Library ConCert.Embedding.pcuic.PCUICCorrectnessAux
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import MCList.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import utils.
From MetaCoq.Common Require Import config.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAstUtils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICLiftSubst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICTyping.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICClosed.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICLiftSubst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICWcbvEval.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import Basics.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Env.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Misc.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EnvSubst.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EvalE.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICFacts.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Wf.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Utils.
Notation "'eval' ( n , Σ , ρ , e )" := (expr_eval_i Σ n ρ e) (at level 100).
Notation "M { j := N }" := (subst (N :: nil) j M) (at level 10, right associativity).
Import ListNotations Lia ssrbool.
Open Scope list_scope.
Open Scope nat.
Module TCString := bytestring.String.
Definition of_bs (bs : MCString.string) : string := TCString.to_string bs.
Definition to_bs (s : string) : MCString.string := TCString.of_string s.
Coercion to_bs : string >-> MCString.string.
Import NamelessSubst.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
(* Bool.trans_eq_bool kills performance, so we remove it *)
#[global] Remove Hints Bool.trans_eq_bool : core.
Arguments monad_utils.bind /.
Module P := PCUICAst.
Module PcbvCurr := PCUICWcbvEval.
Notation "Σ |- t1 ⇓ t2 " := (PcbvCurr.eval Σ t1 t2) (at level 50).
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import utils.
From MetaCoq.Common Require Import config.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAstUtils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICLiftSubst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICTyping.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICClosed.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICLiftSubst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICWcbvEval.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import Basics.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Env.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Misc.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EnvSubst.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EvalE.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICFacts.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Wf.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Utils.
Notation "'eval' ( n , Σ , ρ , e )" := (expr_eval_i Σ n ρ e) (at level 100).
Notation "M { j := N }" := (subst (N :: nil) j M) (at level 10, right associativity).
Import ListNotations Lia ssrbool.
Open Scope list_scope.
Open Scope nat.
Module TCString := bytestring.String.
Definition of_bs (bs : MCString.string) : string := TCString.to_string bs.
Definition to_bs (s : string) : MCString.string := TCString.of_string s.
Coercion to_bs : string >-> MCString.string.
Import NamelessSubst.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
(* Bool.trans_eq_bool kills performance, so we remove it *)
#[global] Remove Hints Bool.trans_eq_bool : core.
Arguments monad_utils.bind /.
Module P := PCUICAst.
Module PcbvCurr := PCUICWcbvEval.
Notation "Σ |- t1 ⇓ t2 " := (PcbvCurr.eval Σ t1 t2) (at level 50).
All constructors of inductives available in the λ-smart environment are available in
the PCUIC environment. Eventually, we can translate the whole λ-smart environment, we have a function that
does if for inductives trans_global_dec and we use it precisely to unquote
inductives.But it returns mutual_inductive_entry and we need
Definition genv_sync (Σ1 : list global_dec) (Σ2 : PCUICEnvironment.global_env) :=
forall ind_name c nparams i tys,
resolve_constr Σ1 ind_name c = Some (nparams, i, tys) ->
{ x | let '(mib, oib, cb) := x in
declared_constructor_gen (lookup_env Σ2) (mkInd (kername_of_string ind_name) 0, i) mib oib cb
/\ nparams = ind_npars mib /\ #|tys| = context_assumptions (cstr_args cb) (* same arities *)
Notation "Σ1 ⋈ Σ2 " := (genv_sync Σ1 Σ2) (at level 20).
Tactic Notation "simpl_vars_to_apps" "in" ident(H) :=
simpl in H; try rewrite map_app in H; simpl in H;
rewrite vars_to_apps_unfold in H; simpl in H.
Tactic Notation "simpl_vars_to_apps" :=
simpl; try rewrite map_app; simpl; rewrite vars_to_apps_unfold; simpl.
Section WcbvEvalProp.
Lemma tInd_atom ind i u :
PcbvCurr.atom (tInd (mkInd ind i) u).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma tInd_value_head (Σ : PCUICEnvironment.global_env) ind i u n :
PcbvCurr.value_head Σ n (tInd (mkInd ind i) u).
Proof. constructor. Qed.
Lemma All_eq {A} (l1 l2 : list A) : All2 (fun t1 t2 => t1 = t2) l1 l2 -> l1 = l2.
intros H.
induction H; f_equal; auto.
Lemma All_All2_impl {A} (l1 l2 : list A) P :
All (fun t1 => forall t2, P t1 t2 -> t1 = t2) l1 ->
All2 P l1 l2 ->
All2 (fun t1 t2 => t1 = t2) l1 l2.
intros Hall Hall2.
induction Hall2; auto.
inversion Hall as [a | ty ll HH3 HH4]; subst; clear Hall.
constructor; auto.
Lemma mkApps_unfold t1 ts t2 :
mkApps t1 (ts ++ [t2]) = tApp (mkApps t1 ts) t2.
apply mkApps_app.
Lemma mkApps_eq_false t1 t2 args :
t1 <> t2 -> (forall t1' t2' , t2 <> tApp t1' t2') ->
mkApps t1 args = t2 -> False.
intros Hneq Hnapp H.
destruct args using rev_ind; simpl in *; tryfalse.
rewrite mkApps_unfold in H.
destruct t2; tryfalse.
Lemma mkApps_tRel_false t args i :
t <> tRel i ->
mkApps t args = tRel i -> False.
eapply mkApps_eq_false; eauto. intros ? ? Hi. tryfalse.
Hint Resolve mkApps_tRel_false : facts.
End WcbvEvalProp.
Definition is_app (e : expr) : bool :=
match e with
| eApp _ _ => true
| _ => false
Lemma mkApps_vars_to_apps l : forall (Σ : global_env) e,
P.mkApps (t⟦e⟧Σ) (map (expr_to_term Σ) l) =
t⟦ vars_to_apps e l ⟧ Σ.
induction l; intros.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl. now rewrite <- IHl.
Lemma mkApps_vars_to_apps_constr :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) (i0 : Ast.inductive) (n1 : string) (l0 : list val) ci,
resolve_constr Σ1 i0 n1 = Some ci ->
mkApps (tConstruct (mkInd (kername_of_string i0) 0) (ci.1.2) []) (map (fun x => t⟦of_val_i x⟧ Σ1) l0) =
t⟦ vars_to_apps (eConstr i0 n1) (map of_val_i l0) ⟧ Σ1.
intros Σ1 i0 n1 l0 ci Hci.
rewrite <- mkApps_vars_to_apps.
simpl. rewrite Hci. apply f_equal. rewrite map_map. reflexivity.
Lemma Wcbv_value_vars_to_apps Σ1 Σ2 :
forall (i : inductive) n (l : list val) ci,
Σ1 ⋈ Σ2 ->
resolve_constr Σ1 i n = Some ci ->
#|l| <= ci.1.1 + #|ci.2| -> (* arity, including parameters *)
All (fun v : val => PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ of_val_i v ⟧ Σ1)) l ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ vars_to_apps (eConstr i n) (map of_val_i l) ⟧ Σ1).
intros i n l [[??]?] syncEnv Hres Har Hfa.
destruct (syncEnv _ _ _ _ _ Hres) as [[[??]?][?[??]]].
erewrite <- mkApps_vars_to_apps_constr; eauto.
eapply PcbvCurr.value_app.
+ rewrite length_map. cbn in *.
subst. rewrite H1 in *.
econstructor; eauto.
+ now apply All_map.
Open Scope bool.
Fixpoint ge_val_ok Σ v : bool :=
match v with
| vConstr ind ctor args =>
let res :=
match (resolve_constr Σ ind ctor) with
| Some _ => true
| _ => false
in res && forallb (ge_val_ok Σ) args
| vClos ρ x0 x1 x2 x3 e => forallb (ge_val_ok Σ ∘ snd) ρ
| vTyClos ρ nm e => forallb (ge_val_ok Σ ∘ snd) ρ
| vTy ty => true
#[export] Hint Constructors PcbvCurr.value : hints.
Lemma decompose_inductive_mkApps ty ind args :
decompose_inductive ty = Some (ind, args) ->
type_to_term ty = mkApps (tInd (mkInd (kername_of_string ind) 0) []) (map type_to_term args).
revert args ind.
induction ty; intros args ind Hdi; inversion Hdi; subst.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. destruct (decompose_inductive ty1) eqn:Heq; tryfalse.
destruct p. inversion Hdi. subst.
rewrite map_app.
rewrite mkApps_unfold. now f_equal.
Lemma decompose_inductive_value :
forall Σ (t1 : type) (args : list type) ind,
PcbvCurr.value Σ (type_to_term t1) ->
decompose_inductive t1 = Some (ind, args) ->
All (PcbvCurr.value Σ) (map type_to_term args).
intros Σ t1.
induction t1; intros args ind Hv Hdi; tryfalse.
+ inversion Hdi; subst. constructor.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (decompose_inductive t1_1) eqn:HH; tryfalse.
destruct p as [ind' tys]. inversion Hdi. subst.
erewrite decompose_inductive_mkApps in Hv by eauto.
rewrite <- mkApps_unfold in Hv.
remember (tInd _ _) as tind.
assert (Hna : ~~ isApp tind) by (subst; auto).
specialize (PcbvCurr.value_mkApps_inv _ _ _ Hna Hv).
intros W. destruct W as [p | p].
* inversion p. destruct tys; tryfalse.
* destruct p as [H1 H2]. now rewrite map_app.
Lemma type_value_term_value Σ ty :
iclosed_ty 0 ty ->
ty_val ty ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ (type_to_term ty).
intros Hc Hty. induction Hty.
+ simpl. constructor. constructor. apply tInd_atom.
+ simpl. now constructor.
+ simpl. constructor. now constructor.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
erewrite decompose_inductive_mkApps by eauto.
rewrite <- mkApps_unfold.
eapply PcbvCurr.value_app.
* apply tInd_value_head.
* apply All_app_inv; eauto.
eapply decompose_inductive_value with (t1 := ty1); eauto.
+ do 2 constructor; eauto.
#[export] Hint Constructors ty_val : hints.
Lemma env_ok_lookup_ty_val ty i Σ ρ :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
lookup_i ρ i = Some (vTy ty) ->
ty_val ty.
assert (Hok : val_ok Σ (vTy ty)) by now eapply All_lookup_i.
inversion Hok; subst; easy.
Lemma env_ok_lookup_closed_ty ty i Σ ρ :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
lookup_i ρ i = Some (vTy ty) ->
iclosed_ty 0 ty.
assert (Hok : val_ok Σ (vTy ty)) by now eapply All_lookup_i.
inversion Hok; subst; easy.
Lemma eval_ty_closed Σ ty ty_v ρ n :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v -> iclosed_ty n ty_v.
revert ty_v ρ n.
induction ty; intros ??? Hok He.
+ simpl in *. inversion He. now subst.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i (S n) _ _) eqn:Hty; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst. now simpl.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive _) eqn:Hind; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst; clear He. simpl.
now propify.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0; tryfalse.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n - n0)) eqn:Hlook; tryfalse. destruct v; tryfalse.
inversion He. subst. eapply iclosed_ty_0; now eapply env_ok_lookup_closed_ty.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst.
now propify.
Lemma type_eval_value Σ ρ ty ty_v n :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
ty_val ty_v.
intros Hok He.
generalize dependent ty_v. revert n.
induction ty; intros.
+ simpl in *. inversion He; eauto with hints.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i (S n) _ _) eqn:Hty; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst. now constructor.
+ simpl in *.
simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive _) eqn:Hind; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst; clear He. simpl.
destruct p as [ind0 args].
econstructor; eauto.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. destruct (n0 <=? n); tryfalse.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n - n0)) eqn:Hlook; tryfalse. destruct v; tryfalse.
inversion He. subst. now eapply env_ok_lookup_ty_val.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst. now constructor.
Lemma type_to_term_eval_value :
forall Σ1 Σ2 (ty ty_v : type) ρ,
env_ok Σ1 ρ ->
eval_type_i 0 ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (type_to_term ty_v).
eapply type_value_term_value; eauto with hints.
eapply eval_ty_closed; eauto.
eapply type_eval_value; eauto.
Lemma Wcvb_type_to_term_eval :
forall (Σ1 : PCUICEnvironment.global_env) Σ2 (ty ty_v : type) ρ,
env_ok Σ2 ρ ->
AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) (exprs ρ) ->
eval_type_i 0 ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
Σ1 |- type_to_term ty_v ⇓ type_to_term ty_v.
eapply PcbvCurr.value_final.
eapply type_to_term_eval_value; eauto.
Lemma Wcbv_of_value_value v Σ1 Σ2 :
Σ1 ⋈ Σ2 ->
val_ok Σ1 v ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ of_val_i v⟧Σ1).
intros Hsync Hok.
induction v using val_elim_full.
+ simpl in *.
inversion Hok; subst.
eapply Wcbv_value_vars_to_apps; eauto.
eapply All_impl_inner; eauto.
+ destruct cm. do 2 constructor; auto.
simpl. now do 2 constructor.
+ simpl in *. do 2 constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
inversion Hok; subst. now eapply type_value_term_value.
Lemma lift_1_closed n t :
closedn n t ->
closedn (S n) ((lift0 1) t) = true.
replace (S n) with (n+1) by lia.
now apply closedn_lift with (k := n) (n := 1).
#[export] Hint Resolve lift_1_closed : hints.
Lemma type_to_term_closed ty n :
iclosed_ty n ty ->
closedn n (type_to_term ty) = true.
revert n.
induction ty; intros n0 H; simpl in *;
propify; destruct_hyps; auto with hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve type_to_term_closed : hints.
Lemma type_to_term_subst_par_rec Σ ty k ρ :
ty_env_ok k ρ ty ->
All (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_ty (k+#|ρ|) ty ->
subst (map (fun x => expr_to_term Σ (snd x)) ρ) k (type_to_term ty) = type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty k ρ ty).
revert k ρ.
induction ty; intros k e0 Hok Hce Hct; simpl in *; propify;
auto with hints; destruct_and_split; auto with all.
+ destruct (k <=? n); auto.
unfold Extras.with_default, lookup_ty.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in *.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct (nth_error _ _) eqn:Hn; cbn in *.
* destruct p eqn:Hp; cbn in *. destruct e; tryfalse; cbn.
assert (closed T⟦ t ⟧).
{ eapply nth_error_all in Hn; eauto; auto with hints. }
now rewrite lift_closed by auto with hints.
* rewrite length_map. apply f_equal.
apply nth_error_None in Hn; lia.
+ f_equal; auto.
rewrite <- IHty2 by auto.
rewrite commut_lift_subst_rec by lia.
now replace (S k) with (k+1) by lia.
Lemma type_to_term_subst Σ ty k e (nm : string) :
ty_env_ok k [(nm,e)] ty ->
iclosed_n 0 e ->
iclosed_ty (1+k) ty ->
(type_to_term ty) {k := t⟦e⟧Σ} = type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty k ([(nm,e)]) ty).
apply type_to_term_subst_par_rec with (ρ := [(nm,e)]); eauto.
cbn; now replace (k+1) with (1+k) by lia.
Lemma type_to_term_eval Σ ty k e (nm : string) v:
iclosed_ty k ty ->
eval_type_i k ([(nm,e)]) ty = Some v ->
(type_to_term ty) {k := t⟦of_val_i e⟧Σ} = type_to_term v.
revert k e v. induction ty; intros k e0 v Hc H; simpl in *; inversion H; subst; auto; clear H.
+ destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Heq; tryfalse. inversion H1; subst.
simpl. f_equal; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Heq2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Heq1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive t0) eqn:Hde; tryfalse.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1. propify. destruct_hyps.
simpl. f_equal; eauto.
+ destruct (k <=? n) eqn:Hkn.
* destruct (n - k) eqn:Hnk; simpl in *; tryfalse.
unfold is_true in *; propify. lia.
* inversion H1; subst; clear H1; auto.
+ destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Heq2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Heq1; tryfalse.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
propify. destruct_hyps. simpl.
rewrite commut_lift_subst. repeat f_equal; eauto.
#[export] Hint Resolve -> length_zero_iff_nil : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve <- length_zero_iff_nil : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve type_to_term_subst : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve type_to_term_closed : hints.
#[export] Hint Unfold compose : hints.
Fixpoint inc_subst (ts : list (string * term)) n (u : term) : list (string * term) :=
match ts with
| [] => []
| (nm, t0) :: ts0 => (nm, t0 {n := u}) :: inc_subst ts0 (1+n) u
Fixpoint nsubst (ts : list term) (n : nat) (t :term) :=
match ts with
| [] => t
| t0 :: ts0 => nsubst ts0 (n-1) (subst [t0] n t)
Lemma nsubst_lam xs b nm ty :
closedn 0 ty ->
nsubst xs (#|xs| - 1) (tLambda nm ty b) = (tLambda nm ty (nsubst xs #|xs| b)).
revert b nm ty.
induction xs; intros; auto.
assert (closedn (#|xs|) ty) by (eapply closed_upwards; eauto; lia).
replace (S #|xs| - 1) with #|xs| in * by lia.
now rewrite subst_closedn by auto.
Lemma map_lift0 xs : map (lift0 0) xs = xs.
induction xs; auto.
simpl. now rewrite lift0_p.
Lemma simpl_lift_map xs n m p : map ((lift n p) ∘ (lift m p)) xs = map (lift (n+m) p) xs.
induction xs; auto.
simpl. unfold compose.
rewrite simpl_lift by lia.
f_equal; eauto.
(* TODO : use this lemma in all places where this inversion is needed *)
Lemma eval_lam_inv Σ nm1 nm2 ty1 ty2 b1 b2:
Σ |- tLambda nm1 ty1 b1 ⇓ tLambda nm2 ty2 b2 -> nm1 = nm2 /\ ty1 = ty2 /\ b1 = b2.
intros H.
inversion H.
+ now subst.
Fixpoint nsubst_alt (ts : list term) (t : term) {struct ts} : term :=
match ts with
| [] => t
| t0 :: ts0 => (nsubst_alt ts0 (t {0 := t0}))
Lemma closed_upwards0 n t :
closed t -> closedn n t.
intros; eapply closed_upwards; eauto; lia.
#[export] Hint Resolve closed_upwards0 subst_closedn : hints.
Lemma nsubst_app ts t0 t1 :
closed t0 ->
nsubst (ts ++ [t0]) (#|ts|) t1 = nsubst ts (#|ts| - 1) (t1 {0 := t0}).
revert t0 t1.
induction ts; intros.
+ simpl. easy.
+ simpl. replace (S #|ts| - 1) with #|ts| by lia. rewrite IHts by assumption.
rewrite distr_subst. simpl. replace (t0 {#|ts| := a}) with t0 by (symmetry; eauto with hints).
Lemma subst_closed_map ts1 ts2 k :
forallb (closedn k) ts2 ->
map (subst ts1 k) ts2 = ts2.
intros H. generalize dependent k. revert ts1.
induction ts2; intros; auto.
simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
f_equal; eauto with hints.
Ltac destr_args args := let args0 := fresh "args0" in
destruct args as [ | ? args0];
tryfalse; try destruct args0; tryfalse.
Notation "P <--> Q" := (Logic.BiImpl P Q) (at level 100).
Lemma closed_mkApps n t1 t2 :
closedn n (mkApps t1 [t2]) = true <->
closedn n t1 = true /\ closedn n t2 = true.
+ intros Hc.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff.
specialize (closedn_mkApps n t1 [t2]) as H. simpl in H.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in *. easy.
+ intros Hc.
destruct Hc.
rewrite closedn_mkApps; auto. simpl. rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in *. now rewrite H.
#[export] Hint Resolve <- closed_mkApps : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve -> closed_mkApps : hints.
