Library ConCert.Execution.Test.TestUtils
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import BoundedN.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution.Test Require Import LocalBlockchain.
From QuickChick Require Import QuickChick.
Import QcNotation. Import MonadNotation. Import BindOptNotation.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
Import BoundedN.Stdpp.
Global Definition AddrSize : N := (2^8)%N.
Global Definition DepthFirst : bool := true.
Global Instance LocalChainBase : ChainBase :=
LocalChainBase AddrSize.
Global Instance ChainBuilder : ChainBuilderType :=
LocalChainBuilderImpl AddrSize DepthFirst.
Notation "f 'o' g" := (Program.Basics.compose f g) (at level 50).
Definition addr_of_Z (x : Z) := BoundedN.of_Z_const AddrSize x.
Definition addr_of_N (x : N) := BoundedN.of_Z_const AddrSize (Z.of_N x).
Definition zero_address : Address := addr_of_Z 0.
Definition creator : Address := addr_of_Z 10.
Definition person_1 : Address := addr_of_Z 11.
Definition person_2 : Address := addr_of_Z 12.
Definition person_3 : Address := addr_of_Z 13.
Definition person_4 : Address := addr_of_Z 14.
Definition person_5 : Address := addr_of_Z 15.
Definition contract_base_addr : Address :=
addr_of_N (@ContractAddrBase AddrSize).
Definition test_chain_addrs_3 := [person_1; person_2; person_3].
Definition test_chain_addrs_5 := test_chain_addrs_3 ++ [person_4; person_5].
Definition empty_chain := lcb_initial AddrSize.
Definition get_contracts (chain : LocalChainBuilder AddrSize) :=
lc_contracts (lcb_lc chain).
Definition build_call {A : Type}
{ser : Serializable A}
(from to : Address)
(amount : Amount)
(msg : A)
: Action :=
build_act from from (act_call to amount (@serialize A ser msg)).
Definition build_transfer (from to : Address)
(amount : Amount)
: Action :=
build_act from from (act_transfer to amount).
Definition build_transfers (from : Address)
(txs : list (Address * Amount))
: list Action :=
map (fun '(to, amount) => build_transfer from to amount) txs.
Definition build_deploy {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
`{Serializable Setup}
`{Serializable Msg}
`{Serializable State}
`{Serializable Error}
(from : Address)
(amount : Amount)
(contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
(setup : Setup)
: Action :=
build_act from from (create_deployment amount contract setup).
(* Misc utility functions *)
Open Scope list_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.
Definition string_of_FMap {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(showA : A -> string)
(showB : B -> string)
(m : FMap A B) : string :=
"[" ++
String.concat "; " (map (fun '(a, b) => showA a ++ "-->" ++ showB b) (FMap.elements m))
++ "]".
Definition filter_FMap {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(f : (A * B) -> bool)
(m : FMap A B)
: FMap A B :=
let l := FMap.elements m in
let filtered_l := List.filter (fun p => f p) l in
FMap.of_list filtered_l.
Definition map_values_FMap {A B C: Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(f : B -> C)
(m : FMap A B)
: FMap A C :=
let l := FMap.elements m in
let mapped_l := (fun p => (fst p, f (snd p))) l in
FMap.of_list mapped_l.
Definition FMap_find_ {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(k : A)
(m : FMap A B)
(default : B) :=
match FMap.find k m with
| Some v => v
| None => default
Close Scope string_scope.
Fixpoint split_at_first_satisfying_fix {A : Type} (p : A -> bool)
(l : list A) (acc : list A)
: option (list A * list A) :=
match l with
| [] => None
| x::xs => if p x
then Some (acc ++ [x], xs)
else (split_at_first_satisfying_fix p xs (acc ++ [x]))
Definition split_at_first_satisfying {A : Type} (p : A -> bool) (l : list A)
: option (list A * list A) :=
split_at_first_satisfying_fix p l [].
(* Helper function for backtrack_result.
