts. Contracts are just two functions init and receive to respectively initialize the state on deployment and update the state when receiving messages. The weak version of contracts means that the state/message/setup types, which would normally vary with contracts, are stored in a serialized format.
  • The Contract type describes a more strongly typed version of a contract. This is the same as the above except we abstract over the appropriate types. Users of the framework will mostly need to deal with this.
The next types deal with semantics.
  • The Environment type augments the Chain type with more information. Environment can be thought of as the information that a realistic blockchain implementation would need to keep track of to implement operations. For instance, it is reasonable to assume that an implementation needs to access the state of contracts, but not to assume that it needs to store the full transaction history of all addresses.
  • The ActionEvaluation type. This specifies how to evaluate actions returned by contracts or input in blocks. This related an environment and action to a new environment and a list of new actions to execute.
  • The ChainState type. This augments the Environment type with a queue of "outstanding" actions that need to be executed. For instance, when a block is added, its actions are put into this queue.
  • The ChainStep type. This specifies how the blockchain should execute smart contracts, and how new blocks are added. It relates a ChainState to a new ChainState. There are steps to allow adding blocks, evaluating actions in the queue and permuting the queue (allowing to model any execution order).
  • The ChainTrace type. This just represents a sequence of steps. If a trace ends in a state it means that the state is reachable and there is a "semantically correct" way of executing to get to this state. This type records the full history of a blockchain's execution, and it would thus be unrealistic to extract.
  • The ChainBuilderType type. This is a typeclass for implementations of blockchains, where these implementations need to prove that they satisfy our semantics.

From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import Psatz.
From Coq Require Import Permutation.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.
From Coq Require Import String.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ChainedList.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Monad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import RecordUpdate.

Import ListNotations.

Definition Amount := Z.
Bind Scope Z_scope with Amount.

Class ChainBase :=
  build_chain_base {
    Address : Type;
    address_eqb : Address -> Address -> bool;
    address_eqb_spec :
      forall (a b : Address), Bool.reflect (a = b) (address_eqb a b);
    address_eqdec :: stdpp.base.EqDecision Address;
    address_countable :: countable.Countable Address;
    address_serializable :: Serializable Address;
    address_is_contract : Address -> bool;

Global Opaque Address address_eqb address_eqb_spec
              address_eqdec address_countable

Declare Scope address_scope.
Delimit Scope address_scope with address.
Bind Scope address_scope with Address.
Infix "=?" := address_eqb (at level 70) : address_scope.

Definition address_neqb `{ChainBase} (x y : Address) : bool :=
  negb (address_eqb x y).

Definition address_not_contract `{ChainBase} (x : Address) : bool :=
  negb (address_is_contract x).

Lemma address_eq_refl `{ChainBase} x :
  address_eqb x x = true.
Proof. destruct (address_eqb_spec x x); auto; congruence. Qed.

Lemma address_eq_ne `{ChainBase} x y :
  x <> y ->
  address_eqb x y = false.
  destruct (address_eqb_spec x y) as [->|]; tauto.

Lemma address_eq_ne' `{ChainBase} x y :
  x <> y <->
  address_eqb x y = false.
  split; destruct (address_eqb_spec x y) as [->|]; (discriminate || tauto).

Lemma address_eq_sym `{ChainBase} x y :
  address_eqb x y = address_eqb y x.
  destruct (address_eqb_spec x y) as [->|].
  - now rewrite address_eq_refl.
  - rewrite address_eq_ne; auto.

Lemma address_neqb_eq `{ChainBase} x y :
  address_neqb x y = false <->
  x = y.
  unfold address_neqb.
  rewrite Bool.negb_false_iff.
  now destruct (address_eqb_spec x y).

Lemma address_neq_sym `{ChainBase} x y :
  address_neqb x y = address_neqb y x.
  unfold address_neqb.
  apply address_eq_sym.

Global Ltac destruct_address_eq :=
    match goal with
    | [H: context[address_eqb ?a ?b] |- _] =>
      try rewrite (address_eq_sym b a) in *; destruct (address_eqb_spec a b)
    | [|- context[address_eqb ?a ?b]] =>
      try rewrite (address_eq_sym b a) in *; destruct (address_eqb_spec a b)
    | [H: context[address_neqb ?a ?b] |- _] =>
      try unfold address_neqb in *; destruct (address_eqb_spec a b)
    | [|- context[address_neqb ?a ?b]] =>
      try unfold address_neqb in *; destruct (address_eqb_spec a b)

Section Blockchain.
Context {Base : ChainBase}.

This represents the view of the blockchain that a contract can access and interact with.
Record Chain :=
  build_chain {
    chain_height : nat;
    current_slot : nat;
    finalized_height : nat;

Record ContractCallContext :=
  build_ctx {
Address that initiated the transaction (never a contract)
    ctx_origin : Address;
Address of the immediate account that sent the call (can be a contract or a user account)
    ctx_from : Address;
Address of the contract being called
    ctx_contract_address : Address;
Balance of the contract being called
    ctx_contract_balance : Amount;
Amount of currency passed in call
    ctx_amount : Amount;

Operations that a contract can return or that a user can use to interact with a chain.
Inductive ActionBody :=
| act_transfer (to : Address) (amount : Amount)
| act_call (to : Address) (amount : Amount) (msg : SerializedValue)
| act_deploy (amount : Amount) (c : WeakContract) (setup : SerializedValue)
with WeakContract :=
     | build_weak_contract
         (init :
            Chain ->
            ContractCallContext ->
            SerializedValue (* setup *) ->
            result SerializedValue SerializedValue)
         (receive :
            Chain ->
            ContractCallContext ->
            SerializedValue (* state *) ->
            option SerializedValue (* message *) ->
            result (SerializedValue * list ActionBody) SerializedValue).

Definition act_body_amount (ab : ActionBody) : Z :=
  match ab with
  | act_transfer _ amount
  | act_call _ amount _
  | act_deploy amount _ _ => amount

Definition wc_init (wc : WeakContract) :=
  let (i, _) := wc in i.

Definition wc_receive (wc : WeakContract) :=
  let (_, r) := wc in r.

Record Action :=
  build_act {
    act_origin : Address;
    act_from : Address;
    act_body : ActionBody;

Definition act_amount (a : Action) :=
  act_body_amount (act_body a).

Represents a strongly-typed contract. This is what users will primarily use and interact with when they want deployment. We keep the weak contract only "internally" for blockchains, while any strongly-typed contract can be converted to and from
Record Contract
      (Setup Msg State Error : Type)
      `{Serializable Setup}
      `{Serializable Msg}
      `{Serializable State}
      `{Serializable Error} :=
  build_contract {

    init :
      Chain ->
      ContractCallContext ->
      Setup ->
      result State Error;

    receive :
      Chain ->
      ContractCallContext ->
      State ->
      option Msg ->
      result (State * list ActionBody) Error;

Global Arguments init {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Global Arguments receive {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.
Global Arguments build_contract {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}.

Definition deser_error :=
  serialize "Deserialization failed"%string.
Definition error_to_weak_error {T E : Type}
                              `{Serializable E}
                               (r : result T E)
                               : result T SerializedValue :=
  bind_error (fun err => serialize err) r.

Definition contract_to_weak_contract
          {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
         `{Serializable Setup}
         `{Serializable Msg}
         `{Serializable State}
         `{Serializable Error}
          (c : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
          : WeakContract :=
      let weak_init chain ctx ser_setup :=
          do setup <- result_of_option (deserialize ser_setup) deser_error;
          do state <- error_to_weak_error (c.(init) chain ctx setup);
          Ok (serialize state) in
      let weak_recv chain ctx ser_state ser_msg_opt :=
          do state <- result_of_option (deserialize ser_state) deser_error;
          match ser_msg_opt with
          | Some ser_msg =>
            do msg <- result_of_option (deserialize ser_msg) deser_error;
            do '(new_state, acts) <- error_to_weak_error (c.(receive) chain ctx state (Some msg));
            Ok (serialize new_state, acts)
          | None =>
            do '(new_state, acts) <- error_to_weak_error (c.(receive) chain ctx state None);
            Ok (serialize new_state, acts)
          end in
      build_weak_contract weak_init weak_recv.

Coercion contract_to_weak_contract : Contract >-> WeakContract.

Deploy a strongly typed contract with some amount and setup
Definition create_deployment
          {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
         `{Serializable Setup}
         `{Serializable Msg}
         `{Serializable State}
         `{Serializable Error}
          (amount : Amount)
          (contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
          (setup : Setup) : ActionBody :=
  act_deploy amount contract (serialize setup).

The contract interface is the main mechanism allowing a deployed contract to interact with another deployed contract. This hides the ugly details of everything being SerializedValue away from contracts.
Record ContractInterface {Msg : Type} :=
  build_contract_interface {
The address of the contract being interfaced with
    contract_address : Address;
Make an action sending money and optionally a message to the contract
    send : Amount -> option Msg -> ActionBody;

Global Arguments ContractInterface _ : clear implicits.

Definition get_contract_interface
           (chain : Chain)
           (addr : Address)
           (Msg : Type)
           `{Serializable Msg}
           : option (ContractInterface Msg) :=
  let ifc_send amount msg :=
      match msg with
      | None => act_transfer addr amount
      | Some msg => act_call addr amount (serialize msg)
      end in
  Some {| contract_address := addr; send := ifc_send; |}.

Section Semantics.
MetaCoq Run (make_setters Chain).

Definition add_balance
           (addr : Address)
           (amount : Amount)
           (map : Address -> Amount)
           : Address -> Amount :=
  fun a => if (a =? addr)%address
           then (amount + map a)%Z
           else map a.

Global Arguments add_balance _ _ _ /.

Definition set_chain_contract_state
           (addr : Address)
           (state : SerializedValue)
           (map : Address -> option SerializedValue)
           : Address -> option SerializedValue :=
  fun a => if (a =? addr)%address
           then Some state
           else map a.

