
Library ConCert.Examples.Congress.tests.Congress_BuggyGens

From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import BoundedN.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution.Test Require Import QCTest.
From ConCert.Examples.Congress Require Import Congress_Buggy.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
Import MonadNotation.

Arguments SerializedValue : clear implicits.
Arguments deserialize : clear implicits.
Arguments serialize : clear implicits.

Definition serializeMsg := serialize Msg _.

Definition gRulesSized (n : nat) : G Rules :=
  vote_count <- choose(1%Z, 1000%Z) ;;
  margin <- choose(1%Z, 1000%Z) ;;
  liftM (build_rules vote_count margin) arbitrary.

Instance genRulesSized : GenSized Rules :=
  arbitrarySized := gRulesSized

Instance genSetupSized : GenSized Setup :=
  arbitrarySized n := liftM build_setup (arbitrarySized n)

(* ------------------ generators of actions --------------------------- *)

Definition congressContractsMembers_nonowners state : list Address :=
    let members := (map fst o FMap.elements) (members state) in
    let non_owner_members := filter (fun member => address_neqb member (owner state)) members in

Definition gCongressMember_without_caller (state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                           (calling_addr : Address)
                           (contract_addr : Address)
                           : GOpt Address :=
  let members := (map fst o FMap.elements) (members state) in
  let members_without_caller := List.remove address_eqdec calling_addr members in
  match members_without_caller with
  | [] => returnGen None
  | m ::ms => liftM Some (elems_ m members_without_caller)

Definition try_newCongressMember_fix (members : list Address)
                                   nr_attempts curr_nr
                                   : option Address :=
  let fix aux nr_attempts curr_nr :=
  match nr_attempts with
  | 0 => None
  | S n' =>
      match @BoundedN.of_nat AddrSize curr_nr with
      | Some addr_attempt =>
          if List.existsb (address_eqb addr_attempt) members
          then aux n' (S curr_nr)
          else Some addr_attempt
      | None => None
  end in aux nr_attempts curr_nr.

Definition try_newCongressMember (state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                                 (congress_addr : Address)
                                 (nr_attempts : nat)
                                 : option Address :=
  let members := (map fst o FMap.elements) (members state) in
  try_newCongressMember_fix members nr_attempts 0.

Definition bindCallerIsOwnerOpt {A : Type}
                                (state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                                (calling_addr : Address)
                                (contract_addr : Address)
                                (g : GOpt A)
                                : GOpt A :=
  if address_eqb calling_addr contract_addr
  then g
  else if address_eqb state.(owner) calling_addr
       then g
       else returnGen None.

Definition try_gNewOwner state calling_addr contract_addr : GOpt Address :=
  bindCallerIsOwnerOpt state calling_addr contract_addr
    (gCongressMember_without_caller state calling_addr contract_addr).

Definition validate_addr (a : Address) : GOpt (address_is_contract a = false) :=
  match (Bool.bool_dec (address_is_contract a) true) with
  | left _ => returnGen None
  | right p => returnGenSome (Bool.not_true_is_false _ p)

Definition vote_proposal (caddr : Address)
                         (members_and_proposals : FMap Address (list ProposalId))
                         (call : forall (caddr : Address) (origin : Address),
                             address_is_contract origin = false -> Msg -> GOpt Action)
                         (vote : ProposalId -> Msg) : GOpt Action :=
  '(member, pids) <-- sampleFMapOpt members_and_proposals ;;
  p <-- validate_addr member ;;
  pid <-- elems_opt pids ;;
  call caddr member p (vote pid).

(* Returns a mapping to proposals which have been discussed long enough, according to the
   current rules in the given congress' state *)

Definition finishable_proposals (state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                                (current_slot : nat)
                                : FMap ProposalId Proposal :=
  let pids_map_filtered := filter_FMap (fun '(_, proposal) =>
    proposal.(proposed_in) + state.(state_rules).(debating_period_in_blocks) <=? current_slot
  ) state.(proposals) in
  if 0 <? FMap.size pids_map_filtered
  then pids_map_filtered
  else FMap.empty.

Definition lc_contract_members_and_proposals_new_voters (state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                                                        : (FMap Address (list ProposalId)) :=
    let candidate_members := (map fst o FMap.elements) (members state) in
    let proposals_pairs := FMap.elements (proposals state) in
    if (0 <? length candidate_members) && (0 <? length proposals_pairs)
      let voters_to_proposals : FMap Address (list ProposalId) :=
        List.fold_left (fun acc m =>
        let unvoted_proposals : list (ProposalId * Proposal) :=
          List.filter (fun p => match FMap.find m (votes (snd p)) with
                                | Some _ => false
                                | None => true
                                end) proposals_pairs in
        match fst unvoted_proposals with
        | [] => acc
        | _ as ps => FMap.add m ps acc
      ) candidate_members FMap.empty in
    else FMap.empty.