It picks and removes an element from a list of result generators. *)
Fixpoint pickDrop {T E}
(default : E)
(xs : list (nat * G (result T E)))
(n : nat)
: nat * G (result T E) * list (nat * G (result T E)) :=
match xs with
| nil => (0, returnGen (Err default), nil)
| (k, x) :: xs =>
if (n <? k) then (k, x, xs)
else let '(k', x', xs') := pickDrop default xs (n - k)
in (k', x', (k,x) :: xs')
(* Backtracking generator for results instead of
Option. Works the same way as backtrack. *)
Fixpoint backtrack_result_fix {T E} (default : E) (fuel : nat)
(gs : list (nat * G (result T E)))
: G (result T E) :=
match fuel with
| 0 => returnGen (Err default)
| S fuel' => idx <- choose (0, fuel') ;;
let '(k, g, gs') := pickDrop default gs idx in
ma <- g ;;
match ma with
| Err e => backtrack_result_fix default fuel' gs'
| Ok r => returnGen (Ok r)
Definition backtrack_result {T E} (default : E)
(gs : list (nat * G (result T E)))
: G (result T E) :=
backtrack_result_fix default (length gs) gs.
(* retrieves the previous and next state of a ChainStep *)
Definition chainstep_states {prev_bstate next_bstate}
(step : ChainStep prev_bstate next_bstate) :=
(prev_bstate, next_bstate).
(* Utils for Show instances *)
Open Scope string_scope.
Derive Show for unit.
Definition deserialize_to_string {ty : Type}
`{Serializable ty}
`{Show ty}
(s : SerializedValue) : string :=
match @deserialize ty _ s with
| Some v => show v
| None => "?"
Instance showFMap {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
`{Show A}
`{Show B}
: Show (FMap A B) :=
show := string_of_FMap show show
Close Scope string_scope.
Open Scope bool_scope.
Definition get_contract_state (state : Type)
`{Serializable state} env addr
: option state :=
let cstates := env.(env_contract_states) in
match cstates addr with
| Some ser_state =>
match @deserialize state _ ser_state with
| Some state => Some state
| None => None
| None => None
(* Utils for Generators *)
Notation "'GOpt' A" := (G (option A)) (at level 50).
Notation " ' pat <-- c1 ;; c2" :=
(@bindOpt _ _ _ _ c1 (fun x => match x with pat => c2 end))
(at level 61, pat pattern, c1 at next level, right associativity) : monad_scope.
Definition elems_opt {A : Type} (l : list A) : GOpt A :=
match l with
| x::xs => liftM Some (elems_ x xs)
| _ => returnGen None end.
Definition returnGenSome {A : Type} (a : A) : GOpt A :=
returnGen (Some a).
Definition liftOpt {A B : Type}
(f : A -> B)
(g : GOpt A)
: GOpt B :=
a <-- g ;;
returnGenSome (f a).
Definition liftOptGen {A : Type}
(g : G A)
: GOpt A :=
a <- g ;;
returnGenSome a.
Definition sampleFMapOpt {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(m : FMap A B)
: GOpt (A * B) :=
let els := FMap.elements m in
match els with
| e :: _ => liftM Some (elems_ e els)
| [] => returnGen None
Definition sampleFMapOpt_filter {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(m : FMap A B)
(f : (A * B) -> bool)
: GOpt (A * B) :=
let els := FMap.elements m in
match els with
| e :: _ => liftM Some (elems_ e (List.filter f els))
| [] => returnGen None
Definition sample2UniqueFMapOpt
{A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(m : FMap A B)
: GOpt ((A * B) * (A * B)) :=
bindOpt (sampleFMapOpt m) (fun p1 =>
let key1 := fst p1 in
let val1 := snd p1 in
bindOpt (sampleFMapOpt (FMap.remove key1 m)) (fun p2 =>
returnGenSome (p1, p2)
Section AddressGenerators.
(* Although the type is GOpt ... it will never generate None values.
Perhaps this is where we should use generators with
property proof relevance? Future work... *)
Definition gBoundedNOpt (bound : N) : GOpt (BoundedN.BoundedN bound) :=
(* we exploit that arbitrarySized n on nats
automatically bounds the value by <= n *)
n <- arbitrarySized (N.to_nat bound) ;;
returnGen (@decode_bounded bound (Pos.of_nat n)).
Definition gBoundedN : G (BoundedN.BoundedN AddrSize) :=
bn <- gBoundedNOpt AddrSize ;;
returnGen match bn with
| Some b => b
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import BoundedN.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution.Test Require Import LocalBlockchain.
From QuickChick Require Import QuickChick.