Record Environment :=
  build_env {
    env_chain :> Chain;
    env_account_balances : Address -> Amount;
    env_contracts : Address -> option WeakContract;
    env_contract_states : Address -> option SerializedValue;

Two environments are equivalent if they are extensionally equal
Record EnvironmentEquiv (e1 e2 : Environment) : Prop :=
  build_env_equiv {
    chain_eq : env_chain e1 = env_chain e2;
    account_balances_eq :
      forall a, env_account_balances e1 a = env_account_balances e2 a;
    contracts_eq :
      forall a, env_contracts e1 a = env_contracts e2 a;
    contract_states_eq :
      forall addr, env_contract_states e1 addr = env_contract_states e2 addr;

Strongly typed version of the contract state
Definition contract_state
           {A : Type}
           `{Serializable A}
           (env : Environment)
           (addr : Address)
           : option A :=
  env_contract_states env addr >>= deserialize.

Global Program Instance environment_equiv_equivalence : Equivalence EnvironmentEquiv.
Next Obligation.
  apply build_env_equiv; reflexivity.
Next Obligation.
  destruct H; apply build_env_equiv; now symmetry.
Next Obligation.
  destruct H, H0; apply build_env_equiv; try congruence.

Global Instance environment_equiv_env_account_balances_proper :
  Proper (EnvironmentEquiv ==> eq ==> eq) env_account_balances.
Proof. repeat intro; subst; apply account_balances_eq; assumption. Qed.

Global Instance environment_equiv_env_contracts_proper :
  Proper (EnvironmentEquiv ==> eq ==> eq) env_contracts.
Proof. repeat intro; subst; apply contracts_eq; assumption. Qed.

Global Instance environment_equiv_env_contract_states_proper :
  Proper (EnvironmentEquiv ==> eq ==> eq) env_contract_states.
Proof. repeat intro; subst; apply contract_states_eq; assumption. Qed.

Global Instance environment_equiv_env_chain_equiv_proper :
  Proper (EnvironmentEquiv ==> eq) env_chain.
Proof. repeat intro; apply chain_eq; assumption. Qed.

Global Instance environment_equiv_contract_state_proper
  {A : Type} `{Serializable A} :
  Proper (EnvironmentEquiv ==> eq ==> (@eq (option A))) contract_state.
  intros ? ? env_eq ? ? ?.
  unfold contract_state.
  now rewrite env_eq.

MetaCoq Run (make_setters Environment).

Definition transfer_balance (from to : Address) (amount : Amount) (env : Environment) :=
  env<|env_account_balances ::= add_balance to amount|>
     <|env_account_balances ::= add_balance from (-amount)|>.

Definition add_contract (addr : Address) (contract : WeakContract) (env : Environment)
  : Environment :=
  env<|env_contracts ::=
    fun f a =>
      if (a =? addr)%address
      then Some contract
      else f a|>.

Definition set_contract_state
           (addr : Address) (state : SerializedValue) (env : Environment) :=
  env<|env_contract_states ::= set_chain_contract_state addr state|>.

(* set_chain_contract_state updates a map (function) by returning a
   new map (function). If this function is immediately applied to a
   key, then unfold it. *)

Global Arguments set_chain_contract_state _ _ _ /.

Ltac rewrite_environment_equiv :=
  match goal with
  | [H: EnvironmentEquiv _ _ |- _] => try rewrite H in *

Ltac solve_proper :=
  apply build_env_equiv;
  repeat intro;
  repeat rewrite_environment_equiv;

Global Instance transfer_balance_proper :
  Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> EnvironmentEquiv ==> EnvironmentEquiv) transfer_balance.
  repeat intro; subst.
  unfold transfer_balance, add_balance.

Global Instance add_contract_proper :
  Proper (eq ==> eq ==> EnvironmentEquiv ==> EnvironmentEquiv) add_contract.
  repeat intro; subst.
  unfold add_contract.

Global Instance set_contract_state_proper :
  Proper (eq ==> eq ==> EnvironmentEquiv ==> EnvironmentEquiv) set_contract_state.
  repeat intro; subst.
  unfold set_contract_state, set_chain_contract_state.

Local Open Scope Z.
(* Next we define how actions are executed. It specifies how an action
changes an environment and which external actions to execute after it.
Note that there can be multiple ways to execute an action. For example, if
the action says to deploy a contract, the implementation is responsible for
selecting which address the new contract should get. *)

Inductive ActionEvaluation
          (prev_env : Environment) (act : Action)
          (new_env : Environment) (new_acts : list Action) : Type :=
  | eval_transfer :
      forall (origin from_addr to_addr : Address)
             (amount : Amount),
        amount >= 0 ->
        amount <= env_account_balances prev_env from_addr ->
        address_is_contract to_addr = false ->
        act = build_act origin from_addr (act_transfer to_addr amount) ->
          (transfer_balance from_addr to_addr amount prev_env) ->
        new_acts = [] ->
        ActionEvaluation prev_env act new_env new_acts
  | eval_deploy :
      forall (origin from_addr to_addr : Address)
             (amount : Amount)
             (wc : WeakContract)
             (setup : SerializedValue)
             (state : SerializedValue),
      amount >= 0 ->
      amount <= env_account_balances prev_env from_addr ->
      address_is_contract to_addr = true ->
      env_contracts prev_env to_addr = None ->
      act = build_act origin from_addr (act_deploy amount wc setup) ->
        (transfer_balance from_addr to_addr amount prev_env)
        (build_ctx origin from_addr to_addr amount amount)
        setup = Ok state ->
           to_addr state (add_contract
                       to_addr wc (transfer_balance from_addr to_addr amount prev_env))) ->
      new_acts = [] ->
      ActionEvaluation prev_env act new_env new_acts
  | eval_call :
      forall (origin from_addr to_addr : Address)
             (amount : Amount)
             (wc : WeakContract)
             (msg : option SerializedValue)
             (prev_state : SerializedValue)
             (new_state : SerializedValue)
             (resp_acts : list ActionBody),
      amount >= 0 ->
      amount <= env_account_balances prev_env from_addr ->
      env_contracts prev_env to_addr = Some wc ->
      env_contract_states prev_env to_addr = Some prev_state ->
      act = build_act origin from_addr
                      (match msg with
                       | None => act_transfer to_addr amount
                       | Some msg => act_call to_addr amount msg
                       end) ->
        (transfer_balance from_addr to_addr amount prev_env)
        (build_ctx origin from_addr to_addr (env_account_balances new_env to_addr) amount)
        msg = Ok (new_state, resp_acts) ->
      new_acts = map (build_act origin to_addr) resp_acts ->
        (set_contract_state to_addr new_state (transfer_balance from_addr to_addr amount prev_env)) ->
      ActionEvaluation prev_env act new_env new_acts.

Global Arguments eval_transfer {_ _ _ _ }.
Global Arguments eval_deploy {_ _ _ _ }.
Global Arguments eval_call {_ _ _ _}.

Section Accessors.
Context {origin : Address}
        {pre : Environment} {act : Action}
        {post : Environment} {new_acts : list Action}
        (eval : ActionEvaluation pre act post new_acts).

Definition eval_origin : Address :=
  match eval with
  | eval_transfer origin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_deploy origin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_call origin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => origin

Definition eval_from : Address :=
  match eval with
  | eval_transfer _ from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_deploy _ from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_call _ from _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => from

Definition eval_to : Address :=
  match eval with
  | eval_transfer _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_deploy _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_call _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => to

Definition eval_amount : Amount :=
  match eval with
  | eval_transfer _ _ _ amount _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_deploy _ _ _ amount _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  | eval_call _ _ _ amount _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => amount
End Accessors.

Section Theories.
Context {origin : Address}
        {pre : Environment} {act : Action}
        {post : Environment} {new_acts : list Action}
        (eval : ActionEvaluation pre act post new_acts).

Lemma account_balance_post (addr : Address) :
  env_account_balances post addr =
  env_account_balances pre addr
  + (if (addr =? eval_to eval)%address then eval_amount eval else 0)
  - (if (addr =? eval_from eval)%address then eval_amount eval else 0).
  destruct eval; cbn; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn;
    destruct_address_eq; lia.

Lemma account_balance_post_to :
  eval_from eval <> eval_to eval ->
  env_account_balances post (eval_to eval) =
  env_account_balances pre (eval_to eval) + eval_amount eval.
  intros neq.
  rewrite account_balance_post.
  rewrite address_eq_refl, address_eq_ne by auto.

Lemma account_balance_post_from :
  eval_from eval <> eval_to eval ->
  env_account_balances post (eval_from eval) =
  env_account_balances pre (eval_from eval) - eval_amount eval.
  intros neq.
  rewrite account_balance_post.
  rewrite address_eq_refl, address_eq_ne by auto.

Lemma account_balance_post_irrelevant (addr : Address) :
  addr <> eval_from eval ->
  addr <> eval_to eval ->
  env_account_balances post addr = env_account_balances pre addr.
  intros neq_from neq_to.
  rewrite account_balance_post.
  repeat rewrite address_eq_ne by auto.

Lemma chain_height_post_action : chain_height post = chain_height pre.
Proof. destruct eval; rewrite_environment_equiv; auto. Qed.

Lemma current_slot_post_action : current_slot post = current_slot pre.
Proof. destruct eval; rewrite_environment_equiv; auto. Qed.

Lemma finalized_height_post_action : finalized_height post = finalized_height pre.
Proof. destruct eval; rewrite_environment_equiv; auto. Qed.

Lemma contracts_post_pre_none contract :
  env_contracts post contract = None ->
  env_contracts pre contract = None.
  intros H.
  destruct eval; rewrite_environment_equiv; auto.
  cbn in *.
  destruct_address_eq; congruence.

Lemma eval_amount_nonnegative : eval_amount eval >= 0.
Proof. now destruct eval. Qed.