Lemma genv_ok_constrs_ok Σ ind cs nparam :
genv_ok Σ ->
resolve_inductive Σ ind = Some (nparam, cs) ->
forallb (constr_ok nparam) cs.
intros Hgeok Hr. unfold resolve_inductive in *.
destruct (lookup_global Σ ind) eqn:Hlg; tryfalse.
destruct g; tryfalse. inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr.
generalize dependent cs.
induction Σ; intros; tryfalse.
cbn in *. destruct a. cbn in *.
destruct (e0 =? ind)%string; now propify.
Lemma constrs_ok_in s c (cs : list constr) nparam :
In (s,c) cs ->
forallb (constr_ok nparam) cs ->
forallb (iclosed_ty nparam) (map snd c).
intros Hin Hfa.
assert (constr_ok nparam (s,c)) by (eapply forallb_In; eauto).
Lemma forallb_type_to_term_closed ts n :
forallb (iclosed_ty n) ts ->
forallb (closedn n) (map type_to_term ts).
revert n.
induction ts; intros; auto.
cbn in *.
split; eauto with hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve forallb_type_to_term_closed : core.
Lemma closedn_ctx_branches n tys vs :
#|vs| = #|tys| ->
forallb (iclosed_ty n) (map snd tys) ->
closedn_ctx n (map (fun '(nm0, ty) => vass (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm0))) ty)
(combine vs (map (fun x : option ename × type => T⟦ x.2 ⟧) tys))).
intros Hlen Htys.
apply forallb_Forall in Htys.
apply Forall_map_inv in Htys.
generalize dependent vs.
induction tys; intros.
- now destruct vs; tryfalse.
- destruct vs; tryfalse; cbn in *.
inversion Hlen as [Hlen0]; subst; clear Hlen.
propify; split.
* inversion Htys; subst; apply IHtys; eauto.
* rewrite length_map, length_combine, length_map.
rewrite Hlen0. replace (Init.Nat.min #|tys| #|tys|) with #|tys| by lia.
inversion Htys; subst; clear Htys.
replace (#|tys| + n) with (n + #|tys|) by lia.
assert (iclosed_ty (n + #|tys|) a.2) by now apply iclosed_ty_m_n.
eauto with hints.
Lemma expr_closed_term_closed e n Σ :
genv_ok Σ ->
iclosed_n n e = true -> closedn n (t⟦e⟧Σ) = true.
revert n.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros n1 Hgeok Hc; auto.
+ (* eLambda*)
simpl in *. rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
propify. destruct_hyps.
split; auto with hints.
+ (* eTyLam *)
simpl in *. destruct Hc. auto.
+ (* eLetIn *)
simpl in *. repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
destruct Hc as [[? ?] ?]. repeat split; simpl; eauto with hints.
+ (* eApp *)
simpl in Hc. repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
cbn -[mkApps]. eauto with hints.
apply <- closed_mkApps. destruct Hc. easy.
+ (* eConstr *)
simpl in *. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n); auto.
+ (* eCase *)
destruct p. simpl in *. repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
destruct Hc as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
destruct (resolve_inductive Σ i) eqn:Hres; auto.
destruct ((_ =? _)%nat) eqn:Hnparams; simpl; auto.
propify; repeat split; eauto with hints.
* unfold test_predicate_k; simpl; propify; repeat split; eauto with hints.
** now apply forallb_type_to_term_closed.
** cbn. rewrite closedn_mkApps; eauto. cbn.
replace (#|map type_to_term l0|) with
(#|map (fun x : type => vass (aRelevant nAnon) T⟦ x ⟧) l0|)
by now repeat rewrite length_map.
apply closedn_to_extended_list.
* destruct p as [np cs]. cbn in *.
rewrite forallb_map.
apply forallb_Forall. apply Forall_forall. intros x Hin.
destruct x as [nm tys]. unfold fun_prod,id in *.
unfold test_branch_k; cbn.
remember (etrans_branch _ _ _) as tb.
unfold etrans_branch in Heqtb.
destruct (find (fun x => _)) as [ p0 | ] eqn:Hnm.
2: subst; simpl; auto.
destruct p0 as [pt e1]. cbn in *. rewrite length_map in *.
destruct (#|pVars pt| =? #|tys|)%nat eqn:Hlen; auto.
2: subst; simpl; auto.
apply find_some in Hnm. destruct Hnm as [Hin' Heqs]; cbn in *.
rewrite in_map_iff in Hin'.
destruct Hin' as [x Htmp]. destruct x as [pt1 e2].
destruct Htmp as [He1 Hin'']. inversion He1; subst pt1; subst e1; clear He1.
assert (Hcs : forallb (constr_ok np) cs) by now eapply genv_ok_constrs_ok.
assert (Htys :forallb (iclosed_ty np) (map snd tys)) by now eapply constrs_ok_in.
unfold resolve_inductive in *. destruct (lookup_global _ _); tryfalse. destruct g.
inversion Hres; subst np cs n. clear Hres; cbn in *.
subst; cbn in *.
propify; split.
** rewrite map_map.
now apply closedn_ctx_branches.
** rewrite length_map,length_combine. rewrite_all length_map.
rewrite Hlen. replace (min #|tys| #|tys|) with (#|tys|) by lia.
apply forallb_Forall in H3.
eapply Forall_In in H; eauto; cbn in *.
eapply Forall_In in H3; eauto; cbn in *.
now apply H.
+ simpl in *.
unfold test_def. simpl.
repeat split; eauto with hints;
try apply type_to_term_closed;
auto with hints solve_subterm.
+ simpl in *. eauto with hints.
Lemma closed_exprs_len_iff e n (ρ : env val) :
iclosed_n (n + #|exprs ρ|) e = true <->
iclosed_n (n + #|ρ|) e = true.
intros H. rewrite length_map in H. assumption.
intros H. rewrite length_map. assumption.
#[export] Hint Resolve
PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl : facts.
#[export] Hint Resolve
-> PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt : facts.
#[export] Hint Resolve
-> PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le : facts.
#[export] Hint Constructors val_ok Forall : hints.
#[export] Hint Unfold snd env_ok AllEnv compose : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_iclosed_n_inv subst_env_iclosed_0_inv : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_iclosed_n subst_env_iclosed_0 : hints.
Lemma option_to_res_ok {A} (o : option A) s v :
option_to_res o s = Ok v ->
o = Some v.
intros H. destruct o. inversion H; auto. tryfalse.
Lemma forall_map_spec' :
forall (A B : Type) (P : A -> Prop) (l : list A) (f g : A -> B),
Forall P l -> (forall x : A, In x l -> P x -> f x = g x) -> map f l = map g l.
induction l; intros f g Hfa Heq; simpl; auto.
inversion Hfa; subst; clear Hfa.
+ apply Heq; simpl; auto.
+ eapply IHl; intros; try apply Heq; simpl; auto.
Lemma forallb_In_snd {A B} (l : list (A * B)) (p : B -> bool) (a : A * B) :
forallb (fun x => p (snd x)) l = true -> In a l -> p (snd a) = true.
intros H Hin.
induction l; tryfalse; simpl in *.
propify. now destruct Hin.
Lemma forallb_snd {A B} (p : B -> bool) (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B) :
forallb p l2 -> forallb (fun x => p (snd x)) (combine l1 l2).
revert l1.
induction l2; intros; destruct l1; auto.
simpl in *; propify. now destruct_and_split.
Lemma inc_subst_closed ts t n :
forallb (closedn n) (map snd ts) ->
inc_subst ts n t = ts.
revert t n.
induction ts; intros t n H.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. repeat f_equal; eauto with hints.
eapply IHts; eauto. unfold is_true; rewrite forallb_forall in *.
intros. eapply (closed_upwards (k := n)); eauto with hints.
Lemma type_to_term_map_par_rec :
forall (ρ : env expr) (Σ : global_env) (n : nat) (args : list type),
forallb (ty_env_ok n ρ) args ->
forallb (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x)) ρ ->
forallb (iclosed_ty (n + #|ρ|)) args ->
map (fun x : type => subst (map (expr_to_term Σ ∘ snd) ρ) n (type_to_term x)) args =
map (fun x : type => type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty n ρ x)) args.
intros e0 Σ n1 args Hc Hca Hok.
induction args.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. f_equal.
* apply type_to_term_subst_par_rec; eauto using forallb_All.
* eauto.
Lemma type_to_term_map :
forall (e0 : expr) (Σ : global_env) (n : nat) (nm : string) (args : list type),
iclosed_n 0 e0 ->
forallb (iclosed_ty (1+n)) args ->
forallb (ty_env_ok n [(nm, e0)]) args ->
map (fun x : type => (type_to_term x) {n := t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ}) args =
map (fun x : type => type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty n [(nm, e0)] x)) args.
intros e0 Σ n1 nm args Hc Hca Hok.
replace (1 + n1) with (n1 + 1) in * by lia.
apply type_to_term_map_par_rec with (ρ := [(nm,e0)]); cbn; propify; eauto.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env_rec e e0 :
forall Σ n nm,
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok (nil # [nm ~> e0]) n e ->
iclosed_n (1+n) e = true ->
iclosed_n 0 e0 = true ->
(t⟦e⟧ Σ) {n := t⟦e0⟧ Σ} =
(t⟦e.[nil # [nm ~> e0]]n⟧ Σ).
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros Σ n1 nm Hgeok Hok Hc Hce0.
+ (* eRel *)
destruct ( n1 n) eqn:Hn.
* assert (n1 = n) by auto with facts.
subst. simpl in *.
assert (Hn0: Nat.leb n n = true) by auto with facts.
rewrite Hn0. replace (n - n) with 0 by lia. simpl.
assert (closed (t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ) = true) by now apply expr_closed_term_closed.
rewrite lift_closed by assumption.
* simpl in *.
assert (n1 < n) by auto with facts.
assert (n < S n1) by auto with facts.
exfalso. lia.
* simpl in *.
assert (n < S n1) by auto with facts.
assert (n1 > n) by auto with facts.
assert (Hleb : Nat.leb n1 n = false) by auto with facts.
rewrite Hleb. reflexivity.
+ (* eVar *)
+ (* eLambda *)
cbn in *. unfold subst1.
propify. destruct_hyps.
erewrite <- type_to_term_subst with (nm := nm); eauto with hints.
f_equal. eapply IHe; eauto.
+ (* eTyLam *)
cbn in *; f_equal; auto.
+ (* eLetIn *)
cbn in *.
unfold is_true in *; propify.
rewrite type_to_term_subst with (nm := nm); auto with all solve_subterm.
+ (* eApp *)
change ((t⟦ eApp e1 e2 ⟧ Σ)) with ((mkApps (t⟦e1⟧Σ) [t⟦e2⟧Σ])) in *.
cbn -[mkApps] in *. unfold is_true in *.
propify. destruct Hc as [Hce1 Hce2].
rewrite subst_mkApps.
change (tApp t⟦e1.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧Σ t⟦e2.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧ Σ) with
(mkApps t⟦e1.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧Σ [t⟦e2.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧ Σ]).
eapply IHe1; auto with funelim.
simpl; f_equal; eapply IHe2; auto with funelim.
+ (* eConstr *)
simpl. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n); auto.
+ (* eConst *)
+ (* eCase *)
cbn in *. destruct p as [ind tys]. unfold is_true in *; simpl in *.
propify. destruct Hc as [Hce1 Hce2].
destruct (resolve_inductive Σ ind) eqn:Hres; auto.
rewrite length_map. destruct (_ =? _)%nat eqn:Hnparams; auto.
repeat f_equal.
* unfold map_predicate_k; cbn.
rewrite_all map_map.
erewrite <- type_to_term_map with (Σ := Σ) by auto with solve_subterm.
rewrite <- map_map with (f := fun x => T⟦ subst_env_i_ty n1 [(nm, e0)] x⟧).
erewrite <- type_to_term_map with (Σ := Σ) by auto with solve_subterm.
rewrite map_map.
** do 3 (apply f_equal2; auto).
unfold to_extended_list, to_extended_list_k.
assert (Hreln : forall ys1 ys2 xs n,
#|ys1| = #|ys2| ->
reln xs n (map (vass (aRelevant nAnon)) ys1) =
reln xs n (map (vass (aRelevant nAnon)) ys2)).
{ induction ys1; intros ys2 xs n Heq; destruct ys2; cbn in *; inversion Heq; cbn; auto. }
rewrite <- map_map. rewrite <- map_map with (f := fun x => T⟦ x ⟧ {n1 := t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ}).
apply Hreln. now repeat rewrite length_map.
** rewrite commut_lift_subst. auto with all hints solve_subterm.
* apply IHe; auto with solve_subterm.
* rewrite_all map_map. simpl.
unfold on_snd. destruct p as [p cs]; simpl in *.
apply map_ext_in.
intros ctor Hin. destruct ctor as [s l0] eqn:Hconsr. unfold on_snd,etrans_branch.
unfold fun_prod,id. cbn. destruct (find _ _) eqn:Hfnd; simpl.
** eapply find_map with
(p2 := (fun x => pName (fst x) =? s)%string)
(f := fun x => ((fst x), (snd x){#|pVars (fst x)|+n1 := t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ})) in Hfnd; auto.
rewrite map_map in Hfnd. simpl in Hfnd. unfold fun_prod,id. simpl.
assert (Hmap :
(map (fun x => (id (fst x), (t⟦snd x⟧ Σ) {#|pVars (fst x)|+n1 := t⟦e0⟧ Σ})) l) =
(map (fun x => (fst x, t⟦(snd x) .[[(nm,e0)]](#|pVars (fst x)| + n1) ⟧ Σ)) l)).
{ eapply forall_map_spec'. apply H. intros a Hin' Ha. f_equal.
destruct Hok as [[[? ?] ?] Hty_ok].
assert (iclosed_n (#|pVars (fst a)| + S n1) (snd a) = true) by
now eapply forallb_forall with (x := a) in Hce2.
assert (ty_expr_env_ok [(nm, e0)] (#|pVars a.1| + n1) a.2 = true) by
now eapply forallb_forall with (x := a) in Hty_ok.
apply Ha; auto with hints.
replace (S (#|pVars (fst a)| + n1)) with
(#|pVars (fst a)| + S n1) by lia.
assumption. }
rewrite <- Hmap. unfold id in *. rewrite Hfnd. simpl.
rewrite length_map.
destruct (Nat.eqb #|pVars (fst p0)| #|l0|) eqn:Hlen; simpl; auto.
unfold map_branch_k; cbn. rewrite_all length_map. rewrite length_combine.
rewrite_all length_map. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq in Hlen.
rewrite Hlen. replace (min _ _) with #|l0| by lia.
** change (fun x : pat * term => pName (fst x) =? s)%string with
((fun x : pat => pName x =? s) ∘ fst (B := term))%string in *.
erewrite find_none_fst with (l1 := (map (fun x : pat × expr => (x.1, t⟦ x.2 ⟧ Σ)) l)); eauto.
now repeat rewrite map_map.
+ (* eFix *)
cbn in *. unfold is_true in *; repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
unfold map_def. simpl. repeat f_equal; auto with hints solve_subterm.
rewrite commut_lift_subst. auto with all hints solve_subterm.
rewrite commut_lift_subst. auto with all hints solve_subterm.
+ (* eTy *) simpl in *. eauto with hints.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env e :
forall v Σ nm,
let ρ := nil # [nm ~> of_val_i v] in
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok ρ 0 e ->
val_ok Σ v ->
iclosed_n 1 e = true ->
(t⟦e⟧ Σ) {0 := t⟦ of_val_i v ⟧ Σ} =
(t⟦e.[ρ]⟧ Σ).
simpl; intros.
assert (iclosed_n 0 (of_val_i v) = true) by now eapply of_value_closed.
now apply subst_term_subst_env_rec.
Lemma subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq n m ty ρ :
iclosed_ty n ty ->
subst_env_i_ty (m + n) ρ ty = ty.
revert n m ρ.
induction ty; intros; simpl in *; unfold is_true in *; propify; auto with all solve_subterm.
+ f_equal. now replace (S (m + n)) with (m + S n) by lia.
+ destruct (Nat.leb (m + n0)) eqn:Hmn1; propify; try lia; easy.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq : hints.
Lemma map_subst_env_ty_closed n m ρ l0 :
forallb (iclosed_ty n) l0 ->
map (subst_env_i_ty (m + n) ρ) l0 = l0.
intros H. generalize dependent n. revert m ρ. induction l0; intros m ρ n Hc; simpl; auto.
simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. f_equal; eauto with hints.
Lemma subst_env_i_closed_n_eq :
forall (e : expr) (n m : nat) (ρ : env expr),
iclosed_n n e = true ->
e.[ρ](m+n) = e.
intros e.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros n1 m1 ρ Hc; simpl in *;
propify; eauto with hints.
+ simpl in *. destruct (Nat.leb (m1 + n1)) eqn:Hmn1; propify; try lia; easy.
+ simpl in *. f_equal. eapply subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq; auto with solve_subterm.
now replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia.
+ simpl in *. f_equal. replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia. easy.
+ simpl in *. f_equal; replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia; auto with hints solve_subterm.
+ simpl in *. f_equal; replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia; easy.
+ simpl in *. destruct p.
assert (map (fun x : pat × expr => (x.1, x.2 .[ ρ] (#|pVars x.1| + (m1 + n1)))) l = l).
{ transitivity (map id l).
eapply forall_map_spec'; eauto.
simpl. intros x Hin Hx. destruct x. unfold id. f_equal. simpl in *.
replace (#|pVars p| + (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + (#|pVars p| + n1)) by lia.
apply Hx. destruct_and_split. rewrite forallb_forall in *.
rewrite Forall_forall in *.
change e0 with (snd (p,e0)).
change p with (fst (p,e0)). easy.
apply map_id. }
assert (map (subst_env_i_ty (m1 + n1) ρ) l0 = l0) by now eapply map_subst_env_ty_closed.
repeat f_equal; auto with hints solve_subterm.
+ simpl in *. f_equal; auto with hints solve_subterm. now replace (S (S (m1 + n1))) with (m1 + S (S n1)) by lia.
+ f_equal; auto with hints.
Lemma subst_env_i_closed_eq :
forall (e : expr) (n : nat) (ρ : env expr),
iclosed_n 0 e = true ->
e.[ρ]n = e.
intros; eapply subst_env_i_closed_n_eq with (m := 0); eauto.
now apply iclosed_n_0.
Lemma subst_env_ty_compose_1 k ρ nm e' ty :
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_n 0 e' = true ->
subst_env_i_ty k (ρ # [nm ~> e']) ty = subst_env_i_ty k [(nm, e')] (subst_env_i_ty (S k) ρ ty).
revert k ρ nm e'.
induction ty; intros ? ? ? ? Hfa Hc; simpl; try now f_equal.
destruct n.
* reflexivity.
* simpl. destruct (k <=? n) eqn:Hkn.
** unfold lookup_ty. simpl. propify. assert (k <= S n) by lia.
destruct_match eqn:H0; try now propify.
assert (Hneq : S n - k <> 0) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in Hneq. rewrite Hneq.
replace (S n - k - 1) with (n - k) by lia.
replace (S n - S k) with (n - k) by lia.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n-k)) eqn:Hl.
*** simpl.
assert (iclosed_n 0 e).
{ eapply (All_lookup_i _ _ _ (fun x => iclosed_n 0 x) Hfa Hl). }
destruct (expr_to_ty e) as [t0|] eqn:He.
**** assert (iclosed_ty 0 t0).
{ destruct e; tryfalse. now inversion He; subst. }
symmetry. eapply subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq with (m := 0). now eapply iclosed_ty_0.
**** simpl. unfold lookup_ty in *. rewrite H0.
destruct k; auto; tryfalse.
rewrite Nat.eqb_neq in *. simpl. assert (S n- S k <> 0) by lia.
destruct (S n - S k =? 0)%nat eqn:HH; tryfalse; auto. rewrite Nat.eqb_eq in *.
propify. lia.
*** remember (S n) as m. simpl. rewrite H0.
unfold lookup_ty in *. simpl. now rewrite Hneq.