Import QcNotation. Import MonadNotation. Import BindOptNotation.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
Import BoundedN.Stdpp.
Global Definition AddrSize : N := (2^8)%N.
Global Definition DepthFirst : bool := true.
Global Instance LocalChainBase : ChainBase :=
LocalChainBase AddrSize.
Global Instance ChainBuilder : ChainBuilderType :=
LocalChainBuilderImpl AddrSize DepthFirst.
Notation "f 'o' g" := (Program.Basics.compose f g) (at level 50).
Definition addr_of_Z (x : Z) := BoundedN.of_Z_const AddrSize x.
Definition addr_of_N (x : N) := BoundedN.of_Z_const AddrSize (Z.of_N x).
Definition zero_address : Address := addr_of_Z 0.
Definition creator : Address := addr_of_Z 10.
Definition person_1 : Address := addr_of_Z 11.
Definition person_2 : Address := addr_of_Z 12.
Definition person_3 : Address := addr_of_Z 13.
Definition person_4 : Address := addr_of_Z 14.
Definition person_5 : Address := addr_of_Z 15.
Definition contract_base_addr : Address :=
addr_of_N (@ContractAddrBase AddrSize).
Definition test_chain_addrs_3 := [person_1; person_2; person_3].
Definition test_chain_addrs_5 := test_chain_addrs_3 ++ [person_4; person_5].
Definition empty_chain := lcb_initial AddrSize.
Definition get_contracts (chain : LocalChainBuilder AddrSize) :=
lc_contracts (lcb_lc chain).
Definition build_call {A : Type}
{ser : Serializable A}
(from to : Address)
(amount : Amount)
(msg : A)
: Action :=
build_act from from (act_call to amount (@serialize A ser msg)).
Definition build_transfer (from to : Address)
(amount : Amount)
: Action :=
build_act from from (act_transfer to amount).
Definition build_transfers (from : Address)
(txs : list (Address * Amount))
: list Action :=
map (fun '(to, amount) => build_transfer from to amount) txs.
Definition build_deploy {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
`{Serializable Setup}
`{Serializable Msg}
`{Serializable State}
`{Serializable Error}
(from : Address)
(amount : Amount)
(contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error)
(setup : Setup)
: Action :=
build_act from from (create_deployment amount contract setup).
(* Misc utility functions *)
Open Scope list_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.
Definition string_of_FMap {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(showA : A -> string)
(showB : B -> string)
(m : FMap A B) : string :=
"[" ++
String.concat "; " (map (fun '(a, b) => showA a ++ "-->" ++ showB b) (FMap.elements m))
++ "]".
Definition filter_FMap {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(f : (A * B) -> bool)
(m : FMap A B)
: FMap A B :=
let l := FMap.elements m in
let filtered_l := List.filter (fun p => f p) l in
FMap.of_list filtered_l.
Definition map_values_FMap {A B C: Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(f : B -> C)
(m : FMap A B)
: FMap A C :=
let l := FMap.elements m in
let mapped_l := (fun p => (fst p, f (snd p))) l in
FMap.of_list mapped_l.
Definition FMap_find_ {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(k : A)
(m : FMap A B)
(default : B) :=
match FMap.find k m with
| Some v => v
| None => default
Close Scope string_scope.
Fixpoint split_at_first_satisfying_fix {A : Type} (p : A -> bool)
(l : list A) (acc : list A)
: option (list A * list A) :=
match l with
| [] => None
| x::xs => if p x
then Some (acc ++ [x], xs)
else (split_at_first_satisfying_fix p xs (acc ++ [x]))
Definition split_at_first_satisfying {A : Type} (p : A -> bool) (l : list A)
: option (list A * list A) :=
split_at_first_satisfying_fix p l [].
(* Helper function for backtrack_result.