Lemma eval_amount_le_account_balance :
  eval_amount eval <= env_account_balances pre (eval_from eval).
Proof. now destruct eval. Qed.

End Theories.

Section Trace.

Record BlockHeader :=
  build_block_Header {
    block_height : nat;
    block_slot : nat;
    block_finalized_height : nat;
    block_reward : Amount;
    block_creator : Address;

Definition add_new_block_to_env
           (header : BlockHeader) (env : Environment) : Environment :=
  env<|env_chain; chain_height := block_height header|>
     <|env_chain; current_slot := block_slot header|>
     <|env_chain; finalized_height := block_finalized_height header|>
     <|env_account_balances ::=
         add_balance (block_creator header) (block_reward header)|>.

(* Todo: this should just be a computation. But I still do not *)
(* know exactly what the best way of working with reflect is *)
Local Open Scope nat.
Definition act_is_from_account (act : Action) : Prop :=
  address_is_contract (act_from act) = false.

Definition act_origin_is_account (act : Action) : Prop :=
  address_is_contract (act_origin act) = false.

Definition act_origin_is_eq_from (act : Action) : Prop :=
  address_eqb (act_origin act) (act_from act) = true.

Record IsValidNextBlock (header : BlockHeader) (chain : Chain) : Prop :=
  build_is_valid_next_block {
    valid_height : block_height header = S (chain_height chain);
    valid_slot : block_slot header > current_slot chain;
    valid_finalized_height :
      block_finalized_height header >= finalized_height chain /\
      block_finalized_height header < block_height header;
    valid_creator : address_is_contract (block_creator header) = false;
    valid_reward : (block_reward header >= 0)%Z;

Record ChainState :=
  build_chain_state {
    chain_state_env :> Environment;
    chain_state_queue : list Action;

MetaCoq Run (make_setters ChainState).

Inductive ChainStep (prev_bstate : ChainState) (next_bstate : ChainState) :=
| step_block :
    forall (header : BlockHeader),
      chain_state_queue prev_bstate = [] ->
      IsValidNextBlock header prev_bstate ->
      Forall act_is_from_account (chain_state_queue next_bstate) ->
      Forall act_origin_is_eq_from (chain_state_queue next_bstate) ->
        (add_new_block_to_env header prev_bstate) ->
      ChainStep prev_bstate next_bstate
| step_action :
    forall (act : Action)
           (acts : list Action)
           (new_acts : list Action),
      chain_state_queue prev_bstate = act :: acts ->
      ActionEvaluation prev_bstate act next_bstate new_acts ->
      chain_state_queue next_bstate = new_acts ++ acts ->
      ChainStep prev_bstate next_bstate
| step_action_invalid :
    forall (act : Action)
           (acts : list Action),
      EnvironmentEquiv next_bstate prev_bstate ->
      chain_state_queue prev_bstate = act :: acts ->
      chain_state_queue next_bstate = acts ->
      act_is_from_account act ->
      (forall bstate new_acts, ActionEvaluation prev_bstate act bstate new_acts -> False) ->
      ChainStep prev_bstate next_bstate
| step_permute :
      EnvironmentEquiv next_bstate prev_bstate ->
      Permutation (chain_state_queue prev_bstate) (chain_state_queue next_bstate) ->
      ChainStep prev_bstate next_bstate.

Lemma origin_is_account acts :
  Forall act_is_from_account acts ->
  Forall act_origin_is_eq_from acts ->
  Forall act_origin_is_account acts.
  intros Hall.
  induction Hall as [| a Ha]; intros Hall0; auto.
  inversion Hall0; subst.
  constructor; auto.
  specialize (address_eqb_spec (act_origin a) (act_from a)) as Haddr;
    unfold act_origin_is_eq_from in *; destruct Haddr; easy.

Definition empty_state : ChainState :=
  {| chain_state_env :=
       {| env_chain :=
            {| chain_height := 0;
               current_slot := 0;
               finalized_height := 0; |};
          env_account_balances a := 0%Z;
          env_contract_states a := None;
          env_contracts a := None; |};
     chain_state_queue := [] |}.

(* The ChainTrace captures that there is a valid execution where,
starting from one environment and queue of actions, we end up in a
different environment and queue of actions. *)

Definition ChainTrace := ChainedList ChainState ChainStep.

(* Additionally, a state is reachable if there is a trace ending in this trace. *)
Definition reachable (state : ChainState) : Prop :=
  inhabited (ChainTrace empty_state state).

Definition outgoing_acts (state : ChainState) (addr : Address) : list ActionBody :=
  map act_body
      (filter (fun act => (act_from act =? addr)%address) (chain_state_queue state)).

(* We define a transaction as a "fully specified" action, recording all info. For
example, a transaction contains the contract address that was created when a contract
is deployed. This is more about bridging the gap between our definitions and what
a normal blockchain is. Each evaluation of an action in the blockchain corresponds to
a transaction, so we can go from a trace to a list of transactions. *)

Inductive TxBody :=
  | tx_empty
  | tx_deploy (wc : WeakContract) (setup : SerializedValue)
  | tx_call (msg : option SerializedValue).

Record Tx :=
  build_tx {
      tx_origin : Address;
      tx_from : Address;
      tx_to : Address;
      tx_amount : Amount;
      tx_body : TxBody;

Definition eval_tx {pre : Environment} {act : Action}
                   {post : Environment} {new_acts : list Action}
                   (step : ActionEvaluation pre act post new_acts) : Tx :=
  match step with
  | eval_transfer origin from to amount _ _ _ _ _ _ =>
    build_tx origin from to amount tx_empty
  | eval_deploy origin from to amount wc setup _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =>
    build_tx origin from to amount (tx_deploy wc setup)
  | eval_call origin from to amount _ msg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =>
    build_tx origin from to amount (tx_call msg)

Fixpoint trace_txs {from to : ChainState} (trace : ChainTrace from to) : list Tx :=
  match trace with
  | snoc trace' step =>
    match step with
    | step_action _ _ _ _ _ _ eval _ => eval_tx eval :: trace_txs trace'
    | _ => trace_txs trace'
  | _ => []

Definition incoming_txs
           {from to : ChainState}
           (trace : ChainTrace from to)
           (addr : Address) : list Tx :=
  filter (fun tx => (tx_to tx =? addr)%address) (trace_txs trace).

Definition outgoing_txs
           {from to : ChainState}
           (trace : ChainTrace from to)
           (addr : Address) : list Tx :=
  filter (fun tx => (tx_from tx =? addr)%address) (trace_txs trace).

Record ContractCallInfo (Msg : Type) :=
    call_origin : Address;
    call_from : Address;
    call_amount : Amount;
    call_msg : option Msg;

Global Arguments build_call_info {_}.
Global Arguments call_origin {_}.
Global Arguments call_from {_}.
Global Arguments call_amount {_}.
Global Arguments call_msg {_}.

Fixpoint incoming_calls
           (Msg : Type) `{Serializable Msg}
           {from to : ChainState}
           (trace : ChainTrace from to)
           (caddr : Address) : option (list (ContractCallInfo Msg)) :=
  match trace with
  | snoc trace' step =>
    match step with
    | step_action _ _ _ _ _ _ (eval_call origin from to amount _ msg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ =>
      if (to =? caddr)%address then
        (* If there is a message it should deserialize correctly,
           otherwise the entire operation returns None. *)

        do hd_msg <- match msg with
                     | Some msg =>
                       match deserialize msg with
                       | Some msg => Some (Some msg)
                       | None => None
                     | None => Some None
        do tl <- incoming_calls Msg trace' caddr;
        Some (build_call_info origin from amount hd_msg :: tl)
        incoming_calls Msg trace' caddr
    | _ => incoming_calls Msg trace' caddr
  | _ => Some []

Record DeploymentInfo (Setup : Type) :=
    deployment_origin : Address;
    deployment_from : Address;
    deployment_amount : Amount;
    deployment_setup : Setup;

Global Arguments build_deployment_info {_}.
Global Arguments deployment_origin {_}.
Global Arguments deployment_from {_}.
Global Arguments deployment_amount {_}.
Global Arguments deployment_setup {_}.

Fixpoint deployment_info
           (Setup : Type) `{Serializable Setup}
           {from to : ChainState}
           (trace : ChainTrace from to)
           (caddr : Address) : option (DeploymentInfo Setup) :=
  match trace with
  | snoc trace' step =>
    match step with
    | step_action _ _ _ _ _ _ (eval_deploy origin from to amount _ setup _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ =>
      if (to =? caddr)%address then
        do setup <- deserialize setup;
        Some (build_deployment_info origin from amount setup)
        deployment_info Setup trace' caddr
    | _ => deployment_info Setup trace' caddr
  | clnil => None

Fixpoint trace_blocks {from to : ChainState}
         (trace : ChainTrace from to) : list BlockHeader :=
  match trace with
  | snoc trace' step =>
    match step with
    | step_block _ _ header _ _ _ _ _ =>
      header :: trace_blocks trace'
    | _ => trace_blocks trace'
  | clnil => []

Definition created_blocks
           {from to : ChainState} (trace : ChainTrace from to)
           (creator : Address) : list BlockHeader :=
  filter (fun b => (block_creator b =? creator)%address)
         (trace_blocks trace).

Definition is_deploy (ac : ActionBody) : bool :=
  match ac with
  | act_transfer _ _ => false
  | act_call _ _ _ => false
  | act_deploy _ _ _ => true

Definition is_call (ac : ActionBody) : bool :=
  match ac with
  | act_transfer _ _ => false
  | act_call _ _ _ => true
  | act_deploy _ _ _ => false

Definition is_transfer (ac : ActionBody) : bool :=
  match ac with
  | act_transfer _ _ => true
  | act_call _ _ _ => false
  | act_deploy _ _ _ => false

Section Theories.
Ltac destruct_chain_step :=
  match goal with
  | [step: ChainStep _ _ |- _] =>
    destruct step as
        [header queue_prev valid_header acts_from_accs origin_correct env_eq|
         act acts new_acts queue_prev eval queue_new|
         act acts env_eq queue_prev queue_new act_from_acc no_eval|
         env_eq perm]

Ltac destruct_action_eval :=
  match goal with
  | [eval: ActionEvaluation _ _ _ _ |- _] => destruct eval

Lemma trace_reachable : forall {to},
    ChainTrace empty_state to ->
      reachable to.