** propify.
assert (HkSn : S n <= k) by lia.
case HkSn.
*** rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl. simpl.
replace (S n - S n) with 0 by lia. simpl.
now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl.
*** intros m Hm. assert (H : S n < S m) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.leb_gt in H. rewrite H.
remember (S n) as n'. remember (S m) as m'. simpl.
now rewrite H.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_ty_compose_1 : hints.
Lemma subst_env_compose_1 :
forall (nm : Ast.ename) (e e1 : expr) k (ρ : env expr),
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_n 0 e1 = true ->
e.[ρ # [nm ~> e1]]k =
(e.[ρ](1+k)).[nil # [nm ~> e1]]k.
intros nm.
unfold inst_env_i,subst_env_i in *. simpl in *.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros e' k ρ Hfc Hc;
simpl in *; propify; try f_equal; auto with hints.
+ simpl. destruct n.
* reflexivity.
* simpl; destruct (Nat.leb k n) eqn:Hkn.
** propify.
assert (k <= S n) by lia.
destruct_match eqn:H0; try now propify.
assert (Hneq : S n - k <> 0) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in Hneq. rewrite Hneq.
replace (S n - k - 1) with (n - k) by lia.
replace (S n - S k) with (n - k) by lia.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n-k)) eqn:Hl.
*** simpl. symmetry. apply subst_env_i_closed_eq.
eapply (All_lookup_i _ _ _ (fun x => iclosed_n 0 x) Hfc Hl).
*** remember (S n) as m. simpl.
rewrite H0. now rewrite Hneq.
** propify.
assert (HkSn : S n <= k) by lia.
case HkSn.
*** rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl. simpl.
replace (S n - S n) with 0 by lia. simpl.
now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl.
*** intros m Hm. assert (H : S n < S m) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.leb_gt in H. rewrite H.
remember (S n) as n'. remember (S m) as m'. simpl.
now rewrite H.
+ destruct p. simpl. rewrite map_map. f_equal; eauto with hints. f_equal.
eapply map_ext. intros; eapply subst_env_ty_compose_1; eauto with hints.
rewrite map_map. simpl.
eapply forall_map_spec; eauto.
eapply Forall_impl; eauto.
intros a Ha. simpl in *. f_equal.
replace (#|pVars (fst a)| + S k) with (S (#|pVars (fst a)| + k)) by lia.
now apply Ha.
Lemma subst_env_swap_app :
forall (e : expr) (ρ1 ρ2 : env expr) n,
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ1 ->
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ2 ->
(e.[ρ1](n+#|ρ2|)).[ρ2]n = e.[ρ2++ρ1]n.
induction ρ2.
+ intros. simpl. symmetry. rewrite <- subst_env_i_empty with (k := n).
f_equal. lia.
+ intros. simpl. destruct a.
inversion X0. subst. clear X0.
assert (All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) (ρ2++ρ1))
by now apply All_app_inv.
rewrite subst_env_compose_1 with (ρ := ρ2 ++ ρ1) by auto.
rewrite subst_env_compose_1 with (k := n) by auto.
rewrite <-IHρ2; eauto.
replace (n + S #|ρ2|) with (S n + #|ρ2|) by lia. reflexivity.
(* TODO: this should be an instance of a more general lemma, and
we will restate this in terms of parallel substitutions *)
Lemma subst_env_compose_2 :
forall (nm1 nm2 : ename) (e e1 e2 : expr) (ρ : env expr),
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_n 0 e1 = true ->
iclosed_n 0 e2 = true ->
e.[ρ # [nm1 ~> e1] # [nm2 ~> e2]] =
(e.[ρ]2).[nil # [nm1 ~> e1] # [nm2 ~> e2]].
intros. change ((nm2, e2) :: (nm1, e1) :: ρ) with ([(nm2, e2); (nm1, e1)] ++ ρ).
symmetry. eapply subst_env_swap_app; eauto.
#[local] Remove Hints iclosed_n_geq : hints.
#[local] Remove Hints Bool.absurd_eq_true : core.
Open Scope nat.
Lemma lookup_i_app {A} (l1 l2 : env A) i :
#|l1| <= i ->
lookup_i (l1 ++ l2) i = lookup_i l2 (i - #|l1|).
revert l2 i.
induction l1; intros.
+ simpl. now replace (i-0) with i by lia.
+ simpl. destruct a. simpl in *.
destruct i.
* exfalso; lia.
* simpl. now replace (S i-1) with i by lia.
Lemma ty_env_ok_app_rec :
forall (ty : type) n (ρ1 ρ2 : list (string × expr)),
ty_env_ok n (ρ1 ++ ρ2) ty ->
ty_env_ok (n+#|ρ1|) ρ2 ty.
induction ty; intros; auto.
+ simpl in *. now replace (S (n + #|ρ1|)) with (S n + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
+ cbn -[lookup_i] in *. destruct (n0 + #|ρ1| <=? n) eqn:Hn.
* assert (Hleb : n0 <=? n = true) by (propify; lia).
rewrite Hleb in *. replace (n - (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with ((n - n0) - #|ρ1|) by lia.
rewrite lookup_i_app in H by (propify; lia). easy.
* destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0; auto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
#[export] Hint Resolve ty_env_ok_app_rec : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_compose_1 : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (iclosed_n _ (snd _) = _) => simpl : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (_ .[_] = _)=> simpl; eapply subst_env_compose_1 with (k := 0) : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (iclosed_n ?n _ = _)=> (match n with
| O => fail
| S _ => eapply iclosed_n_0
end) : hints.
Lemma ty_expr_env_ok_app_rec :
forall (e : expr) n (ρ1 ρ2 : list (string × expr)),
ty_expr_env_ok (ρ1 ++ ρ2) n e ->
ty_expr_env_ok ρ2 (n + #|ρ1|) e.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros ? ? ? Hok; simpl in *; unfold is_true in *;
propify; eauto with hints.
+ replace (S (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with (S n0 + #|ρ1|) by lia.
destruct_and_split; auto.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
+ now replace (S (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with (S n0 + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ destruct_and_split; auto.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
now replace (S (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with (S n0 + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ now destruct_and_split.
+ destruct_and_split; auto.
eapply forallb_impl_inner; intros; eauto; now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
cbn. apply forallb_Forall. apply forallb_Forall in H1.
eapply Forall_impl_inner. apply H. simpl in *.
eapply Forall_impl. 2 : { apply H1. } intros.
now replace (#|pVars a.1| + (n + #|ρ1|)) with (#|pVars a.1| + n + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ destruct_and_split.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec. now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
now replace (S (S (n1 + #|ρ1|))) with (S (S n1) + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
Lemma iclosed_ty_expr_env_ok :
forall (n : nat) (ρ : env expr) e,
iclosed_n n e -> ty_expr_env_ok ρ n e.
intros. generalize dependent n. revert ρ.
induction e using expr_elim_case; intros ?? Hc; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto.
eapply iclosed_ty_env_ok; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto.
eapply iclosed_ty_env_ok; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; eauto with hints.
eapply forallb_impl_inner; intros; eauto; now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
apply All_forallb. apply forallb_All in H0.
eapply All_impl_inner. apply X. simpl in *.
eapply All_impl. apply H0. intros.
simpl in *. easy.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto; now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
+ now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
Lemma ty_env_ok_subst_env k ρ1 ρ2 (ty : type) :
ty_env_ok k (ρ1 ++ ρ2) ty ->
AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) ρ2 ->
ty_env_ok k ρ1 (subst_env_i_ty (k+#|ρ1|) ρ2 ty).
revert k ρ1 ρ2.
induction ty; intros k ρ1 ρ2 Hok Hall; auto.
+ simpl in *. replace (S (k + #|ρ1|)) with (S k + #|ρ1|) by lia.
eapply IHty; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; now propify.
+ cbn -[lookup_i] in *. destruct (k + #|ρ1| <=? n) eqn:Hn.
* assert (Hleb : k <=? n = true) by (propify; lia).
rewrite Hleb in *. replace (n - (k + #|ρ1|)) with ((n - k) - #|ρ1|) by lia.
assert (#|ρ1| <= n - k) by (propify; lia).
rewrite lookup_i_app in Hok by assumption.
unfold lookup_ty.
destruct (lookup_i ρ2 (n - k - #|ρ1|)) eqn:Hlook.
** destruct e; tryfalse. simpl in *.
eapply All_lookup_i in Hall; eauto.
eapply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
now eapply iclosed_ty_0.
** simpl. destruct (k<=? n); auto. rewrite lookup_i_length_false; auto.
propify; auto.
* simpl in *; destruct (k <=? n) eqn:Hn0; auto.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in *. rewrite nth_error_app1 in Hok by (propify; lia).
destruct (nth_error ρ1 (n - k)) eqn:Hnth; auto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; now propify.
Lemma ty_expr_env_ok_subst_env k ρ1 ρ2 e :
ty_expr_env_ok (ρ1 ++ ρ2) k e ->
AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) ρ2 ->
ty_expr_env_ok ρ1 k (e.[ρ2](k+#|ρ1|)).
revert k ρ1 ρ2.
induction e using expr_elim_case; intros; eauto with hints.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (k + #|ρ1| <=? n) eqn:Hkn; eauto.
destruct (lookup_i ρ2 (n - (k + #|ρ1|))) eqn:Hl; auto.
eapply All_lookup_i in X; eauto. simpl.
eapply iclosed_ty_expr_env_ok.
now eapply iclosed_n_0.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. split.
now eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env.
replace (S (k + #|ρ1|)) with (S k + #|ρ1|) by lia.
eapply IHe; eauto.
+ simpl in *. eapply IHe; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto. eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
+ simpl in *. destruct p. simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; eauto with hints.
* rewrite forallb_map. eapply forallb_impl_inner; eauto.
intros. eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
* eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
* apply All_forallb. apply All_map.
intros. unfold compose. simpl in *.
eapply forallb_All in H0.
eapply (All_impl_inner _ _ _ H0).
eapply All_impl. apply X. intros. simpl in *.
replace (#|pVars x.1| + (k + #|ρ1|)) with (#|pVars x.1| + k + #|ρ1|) by lia.
eapply H3; eauto.
+ simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto; eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
+ eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
#[export] Hint Resolve ty_expr_env_ok_app_rec : hints.
forall ind_name c nparams i tys,
resolve_constr Σ1 ind_name c = Some (nparams, i, tys) ->
{ x | let '(mib, oib, cb) := x in
declared_constructor_gen (lookup_env Σ2) (mkInd (kername_of_string ind_name) 0, i) mib oib cb
/\ nparams = ind_npars mib /\ #|tys| = context_assumptions (cstr_args cb) (* same arities *)
Notation "Σ1 ⋈ Σ2 " := (genv_sync Σ1 Σ2) (at level 20).
Tactic Notation "simpl_vars_to_apps" "in" ident(H) :=
simpl in H; try rewrite map_app in H; simpl in H;
rewrite vars_to_apps_unfold in H; simpl in H.
Tactic Notation "simpl_vars_to_apps" :=
simpl; try rewrite map_app; simpl; rewrite vars_to_apps_unfold; simpl.
Section WcbvEvalProp.
Lemma tInd_atom ind i u :
PcbvCurr.atom (tInd (mkInd ind i) u).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma tInd_value_head (Σ : PCUICEnvironment.global_env) ind i u n :
PcbvCurr.value_head Σ n (tInd (mkInd ind i) u).
Proof. constructor. Qed.
Lemma All_eq {A} (l1 l2 : list A) : All2 (fun t1 t2 => t1 = t2) l1 l2 -> l1 = l2.
intros H.
induction H; f_equal; auto.
Lemma All_All2_impl {A} (l1 l2 : list A) P :
All (fun t1 => forall t2, P t1 t2 -> t1 = t2) l1 ->
All2 P l1 l2 ->
All2 (fun t1 t2 => t1 = t2) l1 l2.
intros Hall Hall2.
induction Hall2; auto.
inversion Hall as [a | ty ll HH3 HH4]; subst; clear Hall.
constructor; auto.
Lemma mkApps_unfold t1 ts t2 :
mkApps t1 (ts ++ [t2]) = tApp (mkApps t1 ts) t2.
apply mkApps_app.
Lemma mkApps_eq_false t1 t2 args :
t1 <> t2 -> (forall t1' t2' , t2 <> tApp t1' t2') ->
mkApps t1 args = t2 -> False.
intros Hneq Hnapp H.
destruct args using rev_ind; simpl in *; tryfalse.
rewrite mkApps_unfold in H.
destruct t2; tryfalse.
Lemma mkApps_tRel_false t args i :
t <> tRel i ->
mkApps t args = tRel i -> False.
eapply mkApps_eq_false; eauto. intros ? ? Hi. tryfalse.
Hint Resolve mkApps_tRel_false : facts.
End WcbvEvalProp.
Definition is_app (e : expr) : bool :=
match e with
| eApp _ _ => true
| _ => false
Lemma mkApps_vars_to_apps l : forall (Σ : global_env) e,
P.mkApps (t⟦e⟧Σ) (map (expr_to_term Σ) l) =
t⟦ vars_to_apps e l ⟧ Σ.
induction l; intros.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl. now rewrite <- IHl.
Lemma mkApps_vars_to_apps_constr :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) (i0 : Ast.inductive) (n1 : string) (l0 : list val) ci,
resolve_constr Σ1 i0 n1 = Some ci ->
mkApps (tConstruct (mkInd (kername_of_string i0) 0) (ci.1.2) []) (map (fun x => t⟦of_val_i x⟧ Σ1) l0) =
t⟦ vars_to_apps (eConstr i0 n1) (map of_val_i l0) ⟧ Σ1.
intros Σ1 i0 n1 l0 ci Hci.
rewrite <- mkApps_vars_to_apps.
simpl. rewrite Hci. apply f_equal. rewrite map_map. reflexivity.
Lemma Wcbv_value_vars_to_apps Σ1 Σ2 :
forall (i : inductive) n (l : list val) ci,
Σ1 ⋈ Σ2 ->
resolve_constr Σ1 i n = Some ci ->
#|l| <= ci.1.1 + #|ci.2| -> (* arity, including parameters *)
All (fun v : val => PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ of_val_i v ⟧ Σ1)) l ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ vars_to_apps (eConstr i n) (map of_val_i l) ⟧ Σ1).
intros i n l [[??]?] syncEnv Hres Har Hfa.
destruct (syncEnv _ _ _ _ _ Hres) as [[[??]?][?[??]]].
erewrite <- mkApps_vars_to_apps_constr; eauto.
eapply PcbvCurr.value_app.
+ rewrite length_map. cbn in *.
subst. rewrite H1 in *.
econstructor; eauto.
+ now apply All_map.
Open Scope bool.
Fixpoint ge_val_ok Σ v : bool :=
match v with
| vConstr ind ctor args =>
let res :=
match (resolve_constr Σ ind ctor) with
| Some _ => true
| _ => false
in res && forallb (ge_val_ok Σ) args
| vClos ρ x0 x1 x2 x3 e => forallb (ge_val_ok Σ ∘ snd) ρ
| vTyClos ρ nm e => forallb (ge_val_ok Σ ∘ snd) ρ
| vTy ty => true
#[export] Hint Constructors PcbvCurr.value : hints.
Lemma decompose_inductive_mkApps ty ind args :
decompose_inductive ty = Some (ind, args) ->
type_to_term ty = mkApps (tInd (mkInd (kername_of_string ind) 0) []) (map type_to_term args).
revert args ind.
induction ty; intros args ind Hdi; inversion Hdi; subst.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. destruct (decompose_inductive ty1) eqn:Heq; tryfalse.
destruct p. inversion Hdi. subst.
rewrite map_app.
rewrite mkApps_unfold. now f_equal.
Lemma decompose_inductive_value :
forall Σ (t1 : type) (args : list type) ind,
PcbvCurr.value Σ (type_to_term t1) ->
decompose_inductive t1 = Some (ind, args) ->
All (PcbvCurr.value Σ) (map type_to_term args).
intros Σ t1.
induction t1; intros args ind Hv Hdi; tryfalse.
+ inversion Hdi; subst. constructor.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (decompose_inductive t1_1) eqn:HH; tryfalse.
destruct p as [ind' tys]. inversion Hdi. subst.
erewrite decompose_inductive_mkApps in Hv by eauto.
rewrite <- mkApps_unfold in Hv.
remember (tInd _ _) as tind.
assert (Hna : ~~ isApp tind) by (subst; auto).
specialize (PcbvCurr.value_mkApps_inv _ _ _ Hna Hv).
intros W. destruct W as [p | p].
* inversion p. destruct tys; tryfalse.
* destruct p as [H1 H2]. now rewrite map_app.
Lemma type_value_term_value Σ ty :
iclosed_ty 0 ty ->
ty_val ty ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ (type_to_term ty).
intros Hc Hty. induction Hty.
+ simpl. constructor. constructor. apply tInd_atom.
+ simpl. now constructor.
+ simpl. constructor. now constructor.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
erewrite decompose_inductive_mkApps by eauto.
rewrite <- mkApps_unfold.
eapply PcbvCurr.value_app.
* apply tInd_value_head.
* apply All_app_inv; eauto.
eapply decompose_inductive_value with (t1 := ty1); eauto.
+ do 2 constructor; eauto.
#[export] Hint Constructors ty_val : hints.
Lemma env_ok_lookup_ty_val ty i Σ ρ :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
lookup_i ρ i = Some (vTy ty) ->
ty_val ty.
assert (Hok : val_ok Σ (vTy ty)) by now eapply All_lookup_i.
inversion Hok; subst; easy.
Lemma env_ok_lookup_closed_ty ty i Σ ρ :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
lookup_i ρ i = Some (vTy ty) ->
iclosed_ty 0 ty.
assert (Hok : val_ok Σ (vTy ty)) by now eapply All_lookup_i.
inversion Hok; subst; easy.
Lemma eval_ty_closed Σ ty ty_v ρ n :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v -> iclosed_ty n ty_v.
revert ty_v ρ n.
induction ty; intros ??? Hok He.
+ simpl in *. inversion He. now subst.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i (S n) _ _) eqn:Hty; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst. now simpl.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive _) eqn:Hind; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst; clear He. simpl.
now propify.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0; tryfalse.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n - n0)) eqn:Hlook; tryfalse. destruct v; tryfalse.
inversion He. subst. eapply iclosed_ty_0; now eapply env_ok_lookup_closed_ty.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst.
now propify.
Lemma type_eval_value Σ ρ ty ty_v n :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
ty_val ty_v.
intros Hok He.
generalize dependent ty_v. revert n.
induction ty; intros.
+ simpl in *. inversion He; eauto with hints.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i (S n) _ _) eqn:Hty; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst. now constructor.
+ simpl in *.
simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive _) eqn:Hind; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst; clear He. simpl.
destruct p as [ind0 args].
econstructor; eauto.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. destruct (n0 <=? n); tryfalse.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n - n0)) eqn:Hlook; tryfalse. destruct v; tryfalse.
inversion He. subst. now eapply env_ok_lookup_ty_val.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst. now constructor.
Lemma type_to_term_eval_value :
forall Σ1 Σ2 (ty ty_v : type) ρ,
env_ok Σ1 ρ ->
eval_type_i 0 ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (type_to_term ty_v).
eapply type_value_term_value; eauto with hints.
eapply eval_ty_closed; eauto.
eapply type_eval_value; eauto.
Lemma Wcvb_type_to_term_eval :
forall (Σ1 : PCUICEnvironment.global_env) Σ2 (ty ty_v : type) ρ,
env_ok Σ2 ρ ->
AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) (exprs ρ) ->
eval_type_i 0 ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
Σ1 |- type_to_term ty_v ⇓ type_to_term ty_v.
eapply PcbvCurr.value_final.
eapply type_to_term_eval_value; eauto.