It picks and removes an element from a list of result generators. *)
Fixpoint pickDrop {T E}
(default : E)
(xs : list (nat * G (result T E)))
(n : nat)
: nat * G (result T E) * list (nat * G (result T E)) :=
match xs with
| nil => (0, returnGen (Err default), nil)
| (k, x) :: xs =>
if (n <? k) then (k, x, xs)
else let '(k', x', xs') := pickDrop default xs (n - k)
in (k', x', (k,x) :: xs')
(* Backtracking generator for results instead of
Option. Works the same way as backtrack. *)
Fixpoint backtrack_result_fix {T E} (default : E) (fuel : nat)
(gs : list (nat * G (result T E)))
: G (result T E) :=
match fuel with
| 0 => returnGen (Err default)
| S fuel' => idx <- choose (0, fuel') ;;
let '(k, g, gs') := pickDrop default gs idx in
ma <- g ;;
match ma with
| Err e => backtrack_result_fix default fuel' gs'
| Ok r => returnGen (Ok r)
Definition backtrack_result {T E} (default : E)
(gs : list (nat * G (result T E)))
: G (result T E) :=
backtrack_result_fix default (length gs) gs.
(* retrieves the previous and next state of a ChainStep *)
Definition chainstep_states {prev_bstate next_bstate}
(step : ChainStep prev_bstate next_bstate) :=
(prev_bstate, next_bstate).
(* Utils for Show instances *)
Open Scope string_scope.
Derive Show for unit.
Definition deserialize_to_string {ty : Type}
`{Serializable ty}
`{Show ty}
(s : SerializedValue) : string :=
match @deserialize ty _ s with
| Some v => show v
| None => "?"
Instance showFMap {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
`{Show A}
`{Show B}
: Show (FMap A B) :=
show := string_of_FMap show show
Close Scope string_scope.
Open Scope bool_scope.
Definition get_contract_state (state : Type)
`{Serializable state} env addr
: option state :=
let cstates := env.(env_contract_states) in
match cstates addr with
| Some ser_state =>
match @deserialize state _ ser_state with
| Some state => Some state
| None => None
| None => None
(* Utils for Generators *)
Notation "'GOpt' A" := (G (option A)) (at level 50).
Notation " ' pat <-- c1 ;; c2" :=
(@bindOpt _ _ _ _ c1 (fun x => match x with pat => c2 end))
(at level 61, pat pattern, c1 at next level, right associativity) : monad_scope.
Definition elems_opt {A : Type} (l : list A) : GOpt A :=
match l with
| x::xs => liftM Some (elems_ x xs)
| _ => returnGen None end.
Definition returnGenSome {A : Type} (a : A) : GOpt A :=
returnGen (Some a).
Definition liftOpt {A B : Type}
(f : A -> B)
(g : GOpt A)
: GOpt B :=
a <-- g ;;
returnGenSome (f a).
Definition liftOptGen {A : Type}
(g : G A)
: GOpt A :=
a <- g ;;
returnGenSome a.
Definition sampleFMapOpt {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(m : FMap A B)
: GOpt (A * B) :=
let els := FMap.elements m in
match els with
| e :: _ => liftM Some (elems_ e els)
| [] => returnGen None
Definition sampleFMapOpt_filter {A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(m : FMap A B)
(f : (A * B) -> bool)
: GOpt (A * B) :=
let els := FMap.elements m in
match els with
| e :: _ => liftM Some (elems_ e (List.filter f els))
| [] => returnGen None
Definition sample2UniqueFMapOpt
{A B : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(m : FMap A B)
: GOpt ((A * B) * (A * B)) :=
bindOpt (sampleFMapOpt m) (fun p1 =>
let key1 := fst p1 in
let val1 := snd p1 in
bindOpt (sampleFMapOpt (FMap.remove key1 m)) (fun p2 =>
returnGenSome (p1, p2)
Section AddressGenerators.
(* Although the type is GOpt ... it will never generate None values.
Perhaps this is where we should use generators with
property proof relevance? Future work... *)
Definition gBoundedNOpt (bound : N) : GOpt (BoundedN.BoundedN bound) :=
(* we exploit that arbitrarySized n on nats
automatically bounds the value by <= n *)
n <- arbitrarySized (N.to_nat bound) ;;
returnGen (@decode_bounded bound (Pos.of_nat n)).
Definition gBoundedN : G (BoundedN.BoundedN AddrSize) :=
bn <- gBoundedNOpt AddrSize ;;
returnGen match bn with
| Some b => b
The None case should never happen since
'arbitrarySized' on AddrSize already ensures
that n <= AddrSized.
| None => BoundedN.of_Z_const AddrSize 0
Instance genBoundedN : Gen (BoundedN.BoundedN AddrSize) := {|
arbitrary := gBoundedN
Instance genAddress : Gen (@Address LocalChainBase) := {|
(* I could have just written 'arbitrary' here,
but this is more explicit; and I like explicit code *)
arbitrary := @arbitrary (BoundedN.BoundedN AddrSize) genBoundedN
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the input list.