Lemma contract_addr_format {to} (addr : Address) (wc : WeakContract) :
  reachable to ->
  env_contracts to addr = Some wc ->
  address_is_contract addr = true.
  intros [trace] contract_at_addr.
  remember empty_state eqn:eq.
  induction trace; rewrite eq in *; clear eq.
  - cbn in *; congruence.
  - destruct_chain_step;
      try now rewrite_environment_equiv.
    + destruct_action_eval; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn in *; destruct_address_eq; subst; auto.

Lemma new_acts_no_out_queue orig addr1 addr2 new_acts resp_acts :
  addr1 <> addr2 ->
  new_acts = map (build_act orig addr2) resp_acts ->
  Forall (fun a => (act_from a =? addr1)%address = false) new_acts.
  intros neq ?; subst.
  induction resp_acts; cbn; auto.
  constructor; destruct_address_eq; cbn in *; congruence.

Lemma outgoing_acts_after_block_nil bstate addr :
  Forall act_is_from_account (chain_state_queue bstate) ->
  address_is_contract addr = true ->
  outgoing_acts bstate addr = [].
  intros all is_contract.
  unfold outgoing_acts.
  induction (chain_state_queue bstate); auto.
  inversion_clear all.
  destruct_address_eq; subst; auto.
  unfold act_is_from_account in *.

Lemma outgoing_acts_after_deploy_nil bstate addr :
  Forall (fun act => (act_from act =? addr)%address = false) (chain_state_queue bstate) ->
  outgoing_acts bstate addr = [].
  intros all.
  unfold outgoing_acts.
  induction (chain_state_queue bstate) as [|hd tl IH]; auto.
  cbn in *.
  inversion_clear all.
  rewrite H.

Local Open Scope address.
(* This next lemma shows that any for a full chain trace,
the ending state will not have any queued actions from
undeployed contracts. *)

Lemma undeployed_contract_no_out_queue contract state :
  reachable state ->
  address_is_contract contract = true ->
  env_contracts state contract = None ->
  Forall (fun act => (act_from act =? contract) = false) (chain_state_queue state).
  intros [trace] is_contract.
  remember empty_state eqn:eq.
  induction trace;
    intros undeployed; rewrite eq in *; clear eq; cbn; auto.
  destruct_chain_step; [|destruct_action_eval| |];
    try rewrite_environment_equiv;
      match goal with
      | [H: chain_state_queue _ = _ |- _] => rewrite H in *; clear H
    cbn in *.
  - (* New block *)
    match goal with
    | [H: Forall act_is_from_account _ |- _] => induction H
    match goal with
    | [H: Forall act_origin_is_eq_from _ |- _] => inversion H
    end; constructor; auto; destruct_address_eq; congruence.
  - (* Transfer step, just use IH *)
    eapply list.Forall_cons; eauto.
  - (* Deploy step. First show that it is not to contract and then use IH. *)
    destruct_address_eq; try congruence.
    eapply list.Forall_cons; eauto.
  - (* Call. Show that it holds for new actions as it is from *)
    (* another contract, and use IH for remaining. *)
    apply list.Forall_app.
    assert (contract <> to_addr) by congruence.
    split; [eapply new_acts_no_out_queue|eapply list.Forall_cons]; eauto.
  - (* Invalid User Action *)
    now apply Forall_inv_tail in IHtrace.
  - (* Permutation *)
    now rewrite <- perm.

Local Hint Resolve contracts_post_pre_none : core.
Local Hint Unfold reachable : core.

(* With this lemma proven, we can show that the (perhaps seemingly stronger)
fact, that an undeployed contract has no outgoing txs, holds. *)

Lemma undeployed_contract_no_out_txs
      contract state (trace : ChainTrace empty_state state) :
  address_is_contract contract = true ->
  env_contracts state contract = None ->
  outgoing_txs trace contract = [].
  intros is_contract undeployed.
  remember empty_state; induction trace; subst; cbn; auto.
  destruct_chain_step; try now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - (* In these steps we will use that the queue did not contain txs to the contract. *)
    pose proof
            contract mid
            ltac:(auto) ltac:(auto) ltac:(eauto)) as Hqueue.
      match goal with
      | [H: chain_state_queue _ = _ |- _] => rewrite H in *; clear H
    inversion_clear Hqueue.
    destruct act;
    destruct_action_eval; rewrite_environment_equiv;
      cbn in *;
      try tauto; try congruence.

Lemma undeployed_contract_no_in_txs
      contract state (trace : ChainTrace empty_state state) :
  address_is_contract contract = true ->
  env_contracts state contract = None ->
  incoming_txs trace contract = [].
  intros is_contract undeployed.
  remember empty_state; induction trace; subst; cbn; auto.
  destruct_chain_step; try now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - destruct_action_eval; rewrite_environment_equiv;
      cbn in *;
      destruct_address_eq; auto; subst; congruence.

Lemma deployment_info_some
      Setup `{Serializable Setup}
      {to} (trace : ChainTrace empty_state to) caddr :
  deployment_info Setup trace caddr <> None ->
  env_contracts to caddr <> None.
  remember empty_state; induction trace as [|? ? ? ? IH]; subst; cbn in *; try tauto.
  destruct_chain_step; try now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - destruct_action_eval; rewrite_environment_equiv; auto.
    (* Deploy *)
    cbn in *.
    rewrite (address_eq_sym caddr).
    destruct_address_eq; try discriminate.

Lemma deployment_info_addr_format
      Setup `{Serializable Setup} {to}
      (trace : ChainTrace empty_state to)
      caddr :
  deployment_info Setup trace caddr <> None ->
  address_is_contract caddr = true.
  intros has_deployment_info.
  pose proof (deployment_info_some _ _ _ has_deployment_info).
  destruct (env_contracts to caddr) as [wc|] eqn:?; try congruence.
  eapply contract_addr_format; eauto.

Lemma incoming_txs_contract
      caddr bstate (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate)
      Setup `{Serializable Setup} (depinfo : DeploymentInfo Setup)
      Msg `{Serializable Msg} (msgs : list (ContractCallInfo Msg)) :
  deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some depinfo ->
  incoming_calls Msg trace caddr = Some msgs ->
  map (fun tx => (tx_from tx, tx_to tx, tx_amount tx)) (incoming_txs trace caddr) =
  map (fun call => (call_from call, caddr, call_amount call)) msgs ++
       [(deployment_from depinfo, caddr, deployment_amount depinfo)].
  intros depinfo_eq calls_eq.
  enough ((env_contracts bstate caddr = None ->
           incoming_txs trace caddr = [] /\
           deployment_info Setup trace caddr = None /\
           incoming_calls Msg trace caddr = Some []) /\
          (env_contracts bstate caddr <> None ->
           deployment_info Setup trace caddr <> None ->
           incoming_calls Msg trace caddr <> None ->
           exists (depinfo : DeploymentInfo Setup)
                  (inc_calls : list (ContractCallInfo Msg))
                  (call_txs : list Tx) (dep_tx : Tx),
             deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some depinfo /\
             incoming_calls Msg trace caddr = Some inc_calls /\
             incoming_txs trace caddr = call_txs ++ [dep_tx] /\
             map (fun tx => (tx_from tx, tx_to tx, tx_amount tx)) call_txs =
             map (fun call => (call_from call, caddr, call_amount call)) inc_calls /\
             (tx_from dep_tx, tx_to dep_tx, tx_amount dep_tx) =
             (deployment_from depinfo, caddr, deployment_amount depinfo))) as generalized.
    rewrite depinfo_eq, calls_eq in *.
    destruct (env_contracts bstate caddr).
    - destruct generalized as [_ generalized].
      specialize (generalized ltac:(discriminate) ltac:(discriminate) ltac:(discriminate)).
      destruct generalized as [? [? [? [? [? [? [-> [? ?]]]]]]]].
      rewrite map_app.
    - destruct generalized as [generalized _].
      specialize (generalized eq_refl).
      destruct generalized as [_ [? _]]; congruence.

  assert (is_contract: address_is_contract caddr = true).
  { assert (deployment_info Setup trace caddr <> None) by congruence.
    eapply (deployment_info_addr_format Setup); eassumption. }

  clear depinfo_eq calls_eq depinfo msgs.

  remember empty_state; induction trace as [|? ? ? ? IH]; subst; cbn in *;
    try tauto.
  destruct_chain_step; cbn in *; try now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - (* Evaluation *)
    destruct_action_eval; cbn in *; rewrite_environment_equiv.
    + (* Transfer *)
      destruct_address_eq; auto.
    + (* Deploy *)
      cbn in *.
      rewrite (address_eq_sym caddr) in *.
      destruct_address_eq; auto.
      split; try discriminate.
      intros _ depinfo_ne_none calls_ne_none.
      cbn in *.
      destruct (deserialize setup); cbn in *; try congruence.
      remember (build_deployment_info _ _ _ _) as depinfo.
      remember (build_tx _ _ _ _ _) as deptx.
      destruct IH as [IH _]; auto.
      specialize (IH ltac:(auto)).
      fold (incoming_txs trace caddr).
      destruct IH as [-> [? ->]].
      exists depinfo, [], [], deptx; subst; cbn in *.
    + (* Call *)
      destruct_address_eq; subst; auto.
      cbn in *.
      split; [intros; congruence|].
      destruct IH as [_ IH]; auto.
      intros _ deploy_info calls.
      destruct (match msg with | Some _ => _ | _ => Some None end);
        cbn in *; try congruence.
      destruct (incoming_calls _ _) as [inc_calls|]; cbn in *; try congruence.
      unshelve epose proof (IH _ _ _) as IH; auto; try congruence.
      destruct IH as
          [depinfo [prev_calls
                      [prev_call_txs [dep_tx
                                        [depinfo_eq [inc_calls_eq
                                                       [inc_txs_eq [map_eq ?]]]]]]]].
      remember (build_tx _ _ _ _ _) as new_tx.
      remember (build_call_info _ _ _ _) as new_call.
      exists depinfo, (new_call :: inc_calls), (new_tx :: prev_call_txs), dep_tx.
      split; auto.
      split; auto.
      fold (incoming_txs trace caddr).
      rewrite inc_txs_eq.
      split; [now rewrite app_comm_cons|].
      inversion_clear inc_calls_eq.
      rewrite map_eq.
      subst; tauto.