Lemma Wcbv_of_value_value v Σ1 Σ2 :
Σ1 ⋈ Σ2 ->
val_ok Σ1 v ->
PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ of_val_i v⟧Σ1).
intros Hsync Hok.
induction v using val_elim_full.
+ simpl in *.
inversion Hok; subst.
eapply Wcbv_value_vars_to_apps; eauto.
eapply All_impl_inner; eauto.
+ destruct cm. do 2 constructor; auto.
simpl. now do 2 constructor.
+ simpl in *. do 2 constructor; auto.
+ simpl in *.
inversion Hok; subst. now eapply type_value_term_value.
Lemma lift_1_closed n t :
closedn n t ->
closedn (S n) ((lift0 1) t) = true.
replace (S n) with (n+1) by lia.
now apply closedn_lift with (k := n) (n := 1).
#[export] Hint Resolve lift_1_closed : hints.
Lemma type_to_term_closed ty n :
iclosed_ty n ty ->
closedn n (type_to_term ty) = true.
revert n.
induction ty; intros n0 H; simpl in *;
propify; destruct_hyps; auto with hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve type_to_term_closed : hints.
Lemma type_to_term_subst_par_rec Σ ty k ρ :
ty_env_ok k ρ ty ->
All (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_ty (k+#|ρ|) ty ->
subst (map (fun x => expr_to_term Σ (snd x)) ρ) k (type_to_term ty) = type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty k ρ ty).
revert k ρ.
induction ty; intros k e0 Hok Hce Hct; simpl in *; propify;
auto with hints; destruct_and_split; auto with all.
+ destruct (k <=? n); auto.
unfold Extras.with_default, lookup_ty.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in *.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct (nth_error _ _) eqn:Hn; cbn in *.
* destruct p eqn:Hp; cbn in *. destruct e; tryfalse; cbn.
assert (closed T⟦ t ⟧).
{ eapply nth_error_all in Hn; eauto; auto with hints. }
now rewrite lift_closed by auto with hints.
* rewrite length_map. apply f_equal.
apply nth_error_None in Hn; lia.
+ f_equal; auto.
rewrite <- IHty2 by auto.
rewrite commut_lift_subst_rec by lia.
now replace (S k) with (k+1) by lia.
Lemma type_to_term_subst Σ ty k e (nm : string) :
ty_env_ok k [(nm,e)] ty ->
iclosed_n 0 e ->
iclosed_ty (1+k) ty ->
(type_to_term ty) {k := t⟦e⟧Σ} = type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty k ([(nm,e)]) ty).
apply type_to_term_subst_par_rec with (ρ := [(nm,e)]); eauto.
cbn; now replace (k+1) with (1+k) by lia.
Lemma type_to_term_eval Σ ty k e (nm : string) v:
iclosed_ty k ty ->
eval_type_i k ([(nm,e)]) ty = Some v ->
(type_to_term ty) {k := t⟦of_val_i e⟧Σ} = type_to_term v.
revert k e v. induction ty; intros k e0 v Hc H; simpl in *; inversion H; subst; auto; clear H.
+ destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Heq; tryfalse. inversion H1; subst.
simpl. f_equal; eauto.
+ destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Heq2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Heq1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive t0) eqn:Hde; tryfalse.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1. propify. destruct_hyps.
simpl. f_equal; eauto.
+ destruct (k <=? n) eqn:Hkn.
* destruct (n - k) eqn:Hnk; simpl in *; tryfalse.
unfold is_true in *; propify. lia.
* inversion H1; subst; clear H1; auto.
+ destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty2) eqn:Heq2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ ty1) eqn:Heq1; tryfalse.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
propify. destruct_hyps. simpl.
rewrite commut_lift_subst. repeat f_equal; eauto.
#[export] Hint Resolve -> length_zero_iff_nil : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve <- length_zero_iff_nil : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve type_to_term_subst : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve type_to_term_closed : hints.
#[export] Hint Unfold compose : hints.
Fixpoint inc_subst (ts : list (string * term)) n (u : term) : list (string * term) :=
match ts with
| [] => []
| (nm, t0) :: ts0 => (nm, t0 {n := u}) :: inc_subst ts0 (1+n) u
Fixpoint nsubst (ts : list term) (n : nat) (t :term) :=
match ts with
| [] => t
| t0 :: ts0 => nsubst ts0 (n-1) (subst [t0] n t)
Lemma nsubst_lam xs b nm ty :
closedn 0 ty ->
nsubst xs (#|xs| - 1) (tLambda nm ty b) = (tLambda nm ty (nsubst xs #|xs| b)).
revert b nm ty.
induction xs; intros; auto.
assert (closedn (#|xs|) ty) by (eapply closed_upwards; eauto; lia).
replace (S #|xs| - 1) with #|xs| in * by lia.
now rewrite subst_closedn by auto.
Lemma map_lift0 xs : map (lift0 0) xs = xs.
induction xs; auto.
simpl. now rewrite lift0_p.
Lemma simpl_lift_map xs n m p : map ((lift n p) ∘ (lift m p)) xs = map (lift (n+m) p) xs.
induction xs; auto.
simpl. unfold compose.
rewrite simpl_lift by lia.
f_equal; eauto.
(* TODO : use this lemma in all places where this inversion is needed *)
Lemma eval_lam_inv Σ nm1 nm2 ty1 ty2 b1 b2:
Σ |- tLambda nm1 ty1 b1 ⇓ tLambda nm2 ty2 b2 -> nm1 = nm2 /\ ty1 = ty2 /\ b1 = b2.
intros H.
inversion H.
+ now subst.
Fixpoint nsubst_alt (ts : list term) (t : term) {struct ts} : term :=
match ts with
| [] => t
| t0 :: ts0 => (nsubst_alt ts0 (t {0 := t0}))
Lemma closed_upwards0 n t :
closed t -> closedn n t.
intros; eapply closed_upwards; eauto; lia.
#[export] Hint Resolve closed_upwards0 subst_closedn : hints.
Lemma nsubst_app ts t0 t1 :
closed t0 ->
nsubst (ts ++ [t0]) (#|ts|) t1 = nsubst ts (#|ts| - 1) (t1 {0 := t0}).
revert t0 t1.
induction ts; intros.
+ simpl. easy.
+ simpl. replace (S #|ts| - 1) with #|ts| by lia. rewrite IHts by assumption.
rewrite distr_subst. simpl. replace (t0 {#|ts| := a}) with t0 by (symmetry; eauto with hints).
Lemma subst_closed_map ts1 ts2 k :
forallb (closedn k) ts2 ->
map (subst ts1 k) ts2 = ts2.
intros H. generalize dependent k. revert ts1.
induction ts2; intros; auto.
simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
f_equal; eauto with hints.
Ltac destr_args args := let args0 := fresh "args0" in
destruct args as [ | ? args0];
tryfalse; try destruct args0; tryfalse.
Notation "P <--> Q" := (Logic.BiImpl P Q) (at level 100).
Lemma closed_mkApps n t1 t2 :
closedn n (mkApps t1 [t2]) = true <->
closedn n t1 = true /\ closedn n t2 = true.
+ intros Hc.
apply Bool.andb_true_iff.
specialize (closedn_mkApps n t1 [t2]) as H. simpl in H.
rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in *. easy.
+ intros Hc.
destruct Hc.
rewrite closedn_mkApps; auto. simpl. rewrite Bool.andb_true_r in *. now rewrite H.
#[export] Hint Resolve <- closed_mkApps : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve -> closed_mkApps : hints.
Lemma genv_ok_constrs_ok Σ ind cs nparam :
genv_ok Σ ->
resolve_inductive Σ ind = Some (nparam, cs) ->
forallb (constr_ok nparam) cs.
intros Hgeok Hr. unfold resolve_inductive in *.
destruct (lookup_global Σ ind) eqn:Hlg; tryfalse.
destruct g; tryfalse. inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr.
generalize dependent cs.
induction Σ; intros; tryfalse.
cbn in *. destruct a. cbn in *.
destruct (e0 =? ind)%string; now propify.
Lemma constrs_ok_in s c (cs : list constr) nparam :
In (s,c) cs ->
forallb (constr_ok nparam) cs ->
forallb (iclosed_ty nparam) (map snd c).
intros Hin Hfa.
assert (constr_ok nparam (s,c)) by (eapply forallb_In; eauto).
Lemma forallb_type_to_term_closed ts n :
forallb (iclosed_ty n) ts ->
forallb (closedn n) (map type_to_term ts).
revert n.
induction ts; intros; auto.
cbn in *.
split; eauto with hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve forallb_type_to_term_closed : core.
Lemma closedn_ctx_branches n tys vs :
#|vs| = #|tys| ->
forallb (iclosed_ty n) (map snd tys) ->
closedn_ctx n (map (fun '(nm0, ty) => vass (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm0))) ty)
(combine vs (map (fun x : option ename × type => T⟦ x.2 ⟧) tys))).
intros Hlen Htys.
apply forallb_Forall in Htys.
apply Forall_map_inv in Htys.
generalize dependent vs.
induction tys; intros.
- now destruct vs; tryfalse.
- destruct vs; tryfalse; cbn in *.
inversion Hlen as [Hlen0]; subst; clear Hlen.
propify; split.
* inversion Htys; subst; apply IHtys; eauto.
* rewrite length_map, length_combine, length_map.
rewrite Hlen0. replace (Init.Nat.min #|tys| #|tys|) with #|tys| by lia.
inversion Htys; subst; clear Htys.
replace (#|tys| + n) with (n + #|tys|) by lia.
assert (iclosed_ty (n + #|tys|) a.2) by now apply iclosed_ty_m_n.
eauto with hints.
Lemma expr_closed_term_closed e n Σ :
genv_ok Σ ->
iclosed_n n e = true -> closedn n (t⟦e⟧Σ) = true.
revert n.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros n1 Hgeok Hc; auto.
+ (* eLambda*)
simpl in *. rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff.
propify. destruct_hyps.
split; auto with hints.
+ (* eTyLam *)
simpl in *. destruct Hc. auto.
+ (* eLetIn *)
simpl in *. repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
destruct Hc as [[? ?] ?]. repeat split; simpl; eauto with hints.
+ (* eApp *)
simpl in Hc. repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
cbn -[mkApps]. eauto with hints.
apply <- closed_mkApps. destruct Hc. easy.
+ (* eConstr *)
simpl in *. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n); auto.
+ (* eCase *)
destruct p. simpl in *. repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
destruct Hc as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
destruct (resolve_inductive Σ i) eqn:Hres; auto.
destruct ((_ =? _)%nat) eqn:Hnparams; simpl; auto.
propify; repeat split; eauto with hints.
* unfold test_predicate_k; simpl; propify; repeat split; eauto with hints.
** now apply forallb_type_to_term_closed.
** cbn. rewrite closedn_mkApps; eauto. cbn.
replace (#|map type_to_term l0|) with
(#|map (fun x : type => vass (aRelevant nAnon) T⟦ x ⟧) l0|)
by now repeat rewrite length_map.
apply closedn_to_extended_list.
* destruct p as [np cs]. cbn in *.
rewrite forallb_map.
apply forallb_Forall. apply Forall_forall. intros x Hin.
destruct x as [nm tys]. unfold fun_prod,id in *.
unfold test_branch_k; cbn.
remember (etrans_branch _ _ _) as tb.
unfold etrans_branch in Heqtb.
destruct (find (fun x => _)) as [ p0 | ] eqn:Hnm.
2: subst; simpl; auto.
destruct p0 as [pt e1]. cbn in *. rewrite length_map in *.
destruct (#|pVars pt| =? #|tys|)%nat eqn:Hlen; auto.
2: subst; simpl; auto.
apply find_some in Hnm. destruct Hnm as [Hin' Heqs]; cbn in *.
rewrite in_map_iff in Hin'.
destruct Hin' as [x Htmp]. destruct x as [pt1 e2].
destruct Htmp as [He1 Hin'']. inversion He1; subst pt1; subst e1; clear He1.
assert (Hcs : forallb (constr_ok np) cs) by now eapply genv_ok_constrs_ok.
assert (Htys :forallb (iclosed_ty np) (map snd tys)) by now eapply constrs_ok_in.
unfold resolve_inductive in *. destruct (lookup_global _ _); tryfalse. destruct g.
inversion Hres; subst np cs n. clear Hres; cbn in *.
subst; cbn in *.
propify; split.
** rewrite map_map.
now apply closedn_ctx_branches.
** rewrite length_map,length_combine. rewrite_all length_map.
rewrite Hlen. replace (min #|tys| #|tys|) with (#|tys|) by lia.
apply forallb_Forall in H3.
eapply Forall_In in H; eauto; cbn in *.
eapply Forall_In in H3; eauto; cbn in *.
now apply H.
+ simpl in *.
unfold test_def. simpl.
repeat split; eauto with hints;
try apply type_to_term_closed;
auto with hints solve_subterm.
+ simpl in *. eauto with hints.
Lemma closed_exprs_len_iff e n (ρ : env val) :
iclosed_n (n + #|exprs ρ|) e = true <->
iclosed_n (n + #|ρ|) e = true.
intros H. rewrite length_map in H. assumption.
intros H. rewrite length_map. assumption.
#[export] Hint Resolve
PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl : facts.
#[export] Hint Resolve
-> PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt : facts.
#[export] Hint Resolve
-> PeanoNat.Nat.leb_le : facts.
#[export] Hint Constructors val_ok Forall : hints.
#[export] Hint Unfold snd env_ok AllEnv compose : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_iclosed_n_inv subst_env_iclosed_0_inv : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_iclosed_n subst_env_iclosed_0 : hints.
Lemma option_to_res_ok {A} (o : option A) s v :
option_to_res o s = Ok v ->
o = Some v.
intros H. destruct o. inversion H; auto. tryfalse.
Lemma forall_map_spec' :
forall (A B : Type) (P : A -> Prop) (l : list A) (f g : A -> B),
Forall P l -> (forall x : A, In x l -> P x -> f x = g x) -> map f l = map g l.
induction l; intros f g Hfa Heq; simpl; auto.
inversion Hfa; subst; clear Hfa.
+ apply Heq; simpl; auto.
+ eapply IHl; intros; try apply Heq; simpl; auto.
Lemma forallb_In_snd {A B} (l : list (A * B)) (p : B -> bool) (a : A * B) :
forallb (fun x => p (snd x)) l = true -> In a l -> p (snd a) = true.
intros H Hin.
induction l; tryfalse; simpl in *.
propify. now destruct Hin.
Lemma forallb_snd {A B} (p : B -> bool) (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B) :
forallb p l2 -> forallb (fun x => p (snd x)) (combine l1 l2).
revert l1.
induction l2; intros; destruct l1; auto.
simpl in *; propify. now destruct_and_split.
Lemma inc_subst_closed ts t n :
forallb (closedn n) (map snd ts) ->
inc_subst ts n t = ts.
revert t n.
induction ts; intros t n H.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. repeat f_equal; eauto with hints.
eapply IHts; eauto. unfold is_true; rewrite forallb_forall in *.
intros. eapply (closed_upwards (k := n)); eauto with hints.
Lemma type_to_term_map_par_rec :
forall (ρ : env expr) (Σ : global_env) (n : nat) (args : list type),
forallb (ty_env_ok n ρ) args ->
forallb (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x)) ρ ->
forallb (iclosed_ty (n + #|ρ|)) args ->
map (fun x : type => subst (map (expr_to_term Σ ∘ snd) ρ) n (type_to_term x)) args =
map (fun x : type => type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty n ρ x)) args.
intros e0 Σ n1 args Hc Hca Hok.
induction args.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. f_equal.
* apply type_to_term_subst_par_rec; eauto using forallb_All.
* eauto.
Lemma type_to_term_map :
forall (e0 : expr) (Σ : global_env) (n : nat) (nm : string) (args : list type),
iclosed_n 0 e0 ->
forallb (iclosed_ty (1+n)) args ->
forallb (ty_env_ok n [(nm, e0)]) args ->
map (fun x : type => (type_to_term x) {n := t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ}) args =
map (fun x : type => type_to_term (subst_env_i_ty n [(nm, e0)] x)) args.
intros e0 Σ n1 nm args Hc Hca Hok.
replace (1 + n1) with (n1 + 1) in * by lia.
apply type_to_term_map_par_rec with (ρ := [(nm,e0)]); cbn; propify; eauto.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env_rec e e0 :
forall Σ n nm,
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok (nil # [nm ~> e0]) n e ->
iclosed_n (1+n) e = true ->
iclosed_n 0 e0 = true ->
(t⟦e⟧ Σ) {n := t⟦e0⟧ Σ} =
(t⟦e.[nil # [nm ~> e0]]n⟧ Σ).
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros Σ n1 nm Hgeok Hok Hc Hce0.
+ (* eRel *)
destruct ( n1 n) eqn:Hn.
* assert (n1 = n) by auto with facts.
subst. simpl in *.
assert (Hn0: Nat.leb n n = true) by auto with facts.
rewrite Hn0. replace (n - n) with 0 by lia. simpl.
assert (closed (t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ) = true) by now apply expr_closed_term_closed.
rewrite lift_closed by assumption.
* simpl in *.
assert (n1 < n) by auto with facts.
assert (n < S n1) by auto with facts.
exfalso. lia.
* simpl in *.
assert (n < S n1) by auto with facts.
assert (n1 > n) by auto with facts.
assert (Hleb : Nat.leb n1 n = false) by auto with facts.
rewrite Hleb. reflexivity.
+ (* eVar *)
+ (* eLambda *)
cbn in *. unfold subst1.
propify. destruct_hyps.
erewrite <- type_to_term_subst with (nm := nm); eauto with hints.
f_equal. eapply IHe; eauto.
+ (* eTyLam *)
cbn in *; f_equal; auto.
+ (* eLetIn *)
cbn in *.
unfold is_true in *; propify.
rewrite type_to_term_subst with (nm := nm); auto with all solve_subterm.
+ (* eApp *)
change ((t⟦ eApp e1 e2 ⟧ Σ)) with ((mkApps (t⟦e1⟧Σ) [t⟦e2⟧Σ])) in *.
cbn -[mkApps] in *. unfold is_true in *.
propify. destruct Hc as [Hce1 Hce2].
rewrite subst_mkApps.
change (tApp t⟦e1.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧Σ t⟦e2.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧ Σ) with
(mkApps t⟦e1.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧Σ [t⟦e2.[[(nm, e0)]] n1⟧ Σ]).
eapply IHe1; auto with funelim.
simpl; f_equal; eapply IHe2; auto with funelim.
+ (* eConstr *)
simpl. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n); auto.
+ (* eConst *)
+ (* eCase *)
cbn in *. destruct p as [ind tys]. unfold is_true in *; simpl in *.
propify. destruct Hc as [Hce1 Hce2].
destruct (resolve_inductive Σ ind) eqn:Hres; auto.
rewrite length_map. destruct (_ =? _)%nat eqn:Hnparams; auto.
repeat f_equal.
* unfold map_predicate_k; cbn.
rewrite_all map_map.
erewrite <- type_to_term_map with (Σ := Σ) by auto with solve_subterm.
rewrite <- map_map with (f := fun x => T⟦ subst_env_i_ty n1 [(nm, e0)] x⟧).
erewrite <- type_to_term_map with (Σ := Σ) by auto with solve_subterm.
rewrite map_map.
** do 3 (apply f_equal2; auto).
unfold to_extended_list, to_extended_list_k.
assert (Hreln : forall ys1 ys2 xs n,
#|ys1| = #|ys2| ->
reln xs n (map (vass (aRelevant nAnon)) ys1) =
reln xs n (map (vass (aRelevant nAnon)) ys2)).
{ induction ys1; intros ys2 xs n Heq; destruct ys2; cbn in *; inversion Heq; cbn; auto. }
rewrite <- map_map. rewrite <- map_map with (f := fun x => T⟦ x ⟧ {n1 := t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ}).
apply Hreln. now repeat rewrite length_map.