Returns default if the list is empty *)
Definition gAddress_ (default : Address) (addrs : list Address) : G Address :=
elems_ default addrs.
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the input list.
Returns zero_address if the list is empty *)
Definition gAddress (addrs : list Address) : G Address :=
gAddress_ zero_address addrs.
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the test_chain_addrs_3 *)
Definition gTestAddrs3 : G Address :=
gAddress test_chain_addrs_3.
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the test_chain_addrs_5 *)
Definition gTestAddrs5 : G Address :=
gAddress test_chain_addrs_5.
(* Generator that returns random addresses in the user address space *)
Definition gUserAddress : GOpt Address :=
bindGen (choose (0, (@ContractAddrBase AddrSize)-1)%N)
(fun n => ret (@BoundedN.of_N AddrSize n)).
(* Generator that returns random addresses in the contract address space *)
Definition gContractAddress : GOpt Address :=
bindGen (choose ((@ContractAddrBase AddrSize), AddrSize-1)%N)
(fun n => ret (@BoundedN.of_N AddrSize n)).
(* Generator that returns random addresses from addrs that are not in ws.
Returns zero_address if there are no such addresses *)
Definition gAddrWithout (ws addrs : list Address) :=
let addrs_ := filter (fun a => negb (existsb (address_eqb a) ws)) addrs in
elems_ zero_address addrs_.
(* Generator that returns unique pairs of addresses from addrs *)
Definition gUniqueAddrPair (addrs : list Address) : GOpt (Address * Address) :=
addr1 <-- elems_opt addrs ;;
let addrs_ := filter (fun a => address_neqb addr1 a) addrs in
addr2 <-- elems_opt addrs_ ;;
returnGenSome (addr1, addr2).
End AddressGenerators.
(* Helper generator and show instance for arbitrary FMaps *)
Fixpoint gFMapSized {A B : Type}
{gA : G A}
{gB : G B}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(n : nat) : G (FMap A B) :=
match n with
| 0 => returnGen FMap.empty
| S n' =>
a <- gA ;;
b <- gB ;;
m <- @gFMapSized _ _ gA gB _ _ _ n' ;;
returnGen (FMap.add a b m)
Instance genFMapSized {A B : Type}
`{Gen A}
`{Gen B}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
: GenSized (FMap A B) :=
arbitrarySized := @gFMapSized A B arbitrary arbitrary _ _ _
(* Sample (@gFMapSized nat nat arbitrary arbitrary _ _ _ 1). *)
Definition optToVector {A : Type} (n : nat) : GOpt A -> G (list A) :=
fun g =>
l <- vectorOf n g ;;
let l' := fold_left (fun acc aopt => match aopt with
| Some a => a :: acc
| None => acc
end) l []
in returnGen l'.
(* Utils for QuickChick *)
Open Scope Checker_scope.
(* Little helper to avoid having to write out matches
with "false ==> true" in None case all the time *)
Definition isSomeCheck {A B : Type} `{Checkable B}
(a : option A) (f : A -> B)
: Checker :=
match a with
| Some v => checker (f v)
| None => false ==> true
(* A shallow way of embedding 'exists' in QC.
Currently not very general, since we can't properly nest existPs
because the predicate function returns a bool, and not a Checker.
Need to review if this is even possible. *)
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Definition existsP {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
`{Show A}
(g : G A)
(p : A -> bool) :=
expectFailure (forAll g
(fun a => whenFail ("Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!")
(negb (p a)))).
Definition existsPShrink
{A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
`{Show A}
`{Shrink A}
(g : G A)
(p : A -> bool) :=
expectFailure (forAllShrink g shrink
(fun a => whenFail ("Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!")
(negb (p a)))).