Lemma undeployed_contract_no_in_calls
      {Msg} `{Serializable Msg}
      contract state (trace : ChainTrace empty_state state) :
  env_contracts state contract = None ->
  incoming_calls Msg trace contract = Some [].
  unfold incoming_calls.
  intros undeployed.
  remember empty_state; induction trace; subst; cbn in *; auto.
  destruct_chain_step; try now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - destruct_action_eval; rewrite_environment_equiv;
      cbn in *;
      destruct_address_eq; auto; subst; congruence.

Local Open Scope Z.
Lemma account_balance_trace state (trace : ChainTrace empty_state state) addr :
  env_account_balances state addr =
  sumZ tx_amount (incoming_txs trace addr) +
  sumZ block_reward (created_blocks trace addr) -
  sumZ tx_amount (outgoing_txs trace addr).
  unfold incoming_txs, outgoing_txs.
  remember empty_state as from_state.
  induction trace; [|destruct_chain_step].
  - subst. cbn. lia.
  - (* Block *)
    fold (created_blocks trace addr).
    rewrite IHtrace by auto.
    destruct_address_eq; subst; cbn; lia.
  - (* Step *)
    destruct_action_eval; cbn; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn.
    all: fold (created_blocks trace addr); rewrite IHtrace by auto.
    all: destruct_address_eq; cbn; lia.
  - (* Invalid User Action *)
    now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - (* Permutation *)
    now rewrite_environment_equiv.

Lemma contract_no_created_blocks state (trace : ChainTrace empty_state state) addr :
  address_is_contract addr = true ->
  created_blocks trace addr = [].
  intros is_contract.
  remember empty_state eqn:eq.
  induction trace; auto.
  destruct_chain_step; auto.
  inversion valid_header.
  destruct (address_eqb_spec (block_creator header) addr); auto.

Lemma undeployed_contract_balance_0 state addr :
  reachable state ->
  address_is_contract addr = true ->
  env_contracts state addr = None ->
  env_account_balances state addr = 0.
  intros [trace] is_contract no_contract.
  rewrite (account_balance_trace _ trace); auto.
  rewrite undeployed_contract_no_out_txs, undeployed_contract_no_in_txs,
          contract_no_created_blocks; auto.

Lemma account_balance_nonnegative state addr :
  reachable state ->
  env_account_balances state addr >= 0.
  intros [trace].
  remember empty_state eqn:eq.
  induction trace; subst; cbn; try lia.
  specialize (IHtrace eq_refl).
  - (* New block *)
    inversion valid_header.
    destruct_address_eq; lia.
  - (* Action evaluation *)
    rewrite (account_balance_post eval addr).
    pose proof (eval_amount_nonnegative eval).
    pose proof (eval_amount_le_account_balance eval).
    destruct_address_eq; subst; cbn in *; lia.
  - (* Invalid User Action *)
    now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - (* Permutation *)
    now rewrite_environment_equiv.

Lemma wc_init_strong
          {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
         `{Serializable Setup}
         `{Serializable Msg}
         `{Serializable State}
         `{Serializable Error}
          {contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error}
          {chain ctx setup result} :
  wc_init (contract : WeakContract) chain ctx setup = Ok result ->
  exists setup_strong result_strong,
    deserialize setup = Some setup_strong /\
    serialize result_strong = result /\
    Blockchain.init contract chain ctx setup_strong = Ok result_strong.
  intros init.
  cbn in *.
  destruct (deserialize setup) as [setup_strong|] eqn:deser_setup;
    cbn in *; try congruence.
  exists setup_strong.
  destruct (Blockchain.init _ _ _ _) as [result_strong|] eqn:result_eq;
    cbn in *; try congruence.
  exists result_strong.
  repeat split; auto with congruence.

Lemma wc_receive_strong
          {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
         `{Serializable Setup}
         `{Serializable Msg}
         `{Serializable State}
         `{Serializable Error}
          {contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error}
          {chain ctx prev_state msg new_state new_acts} :
  wc_receive (contract : WeakContract) chain ctx prev_state msg =
  Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
  exists prev_state_strong msg_strong new_state_strong,
    deserialize prev_state = Some prev_state_strong /\
    match msg_strong with
    | Some msg_strong => msg >>= deserialize = Some msg_strong
    | None => msg = None
    end /\
    serialize new_state_strong = new_state /\
    Blockchain.receive contract chain ctx prev_state_strong msg_strong =
    Ok (new_state_strong, new_acts).
  intros receive.
  cbn in *.
  destruct (deserialize prev_state) as [prev_state_strong|] eqn:deser_state;
    cbn in *; try congruence.
  exists prev_state_strong.
  exists (msg >>= deserialize).
  destruct msg as [msg|]; cbn in *.
  1: destruct (deserialize msg) as [msg_strong|];
    cbn in *; try congruence.
  all: destruct (Blockchain.receive _ _ _ _ _)
    as [[resp_state_strong resp_acts_strong]|] eqn:result_eq;
    cbn in *; try congruence.
  all: exists resp_state_strong.
  all: inversion_clear receive; auto.

Lemma deployed_contract_state_typed
          {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
         `{Serializable Setup}
         `{Serializable Msg}
         `{Serializable State}
         `{Serializable Error}
          {contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error}
          {bstate : ChainState}
          {caddr} :
  env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
  reachable bstate ->
  exists (cstate : State),
    contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate.
  intros contract_deployed [trace].
  destruct (contract_state bstate caddr) as [cstate|] eqn:eq;
    [exists cstate; auto|].
  unfold contract_state in *.
  (* Show that eq is a contradiction. *)
  remember empty_state; induction trace; subst; cbn in *; try congruence.
  destruct_chain_step; try now rewrite_environment_equiv.
  - (* Action evaluation *)
    destruct_action_eval; subst; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn in *.
    + (* Transfer, use IH *)
    + (* Deployment *)
      destruct_address_eq; subst; auto.
      (* To this contract, show that deserialization would not fail. *)
      replace wc with (contract : WeakContract) in * by congruence.
      destruct (wc_init_strong ltac:(eassumption))
        as [setup_strong [result_strong [? [<- init]]]].
      cbn in eq.
      rewrite deserialize_serialize in eq; congruence.
    + (* Call *)
      destruct (address_eqb_spec caddr to_addr); subst; auto.
      (* To this contract, show that deserialization would not fail. *)
      replace wc with (contract : WeakContract) in * by congruence.
      destruct (wc_receive_strong ltac:(eassumption))
        as [state_strong [msg_strong [resp_state_strong [? [? [<- receive]]]]]].
      cbn in eq.
      rewrite deserialize_serialize in eq; congruence.

Lemma origin_is_always_account {bstate : ChainState} :
  reachable bstate ->
  Forall act_origin_is_account (chain_state_queue bstate).
  intros [trace].
  remember empty_state; induction trace; subst; cbn in *; try constructor.
  - (* New block, use the fact that act_origin is the same as act_from
       and act_from is an account address*)

    now apply origin_is_account.
  - (* Action evaluation *)
    destruct_action_eval; subst;
      rewrite queue_new in *;
      rewrite queue_prev in *;
      cbn in *;
      inversion IHtrace; subst; try easy.
    apply Forall_app. split.
    * apply All_Forall.Forall_map.
      apply Forall_forall; easy.
    * auto.
  - (* Invalid User Action *)
    rewrite queue_new in *; rewrite queue_prev in *; cbn in *.
    specialize_hypotheses; inversion IHtrace; subst; easy.
  - (* Permutation *)
    eapply forall_respects_permutation; eauto.

Inductive TagFacts := tag_facts.
Inductive TagAddBlock := tag_add_block.
Inductive TagDeployment := tag_deployment.
Inductive TagOutgoingAct := tag_outgoing_act.
Inductive TagNonrecursiveCall := tag_nonrecursive_call.
Inductive TagRecursiveCall := tag_recursive_call.
Inductive TagPermuteQueue := tag_permute_queue.

Hint Constructors
  TagFacts TagAddBlock TagDeployment TagOutgoingAct
  TagNonrecursiveCall TagRecursiveCall TagPermuteQueue : core.