** rewrite commut_lift_subst. auto with all hints solve_subterm.
* apply IHe; auto with solve_subterm.
* rewrite_all map_map. simpl.
unfold on_snd. destruct p as [p cs]; simpl in *.
apply map_ext_in.
intros ctor Hin. destruct ctor as [s l0] eqn:Hconsr. unfold on_snd,etrans_branch.
unfold fun_prod,id. cbn. destruct (find _ _) eqn:Hfnd; simpl.
** eapply find_map with
(p2 := (fun x => pName (fst x) =? s)%string)
(f := fun x => ((fst x), (snd x){#|pVars (fst x)|+n1 := t⟦ e0 ⟧ Σ})) in Hfnd; auto.
rewrite map_map in Hfnd. simpl in Hfnd. unfold fun_prod,id. simpl.
assert (Hmap :
(map (fun x => (id (fst x), (t⟦snd x⟧ Σ) {#|pVars (fst x)|+n1 := t⟦e0⟧ Σ})) l) =
(map (fun x => (fst x, t⟦(snd x) .[[(nm,e0)]](#|pVars (fst x)| + n1) ⟧ Σ)) l)).
{ eapply forall_map_spec'. apply H. intros a Hin' Ha. f_equal.
destruct Hok as [[[? ?] ?] Hty_ok].
assert (iclosed_n (#|pVars (fst a)| + S n1) (snd a) = true) by
now eapply forallb_forall with (x := a) in Hce2.
assert (ty_expr_env_ok [(nm, e0)] (#|pVars a.1| + n1) a.2 = true) by
now eapply forallb_forall with (x := a) in Hty_ok.
apply Ha; auto with hints.
replace (S (#|pVars (fst a)| + n1)) with
(#|pVars (fst a)| + S n1) by lia.
assumption. }
rewrite <- Hmap. unfold id in *. rewrite Hfnd. simpl.
rewrite length_map.
destruct (Nat.eqb #|pVars (fst p0)| #|l0|) eqn:Hlen; simpl; auto.
unfold map_branch_k; cbn. rewrite_all length_map. rewrite length_combine.
rewrite_all length_map. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq in Hlen.
rewrite Hlen. replace (min _ _) with #|l0| by lia.
** change (fun x : pat * term => pName (fst x) =? s)%string with
((fun x : pat => pName x =? s) ∘ fst (B := term))%string in *.
erewrite find_none_fst with (l1 := (map (fun x : pat × expr => (x.1, t⟦ x.2 ⟧ Σ)) l)); eauto.
now repeat rewrite map_map.
+ (* eFix *)
cbn in *. unfold is_true in *; repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
unfold map_def. simpl. repeat f_equal; auto with hints solve_subterm.
rewrite commut_lift_subst. auto with all hints solve_subterm.
rewrite commut_lift_subst. auto with all hints solve_subterm.
+ (* eTy *) simpl in *. eauto with hints.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env e :
forall v Σ nm,
let ρ := nil # [nm ~> of_val_i v] in
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok ρ 0 e ->
val_ok Σ v ->
iclosed_n 1 e = true ->
(t⟦e⟧ Σ) {0 := t⟦ of_val_i v ⟧ Σ} =
(t⟦e.[ρ]⟧ Σ).
simpl; intros.
assert (iclosed_n 0 (of_val_i v) = true) by now eapply of_value_closed.
now apply subst_term_subst_env_rec.
Lemma subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq n m ty ρ :
iclosed_ty n ty ->
subst_env_i_ty (m + n) ρ ty = ty.
revert n m ρ.
induction ty; intros; simpl in *; unfold is_true in *; propify; auto with all solve_subterm.
+ f_equal. now replace (S (m + n)) with (m + S n) by lia.
+ destruct (Nat.leb (m + n0)) eqn:Hmn1; propify; try lia; easy.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq : hints.
Lemma map_subst_env_ty_closed n m ρ l0 :
forallb (iclosed_ty n) l0 ->
map (subst_env_i_ty (m + n) ρ) l0 = l0.
intros H. generalize dependent n. revert m ρ. induction l0; intros m ρ n Hc; simpl; auto.
simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. f_equal; eauto with hints.
Lemma subst_env_i_closed_n_eq :
forall (e : expr) (n m : nat) (ρ : env expr),
iclosed_n n e = true ->
e.[ρ](m+n) = e.
intros e.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros n1 m1 ρ Hc; simpl in *;
propify; eauto with hints.
+ simpl in *. destruct (Nat.leb (m1 + n1)) eqn:Hmn1; propify; try lia; easy.
+ simpl in *. f_equal. eapply subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq; auto with solve_subterm.
now replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia.
+ simpl in *. f_equal. replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia. easy.
+ simpl in *. f_equal; replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia; auto with hints solve_subterm.
+ simpl in *. f_equal; replace (S (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + S n1) by lia; easy.
+ simpl in *. destruct p.
assert (map (fun x : pat × expr => (x.1, x.2 .[ ρ] (#|pVars x.1| + (m1 + n1)))) l = l).
{ transitivity (map id l).
eapply forall_map_spec'; eauto.
simpl. intros x Hin Hx. destruct x. unfold id. f_equal. simpl in *.
replace (#|pVars p| + (m1 + n1)) with (m1 + (#|pVars p| + n1)) by lia.
apply Hx. destruct_and_split. rewrite forallb_forall in *.
rewrite Forall_forall in *.
change e0 with (snd (p,e0)).
change p with (fst (p,e0)). easy.
apply map_id. }
assert (map (subst_env_i_ty (m1 + n1) ρ) l0 = l0) by now eapply map_subst_env_ty_closed.
repeat f_equal; auto with hints solve_subterm.
+ simpl in *. f_equal; auto with hints solve_subterm. now replace (S (S (m1 + n1))) with (m1 + S (S n1)) by lia.
+ f_equal; auto with hints.
Lemma subst_env_i_closed_eq :
forall (e : expr) (n : nat) (ρ : env expr),
iclosed_n 0 e = true ->
e.[ρ]n = e.
intros; eapply subst_env_i_closed_n_eq with (m := 0); eauto.
now apply iclosed_n_0.
Lemma subst_env_ty_compose_1 k ρ nm e' ty :
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_n 0 e' = true ->
subst_env_i_ty k (ρ # [nm ~> e']) ty = subst_env_i_ty k [(nm, e')] (subst_env_i_ty (S k) ρ ty).
revert k ρ nm e'.
induction ty; intros ? ? ? ? Hfa Hc; simpl; try now f_equal.
destruct n.
* reflexivity.
* simpl. destruct (k <=? n) eqn:Hkn.
** unfold lookup_ty. simpl. propify. assert (k <= S n) by lia.
destruct_match eqn:H0; try now propify.
assert (Hneq : S n - k <> 0) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in Hneq. rewrite Hneq.
replace (S n - k - 1) with (n - k) by lia.
replace (S n - S k) with (n - k) by lia.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n-k)) eqn:Hl.
*** simpl.
assert (iclosed_n 0 e).
{ eapply (All_lookup_i _ _ _ (fun x => iclosed_n 0 x) Hfa Hl). }
destruct (expr_to_ty e) as [t0|] eqn:He.
**** assert (iclosed_ty 0 t0).
{ destruct e; tryfalse. now inversion He; subst. }
symmetry. eapply subst_env_ty_closed_n_eq with (m := 0). now eapply iclosed_ty_0.
**** simpl. unfold lookup_ty in *. rewrite H0.
destruct k; auto; tryfalse.
rewrite Nat.eqb_neq in *. simpl. assert (S n- S k <> 0) by lia.
destruct (S n - S k =? 0)%nat eqn:HH; tryfalse; auto. rewrite Nat.eqb_eq in *.
propify. lia.
*** remember (S n) as m. simpl. rewrite H0.
unfold lookup_ty in *. simpl. now rewrite Hneq.
** propify.
assert (HkSn : S n <= k) by lia.
case HkSn.
*** rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl. simpl.
replace (S n - S n) with 0 by lia. simpl.
now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl.
*** intros m Hm. assert (H : S n < S m) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.leb_gt in H. rewrite H.
remember (S n) as n'. remember (S m) as m'. simpl.
now rewrite H.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_ty_compose_1 : hints.
Lemma subst_env_compose_1 :
forall (nm : Ast.ename) (e e1 : expr) k (ρ : env expr),
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_n 0 e1 = true ->
e.[ρ # [nm ~> e1]]k =
(e.[ρ](1+k)).[nil # [nm ~> e1]]k.
intros nm.
unfold inst_env_i,subst_env_i in *. simpl in *.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros e' k ρ Hfc Hc;
simpl in *; propify; try f_equal; auto with hints.
+ simpl. destruct n.
* reflexivity.
* simpl; destruct (Nat.leb k n) eqn:Hkn.
** propify.
assert (k <= S n) by lia.
destruct_match eqn:H0; try now propify.
assert (Hneq : S n - k <> 0) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_neq in Hneq. rewrite Hneq.
replace (S n - k - 1) with (n - k) by lia.
replace (S n - S k) with (n - k) by lia.
destruct (lookup_i ρ (n-k)) eqn:Hl.
*** simpl. symmetry. apply subst_env_i_closed_eq.
eapply (All_lookup_i _ _ _ (fun x => iclosed_n 0 x) Hfc Hl).
*** remember (S n) as m. simpl.
rewrite H0. now rewrite Hneq.
** propify.
assert (HkSn : S n <= k) by lia.
case HkSn.
*** rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl. simpl.
replace (S n - S n) with 0 by lia. simpl.
now rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.leb_refl.
*** intros m Hm. assert (H : S n < S m) by lia.
rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.leb_gt in H. rewrite H.
remember (S n) as n'. remember (S m) as m'. simpl.
now rewrite H.
+ destruct p. simpl. rewrite map_map. f_equal; eauto with hints. f_equal.
eapply map_ext. intros; eapply subst_env_ty_compose_1; eauto with hints.
rewrite map_map. simpl.
eapply forall_map_spec; eauto.
eapply Forall_impl; eauto.
intros a Ha. simpl in *. f_equal.
replace (#|pVars (fst a)| + S k) with (S (#|pVars (fst a)| + k)) by lia.
now apply Ha.
Lemma subst_env_swap_app :
forall (e : expr) (ρ1 ρ2 : env expr) n,
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ1 ->
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ2 ->
(e.[ρ1](n+#|ρ2|)).[ρ2]n = e.[ρ2++ρ1]n.
induction ρ2.
+ intros. simpl. symmetry. rewrite <- subst_env_i_empty with (k := n).
f_equal. lia.
+ intros. simpl. destruct a.
inversion X0. subst. clear X0.
assert (All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) (ρ2++ρ1))
by now apply All_app_inv.
rewrite subst_env_compose_1 with (ρ := ρ2 ++ ρ1) by auto.
rewrite subst_env_compose_1 with (k := n) by auto.
rewrite <-IHρ2; eauto.
replace (n + S #|ρ2|) with (S n + #|ρ2|) by lia. reflexivity.
(* TODO: this should be an instance of a more general lemma, and
we will restate this in terms of parallel substitutions *)
Lemma subst_env_compose_2 :
forall (nm1 nm2 : ename) (e e1 e2 : expr) (ρ : env expr),
All (fun x => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) ρ ->
iclosed_n 0 e1 = true ->
iclosed_n 0 e2 = true ->
e.[ρ # [nm1 ~> e1] # [nm2 ~> e2]] =
(e.[ρ]2).[nil # [nm1 ~> e1] # [nm2 ~> e2]].
intros. change ((nm2, e2) :: (nm1, e1) :: ρ) with ([(nm2, e2); (nm1, e1)] ++ ρ).
symmetry. eapply subst_env_swap_app; eauto.
#[local] Remove Hints iclosed_n_geq : hints.
#[local] Remove Hints Bool.absurd_eq_true : core.
Open Scope nat.
Lemma lookup_i_app {A} (l1 l2 : env A) i :
#|l1| <= i ->
lookup_i (l1 ++ l2) i = lookup_i l2 (i - #|l1|).
revert l2 i.
induction l1; intros.
+ simpl. now replace (i-0) with i by lia.
+ simpl. destruct a. simpl in *.
destruct i.
* exfalso; lia.
* simpl. now replace (S i-1) with i by lia.
Lemma ty_env_ok_app_rec :
forall (ty : type) n (ρ1 ρ2 : list (string × expr)),
ty_env_ok n (ρ1 ++ ρ2) ty ->
ty_env_ok (n+#|ρ1|) ρ2 ty.
induction ty; intros; auto.
+ simpl in *. now replace (S (n + #|ρ1|)) with (S n + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
+ cbn -[lookup_i] in *. destruct (n0 + #|ρ1| <=? n) eqn:Hn.
* assert (Hleb : n0 <=? n = true) by (propify; lia).
rewrite Hleb in *. replace (n - (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with ((n - n0) - #|ρ1|) by lia.
rewrite lookup_i_app in H by (propify; lia). easy.
* destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0; auto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
#[export] Hint Resolve ty_env_ok_app_rec : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve subst_env_compose_1 : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (iclosed_n _ (snd _) = _) => simpl : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (_ .[_] = _)=> simpl; eapply subst_env_compose_1 with (k := 0) : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 2 (iclosed_n ?n _ = _)=> (match n with
| O => fail
| S _ => eapply iclosed_n_0
end) : hints.
Lemma ty_expr_env_ok_app_rec :
forall (e : expr) n (ρ1 ρ2 : list (string × expr)),
ty_expr_env_ok (ρ1 ++ ρ2) n e ->
ty_expr_env_ok ρ2 (n + #|ρ1|) e.
induction e using expr_ind_case; intros ? ? ? Hok; simpl in *; unfold is_true in *;
propify; eauto with hints.
+ replace (S (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with (S n0 + #|ρ1|) by lia.
destruct_and_split; auto.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
+ now replace (S (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with (S n0 + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ destruct_and_split; auto.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
now replace (S (n0 + #|ρ1|)) with (S n0 + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ now destruct_and_split.
+ destruct_and_split; auto.
eapply forallb_impl_inner; intros; eauto; now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
cbn. apply forallb_Forall. apply forallb_Forall in H1.
eapply Forall_impl_inner. apply H. simpl in *.
eapply Forall_impl. 2 : { apply H1. } intros.
now replace (#|pVars a.1| + (n + #|ρ1|)) with (#|pVars a.1| + n + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ destruct_and_split.
now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec. now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
now replace (S (S (n1 + #|ρ1|))) with (S (S n1) + #|ρ1|) by lia.
+ now apply ty_env_ok_app_rec.
Lemma iclosed_ty_expr_env_ok :
forall (n : nat) (ρ : env expr) e,
iclosed_n n e -> ty_expr_env_ok ρ n e.
intros. generalize dependent n. revert ρ.
induction e using expr_elim_case; intros ?? Hc; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto.
eapply iclosed_ty_env_ok; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto.
eapply iclosed_ty_env_ok; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; eauto with hints.
eapply forallb_impl_inner; intros; eauto; now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
apply All_forallb. apply forallb_All in H0.
eapply All_impl_inner. apply X. simpl in *.
eapply All_impl. apply H0. intros.
simpl in *. easy.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto; now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
+ now apply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
Lemma ty_env_ok_subst_env k ρ1 ρ2 (ty : type) :
ty_env_ok k (ρ1 ++ ρ2) ty ->
AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) ρ2 ->
ty_env_ok k ρ1 (subst_env_i_ty (k+#|ρ1|) ρ2 ty).
revert k ρ1 ρ2.
induction ty; intros k ρ1 ρ2 Hok Hall; auto.
+ simpl in *. replace (S (k + #|ρ1|)) with (S k + #|ρ1|) by lia.
eapply IHty; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; now propify.
+ cbn -[lookup_i] in *. destruct (k + #|ρ1| <=? n) eqn:Hn.
* assert (Hleb : k <=? n = true) by (propify; lia).
rewrite Hleb in *. replace (n - (k + #|ρ1|)) with ((n - k) - #|ρ1|) by lia.
assert (#|ρ1| <= n - k) by (propify; lia).
rewrite lookup_i_app in Hok by assumption.
unfold lookup_ty.
destruct (lookup_i ρ2 (n - k - #|ρ1|)) eqn:Hlook.
** destruct e; tryfalse. simpl in *.
eapply All_lookup_i in Hall; eauto.
eapply iclosed_ty_env_ok.
now eapply iclosed_ty_0.
** simpl. destruct (k<=? n); auto. rewrite lookup_i_length_false; auto.
propify; auto.
* simpl in *; destruct (k <=? n) eqn:Hn0; auto.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in *. rewrite nth_error_app1 in Hok by (propify; lia).
destruct (nth_error ρ1 (n - k)) eqn:Hnth; auto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; now propify.
Lemma ty_expr_env_ok_subst_env k ρ1 ρ2 e :
ty_expr_env_ok (ρ1 ++ ρ2) k e ->
AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) ρ2 ->
ty_expr_env_ok ρ1 k (e.[ρ2](k+#|ρ1|)).
revert k ρ1 ρ2.
induction e using expr_elim_case; intros; eauto with hints.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (k + #|ρ1| <=? n) eqn:Hkn; eauto.
destruct (lookup_i ρ2 (n - (k + #|ρ1|))) eqn:Hl; auto.
eapply All_lookup_i in X; eauto. simpl.
eapply iclosed_ty_expr_env_ok.
now eapply iclosed_n_0.
+ simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps. split.
now eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env.
replace (S (k + #|ρ1|)) with (S k + #|ρ1|) by lia.
eapply IHe; eauto.
+ simpl in *. eapply IHe; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto. eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
+ simpl in *. unfold is_true in *. now propify.
+ simpl in *. destruct p. simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; eauto with hints.
* rewrite forallb_map. eapply forallb_impl_inner; eauto.
intros. eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
* eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
* apply All_forallb. apply All_map.
intros. unfold compose. simpl in *.
eapply forallb_All in H0.
eapply (All_impl_inner _ _ _ H0).
eapply All_impl. apply X. intros. simpl in *.
replace (#|pVars x.1| + (k + #|ρ1|)) with (#|pVars x.1| + k + #|ρ1|) by lia.
eapply H3; eauto.
+ simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *. propify.
destruct_and_split; auto; eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
+ eapply ty_env_ok_subst_env; eauto.
#[export] Hint Resolve ty_expr_env_ok_app_rec : hints.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env_par_rec :
forall Σ (l : env expr) e k,
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok l k e ->
iclosed_n (k+#|l|) e = true ->
All (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) l ->
subst (map (fun x => expr_to_term Σ (snd x)) l) k (t⟦e⟧ Σ) = (t⟦e.[l]k⟧ Σ).
intros until l.
induction l using MCList.rev_ind; intros e k Hgeok Hok Hc Hall.
+ simpl in *. unfold subst_env_i.
rewrite <- subst_env_i_empty. rewrite subst_empty.
+ unfold subst_env_i. destruct x as [nm e0]. simpl in *.
apply All_app in Hall as [Hl He0]. inversion He0; subst; clear He0. simpl in *.
unfold subst_env_i. rewrite map_app. simpl.
rewrite subst_app_simpl. rewrite length_map. simpl.
rewrite length_app in *. simpl in *.
replace (#|l| + 1) with (1 + #|l|) in Hc by lia.
replace (k + (1 + #|l|)) with (1+ k + #|l|) in Hc by lia.
rewrite subst_term_subst_env_rec with (e := e)(nm := nm) by eauto with hints.
rewrite <- subst_env_swap_app with (n := k) by eauto.
simpl. replace (1 + k + #|l|) with (k + #|l| + 1) in * by lia.
eapply IHl; eauto with hints.
eapply ty_expr_env_ok_subst_env; eauto with hints.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env_par :
forall Σ (l : env expr) e,
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok l 0 e ->
iclosed_n #|l| e = true ->
All (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) l ->
subst (map (fun x => expr_to_term Σ (snd x)) l) 0 (t⟦e⟧ Σ) = (t⟦e.[l]⟧ Σ).
intros. eapply subst_term_subst_env_par_rec; eauto.