(* QuickChick (
existsP arbitrary (fun a => a <=? a)
). *)
(* the shrinking variant may be more useful in some cases: *)
(* QuickChick (
existsP arbitrary (fun (l : list nat) => 5 <? fold_left plus l 0)
). *)
(* coqtop-stdout:1; 2; 5; 0; 3
Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 6 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards)
(* QuickChick (
existsPShrink arbitrary (fun (l : list nat) => 5 <? fold_left plus l 0)
). *)
coqtop-stdout:4; 2
Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 5 tests and 3 shrinks. (0 discards)
Definition conjoin_map {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
(f : A -> prop)
(l : list A) := conjoin (map (checker o f) l).
Definition discard_empty {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
(l : list A)
(f : list A -> prop) : Checker :=
match l with
| [] => false ==> true
| _ => checker (f l)
Definition forEachMapEntry {A B prop : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
`{Checkable prop}
(m : FMap A B)
(pf : A -> B -> prop)
: Checker :=
let pf_ p := pf (fst p) (snd p) in
conjoin_map pf_ (FMap.elements m).
(* Repeats a generator for each element in the given list *)
Definition repeatWith {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
(l : list A)
(c : A -> prop) :=
conjoin (map (checker o c) l).
(* Repeats a generator n times *)
Definition repeatn (n : nat) (c : Checker) :=
repeatWith (seq 0 n) (fun _ => c).
(* Converts a discarded test into a successful test *)
Definition discardToSuccess {prop} `{Checkable prop} (p : prop) : Checker :=
mapTotalResult (fun res => match res.(ok) with
| None => updOk res (Some true)
| _ => res
end) p.
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess (false ==> true)). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess (conjoin false==>true; checker true)). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (conjoin discardToSuccess (false==>true); checker true). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess true). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess false). *)
(* *** Failed after 1 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards) *)
(* discard-friendly variant of conjoin where discarded tests will NOT
cause the conjoin combinator to also result in a discard. Specifically,
conjoin_no_discard false==>true tests successfully,
whereas conjoin false==>true results in a discarded test. *)
Definition conjoin_no_discard {prop} `{Checkable prop} (l : list prop) : Checker :=
conjoin_map discardToSuccess l.
(* QuickChick (conjoin_no_discard false==>true; checker true). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
Instance genBoundedN : Gen (BoundedN.BoundedN AddrSize) := {|
arbitrary := gBoundedN
Instance genAddress : Gen (@Address LocalChainBase) := {|
(* I could have just written 'arbitrary' here,
but this is more explicit; and I like explicit code *)
arbitrary := @arbitrary (BoundedN.BoundedN AddrSize) genBoundedN
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the input list.
Returns default if the list is empty *)
Definition gAddress_ (default : Address) (addrs : list Address) : G Address :=
elems_ default addrs.
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the input list.
Returns zero_address if the list is empty *)
Definition gAddress (addrs : list Address) : G Address :=
gAddress_ zero_address addrs.
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the test_chain_addrs_3 *)
Definition gTestAddrs3 : G Address :=
gAddress test_chain_addrs_3.
(* Generator that returns random addresses from the test_chain_addrs_5 *)
Definition gTestAddrs5 : G Address :=
gAddress test_chain_addrs_5.
(* Generator that returns random addresses in the user address space *)
Definition gUserAddress : GOpt Address :=
bindGen (choose (0, (@ContractAddrBase AddrSize)-1)%N)
(fun n => ret (@BoundedN.of_N AddrSize n)).
(* Generator that returns random addresses in the contract address space *)
Definition gContractAddress : GOpt Address :=
bindGen (choose ((@ContractAddrBase AddrSize), AddrSize-1)%N)
(fun n => ret (@BoundedN.of_N AddrSize n)).
(* Generator that returns random addresses from addrs that are not in ws.
Returns zero_address if there are no such addresses *)
Definition gAddrWithout (ws addrs : list Address) :=
let addrs_ := filter (fun a => negb (existsb (address_eqb a) ws)) addrs in
elems_ zero_address addrs_.
(* Generator that returns unique pairs of addresses from addrs *)
Definition gUniqueAddrPair (addrs : list Address) : GOpt (Address * Address) :=
addr1 <-- elems_opt addrs ;;
let addrs_ := filter (fun a => address_neqb addr1 a) addrs in
addr2 <-- elems_opt addrs_ ;;
returnGenSome (addr1, addr2).
End AddressGenerators.