Definition lc_contract_members_and_proposals_with_votes (state : Congress_Buggy.State)
                                                        : FMap Address (list ProposalId) :=
    let members : list Address := (map fst o FMap.elements) (members state) in
    let proposals_map : FMap nat Proposal :=
      filter_FMap (fun p => 0 =? (FMap.size (votes (snd p)))) (proposals state) in
    if (0 <? length members) && (0 =? (FMap.size proposals_map))
    then (
      let propIds : list ProposalId := (map fst o FMap.elements) proposals_map in
      fold_left (fun acc m => FMap.add m propIds acc) members FMap.empty
    else FMap.empty.

Fixpoint GCongressAction (env : Environment)
                         (fuel : nat)
                         (caddr : Address)
                         : GOpt Action :=
  let call contract_addr caller_addr caller_addr_is_user msg :=
    amount <- match env.(env_account_balances) caller_addr with
              | 0%Z => returnGen 0%Z
              | caller_balance => choose (0%Z, caller_balance)
              end ;;
    returnGenSome (build_act caller_addr caller_addr
      (congress_action_to_chain_action (cact_call contract_addr amount (serializeMsg msg)))) in
  congress_state <-- returnGen (get_contract_state Congress_Buggy.State env caddr) ;;
  let members := (map fst o FMap.elements) congress_state.(members) in
  let owner := congress_state.(owner) in
  match fuel with
  | 0 =>
    backtrack [
      (* transfer_ownership *)
      (1, members <-- elems_opt (congressContractsMembers_nonowners congress_state) ;;
          new_owner <-- (try_gNewOwner congress_state owner caddr) ;;
          p <-- validate_addr owner ;;
          call caddr owner p (transfer_ownership new_owner)
      ) ;
      (* change_rules *)
      (1, rules <- gRulesSized 4 ;;
          p <-- validate_addr owner ;;
          call caddr owner p (change_rules rules)
      ) ;
      (* add_member *)
      (2, addr <-- returnGen (try_newCongressMember congress_state caddr 10) ;;
          p <-- validate_addr owner ;;
          call caddr owner p (add_member addr)
      ) ;
      (* remove_member *)
      (1, member <-- elems_opt members ;;
          p <-- validate_addr owner ;;
          call caddr owner p (remove_member member)
      ) ;
      (* vote_for_proposal *)
      (* Requirements:
         - contract with a proposal and members must exist
         - only members which have not already voted can vote again *)

      (2, vote_proposal caddr (lc_contract_members_and_proposals_new_voters congress_state)
                        call vote_for_proposal) ;
      (* vote_against_proposal *)
      (2, vote_proposal caddr (lc_contract_members_and_proposals_new_voters congress_state)
                        call vote_against_proposal) ;
      (* retract_vote *)
      (2, vote_proposal caddr (lc_contract_members_and_proposals_with_votes congress_state)
                        call retract_vote) ;
      (* finish_proposal *)
      (* Requirements:
         - only contract owner can finish proposals
         - the debating period must have passed *)

      (2, '(pid, _) <-- sampleFMapOpt (finishable_proposals congress_state env.(current_slot)) ;;
          p <-- validate_addr owner ;;
          call caddr owner p (finish_proposal pid)
  | S fuel' => backtrack [
    (3, GCongressAction env fuel' caddr) ;
    (* add_proposal *)
      (* recurse. Msg is converted to a SerializedType using 'serialize' *)
      (* This makes it possible to create proposals about proposals about proposals etc... *)
      (* Note: currently we don't support having multiple actions in a proposal *)
      (* Note: the way we recurse may be too restrictive - we fix a caddr, which may cause gCongressMember
               to return None even though it could have succeeded for another caddr.
               Maybe this is not a big issue, though. *)

      act <-- GCongressAction env fuel' caddr ;;
      let caller_addr := act.(act_from) in
      match act.(act_body) with
      | act_call caddr amount msg =>
        member <-- elems_opt members ;;
        let ca := cact_call caddr amount msg in
        p <-- validate_addr member ;;
        call caddr member p (create_proposal [ca])
      | _ => returnGenSome act