Lemma contract_induction
      {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
     `{Serializable Setup}
     `{Serializable Msg}
     `{Serializable State}
     `{Serializable Error}
      (contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
      (AddBlockFacts :
         forall (chain_height : nat) (current_slot : nat) (finalized_height : nat)
                (new_height : nat) (new_slot : nat) (new_finalized_height : nat), Prop)
      (DeployFacts : forall (chain : Chain) (ctx : ContractCallContext), Prop)
      (CallFacts :
         forall (chain : Chain)
                (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                (cstate : State)
                (outgoing_actions : list ActionBody)
                (inc_calls : option (list (ContractCallInfo Msg))), Prop)
      (P : forall (chain_height : nat)
                  (current_slot : nat)
                  (finalized_height : nat)
                  (caddr : Address)
                  (deployment_info : DeploymentInfo Setup)
                  (cstate : State)
                  (balance : Amount)
                  (outgoing_actions_queued : list ActionBody)
                  (incoming_calls_seen : list (ContractCallInfo Msg))
                  (outgoing_txs_seen : list Tx), Prop) :

  (* Facts *)
  (forall (bstate_from bstate_to : ChainState) (step : ChainStep bstate_from bstate_to)
          (from_reachable : ChainTrace empty_state bstate_from)
          (tag : TagFacts),
      match step with
      | step_block _ _ header _ _ _ _ _ =>
        AddBlockFacts (chain_height bstate_from)
                      (current_slot bstate_from)
                      (finalized_height bstate_from)
                      (block_height header)
                      (block_slot header)
                      (block_finalized_height header)
      | step_action _ _ act _ _ _ (eval_deploy origin from to amount _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ =>
          (transfer_balance from to amount bstate_from)
          (build_ctx origin from to amount amount)
      | step_action _ _ act _ _ _ (eval_call origin from to amount _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ =>
        let new_state := transfer_balance from to amount bstate_from in
        forall (cstate : State),
          env_contracts bstate_from to = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
          contract_state bstate_from to = Some cstate ->
            (build_ctx origin from to (env_account_balances new_state to) amount) cstate
            (outgoing_acts bstate_from to)
            (incoming_calls Msg from_reachable to)
      | _ => Logic.True
      end) ->

  (* Add block *)
  (forall old_chain_height old_cur_slot old_fin_height
          new_chain_height new_cur_slot new_fin_height
          caddr dep_info state balance inc_calls out_txs
          (facts : AddBlockFacts old_chain_height old_cur_slot old_fin_height
                                 new_chain_height new_cur_slot new_fin_height)
          (IH : P old_chain_height old_cur_slot old_fin_height
                  caddr dep_info state balance [] inc_calls out_txs)
          (tag : TagAddBlock),
      P new_chain_height new_cur_slot new_fin_height
        caddr dep_info state balance [] inc_calls out_txs) ->

  (* Deploy contract *)
  (forall chain ctx setup result
          (facts : DeployFacts chain ctx)
          (init_some : init contract chain ctx setup = Ok result)
          (tag : TagDeployment),
      P (chain_height chain)
        (current_slot chain)
        (finalized_height chain)
        (ctx_contract_address ctx)
        (build_deployment_info (ctx_origin ctx) (ctx_from ctx) (ctx_amount ctx) setup)
        (ctx_amount ctx)
        []) ->

  (* Transfer/call/deploy to someone else *)
  (forall height slot fin_height caddr dep_info cstate
          balance out_act out_acts inc_calls prev_out_txs tx
          (IH : P height slot fin_height caddr dep_info cstate balance
                  (out_act :: out_acts) inc_calls prev_out_txs)
          (tx_from_caddr : tx_from tx = caddr)
          (tx_amount_eq : tx_amount tx = act_body_amount out_act)
          (tx_act_match :
             match out_act with
             | act_transfer to amount =>
               tx_to tx = to /\ tx_amount tx = amount /\
               (tx_body tx = tx_empty \/ tx_body tx = tx_call None)
             | act_deploy amount wc setup =>
               tx_amount tx = amount /\ tx_body tx = tx_deploy wc setup
             | act_call to amount msg =>
               tx_to tx = to /\ tx_amount tx = amount /\ tx_body tx = tx_call (Some msg)
          (tag : TagOutgoingAct),
      P height slot fin_height caddr dep_info cstate (balance - act_body_amount out_act)
        out_acts inc_calls (tx :: prev_out_txs)) ->

  (* Non-recursive call *)
  (forall chain ctx dep_info prev_state msg
          prev_out_queue prev_inc_calls prev_out_txs
          new_state new_acts
          (from_other : ctx_from ctx <> ctx_contract_address ctx)
          (facts : CallFacts chain ctx prev_state prev_out_queue (Some prev_inc_calls))
          (IH : P (chain_height chain) (current_slot chain) (finalized_height chain)
                  (ctx_contract_address ctx) dep_info prev_state
                  (ctx_contract_balance ctx - ctx_amount ctx)
                  prev_out_queue prev_inc_calls prev_out_txs)
          (receive_some : receive contract chain ctx prev_state msg =
                          Ok (new_state, new_acts))
          (tag : TagNonrecursiveCall),
      P (chain_height chain)
        (current_slot chain)
        (finalized_height chain)
        (ctx_contract_address ctx)
        (ctx_contract_balance ctx)
        (new_acts ++ prev_out_queue)
        (build_call_info (ctx_origin ctx) (ctx_from ctx) (ctx_amount ctx) msg :: prev_inc_calls)
        prev_out_txs) ->

  (* Recursive call *)
  (forall chain ctx dep_info prev_state msg
          head prev_out_queue prev_inc_calls prev_out_txs
          new_state new_acts
          (from_self : ctx_from ctx = ctx_contract_address ctx)
          (facts : CallFacts chain ctx prev_state (head :: prev_out_queue) (Some prev_inc_calls))
          (IH : P (chain_height chain) (current_slot chain) (finalized_height chain)
                  (ctx_contract_address ctx) dep_info prev_state
                  (ctx_contract_balance ctx)
                  (head :: prev_out_queue) prev_inc_calls prev_out_txs)
          (action_facts :
             match head with
             | act_transfer to amount => to = ctx_contract_address ctx /\
                                         amount = ctx_amount ctx /\
                                         msg = None
             | act_call to amount msg_ser => to = ctx_contract_address ctx /\
                                             amount = ctx_amount ctx /\
                                             msg <> None /\
                                             deserialize msg_ser = msg
             | _ => False
          (receive_some : receive contract chain ctx prev_state msg =
                          Ok (new_state, new_acts))
          (tag : TagRecursiveCall),
      P (chain_height chain)
        (current_slot chain)
        (finalized_height chain)
        (ctx_contract_address ctx)
        (ctx_contract_balance ctx)
        (new_acts ++ prev_out_queue)
        (build_call_info (ctx_origin ctx) (ctx_from ctx) (ctx_amount ctx) msg :: prev_inc_calls)
        (build_tx (ctx_origin ctx)
                  (ctx_from ctx)
                  (ctx_contract_address ctx)
                  (ctx_amount ctx)
                  (tx_call (match head with
                            | act_call _ _ msg => Some msg
                            | _ => None
                            end)) :: prev_out_txs)) ->

  (* Queue permutation *)
  (forall height slot fin_height
          caddr dep_info cstate balance
          out_queue inc_calls out_txs
          (IH : P height slot fin_height caddr dep_info cstate balance
                  out_queue inc_calls out_txs)
          (perm : Permutation out_queue out_queue')
          (tag : TagPermuteQueue),
      P height slot fin_height
        caddr dep_info cstate balance out_queue' inc_calls out_txs) ->

  forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists dep cstate inc_calls,
      deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some dep /\
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
      incoming_calls Msg trace caddr = Some inc_calls /\
      P (chain_height bstate)
        (current_slot bstate)
        (finalized_height bstate)
        (env_account_balances bstate caddr)
        (outgoing_acts bstate caddr)
        (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
  intros establish_facts
         bstate caddr trace contract_deployed.
  assert (address_is_contract caddr = true) as is_contract
      by (eapply contract_addr_format; eauto).
  unfold contract_state in *.
  remember empty_state; induction trace as [|? ? ? ? IH];
    intros; subst; try solve [cbn in *; congruence].
  specialize (IH ltac:(auto) ltac:(auto)).
  specialize (establish_facts mid to ltac:(auto) ltac:(auto) tag_facts).
    [|clear add_block_case; destruct_action_eval; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn in *| |].
  - (* New block *)
    clear init_case recursive_call_case nonrecursive_call_case permute_queue_case.
    cbn in *.
    destruct IH as (depinfo' & cstate' & inc_calls' & -> & ? & -> & ?).
    exists depinfo', cstate', inc_calls'.
    repeat split; auto.
    inversion valid_header.
    cbn in *.
    destruct_address_eq; try congruence.
    rewrite outgoing_acts_after_block_nil by auto.
    unfold outgoing_acts in *; rewrite queue_prev in *; cbn in *.
    eapply add_block_case; try constructor.
    + apply establish_facts.
    + assumption.
  - (* Evaluation: transfer *)
    clear init_case recursive_call_case nonrecursive_call_case permute_queue_case.
    destruct IH as (depinfo' & cstate' & inc_calls' & -> & ? & -> & ?).
    exists depinfo', cstate', inc_calls'.
    repeat split; auto.
    rewrite (address_eq_sym from_addr) in *.
    cbn in *.
    (* Transfer cannot be to contract as that would be a
    call. Resolve this now. *)

    destruct (address_eqb_spec caddr to_addr) as [->|];
      cbn in *; try congruence.

    unfold outgoing_acts in *.
    rewrite queue_prev, queue_new in *.
    match goal with
    | [ H : act = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in *
    cbn in *.
    rewrite (address_eq_sym from_addr) in *.
    destruct (address_eqb_spec caddr from_addr) as [<-|];
      cbn in *.
    + (* Transfer from contract *)
      remember (act_transfer _ _) as out_act.
      replace (-amount + env_account_balances mid caddr) with
          (env_account_balances mid caddr - act_body_amount out_act) by
          (subst; cbn; lia).
      apply transfer_case; auto.
    + (* Irrelevant transfer *)
  - (* Evaluation: Deploy *)
    clear recursive_call_case nonrecursive_call_case permute_queue_case.
    rewrite (address_eq_sym to_addr caddr) in *.
    destruct (address_eqb_spec caddr to_addr) as [<-|]; cbn in *.
    + (* Deployment of this contract *)
      replace wc with (contract : WeakContract) in * by congruence.
      match goal with
      | [ H : wc_init _ _ _ _ = Ok _ |- _ ] =>
        destruct (wc_init_strong H) as (setup_strong & result_strong & deser_setup_eq & <- & init)
      rewrite deser_setup_eq in *.
      exists (build_deployment_info origin from_addr amount setup_strong),
      rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn.