(* Helper generator and show instance for arbitrary FMaps *)
Fixpoint gFMapSized {A B : Type}
{gA : G A}
{gB : G B}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
(n : nat) : G (FMap A B) :=
match n with
| 0 => returnGen FMap.empty
| S n' =>
a <- gA ;;
b <- gB ;;
m <- @gFMapSized _ _ gA gB _ _ _ n' ;;
returnGen (FMap.add a b m)
Instance genFMapSized {A B : Type}
`{Gen A}
`{Gen B}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
: GenSized (FMap A B) :=
arbitrarySized := @gFMapSized A B arbitrary arbitrary _ _ _
(* Sample (@gFMapSized nat nat arbitrary arbitrary _ _ _ 1). *)
Definition optToVector {A : Type} (n : nat) : GOpt A -> G (list A) :=
fun g =>
l <- vectorOf n g ;;
let l' := fold_left (fun acc aopt => match aopt with
| Some a => a :: acc
| None => acc
end) l []
in returnGen l'.
(* Utils for QuickChick *)
Open Scope Checker_scope.
(* Little helper to avoid having to write out matches
with "false ==> true" in None case all the time *)
Definition isSomeCheck {A B : Type} `{Checkable B}
(a : option A) (f : A -> B)
: Checker :=
match a with
| Some v => checker (f v)
| None => false ==> true
(* A shallow way of embedding 'exists' in QC.
Currently not very general, since we can't properly nest existPs
because the predicate function returns a bool, and not a Checker.
Need to review if this is even possible. *)
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Definition existsP {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
`{Show A}
(g : G A)
(p : A -> bool) :=
expectFailure (forAll g
(fun a => whenFail ("Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!")
(negb (p a)))).
Definition existsPShrink
{A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
`{Show A}
`{Shrink A}
(g : G A)
(p : A -> bool) :=
expectFailure (forAllShrink g shrink
(fun a => whenFail ("Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!")
(negb (p a)))).
(* QuickChick (
existsP arbitrary (fun a => a <=? a)
). *)
(* the shrinking variant may be more useful in some cases: *)
(* QuickChick (
existsP arbitrary (fun (l : list nat) => 5 <? fold_left plus l 0)
). *)
(* coqtop-stdout:1; 2; 5; 0; 3
Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 6 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards)
(* QuickChick (
existsPShrink arbitrary (fun (l : list nat) => 5 <? fold_left plus l 0)
). *)
coqtop-stdout:4; 2
Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 5 tests and 3 shrinks. (0 discards)
Definition conjoin_map {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
(f : A -> prop)
(l : list A) := conjoin (map (checker o f) l).
Definition discard_empty {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
(l : list A)
(f : list A -> prop) : Checker :=
match l with
| [] => false ==> true
| _ => checker (f l)
Definition forEachMapEntry {A B prop : Type}
`{countable.Countable A}
`{base.EqDecision A}
`{Checkable prop}
(m : FMap A B)
(pf : A -> B -> prop)
: Checker :=
let pf_ p := pf (fst p) (snd p) in
conjoin_map pf_ (FMap.elements m).
(* Repeats a generator for each element in the given list *)
Definition repeatWith {A prop : Type}
`{Checkable prop}
(l : list A)
(c : A -> prop) :=
conjoin (map (checker o c) l).
(* Repeats a generator n times *)
Definition repeatn (n : nat) (c : Checker) :=
repeatWith (seq 0 n) (fun _ => c).
(* Converts a discarded test into a successful test *)
Definition discardToSuccess {prop} `{Checkable prop} (p : prop) : Checker :=
mapTotalResult (fun res => match res.(ok) with
| None => updOk res (Some true)
| _ => res
end) p.
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess (false ==> true)). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess (conjoin false==>true; checker true)). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (conjoin discardToSuccess (false==>true); checker true). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess true). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* QuickChick (discardToSuccess false). *)
(* *** Failed after 1 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards) *)
(* discard-friendly variant of conjoin where discarded tests will NOT
cause the conjoin combinator to also result in a discard. Specifically,
conjoin_no_discard false==>true tests successfully,
whereas conjoin false==>true results in a discarded test. *)
Definition conjoin_no_discard {prop} `{Checkable prop} (l : list prop) : Checker :=
conjoin_map discardToSuccess l.
(* QuickChick (conjoin_no_discard false==>true; checker true). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)