Import Basics.
Open Scope program_scope.
Lemma pat_match_succeeds {A : Type } cn arity (vals : list A) brs e
assig n :
match_pat cn n arity vals brs = Ok (assig, e) ->
{ p | find (fun x => pName (fst x) =? cn)%string brs = Some (p,e)
/\ n+#|arity| = n+#|p.(pVars)| /\ #|vals| = n+#|p.(pVars)|
/\ assig = combine p.(pVars) (skipn n vals)}.
intros Hpm.
unfold match_pat in Hpm. simpl in Hpm.
destruct (find (fun x => pName (fst x) =? cn)%string brs) eqn:Hfnd; tryfalse.
destruct p as [p' e0]. simpl in *.
destruct (Nat.eqb #|vals| (n+#|pVars p'|)) eqn:Hlength; tryfalse.
destruct (Nat.eqb #|vals| (n+#|arity|)) eqn:Hlength'; tryfalse.
simpl in *.
inversion Hpm. subst. clear Hpm.
exists p'. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq in *.
repeat split; auto. now rewrite Hlength in *.
Lemma Forall_snd_combine {A B} (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B)
(p : B -> Prop) : Forall p l2 -> Forall (p ∘ snd) (combine l1 l2).
revert l1.
induction l2; intros ns H.
+ destruct ns; simpl; constructor.
+ inversion H. subst. destruct ns; unfold compose; simpl. constructor.
constructor; unfold compose; simpl; auto.
Lemma All_snd_combine {A B} (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B)
(p : B -> Type) : All p l2 -> All (p ∘ snd) (combine l1 l2).
revert l1.
induction l2; intros ns H.
+ destruct ns; simpl; constructor.
+ inversion H. subst. destruct ns; unfold compose; simpl. constructor.
constructor; unfold compose; simpl; auto.
Lemma All_env_ok (ρ : env val) (l : list val) (ns : list ename) Σ :
All (val_ok Σ) l -> env_ok Σ (combine ns l).
apply All_snd_combine.
#[export] Hint Constructors All : core.
Lemma eval_ge_val_ok n ρ Σ e v :
AllEnv (ge_val_ok Σ) ρ ->
expr_eval_i Σ n ρ e = Ok v ->
ge_val_ok Σ v.
generalize dependent ρ. generalize dependent v. generalize dependent e.
induction n; intros e v ρ Hok He; tryfalse.
destruct e; unfold expr_eval_i in *; simpl in *; inversion He; tryfalse.
+ destruct (lookup_i ρ n0) eqn:Hlook; simpl in *; inversion He; subst.
now eapply All_lookup_i with (e := v).
+ destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse. simpl in *. inversion H0.
simpl. destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse.
inversion He. now apply All_forallb.
+ simpl in *. destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse. inversion He. now apply All_forallb.
+ destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _); tryfalse.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by now eapply IHn.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := (e1, v0) :: ρ); eauto with hints.
+ destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e1) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
2 : { try (destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2); tryfalse. }
destruct v0; try destruct c;
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
* simpl in *. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e) eqn:Hc; tryfalse; eauto.
destruct p. destruct p.
destruct (_ <=? _); tryfalse; cbn in *.
inversion He; subst; clear He. simpl.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ (vConstr i e l)) by eauto.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by eauto.
simpl in *. rewrite Hc in *. rewrite forallb_app. cbn. propify. now split; eauto.
* assert (ge_val_ok Σ (vClos e _ cmLam t t0 _)) by eauto.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by eauto.
simpl in *.
eapply IHn with (ρ := (e0, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
apply forallb_All. simpl. now propify.
* destruct v0; tryfalse.
remember (e # [e4 ~> _] # [ e0 ~> _]) as ρ'.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := ρ'); try eapply He0; eauto.
assert (Hok_fix : ge_val_ok Σ (vClos e _ (cmFix _) t t0 _)) by eauto.
simpl in Hok_fix. apply forallb_Forall in Hok_fix.
subst. unfold AllEnv,compose. apply Forall_All.
eauto with hints.
* assert (ge_val_ok Σ (vTyClos e e0 e3)) by eauto.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by eauto.
simpl in *.
eapply IHn with (ρ := (e0, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
apply forallb_All. simpl. now propify.
* destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
+ destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e) eqn:Hres; tryfalse. inversion He.
simpl. now rewrite Hres.
+ destruct p as [ind e1].
destruct (forallb _ l); tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (monad_utils.monad_map _ _) eqn:Hmm; tryfalse.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e) eqn:He'; tryfalse.
destruct v0; tryfalse.
destruct (string_dec _ _); tryfalse; subst.
destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e0) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
destruct p as [n_i tys]. destruct n_i.
destruct ((n0 =? #|e1|)%nat); tryfalse.
destruct (match_pat e0 _ tys _ _) eqn:Hpm; tryfalse.
destruct p as [assign e2].
apply pat_match_succeeds in Hpm. destruct Hpm as [pt Htmp].
destruct_hyps. subst.
assert (Hok_constr : ge_val_ok Σ (vConstr i _ l1))
by now eapply IHn with (e := e).
simpl in Hok_constr. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e0) eqn:Hres'; tryfalse.
assert (Hok_l2 :
AllEnv (fun x => ge_val_ok Σ x = true) (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n0 l1)))).
{ apply All_rev. simpl in Hok_constr. apply forallb_Forall in Hok_constr. simpl in *.
apply All_snd_combine. apply Forall_All. now apply Forall_skipn. }
eapply IHn with (ρ := (rev (combine (pVars pt) ((skipn _ l1))) ++ ρ)%list); eauto.
apply All_app_inv; eauto.
+ destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
inversion H0. simpl.
inversion He. now apply All_forallb.
+ destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
now inversion He.
Open Scope list.
Lemma env_ok_concat Σ ρ1 ρ2 : env_ok Σ ρ1 -> env_ok Σ ρ2 -> env_ok Σ (ρ1 ++ ρ2).
intros Hok1 Hok2.
apply All_app_inv; auto.
Lemma rev_env_ok ρ Σ : env_ok Σ ρ -> env_ok Σ (rev ρ).
intros Hok. now apply All_rev.
Lemma val_ok_ge_val_ok Σ v :
val_ok Σ v -> ge_val_ok Σ v.
induction v using val_elim_full; intros Hok.
+ simpl. inversion Hok; subst; clear Hok.
destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
inversion H1; subst. simpl in *.
apply All_forallb. eapply All_impl_inner; eauto.
+ simpl. apply All_forallb.
inversion Hok; subst; clear Hok; eapply All_impl_inner; eauto.
+ simpl in *. inversion Hok; subst.
eapply All_forallb. eapply All_impl_inner. apply X0. unfold compose.
eapply All_impl. apply X.
intros; unfold compose in *; cbn in *. easy.
+ now inversion Hok; subst.
Lemma env_ok_ForallEnv_ge_val_ok ρ Σ :
env_ok Σ ρ -> AllEnv (ge_val_ok Σ) ρ.
induction ρ.
+ intros. constructor.
+ intros Hok. inversion Hok; subst.
* now apply val_ok_ge_val_ok.
* now eapply IHρ.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_ty_closed type_eval_value : hints.
Lemma Forall_monad_map_some {A B} {f} {xs : list A} {ys : list B} :
monad_utils.monad_map f xs = Ok ys -> Forall (fun x => exists v, f x = Ok v) xs.
revert ys.
induction xs; intros; simpl in *; auto.
destruct (f _) eqn:Hf; tryfalse. destruct (monad_utils.monad_map _ _) eqn:Hmm; tryfalse.
constructor; eauto.
Lemma eval_ty_env_ok :
forall (ty : type) (ρ : env val) (n : nat) (ty_v : type),
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v -> ty_env_ok n (exprs ρ) ty = true.
induction ty; intros.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. destruct (eval_type_i (S n) ρ ty) eqn:Hty; tryfalse. inversion H. subst.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
now propify.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0; auto.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in H. rewrite lookup_i_nth_error.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct (nth_error ρ (n - n0)); simpl in *; auto. destruct (p.2); tryfalse.
inversion H. reflexivity.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
now propify.
Lemma eval_ty_expr_env_ok :
forall (n : nat) (Σ : global_env) (e : expr) (ρ : env val) (v0 : val),
iclosed_n #|ρ| e = true ->
(eval (n, Σ, ρ, e)) = Ok v0 -> ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 0 e.
induction n; intros Σ e ρ v0 Hc He; tryfalse.
+ destruct e; eauto.
* simpl in *. destruct (eval_type_i 0 _ _) eqn:Ht0; simpl in *; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst; clear He. propify. destruct_and_split.
** now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
** destruct (valid_env ρ 1 e0) eqn:Hve0; tryfalse.
now eapply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *. destruct (valid_env _ _ _) eqn:Hve0; tryfalse. inversion He; subst; clear He.
now eapply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e2)) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:Hty; tryfalse; simpl in *.
unfold is_true; repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
assert (ty_expr_env_ok (exprs (ρ # [e1 ~> v])) 0 e3 = true) by
(destruct Hc as [[? ?] ?]; repeat split; eauto with hints; eapply IHn; eauto).
simpl in H. destruct Hc as [[? ?] ?].
repeat split.
** eapply IHn; eauto.
** eapply eval_ty_env_ok; eauto.
** now eapply ty_expr_env_ok_app_rec with (n := 0) (ρ1 := [(e1,of_val_i v)]).
* simpl in *. propify.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e2)) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e1)) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct v1; inversion He; subst; tryfalse; propify; destruct_and_split; eapply IHn; eauto.
* simpl in *.
destruct p.
destruct (forallb (fun x : pat × expr => valid_env ρ #|pVars x.1| x.2) l) eqn:Hl; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Ht0; tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (monad_utils.monad_map _ _) eqn:Hind; tryfalse.
unfold is_true in *;
repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e)) eqn:He'; tryfalse.
destruct v; tryfalse.
destruct (string_dec _ _); tryfalse.
destruct (resolve_constr Σ _ _); tryfalse.
destruct p. destruct p.
destruct ((_ =? _)%nat); tryfalse.
destruct (match_pat e0 _ _ _ _) eqn:Hp; tryfalse.
destruct p. repeat split.
** eapply Forall_forallb; eauto. eapply (Forall_monad_map_some Hind); eauto.
intros x H; simpl in *. destruct H. apply option_to_res_ok in H.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
** now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
** destruct Hc as [[??]?]; eapply IHn; eauto.
** eapply (forallb_impl_inner Hl); intros; eauto. simpl in *.
replace (_ + 0) with #|pVars x.1| by lia.
now apply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *.
destruct (valid_env ρ 2 _) eqn:Hve1; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ t) eqn:Ht; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ t0) eqn:Ht0; tryfalse.
cbn in *. inversion He.
unfold is_true in *; propify. destruct_and_split.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
now eapply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:Ht0; tryfalse.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_ty_expr_env_ok eval_ty_env_ok : hints.
forall Σ (l : env expr) e k,
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok l k e ->
iclosed_n (k+#|l|) e = true ->
All (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) l ->
subst (map (fun x => expr_to_term Σ (snd x)) l) k (t⟦e⟧ Σ) = (t⟦e.[l]k⟧ Σ).
intros until l.
induction l using MCList.rev_ind; intros e k Hgeok Hok Hc Hall.
+ simpl in *. unfold subst_env_i.
rewrite <- subst_env_i_empty. rewrite subst_empty.
+ unfold subst_env_i. destruct x as [nm e0]. simpl in *.
apply All_app in Hall as [Hl He0]. inversion He0; subst; clear He0. simpl in *.
unfold subst_env_i. rewrite map_app. simpl.
rewrite subst_app_simpl. rewrite length_map. simpl.
rewrite length_app in *. simpl in *.
replace (#|l| + 1) with (1 + #|l|) in Hc by lia.
replace (k + (1 + #|l|)) with (1+ k + #|l|) in Hc by lia.
rewrite subst_term_subst_env_rec with (e := e)(nm := nm) by eauto with hints.
rewrite <- subst_env_swap_app with (n := k) by eauto.
simpl. replace (1 + k + #|l|) with (k + #|l| + 1) in * by lia.
eapply IHl; eauto with hints.
eapply ty_expr_env_ok_subst_env; eauto with hints.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env_par :
forall Σ (l : env expr) e,
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok l 0 e ->
iclosed_n #|l| e = true ->
All (fun x : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd x) = true) l ->
subst (map (fun x => expr_to_term Σ (snd x)) l) 0 (t⟦e⟧ Σ) = (t⟦e.[l]⟧ Σ).
intros. eapply subst_term_subst_env_par_rec; eauto.
Import Basics.
Open Scope program_scope.
Lemma pat_match_succeeds {A : Type } cn arity (vals : list A) brs e
assig n :
match_pat cn n arity vals brs = Ok (assig, e) ->
{ p | find (fun x => pName (fst x) =? cn)%string brs = Some (p,e)
/\ n+#|arity| = n+#|p.(pVars)| /\ #|vals| = n+#|p.(pVars)|
/\ assig = combine p.(pVars) (skipn n vals)}.
intros Hpm.
unfold match_pat in Hpm. simpl in Hpm.
destruct (find (fun x => pName (fst x) =? cn)%string brs) eqn:Hfnd; tryfalse.
destruct p as [p' e0]. simpl in *.
destruct (Nat.eqb #|vals| (n+#|pVars p'|)) eqn:Hlength; tryfalse.
destruct (Nat.eqb #|vals| (n+#|arity|)) eqn:Hlength'; tryfalse.
simpl in *.
inversion Hpm. subst. clear Hpm.
exists p'. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq in *.
repeat split; auto. now rewrite Hlength in *.
Lemma Forall_snd_combine {A B} (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B)
(p : B -> Prop) : Forall p l2 -> Forall (p ∘ snd) (combine l1 l2).
revert l1.
induction l2; intros ns H.
+ destruct ns; simpl; constructor.
+ inversion H. subst. destruct ns; unfold compose; simpl. constructor.
constructor; unfold compose; simpl; auto.
Lemma All_snd_combine {A B} (l1 : list A) (l2 : list B)
(p : B -> Type) : All p l2 -> All (p ∘ snd) (combine l1 l2).
revert l1.
induction l2; intros ns H.
+ destruct ns; simpl; constructor.
+ inversion H. subst. destruct ns; unfold compose; simpl. constructor.
constructor; unfold compose; simpl; auto.
Lemma All_env_ok (ρ : env val) (l : list val) (ns : list ename) Σ :
All (val_ok Σ) l -> env_ok Σ (combine ns l).
apply All_snd_combine.
#[export] Hint Constructors All : core.
Lemma eval_ge_val_ok n ρ Σ e v :
AllEnv (ge_val_ok Σ) ρ ->
expr_eval_i Σ n ρ e = Ok v ->
ge_val_ok Σ v.
generalize dependent ρ. generalize dependent v. generalize dependent e.
induction n; intros e v ρ Hok He; tryfalse.
destruct e; unfold expr_eval_i in *; simpl in *; inversion He; tryfalse.
+ destruct (lookup_i ρ n0) eqn:Hlook; simpl in *; inversion He; subst.
now eapply All_lookup_i with (e := v).
+ destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse. simpl in *. inversion H0.
simpl. destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse.
inversion He. now apply All_forallb.
+ simpl in *. destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse. inversion He. now apply All_forallb.
+ destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _); tryfalse.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by now eapply IHn.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := (e1, v0) :: ρ); eauto with hints.
+ destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e1) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
2 : { try (destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2); tryfalse. }
destruct v0; try destruct c;
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
* simpl in *. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e) eqn:Hc; tryfalse; eauto.
destruct p. destruct p.
destruct (_ <=? _); tryfalse; cbn in *.
inversion He; subst; clear He. simpl.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ (vConstr i e l)) by eauto.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by eauto.
simpl in *. rewrite Hc in *. rewrite forallb_app. cbn. propify. now split; eauto.
* assert (ge_val_ok Σ (vClos e _ cmLam t t0 _)) by eauto.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by eauto.
simpl in *.
eapply IHn with (ρ := (e0, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
apply forallb_All. simpl. now propify.
* destruct v0; tryfalse.
remember (e # [e4 ~> _] # [ e0 ~> _]) as ρ'.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := ρ'); try eapply He0; eauto.
assert (Hok_fix : ge_val_ok Σ (vClos e _ (cmFix _) t t0 _)) by eauto.
simpl in Hok_fix. apply forallb_Forall in Hok_fix.
subst. unfold AllEnv,compose. apply Forall_All.
eauto with hints.
* assert (ge_val_ok Σ (vTyClos e e0 e3)) by eauto.
assert (ge_val_ok Σ v0) by eauto.
simpl in *.
eapply IHn with (ρ := (e0, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
apply forallb_All. simpl. now propify.
* destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
+ destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e) eqn:Hres; tryfalse. inversion He.
simpl. now rewrite Hres.
+ destruct p as [ind e1].
destruct (forallb _ l); tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (monad_utils.monad_map _ _) eqn:Hmm; tryfalse.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e) eqn:He'; tryfalse.
destruct v0; tryfalse.
destruct (string_dec _ _); tryfalse; subst.
destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e0) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
destruct p as [n_i tys]. destruct n_i.
destruct ((n0 =? #|e1|)%nat); tryfalse.
destruct (match_pat e0 _ tys _ _) eqn:Hpm; tryfalse.
destruct p as [assign e2].
apply pat_match_succeeds in Hpm. destruct Hpm as [pt Htmp].
destruct_hyps. subst.
assert (Hok_constr : ge_val_ok Σ (vConstr i _ l1))
by now eapply IHn with (e := e).
simpl in Hok_constr. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i e0) eqn:Hres'; tryfalse.
assert (Hok_l2 :
AllEnv (fun x => ge_val_ok Σ x = true) (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n0 l1)))).
{ apply All_rev. simpl in Hok_constr. apply forallb_Forall in Hok_constr. simpl in *.
apply All_snd_combine. apply Forall_All. now apply Forall_skipn. }
eapply IHn with (ρ := (rev (combine (pVars pt) ((skipn _ l1))) ++ ρ)%list); eauto.
apply All_app_inv; eauto.
+ destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
inversion H0. simpl.
inversion He. now apply All_forallb.
+ destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _); tryfalse; simpl in *.
now inversion He.
Open Scope list.
Lemma env_ok_concat Σ ρ1 ρ2 : env_ok Σ ρ1 -> env_ok Σ ρ2 -> env_ok Σ (ρ1 ++ ρ2).
intros Hok1 Hok2.
apply All_app_inv; auto.
Lemma rev_env_ok ρ Σ : env_ok Σ ρ -> env_ok Σ (rev ρ).
intros Hok. now apply All_rev.
Lemma val_ok_ge_val_ok Σ v :
val_ok Σ v -> ge_val_ok Σ v.
induction v using val_elim_full; intros Hok.
+ simpl. inversion Hok; subst; clear Hok.
destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
inversion H1; subst. simpl in *.
apply All_forallb. eapply All_impl_inner; eauto.
+ simpl. apply All_forallb.
inversion Hok; subst; clear Hok; eapply All_impl_inner; eauto.
+ simpl in *. inversion Hok; subst.
eapply All_forallb. eapply All_impl_inner. apply X0. unfold compose.
eapply All_impl. apply X.
intros; unfold compose in *; cbn in *. easy.
+ now inversion Hok; subst.
Lemma env_ok_ForallEnv_ge_val_ok ρ Σ :
env_ok Σ ρ -> AllEnv (ge_val_ok Σ) ρ.
induction ρ.
+ intros. constructor.
+ intros Hok. inversion Hok; subst.
* now apply val_ok_ge_val_ok.