      rewrite address_eq_refl.
      rewrite deserialize_serialize.
      assert (incoming_calls Msg trace caddr = Some [])
        by (apply undeployed_contract_no_in_calls; auto).
      unfold incoming_calls in *; rewrite is_contract in *.
      repeat split; cbn in *; subst; auto.
      unfold outgoing_acts.
      rewrite queue_new.
      rewrite (address_eq_sym caddr) in *.
      fold (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
      pose proof (undeployed_contract_no_out_queue
                    caddr mid ltac:(auto) ltac:(auto) ltac:(auto)) as queue_ne_to.
      rewrite queue_prev in queue_ne_to.
      inversion_clear queue_ne_to as [|? ? from_ne_to rest_ne_to].
      cbn in from_ne_to.
      cbn in *.
      rewrite (address_eq_ne from_addr caddr) by (destruct_address_eq; auto).
      rewrite Forall_false_filter_nil by assumption.
      rewrite undeployed_contract_no_out_txs, undeployed_contract_balance_0 by auto.
      remember (build_ctx _ _ _ _ _) as ctx.
      replace origin with (ctx_origin ctx) by (subst; auto).
      replace from_addr with (ctx_from ctx) by (subst; auto).
      replace caddr with (ctx_contract_address ctx) by (subst; auto).
      replace amount with (ctx_amount ctx) by (subst; auto).
      rewrite Z.add_0_r.
      apply init_case; auto.
    + (* Deployment of other contract, might be by this contract. *)
      destruct IH as (depinfo & cstate & inc_calls & -> & ? & -> & ?).
      exists depinfo, cstate, inc_calls.
      rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn.
      rewrite address_eq_ne by auto.
      repeat split; auto.
      rewrite (address_eq_sym caddr).
      unfold outgoing_acts in *.
      rewrite queue_prev, queue_new in *.
      match goal with
      | [ H : act = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in *
      subst new_acts.
      cbn in *.
      fold (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
      destruct_address_eq; subst; cbn in *; auto.
      (* This contract deploys other contract *)
      remember (act_deploy _ _ _) as abody.
      replace (-amount + env_account_balances mid caddr)
        with (env_account_balances mid caddr - act_body_amount abody)
        by (subst; cbn; lia).
      apply transfer_case; auto.
  - (* Evaluation: Call *)
    clear init_case permute_queue_case.
    match goal with
      | [ H : act = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in *
    subst new_acts.
    destruct IH as (depinfo & cstate & inc_calls & -> & ? & inc_calls_eq & IH).
    (* rewrite inc_calls_eq in *. *)
    unfold outgoing_acts in *.
    rewrite queue_prev, queue_new in *.
    cbn in *.
    rewrite filter_app, filter_map, map_app, map_map; cbn in *.
    destruct (address_eqb_spec to_addr caddr) as [->|].
    + (* Call to contract *)
      rewrite inc_calls_eq in *.
      replace wc with (contract : WeakContract) in * by congruence.
      destruct (wc_receive_strong ltac:(eassumption))
        as (prev_state_strong & msg_strong & resp_state_strong &
            deser_state & deser_msg & <- & receive).
      replace (env_contract_states mid caddr) with (Some prev_state) in * by auto.
      cbn in *.
      replace prev_state_strong with cstate in * by congruence; clear prev_state_strong.
      exists depinfo, resp_state_strong.
      exists (build_call_info origin from_addr amount msg_strong :: inc_calls).
      rewrite address_eq_refl.
      rewrite deserialize_serialize.
      repeat split; auto.
        destruct msg_strong as [msg_strong|], msg as [msg|];
          try solve [cbn in *; congruence].
        now replace (deserialize msg) with (Some msg_strong) by auto.

      rewrite (address_eq_sym caddr), filter_true, map_id.

      destruct (address_eqb_spec from_addr caddr) as [->|?]; cbn in *.
      all: rewrite (address_eq_refl caddr) in *.
      * (* Recursive call *)
        remember (build_ctx _ _ _ _ _) as ctx.
        pose proof
               (transfer_balance caddr caddr amount mid)
               ctx depinfo cstate msg_strong
               (match msg with
                | Some msg => act_call caddr amount msg
                | None => act_transfer caddr amount
                end)) as case.
        subst ctx.
        cbn in case.
        replace (-amount + (amount + env_account_balances mid caddr))
          with (env_account_balances mid caddr)
          in * by lia.
        destruct msg_strong as [msg_strong|], msg as [msg|];
          cbn in *; try congruence; auto.
      * (* Someone else calls contract *)
        remember (build_ctx _ _ _ _ _) as ctx.
        pose proof
               (transfer_balance from_addr caddr amount mid)
               ctx depinfo cstate msg_strong) as case.
        subst ctx.
        cbn in case.
        rewrite (address_eq_ne caddr from_addr) in * by (subst; auto).
        replace (amount + env_account_balances mid caddr - amount)
          with (env_account_balances mid caddr) in case
          by lia.
        fold (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
        apply case; auto.
    + (* Call to other contract *)
      exists depinfo, cstate, inc_calls.
      rewrite filter_false.
      rewrite address_eq_ne by auto.
      rewrite (address_eq_sym caddr).
      destruct (address_eqb_spec from_addr caddr) as [->|?].
      * (* Call from us to other contract *)
        repeat split; auto.
        fold (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
        cbn in *.
        destruct msg as [msg|].
        1: remember (act_call _ _ _) as abody.
        2: remember (act_transfer _ _) as abody.
        1, 2: replace (-amount + env_account_balances mid caddr)
          with (env_account_balances mid caddr - act_body_amount abody)
          by (subst; cbn; lia).
        1, 2: subst; apply transfer_case; auto.
      * (* Irrelevant call. *)
        fold (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
  - (* Invalid User Action *)
    destruct IH as (depinfo & cstate & inc_calls & ? & ? & ? & IH); auto.
    exists depinfo, cstate, inc_calls.
    repeat split; rewrite_environment_equiv; auto.
    assert (outgoing_acts_eq : outgoing_acts mid caddr = outgoing_acts to caddr).
    { unfold outgoing_acts.
      setoid_rewrite queue_new.
      setoid_rewrite queue_prev.
      unfold act_is_from_account in act_from_acc.
      destruct_address_eq; easy.
    rewrite outgoing_acts_eq in IH.
    now fold (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
  - (* Permutation *)
    destruct IH as (depinfo & cstate & inc_calls & ? & ? & ? & IH).
    exists depinfo, cstate, inc_calls.
    repeat split; auto.
    unfold outgoing_acts in *.
    fold (outgoing_txs trace caddr).
    apply permute_queue_case with
        (out_queue := map act_body
                          (filter (fun a => (act_from a =? caddr)%address)
                                  (chain_state_queue mid))); auto.
    now apply Permutation_map, Permutation_filter.

End Theories.
End Trace.
End Semantics.

Inductive ActionEvaluationError :=
| amount_negative (amount : Amount) (* amount is negative *)
| amount_too_high (amount : Amount) (* sender does not have enough money *)
| no_such_contract (addr : Address) (* there is no contract at that address *)
| too_many_contracts (* cannot generate fresh address for new contract *)
| init_failed (err : SerializedValue) (* contract init function failed *)
| receive_failed (err : SerializedValue) (* contract receive function failed *)
| deserialization_failed (val : SerializedValue) (* failed deserializing value *)
| internal_error. (* unexpected internal error *)

Inductive AddBlockError :=
| invalid_header (header : BlockHeader) (* header for next block is invalid *)
| invalid_root_action (act : Action) (* a specified root action is invalid *)
| origin_from_mismatch (act : Action) (* origin and from addresses do not match for an action in a new block *)
| action_evaluation_depth_exceeded (* out of fuel while evaluating actions recursively *)
| action_evaluation_error (* error when evaluating single action *)
    (act : Action)
    (err : ActionEvaluationError).

Class ChainBuilderType :=
  build_builder {
    builder_type : Type;

    builder_initial : builder_type;

    builder_env : builder_type -> Environment;

      (builder : builder_type)
      (header : BlockHeader)
      (actions : list Action) :
      result builder_type AddBlockError;

    builder_trace (builder : builder_type) :
      ChainTrace empty_state (build_chain_state (builder_env builder) []);

Global Coercion builder_type : ChainBuilderType >-> Sortclass.
Global Coercion builder_env : builder_type >-> Environment.
End Blockchain.