* now eapply IHρ.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_ty_closed type_eval_value : hints.
Lemma Forall_monad_map_some {A B} {f} {xs : list A} {ys : list B} :
monad_utils.monad_map f xs = Ok ys -> Forall (fun x => exists v, f x = Ok v) xs.
revert ys.
induction xs; intros; simpl in *; auto.
destruct (f _) eqn:Hf; tryfalse. destruct (monad_utils.monad_map _ _) eqn:Hmm; tryfalse.
constructor; eauto.
Lemma eval_ty_env_ok :
forall (ty : type) (ρ : env val) (n : nat) (ty_v : type),
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v -> ty_env_ok n (exprs ρ) ty = true.
induction ty; intros.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. destruct (eval_type_i (S n) ρ ty) eqn:Hty; tryfalse. inversion H. subst.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
now propify.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0; auto.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in H. rewrite lookup_i_nth_error.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct (nth_error ρ (n - n0)); simpl in *; auto. destruct (p.2); tryfalse.
inversion H. reflexivity.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
now propify.
Lemma eval_ty_expr_env_ok :
forall (n : nat) (Σ : global_env) (e : expr) (ρ : env val) (v0 : val),
iclosed_n #|ρ| e = true ->
(eval (n, Σ, ρ, e)) = Ok v0 -> ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 0 e.
induction n; intros Σ e ρ v0 Hc He; tryfalse.
+ destruct e; eauto.
* simpl in *. destruct (eval_type_i 0 _ _) eqn:Ht0; simpl in *; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst; clear He. propify. destruct_and_split.
** now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
** destruct (valid_env ρ 1 e0) eqn:Hve0; tryfalse.
now eapply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *. destruct (valid_env _ _ _) eqn:Hve0; tryfalse. inversion He; subst; clear He.
now eapply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e2)) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:Hty; tryfalse; simpl in *.
unfold is_true; repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
assert (ty_expr_env_ok (exprs (ρ # [e1 ~> v])) 0 e3 = true) by
(destruct Hc as [[? ?] ?]; repeat split; eauto with hints; eapply IHn; eauto).
simpl in H. destruct Hc as [[? ?] ?].
repeat split.
** eapply IHn; eauto.
** eapply eval_ty_env_ok; eauto.
** now eapply ty_expr_env_ok_app_rec with (n := 0) (ρ1 := [(e1,of_val_i v)]).
* simpl in *. propify.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e2)) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e1)) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct v1; inversion He; subst; tryfalse; propify; destruct_and_split; eapply IHn; eauto.
* simpl in *.
destruct p.
destruct (forallb (fun x : pat × expr => valid_env ρ #|pVars x.1| x.2) l) eqn:Hl; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Ht0; tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (monad_utils.monad_map _ _) eqn:Hind; tryfalse.
unfold is_true in *;
repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
destruct (eval (n, Σ, ρ, e)) eqn:He'; tryfalse.
destruct v; tryfalse.
destruct (string_dec _ _); tryfalse.
destruct (resolve_constr Σ _ _); tryfalse.
destruct p. destruct p.
destruct ((_ =? _)%nat); tryfalse.
destruct (match_pat e0 _ _ _ _) eqn:Hp; tryfalse.
destruct p. repeat split.
** eapply Forall_forallb; eauto. eapply (Forall_monad_map_some Hind); eauto.
intros x H; simpl in *. destruct H. apply option_to_res_ok in H.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
** now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
** destruct Hc as [[??]?]; eapply IHn; eauto.
** eapply (forallb_impl_inner Hl); intros; eauto. simpl in *.
replace (_ + 0) with #|pVars x.1| by lia.
now apply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *.
destruct (valid_env ρ 2 _) eqn:Hve1; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ t) eqn:Ht; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ t0) eqn:Ht0; tryfalse.
cbn in *. inversion He.
unfold is_true in *; propify. destruct_and_split.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
now eapply valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok.
* simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:Ht0; tryfalse.
now eapply eval_ty_env_ok.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_ty_expr_env_ok eval_ty_env_ok : hints.
Lemma eval_val_ok n ρ Σ e v :
ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 0 e ->
env_ok Σ ρ ->
iclosed_n #|ρ| e ->
expr_eval_i Σ n ρ e = Ok v ->
val_ok Σ v.
generalize dependent ρ. generalize dependent v. generalize dependent e.
induction n; intros e v ρ Hty_ok Hok Hc He; tryfalse.
destruct e.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl in *.
destruct (lookup_i_length _ _ Hc) as [x Hsome].
rewrite Hsome in He. simpl in *. inversion He; subst; clear He.
now eapply All_lookup_i.
+ tryfalse.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:He_ty; tryfalse. simpl in *.
destruct (valid_env ρ 1 e0); tryfalse.
inversion He.
propify. destruct_hyps.
constructor; eauto with hints; subst.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He,Hc.
destruct (valid_env _ _ _) eqn:Hve; tryfalse. inversion He; subst. constructor; eauto.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He,Hc.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:He_ty; tryfalse. simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *; propify.
destruct Hc as [[??]?].
destruct Hty_ok as [[??]?].
assert (env_ok Σ ((e1, v0) :: ρ)) by (eauto 6 with hints).
assert (ty_expr_env_ok (exprs (ρ # [e1 ~> v0])) 0 e3) by
(eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto with hints).
eapply IHn with (ρ := ρ # [e1 ~> v0]); eauto with hints.
+ simpl in Hc. simpl in Hty_ok. propify.
autounfold with facts in *. simpl in He.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e1) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct v1; try destruct c; tryfalse.
* destruct (resolve_constr Σ i _) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
destruct p. destruct p. destruct (_ <=? _) eqn:Har; tryfalse.
inversion_clear He.
assert (Hge_ok : ge_val_ok Σ (vConstr i _ l)) by
(eapply eval_ge_val_ok; [now apply env_ok_ForallEnv_ge_val_ok | eauto]).
assert (Hok_constr : val_ok Σ (vConstr i e l)).
{ cbn in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
clear H2. now eapply IHn. }
econstructor; eauto.
simpl in Hge_ok. rewrite Hres in *.
inversion Hok_constr. subst. clear Hok_constr.
apply All_app_inv; eauto with hints.
rewrite length_app; cbn.
now propify; cbn in *.
* simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
assert (Hok_v0 : val_ok Σ v0) by now eapply IHn.
assert (Hok_lam : val_ok Σ (vClos e _ cmLam t t0 _)) by now eapply IHn with (e := e1).
inversion Hok_lam. subst. clear Hok_lam.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := (e0, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto.
* destruct v0; tryfalse.
assert (Hok_fix : val_ok Σ (vClos e _ (cmFix _) t t0 _)) by
(eapply IHn with (ρ := ρ) (e := e1); eauto with hints).
inversion Hok_fix; subst. cbn in *.
eapply IHn with (ρ := ((_, vConstr i _ l) :: (_, vClos e _ (cmFix _) t t0 _) :: e));
eauto 8 with hints.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto.
* simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; propify.
assert (Hok_v0 : val_ok Σ v0) by now eapply IHn.
assert (Hok_lam : val_ok Σ ((vTyClos _ _ _))) by now eapply IHn with (e := e1).
inversion Hok_lam. subst. clear Hok_lam.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := (_, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl in *.
destruct (resolve_constr _ _ _) eqn:Hres; inversion He; tryfalse; eauto with hints.
econstructor; eauto; cbn; lia.
+ tryfalse.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He.
simpl in Hc. unfold is_true in *; propify.
destruct p as [ind e1].
destruct (forallb (fun x : pat × expr => valid_env _ _ _) l) eqn:Hl; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Hety; tryfalse. simpl in *.
destruct (monad_utils.monad_map) eqn:Hmm; tryfalse.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e) eqn:He'; tryfalse.
destruct v0; tryfalse. destruct (string_dec ind i); tryfalse; subst.
destruct (resolve_constr _ _ _) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
destruct p as [nn tys]. destruct nn as [n1 n2].
destruct ((n1 =? #|e1|)%nat) eqn:Hnparams; tryfalse.
destruct (match_pat _ _ _ _) eqn:Hpm; tryfalse.
destruct p as [assign e2].
apply pat_match_succeeds in Hpm. destruct Hpm as [pt Htmp].
destruct_hyps. subst.
assert (ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 0 e = true) by now eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok.
assert (Hok_constr : val_ok Σ (vConstr i e0 l1)) by (eapply IHn with (ρ := ρ)(e := e); eauto).
inversion Hok_constr; subst; clear Hok_constr.
assert (Hok_l2 : env_ok Σ (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)))).
{ apply rev_env_ok; apply All_env_ok; eauto; eapply All_skipn; eauto. }
assert (iclosed_n #|rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)) ++ ρ| e2 = true).
{ rewrite length_app. rewrite length_rev,length_combine,length_skipn.
replace (min #|pVars pt| (#|l1| - n1)) with #|pVars pt| by lia.
now specialize (find_forallb _ H H4) as Hc. }
eapply IHn with (ρ := (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)) ++ ρ)); eauto.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok with (ρ := (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)) ++ ρ)); eauto.
apply env_ok_concat; auto.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *; propify.
destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ t) eqn:Hty; tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ t0) eqn:Hty0; tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct Hc as [[??]?].
destruct Hty_ok as [[??]?].
inversion He; eauto 6 with hints.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Hty0; tryfalse; simpl in *. inversion He; subst.
eauto with hints.
Lemma from_vConstr_not_lambda :
forall (Σ : global_env) (i : Ast.inductive) (n0 : ename) (na : aname) (t0 b : term) l,
tLambda na t0 b = t⟦ of_val_i (vConstr i n0 l) ⟧ Σ -> False.
intros Σ i n0 na t0 b l H.
induction l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl in H. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n0); tryfalse.
+ simpl_vars_to_apps in H.
destruct (t⟦ vars_to_apps (eConstr i n0) (map of_val_i l) ⟧ Σ); tryfalse.
Lemma tFix_eq_inv f l Σ e :
t⟦e⟧Σ = tFix f l -> exists fixname var ty1 ty2 b, e = eFix fixname var ty1 ty2 b.
destruct e; intros H1; try easy.
+ simpl in *. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ i _).
+ simpl in *. destruct p as [ty1 i1]; tryfalse.
destruct (resolve_inductive Σ _); tryfalse.
destruct ((_ =? _)%nat); tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. inversion H1. repeat eexists; eauto.
+ simpl in *. inversion H1. destruct t; tryfalse.
Lemma fix_not_constr_of_val {Σ mf m i nm vs} :
tFix mf m = t⟦of_val_i (vConstr i nm vs)⟧Σ -> False.
intros H.
simpl in *.
induction vs using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl in *. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i nm); tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. simpl_vars_to_apps in H; tryfalse.
Lemma fix_not_lambda_of_val {e e1 ty1 ty2 Σ mf n idx} :
tFix mf idx = t⟦ of_val_i (vClos e n cmLam ty1 ty2 e1) ⟧ Σ -> False.
intros H. simpl in *. inversion H.
Lemma lambda_not_fix_of_val {e e1 ty ty1 ty2 Σ nm nm0 nm1 b } :
tLambda nm ty b = t⟦ of_val_i (vClos e nm0 (cmFix nm1) ty1 ty2 e1) ⟧ Σ -> False.
intros H. simpl in *. inversion H.
Lemma forall_Forall {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) (l : list A) :
(forall a, P a) -> Forall P l.
intros H.
induction l; constructor; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_val_ok of_value_closed : hints.
Lemma closed_exprs n (ρ : env val) Σ :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
All (fun x => iclosed_n n (snd x) = true) (exprs ρ).
intros H.
induction ρ.
+ constructor.
+ destruct a; simpl. constructor.
* inversion H. subst. unfold compose in *. simpl in *.
eauto with hints.
* inversion H. subst. unfold compose in *. simpl in *.
now apply IHρ.
#[export] Hint Resolve closed_exprs : hints.
Lemma app_inv1 {A} (l l1 l2 : list A) : l ++ l1 = l ++ l2 -> l1 = l2.
intros H. induction l.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. inversion H. easy.
Lemma mkApps_inj :
forall u v l,
mkApps u l = mkApps v l ->
u = v.
intros u v l eq.
revert u v eq.
induction l ; intros u v eq.
- cbn in eq. assumption.
- cbn in eq. apply IHl in eq.
inversion eq. reflexivity.
Lemma mkApps_atom_inv l1 l2 t1 t2 :
PcbvCurr.atom t1 ->
PcbvCurr.atom t2 ->
mkApps t1 l1 = mkApps t2 l2 ->
l1 = l2 /\ t1 = t2.
intros H1 H2 Hmk.
generalize dependent t1.
generalize dependent t2.
generalize dependent l2.
induction l1 using MCList.rev_ind; intros; destruct l2 using MCList.rev_ind.
+ inversion Hmk. easy.
+ simpl in *. subst. rewrite mkApps_unfold in *; tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. subst. rewrite mkApps_unfold in *; tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. repeat rewrite mkApps_unfold in *.
inversion Hmk. specialize (IHl1 _ _ H2 _ H1 H0).
auto with all funelim.
Lemma mkApps_constr_inv ind l1 l2 n1 n2 u1 u2 :
mkApps (tConstruct ind n1 u1) l1 = mkApps (tConstruct ind n2 u2) l2 ->
l1 = l2 /\ n1 = n2 /\ u1 = u2.
intros H.
assert (l1=l2 /\ tConstruct ind n1 u1 = (tConstruct ind n2 u2)) by now apply mkApps_atom_inv.
now destruct_and_split.
Lemma nth_error_map_exists {A B} (f : A -> B) (l : list A) n p :
nth_error (map f l) n = Some p ->
exists p0 : A, p = f p0.
intros H.
generalize dependent l.
induction n; simpl in *; intros l H; destruct l eqn:H1; inversion H; eauto.
#[export] Hint Resolve env_ok_concat All_env_ok rev_env_ok : hints.
Lemma of_val_closed_0 e ρ :
All (fun e0 : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd e0) = true) (exprs ρ) ->
iclosed_n 0 (e.[exprs ρ]) = true -> iclosed_n #|ρ| e.
intros H ?.
replace #|ρ| with (#|exprs ρ|) by now apply length_map.
eauto with hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve length_map of_val_closed_0 val_ok_ge_val_ok length_rev
subst_env_compose_1 subst_env_compose_2 : hints.
#[export] Hint Constructors PcbvCurr.value : hints.
Lemma mkApps_nonempty_neq args t f :
#|args| > 0 ->
PcbvCurr.atom t ->
mkApps f args = t -> False.
intros Hargs Hatom.
destruct args using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl in *; lia.
+ rewrite mkApps_unfold. now destruct t.
Lemma closed_exprs_len_r2l : forall (e : expr) (n : nat) (ρ : env val),
iclosed_n (n + #|ρ|) e = true -> iclosed_n (n + #|exprs ρ|) e = true.
intros. now apply closed_exprs_len_iff.
#[export] Hint Resolve closed_exprs_len_r2l : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 1 (iclosed_n (#|_|) _ = _) =>
eapply closed_exprs_len_iff with (n := 0) : hints.
Definition not_stuck : term -> bool :=
fun t => let (f, args) := decompose_app t in
negb (PcbvCurr.isStuckFix f args).
#[export] Hint Constructors PcbvCurr.eval : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve PcbvCurr.value_final : hints.
Lemma vars_to_apps_constr_not_lambda ind cn l Σ :
~~ isLambda (t⟦vars_to_apps (eConstr ind cn) l⟧Σ).
destruct l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
+ simpl. now simpl_vars_to_apps.
Lemma vars_to_apps_constr_not_fix_app ind cn l Σ :
~~ PcbvCurr.isFixApp (t⟦vars_to_apps (eConstr ind cn) l⟧Σ).
destruct l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
+ simpl. rewrite <- mkApps_vars_to_apps.
unfold PcbvCurr.isFixApp,isFix; cbn.
now rewrite PcbvCurr.head_mkApps; destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
Lemma vars_to_apps_constr_not_arity ind cn l Σ :
~~ PcbvCurr.isArityHead (t⟦vars_to_apps (eConstr ind cn) l⟧Σ).
destruct l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
+ simpl. now simpl_vars_to_apps.
#[export] Hint Resolve vars_to_apps_iclosed_n vars_to_apps_constr_not_lambda
vars_to_apps_constr_not_fix_app vars_to_apps_constr_not_arity : hints.
Lemma negb_and_to_orb a b :
(~~ a) /\ (~~ b) -> ~~ (a || b).
intros []. unfold is_true in *.
destruct a,b; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve negb_and_to_orb : hints.
#[export] Hint Constructors All2 : hints.
Lemma All_value_of_val :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) Σ2 (Hsync : Σ1 ⋈ Σ2)
(l : list val),
All (val_ok Σ1) l -> All (fun v : val => PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ of_val_i v ⟧ Σ1)) l.
intros Σ1 Σ2 Hsync l X.
eapply All_impl. apply X.
intros. eapply Wcbv_of_value_value; eauto with hints.
Lemma All_expr_iclosed_of_val :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) (l0 : list val),
All (val_ok Σ1) l0 -> All (fun x : val => iclosed_n 0 (of_val_i x)) l0.
intros Σ1 l0 X.
eapply All_impl. apply X. eauto with hints.
Lemma All_term_closed_of_val :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) (l0 : list val),
genv_ok Σ1 ->
All (val_ok Σ1) l0 -> All (fun x : val => closed (t⟦ of_val_i x ⟧ Σ1)) l0.
intros Σ1 l0 Hgeok X.
eapply All_impl. apply X.
intros. eapply expr_closed_term_closed; eauto with hints.
Lemma eval_type_i_subst_env ty : forall n ρ ty_v,
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
subst_env_i_ty n (exprs ρ) ty = ty_v.
induction ty; intros ??? He.
+ simpl in *. now inversion He.
+ simpl in *. destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Heq; tryfalse. inversion He; subst.
f_equal; eauto.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive _); tryfalse. inversion He; subst.
f_equal; auto.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in He. unfold lookup_ty. rewrite lookup_i_nth_error.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct (nth_error ρ (n - n0)); simpl in *; auto. destruct (p.2); tryfalse.
inversion He. reflexivity. tryfalse. now inversion He.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst.
f_equal; auto.
Open Scope list.
Lemma subst_env_i_ty_closed_eq n ρ ty :
iclosed_ty n ty ->
subst_env_i_ty n ρ ty = ty.
revert n ρ.
induction ty; intros;
unfold is_true in *; simpl in *;
try (now f_equal).
assert (Hn0 : n0 <=? n = false) by (propify; lia).
now rewrite Hn0.
Lemma subst_env_i_ty_closed_0_eq n ρ ty :
iclosed_ty 0 ty ->
subst_env_i_ty n ρ ty = ty.
intros. eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed_eq.
now eapply iclosed_ty_0.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_ty_expr_env_ok subst_env_i_ty_closed_0_eq : hints.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env_2 :
forall (Σ : global_env) (e e1 e2 : expr) (nm1 nm2 : ename) (k : nat),
let l := [(nm1,e1); (nm2,e2)] in
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok l 0 e ->
iclosed_n #|l| e = true ->
All (fun x : string × expr => iclosed_n 0 x.2 = true) l ->
subst0 ([t⟦e1⟧Σ; t⟦e2⟧Σ]) (t⟦e⟧Σ) = t⟦e.[l]⟧ Σ.
change ([t⟦ e1 ⟧Σ; t⟦ e2 ⟧Σ]) with (map (fun x => t⟦ x.2 ⟧Σ) [(nm1,e1); (nm2,e2)]).
eapply subst_term_subst_env_par; eauto.
#[local] Hint Constructors assumption_context : hints.
Lemma assumption_context_subst :
forall ctx ts n, assumption_context ctx ->
assumption_context (subst_context ts n ctx).
intros ctx ts n0 Hctx.
induction Hctx; auto with hints.