Ltac destruct_chain_step :=
  match goal with
  | [step: ChainStep _ _ |- _] =>
    destruct step as
        [?header ?queue_prev ?valid_header ?acts_from_accs ?origin_correct ?env_eq|
         ?act ?acts ?new_acts ?queue_prev ?eval ?queue_new|
         ?act ?acts ?env_eq ?queue_prev ?queue_new ?act_from_acc ?no_eval|
         ?env_eq ?perm]

Ltac destruct_action_eval :=
  match goal with
  | [eval: ActionEvaluation _ _ _ _ |- _] =>
    destruct eval as
      [?origin ?from_addr ?to_addr ?amount ?amount_nonnegative ?enough_balance
       ?to_addr_not_contract ?act_eq ?env_eq ?new_acts_eq |
       ?origin ?from_addr ?to_addr ?amount ?wc ?setup ?state ?amount_nonnegative
        ?enough_balance ?to_addr_contract ?not_deployed
        ?act_eq ?init_some ?env_eq ?new_acts_eq |
       ?origin ?from_addr ?to_addr ?amount ?wc ?msg ?prev_state ?new_state ?resp_acts
        ?amount_nonnegative ?enough_balance ?deployed ?deployed_state ?act_eq
        ?receive_some ?new_acts_eq ?env_eq ]

Ltac rewrite_environment_equiv :=
  match goal with
  | [eq: EnvironmentEquiv _ _ |- _] => rewrite eq in *

Local Ltac generalize_contract_statement_aux
      bstate caddr trace is_deployed Setup Msg State Error post :=
  let P := fresh "P" in
  evar (P : forall (chain_height : nat) (current_slot : nat) (finalized_height : nat)
                   (caddr : Address) (deployment_info : DeploymentInfo Setup)
                   (cstate : State) (balance : Amount)
                   (outgoing_actions_queued : list ActionBody)
                   (incoming_calls_seen : list (ContractCallInfo Msg))
                   (outgoing_txs_seen : list Tx),
  let H := fresh "H" in
  enough (H: exists (dep : DeploymentInfo Setup)
                    (cstate : State)
                    (inc_calls : list (ContractCallInfo Msg)),
             deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some dep /\
             contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
             incoming_calls Msg trace caddr = Some inc_calls /\
             P (chain_height bstate)
               (current_slot bstate)
               (finalized_height bstate)
               caddr dep cstate
               (env_account_balances bstate caddr)
               (outgoing_acts bstate caddr)
               inc_calls (outgoing_txs trace caddr));
  [let depinfo := fresh "depinfo" in
   let cstate := fresh "cstate" in
   let inc_calls := fresh "inc_calls" in
   let depinfo_strong := fresh "depinfo_strong" in
   let cstate_strong := fresh "cstate_strong" in
   let inc_calls_strong := fresh "inc_calls_strong" in
   let provenP := fresh "provenP" in
   destruct H as (depinfo & cstate & inc_calls &
                  depinfo_strong & cstate_strong & inc_calls_strong & provenP);
     match goal with
     | [|- exists _ : DeploymentInfo Setup, _] => exists depinfo
     | [|- exists _ : State, _] => exists cstate
     | [|- exists _ : list (ContractCallInfo Msg), _] => exists inc_calls
     | [|- ?a /\ ?b] => refine (conj depinfo_strong _)
     | [|- ?a /\ ?b] => refine (conj cstate_strong _)
     | [|- ?a /\ ?b] => refine (conj inc_calls_strong _)
   pattern (chain_height bstate), (current_slot bstate), (finalized_height bstate),
           caddr, depinfo, cstate, (env_account_balances bstate caddr),
           (outgoing_acts bstate caddr), inc_calls, (outgoing_txs trace caddr);
   match goal with
   | [|- ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _] => instantiate (P := f); exact provenP
  | post bstate caddr trace is_deployed Setup Msg State Error P ].

Local Ltac generalize_contract_statement_with_post post :=
  match goal with
  | [bstate : ChainState, caddr : Address |- _] =>
      match goal with
      | [is_reachable : reachable bstate |- _] =>
        let trace := fresh "trace" in
        destruct is_reachable as [trace]
    match goal with
      [trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate,
               is_deployed : env_contracts (_ bstate) caddr =
                             Some (contract_to_weak_contract ?c) |- _] =>
      match type of c with
      | Contract ?Setup ?Msg ?State ?Error =>
        generalize_contract_statement_aux bstate caddr trace
                                          is_deployed Setup Msg State Error post

Ltac generalize_contract_statement :=
    ltac:(fun _ _ _ is_deployed _ _ _ _ => revert is_deployed).

Ltac contract_induction :=
    ltac:(fun bstate caddr _ is_deployed Setup Msg State Error P =>
       revert is_deployed;
       let AddBlockFacts := fresh "AddBlockFacts" in
       let DeployFacts := fresh "DeployFacts" in
       let CallFacts := fresh "CallFacts" in
       evar (AddBlockFacts :
               forall (chain_height : nat) (current_slot : nat)
                      (finalized_height : nat) (new_height : nat)
                      (new_slot : nat) (new_finalized_height : nat), Prop);
       evar (DeployFacts : forall (chain : Chain)
                                  (ctx : ContractCallContext), Prop);
       evar (CallFacts : forall (chain : Chain) (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                                (cstate : State) (outgoing_actions : list ActionBody)
                                (inc_calls : option (list (ContractCallInfo Msg))), Prop);
       apply (contract_induction _ AddBlockFacts DeployFacts CallFacts);
       cbv [P]; clear P; cycle 1; clear dependent bstate; clear dependent caddr).

Global Notation "'Please' 'prove' 'your' 'facts'" :=
  TagFacts (at level 100, only printing).
Global Notation "'Please' 'reestablish' 'the' 'invariant' 'after' 'addition' 'of' 'a' 'block'" :=
  TagAddBlock (at level 100, only printing).
Global Notation "'Please' 'establish' 'the' 'invariant' 'after' 'deployment' 'of' 'the' 'contract'" :=
  TagDeployment (at level 100, only printing).
Global Notation "'Please' 'reestablish' 'the' 'invariant' 'after' 'an' 'outgoing' 'action'" :=
  TagOutgoingAct (at level 100, only printing).
Global Notation "'Please' 'reestablish' 'the' 'invariant' 'after' 'a' 'nonrecursive' 'call'" :=
  TagNonrecursiveCall (at level 100, only printing).
Global Notation "'Please' 'reestablish' 'the' 'invariant' 'after' 'a' 'recursive' 'call'" :=
  TagRecursiveCall (at level 100, only printing).
Global Notation
       "'Please' 'reestablish' 'the' 'invariant' 'after' 'permutation' 'of' 'the' 'action' 'queue'" :=
  TagPermuteQueue (at level 100, only printing).

Section LiftTransactionProp.

  Context {BaseTypes : ChainBase}
          {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
         `{Serializable Setup}
         `{Serializable Msg}
         `{Serializable State}
         `{Serializable Error}.

If some property P holds for all actions in the output of the receive function, the property can be lifted to all outgoing actions for all reachable states.
Lemma lift_outgoing_acts_prop
        {P : ActionBody -> Prop}
        (contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
        (bstate : ChainState)
        (addr : Address) :
  reachable bstate ->
  (forall chain ctx cstate msg new_cstate acts,
      contract.(receive) chain ctx cstate msg = Ok (new_cstate, acts) ->
      Forall P acts) ->
  env_contracts bstate addr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
  Forall P (outgoing_acts bstate addr).
  intros Hr Hc.
  contract_induction; intros; cbn in *; auto.
  - inversion_clear IH; auto.
  - apply Forall_app.
    split; auto.
  - apply Forall_app.
    inversion_clear IH.
    split; auto.
  - now rewrite <- perm.
  - instantiate (AddBlockFacts := fun _ _ _ _ _ _ => Logic.True).
    instantiate (DeployFacts := fun _ _ => Logic.True).
    instantiate (CallFacts := fun _ _ _ _ _ => Logic.True).
    unset_all; subst.
    destruct step; auto.
    destruct a; auto.

If the receive function always returns an empty list of actions, the same holds for all reachable states
Lemma lift_outgoing_acts_nil
        (contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
        (bstate : ChainState)
        (addr : Address) :
  reachable bstate ->
  (forall chain ctx cstate msg new_cstate acts,
      contract.(receive) chain ctx cstate msg = Ok (new_cstate, acts) ->
      acts = []) ->
  env_contracts bstate addr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
  outgoing_acts bstate addr = [].
  enough (all_false: Forall (fun _ => False) (outgoing_acts bstate addr)) by (now destruct all_false).
  apply (lift_outgoing_acts_prop contract); auto.
  erewrite (H4 _ _ _ _ _ acts); [constructor|eassumption].

If some property P holds for all contract states in the output of the receive function, the property can be lifted to all contract states for all reachable states.
Lemma lift_contract_state_prop
        {P : State -> Prop}
        (contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
        (bstate : ChainState)
        (addr : Address) :
  (forall chain ctx setup result,
      contract.(init) chain ctx setup = Ok result ->
      P result) ->
  (forall chain ctx cstate msg new_cstate acts,
      P cstate ->
      contract.(receive) chain ctx cstate msg = Ok (new_cstate, acts) ->
      P new_cstate) ->
  reachable bstate ->
  env_contracts bstate addr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
  exists cstate,
    contract_state bstate addr = Some cstate
    /\ P cstate.
  intros Hinit Hreceive Hreach.
  contract_induction; intros; cbn in *; auto.
  - now eapply Hinit.
  - now eapply Hreceive.
  - now eapply Hreceive.
  - instantiate (AddBlockFacts := fun _ _ _ _ _ _ => Logic.True).
    instantiate (DeployFacts := fun _ _ => Logic.True).
    instantiate (CallFacts := fun _ _ _ _ _ => Logic.True).
    unset_all; subst.
    destruct step; auto.
    destruct a; auto.

Lemma lift_dep_info_contract_state_prop
        {P : DeploymentInfo Setup -> State -> Prop}
        (contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
        (bstate : ChainState)
        (addr : Address)
        (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate) :
  (forall chain ctx setup result,
      contract.(init) chain ctx setup = Ok result ->
      P (build_deployment_info (ctx_origin ctx) (ctx_from ctx) (ctx_amount ctx) setup)
        result) ->
  (forall chain ctx cstate msg new_cstate acts dep,
      P dep cstate ->
      contract.(receive) chain ctx cstate msg = Ok (new_cstate, acts) ->
      P dep new_cstate) ->
  env_contracts bstate addr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
  exists dep cstate,
      deployment_info Setup trace addr = Some dep /\
      contract_state bstate addr = Some cstate /\
      P dep cstate.
  intros Hinit Hreceive.
  contract_induction; intros; cbn in *; auto.
  - now eapply Hinit.
  - now eapply Hreceive.
  - now eapply Hreceive.
  - instantiate (AddBlockFacts := fun _ _ _ _ _ _ => Logic.True).
    instantiate (DeployFacts := fun _ _ => Logic.True).
    instantiate (CallFacts := fun _ _ _ _ _ => Logic.True).
    unset_all; subst.
    destruct step; auto.
    destruct a; auto.

End LiftTransactionProp.