* unfold subst_context; cbn.
rewrite mapi_rec_app,rev_app_distr.
apply PCUICClosed.assumption_context_app_inv; cbn; auto.
constructor; auto with hints.
Lemma assumption_context_map_vass :
forall {A} xs (f : A -> aname),
assumption_context (map (fun '(nm, t) => vass (f nm) t) xs).
induction xs as [| x xs0]; cbn; try destruct x; auto with hints.
Lemma subst_instance_type_to_term :
forall ty, subst_instance [] (type_to_term ty) = type_to_term ty.
intros ty.
induction ty; cbn; auto.
* now rewrite IHty.
* now rewrite IHty1,IHty2.
* rewrite PCUICUnivSubst.subst_instance_lift.
now rewrite IHty1,IHty2.
Lemma All_subst_instance_type_to_term ctx :
assumption_context ctx ->
All (fun t => exists ty, BasicTC.decl_type t = type_to_term ty) ctx ->
All (fun x => map_decl (subst_instance []) x = x) ctx.
intros Hassump Hall.
induction Hall; eauto with hints.
unfold map_decl; cbn.
constructor; cbn; auto.
+ inversion Hassump; subst.
destruct p as [ty Hty]. cbn in *. subst.
now rewrite subst_instance_type_to_term.
+ apply IHHall. now inversion Hassump.
ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 0 e ->
env_ok Σ ρ ->
iclosed_n #|ρ| e ->
expr_eval_i Σ n ρ e = Ok v ->
val_ok Σ v.
generalize dependent ρ. generalize dependent v. generalize dependent e.
induction n; intros e v ρ Hty_ok Hok Hc He; tryfalse.
destruct e.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl in *.
destruct (lookup_i_length _ _ Hc) as [x Hsome].
rewrite Hsome in He. simpl in *. inversion He; subst; clear He.
now eapply All_lookup_i.
+ tryfalse.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:He_ty; tryfalse. simpl in *.
destruct (valid_env ρ 1 e0); tryfalse.
inversion He.
propify. destruct_hyps.
constructor; eauto with hints; subst.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He,Hc.
destruct (valid_env _ _ _) eqn:Hve; tryfalse. inversion He; subst. constructor; eauto.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He,Hc.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i 0 ρ _) eqn:He_ty; tryfalse. simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *; propify.
destruct Hc as [[??]?].
destruct Hty_ok as [[??]?].
assert (env_ok Σ ((e1, v0) :: ρ)) by (eauto 6 with hints).
assert (ty_expr_env_ok (exprs (ρ # [e1 ~> v0])) 0 e3) by
(eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto with hints).
eapply IHn with (ρ := ρ # [e1 ~> v0]); eauto with hints.
+ simpl in Hc. simpl in Hty_ok. propify.
autounfold with facts in *. simpl in He.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e2) eqn:He2; tryfalse.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e1) eqn:He1; tryfalse.
destruct v1; try destruct c; tryfalse.
* destruct (resolve_constr Σ i _) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
destruct p. destruct p. destruct (_ <=? _) eqn:Har; tryfalse.
inversion_clear He.
assert (Hge_ok : ge_val_ok Σ (vConstr i _ l)) by
(eapply eval_ge_val_ok; [now apply env_ok_ForallEnv_ge_val_ok | eauto]).
assert (Hok_constr : val_ok Σ (vConstr i e l)).
{ cbn in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
clear H2. now eapply IHn. }
econstructor; eauto.
simpl in Hge_ok. rewrite Hres in *.
inversion Hok_constr. subst. clear Hok_constr.
apply All_app_inv; eauto with hints.
rewrite length_app; cbn.
now propify; cbn in *.
* simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; repeat rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in *.
assert (Hok_v0 : val_ok Σ v0) by now eapply IHn.
assert (Hok_lam : val_ok Σ (vClos e _ cmLam t t0 _)) by now eapply IHn with (e := e1).
inversion Hok_lam. subst. clear Hok_lam.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := (e0, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto.
* destruct v0; tryfalse.
assert (Hok_fix : val_ok Σ (vClos e _ (cmFix _) t t0 _)) by
(eapply IHn with (ρ := ρ) (e := e1); eauto with hints).
inversion Hok_fix; subst. cbn in *.
eapply IHn with (ρ := ((_, vConstr i _ l) :: (_, vClos e _ (cmFix _) t t0 _) :: e));
eauto 8 with hints.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto.
* simpl in *. unfold is_true in *; propify.
assert (Hok_v0 : val_ok Σ v0) by now eapply IHn.
assert (Hok_lam : val_ok Σ ((vTyClos _ _ _))) by now eapply IHn with (e := e1).
inversion Hok_lam. subst. clear Hok_lam.
eapply IHn with (e := e3) (ρ := (_, v0) :: e); eauto with hints.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok; eauto.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl in *.
destruct (resolve_constr _ _ _) eqn:Hres; inversion He; tryfalse; eauto with hints.
econstructor; eauto; cbn; lia.
+ tryfalse.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl. simpl in He.
simpl in Hc. unfold is_true in *; propify.
destruct p as [ind e1].
destruct (forallb (fun x : pat × expr => valid_env _ _ _) l) eqn:Hl; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Hety; tryfalse. simpl in *.
destruct (monad_utils.monad_map) eqn:Hmm; tryfalse.
destruct (expr_eval_general _ _ _ _ e) eqn:He'; tryfalse.
destruct v0; tryfalse. destruct (string_dec ind i); tryfalse; subst.
destruct (resolve_constr _ _ _) eqn:Hres; tryfalse.
destruct p as [nn tys]. destruct nn as [n1 n2].
destruct ((n1 =? #|e1|)%nat) eqn:Hnparams; tryfalse.
destruct (match_pat _ _ _ _) eqn:Hpm; tryfalse.
destruct p as [assign e2].
apply pat_match_succeeds in Hpm. destruct Hpm as [pt Htmp].
destruct_hyps. subst.
assert (ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 0 e = true) by now eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok.
assert (Hok_constr : val_ok Σ (vConstr i e0 l1)) by (eapply IHn with (ρ := ρ)(e := e); eauto).
inversion Hok_constr; subst; clear Hok_constr.
assert (Hok_l2 : env_ok Σ (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)))).
{ apply rev_env_ok; apply All_env_ok; eauto; eapply All_skipn; eauto. }
assert (iclosed_n #|rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)) ++ ρ| e2 = true).
{ rewrite length_app. rewrite length_rev,length_combine,length_skipn.
replace (min #|pVars pt| (#|l1| - n1)) with #|pVars pt| by lia.
now specialize (find_forallb _ H H4) as Hc. }
eapply IHn with (ρ := (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)) ++ ρ)); eauto.
eapply eval_ty_expr_env_ok with (ρ := (rev (combine (pVars pt) (skipn n1 l1)) ++ ρ)); eauto.
apply env_ok_concat; auto.
+ unfold expr_eval_i in *. simpl in *.
unfold is_true in *; propify.
destruct (valid_env _ _ _); tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ t) eqn:Hty; tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ t0) eqn:Hty0; tryfalse; simpl in *.
destruct Hc as [[??]?].
destruct Hty_ok as [[??]?].
inversion He; eauto 6 with hints.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Hty0; tryfalse; simpl in *. inversion He; subst.
eauto with hints.
Lemma from_vConstr_not_lambda :
forall (Σ : global_env) (i : Ast.inductive) (n0 : ename) (na : aname) (t0 b : term) l,
tLambda na t0 b = t⟦ of_val_i (vConstr i n0 l) ⟧ Σ -> False.
intros Σ i n0 na t0 b l H.
induction l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl in H. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i n0); tryfalse.
+ simpl_vars_to_apps in H.
destruct (t⟦ vars_to_apps (eConstr i n0) (map of_val_i l) ⟧ Σ); tryfalse.
Lemma tFix_eq_inv f l Σ e :
t⟦e⟧Σ = tFix f l -> exists fixname var ty1 ty2 b, e = eFix fixname var ty1 ty2 b.
destruct e; intros H1; try easy.
+ simpl in *. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ i _).
+ simpl in *. destruct p as [ty1 i1]; tryfalse.
destruct (resolve_inductive Σ _); tryfalse.
destruct ((_ =? _)%nat); tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. inversion H1. repeat eexists; eauto.
+ simpl in *. inversion H1. destruct t; tryfalse.
Lemma fix_not_constr_of_val {Σ mf m i nm vs} :
tFix mf m = t⟦of_val_i (vConstr i nm vs)⟧Σ -> False.
intros H.
simpl in *.
induction vs using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl in *. destruct (resolve_constr Σ i nm); tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. simpl_vars_to_apps in H; tryfalse.
Lemma fix_not_lambda_of_val {e e1 ty1 ty2 Σ mf n idx} :
tFix mf idx = t⟦ of_val_i (vClos e n cmLam ty1 ty2 e1) ⟧ Σ -> False.
intros H. simpl in *. inversion H.
Lemma lambda_not_fix_of_val {e e1 ty ty1 ty2 Σ nm nm0 nm1 b } :
tLambda nm ty b = t⟦ of_val_i (vClos e nm0 (cmFix nm1) ty1 ty2 e1) ⟧ Σ -> False.
intros H. simpl in *. inversion H.
Lemma forall_Forall {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) (l : list A) :
(forall a, P a) -> Forall P l.
intros H.
induction l; constructor; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_val_ok of_value_closed : hints.
Lemma closed_exprs n (ρ : env val) Σ :
env_ok Σ ρ ->
All (fun x => iclosed_n n (snd x) = true) (exprs ρ).
intros H.
induction ρ.
+ constructor.
+ destruct a; simpl. constructor.
* inversion H. subst. unfold compose in *. simpl in *.
eauto with hints.
* inversion H. subst. unfold compose in *. simpl in *.
now apply IHρ.
#[export] Hint Resolve closed_exprs : hints.
Lemma app_inv1 {A} (l l1 l2 : list A) : l ++ l1 = l ++ l2 -> l1 = l2.
intros H. induction l.
+ easy.
+ simpl in *. inversion H. easy.
Lemma mkApps_inj :
forall u v l,
mkApps u l = mkApps v l ->
u = v.
intros u v l eq.
revert u v eq.
induction l ; intros u v eq.
- cbn in eq. assumption.
- cbn in eq. apply IHl in eq.
inversion eq. reflexivity.
Lemma mkApps_atom_inv l1 l2 t1 t2 :
PcbvCurr.atom t1 ->
PcbvCurr.atom t2 ->
mkApps t1 l1 = mkApps t2 l2 ->
l1 = l2 /\ t1 = t2.
intros H1 H2 Hmk.
generalize dependent t1.
generalize dependent t2.
generalize dependent l2.
induction l1 using MCList.rev_ind; intros; destruct l2 using MCList.rev_ind.
+ inversion Hmk. easy.
+ simpl in *. subst. rewrite mkApps_unfold in *; tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. subst. rewrite mkApps_unfold in *; tryfalse.
+ simpl in *. repeat rewrite mkApps_unfold in *.
inversion Hmk. specialize (IHl1 _ _ H2 _ H1 H0).
auto with all funelim.
Lemma mkApps_constr_inv ind l1 l2 n1 n2 u1 u2 :
mkApps (tConstruct ind n1 u1) l1 = mkApps (tConstruct ind n2 u2) l2 ->
l1 = l2 /\ n1 = n2 /\ u1 = u2.
intros H.
assert (l1=l2 /\ tConstruct ind n1 u1 = (tConstruct ind n2 u2)) by now apply mkApps_atom_inv.
now destruct_and_split.
Lemma nth_error_map_exists {A B} (f : A -> B) (l : list A) n p :
nth_error (map f l) n = Some p ->
exists p0 : A, p = f p0.
intros H.
generalize dependent l.
induction n; simpl in *; intros l H; destruct l eqn:H1; inversion H; eauto.
#[export] Hint Resolve env_ok_concat All_env_ok rev_env_ok : hints.
Lemma of_val_closed_0 e ρ :
All (fun e0 : string * expr => iclosed_n 0 (snd e0) = true) (exprs ρ) ->
iclosed_n 0 (e.[exprs ρ]) = true -> iclosed_n #|ρ| e.
intros H ?.
replace #|ρ| with (#|exprs ρ|) by now apply length_map.
eauto with hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve length_map of_val_closed_0 val_ok_ge_val_ok length_rev
subst_env_compose_1 subst_env_compose_2 : hints.
#[export] Hint Constructors PcbvCurr.value : hints.
Lemma mkApps_nonempty_neq args t f :
#|args| > 0 ->
PcbvCurr.atom t ->
mkApps f args = t -> False.
intros Hargs Hatom.
destruct args using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl in *; lia.
+ rewrite mkApps_unfold. now destruct t.
Lemma closed_exprs_len_r2l : forall (e : expr) (n : nat) (ρ : env val),
iclosed_n (n + #|ρ|) e = true -> iclosed_n (n + #|exprs ρ|) e = true.
intros. now apply closed_exprs_len_iff.
#[export] Hint Resolve closed_exprs_len_r2l : hints.
#[export] Hint Extern 1 (iclosed_n (#|_|) _ = _) =>
eapply closed_exprs_len_iff with (n := 0) : hints.
Definition not_stuck : term -> bool :=
fun t => let (f, args) := decompose_app t in
negb (PcbvCurr.isStuckFix f args).
#[export] Hint Constructors PcbvCurr.eval : hints.
#[export] Hint Resolve PcbvCurr.value_final : hints.
Lemma vars_to_apps_constr_not_lambda ind cn l Σ :
~~ isLambda (t⟦vars_to_apps (eConstr ind cn) l⟧Σ).
destruct l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
+ simpl. now simpl_vars_to_apps.
Lemma vars_to_apps_constr_not_fix_app ind cn l Σ :
~~ PcbvCurr.isFixApp (t⟦vars_to_apps (eConstr ind cn) l⟧Σ).
destruct l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
+ simpl. rewrite <- mkApps_vars_to_apps.
unfold PcbvCurr.isFixApp,isFix; cbn.
now rewrite PcbvCurr.head_mkApps; destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
Lemma vars_to_apps_constr_not_arity ind cn l Σ :
~~ PcbvCurr.isArityHead (t⟦vars_to_apps (eConstr ind cn) l⟧Σ).
destruct l using MCList.rev_ind.
+ simpl. now destruct (resolve_constr Σ ind cn).
+ simpl. now simpl_vars_to_apps.
#[export] Hint Resolve vars_to_apps_iclosed_n vars_to_apps_constr_not_lambda
vars_to_apps_constr_not_fix_app vars_to_apps_constr_not_arity : hints.
Lemma negb_and_to_orb a b :
(~~ a) /\ (~~ b) -> ~~ (a || b).
intros []. unfold is_true in *.
destruct a,b; auto.
#[export] Hint Resolve negb_and_to_orb : hints.
#[export] Hint Constructors All2 : hints.
Lemma All_value_of_val :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) Σ2 (Hsync : Σ1 ⋈ Σ2)
(l : list val),
All (val_ok Σ1) l -> All (fun v : val => PcbvCurr.value Σ2 (t⟦ of_val_i v ⟧ Σ1)) l.
intros Σ1 Σ2 Hsync l X.
eapply All_impl. apply X.
intros. eapply Wcbv_of_value_value; eauto with hints.
Lemma All_expr_iclosed_of_val :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) (l0 : list val),
All (val_ok Σ1) l0 -> All (fun x : val => iclosed_n 0 (of_val_i x)) l0.
intros Σ1 l0 X.
eapply All_impl. apply X. eauto with hints.
Lemma All_term_closed_of_val :
forall (Σ1 : global_env) (l0 : list val),
genv_ok Σ1 ->
All (val_ok Σ1) l0 -> All (fun x : val => closed (t⟦ of_val_i x ⟧ Σ1)) l0.
intros Σ1 l0 Hgeok X.
eapply All_impl. apply X.
intros. eapply expr_closed_term_closed; eauto with hints.
Lemma eval_type_i_subst_env ty : forall n ρ ty_v,
eval_type_i n ρ ty = Some ty_v ->
subst_env_i_ty n (exprs ρ) ty = ty_v.
induction ty; intros ??? He.
+ simpl in *. now inversion He.
+ simpl in *. destruct (eval_type_i _ _ _) eqn:Heq; tryfalse. inversion He; subst.
f_equal; eauto.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
destruct (decompose_inductive _); tryfalse. inversion He; subst.
f_equal; auto.
+ tryfalse.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (n0 <=? n) eqn:Hn0.
rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in He. unfold lookup_ty. rewrite lookup_i_nth_error.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct (nth_error ρ (n - n0)); simpl in *; auto. destruct (p.2); tryfalse.
inversion He. reflexivity. tryfalse. now inversion He.
+ simpl in *.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty2) eqn:Hty2; tryfalse.
destruct (eval_type_i n ρ ty1) eqn:Hty1; tryfalse.
inversion He; subst.
f_equal; auto.
Open Scope list.
Lemma subst_env_i_ty_closed_eq n ρ ty :
iclosed_ty n ty ->
subst_env_i_ty n ρ ty = ty.
revert n ρ.
induction ty; intros;
unfold is_true in *; simpl in *;
try (now f_equal).
assert (Hn0 : n0 <=? n = false) by (propify; lia).
now rewrite Hn0.
Lemma subst_env_i_ty_closed_0_eq n ρ ty :
iclosed_ty 0 ty ->
subst_env_i_ty n ρ ty = ty.
intros. eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed_eq.
now eapply iclosed_ty_0.
#[export] Hint Resolve eval_ty_expr_env_ok subst_env_i_ty_closed_0_eq : hints.
Lemma subst_term_subst_env_2 :
forall (Σ : global_env) (e e1 e2 : expr) (nm1 nm2 : ename) (k : nat),
let l := [(nm1,e1); (nm2,e2)] in
genv_ok Σ ->
ty_expr_env_ok l 0 e ->
iclosed_n #|l| e = true ->
All (fun x : string × expr => iclosed_n 0 x.2 = true) l ->
subst0 ([t⟦e1⟧Σ; t⟦e2⟧Σ]) (t⟦e⟧Σ) = t⟦e.[l]⟧ Σ.
change ([t⟦ e1 ⟧Σ; t⟦ e2 ⟧Σ]) with (map (fun x => t⟦ x.2 ⟧Σ) [(nm1,e1); (nm2,e2)]).
eapply subst_term_subst_env_par; eauto.
#[local] Hint Constructors assumption_context : hints.
Lemma assumption_context_subst :
forall ctx ts n, assumption_context ctx ->
assumption_context (subst_context ts n ctx).
intros ctx ts n0 Hctx.
induction Hctx; auto with hints.
* unfold subst_context; cbn.
rewrite mapi_rec_app,rev_app_distr.
apply PCUICClosed.assumption_context_app_inv; cbn; auto.
constructor; auto with hints.
Lemma assumption_context_map_vass :
forall {A} xs (f : A -> aname),
assumption_context (map (fun '(nm, t) => vass (f nm) t) xs).
induction xs as [| x xs0]; cbn; try destruct x; auto with hints.
Lemma subst_instance_type_to_term :
forall ty, subst_instance [] (type_to_term ty) = type_to_term ty.
intros ty.
induction ty; cbn; auto.
* now rewrite IHty.
* now rewrite IHty1,IHty2.
* rewrite PCUICUnivSubst.subst_instance_lift.
now rewrite IHty1,IHty2.
Lemma All_subst_instance_type_to_term ctx :
assumption_context ctx ->
All (fun t => exists ty, BasicTC.decl_type t = type_to_term ty) ctx ->
All (fun x => map_decl (subst_instance []) x = x) ctx.
intros Hassump Hall.
induction Hall; eauto with hints.
unfold map_decl; cbn.
constructor; cbn; auto.
+ inversion Hassump; subst.
destruct p as [ty Hty]. cbn in *. subst.
now rewrite subst_instance_type_to_term.
+ apply IHHall. now inversion Hassump.