
Library ConCert.Embedding.pcuic.PCUICFacts

Lemmas about the environment substitutions, closedness, etc. on expressions

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Misc.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EvalE.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EnvSubst.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Wf.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Env.
From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms.
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Coq Require Import Basics.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import Nat.

Open Scope program_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.
Import ListNotations.
Import NamelessSubst.

Hint Unfold expr_eval_n expr_eval_i : facts.

An elimination principle that takes into account nested occurrences of expressions in the list of branches for eCase
Definition expr_elim_case (P : expr -> Type)
           (Hrel : forall n : nat, P (eRel n))
           (Hvar : forall n : ename, P (eVar n))
           (Hlam :forall (n : ename) (t : type) (e : expr), P e -> P (eLambda n t e))
           (HtyLam : forall (n : ename) (e : expr), P e -> P (eTyLam n e))
           (Hletin : forall (n : ename) (e : expr),
               P e -> forall (t : type) (e0 : expr), P e0 -> P (eLetIn n e t e0))
           (Happ :forall e : expr, P e -> forall e0 : expr, P e0 -> P (eApp e e0))
           (Hconstr :forall (i : inductive) (n : ename), P (eConstr i n))
           (Hconst :forall n : ename, P (eConst n))
           (Hcase : forall p (t : type) (e : expr),
               P e -> forall l : list (pat * expr), All (fun x => P (snd x)) l ->P (eCase p t e l))
           (Hfix :forall (n n0 : ename) (t t0 : type) (e : expr), P e -> P (eFix n n0 t t0 e))
           (Hty : forall t : type, P (eTy t)) :
  forall e : expr, P e.
  refine (fix ind (e : expr) := _).
  destruct e.
  + apply Hrel.
  + apply Hvar.
  + apply Hlam. apply ind.
  + apply HtyLam. apply ind.
  + apply Hletin; apply ind.
  + apply Happ; apply ind.
  + apply Hconstr.
  + apply Hconst.
  + apply Hcase. apply ind.
    induction l.
    * constructor.
    * constructor. apply ind. apply IHl.
  + apply Hfix. apply ind.
  + apply Hty.

Section Values.

  Lemma vars_to_apps_unfold vs : forall acc v,
    vars_to_apps acc (vs ++ [v]) = eApp (vars_to_apps acc vs) v.
    induction vs using rev_ind; intros acc v.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl.
      unfold vars_to_apps.
      rewrite fold_left_app; easy.

  Lemma vars_to_apps_iclosed_n :
        forall (i : inductive) (n0 : ename) (l : list val) (n : nat),
          All (fun v : val => iclosed_n n (of_val_i v) = true) l ->
          iclosed_n n (vars_to_apps (eConstr i n0) (map of_val_i l)) = true.
    intros i n0 l n H.
    induction l using rev_ind.
    + reflexivity.
    + rewrite map_app. simpl. rewrite vars_to_apps_unfold.
      simpl. apply All_app in H. destruct H as [H1 H2].
      propify. split.
      * now apply IHl.
      * now inversion H2.

  (* Lemma Forall_lookup_i {A} ρ n e (P : A -> Prop) : *)
  (*   ForallEnv P ρ -> lookup_i ρ n = Some e -> P e. *)
  (* Proof. *)
  (*   intros Hfe Hl. *)
  (*   revert dependent n. *)
  (*   induction Hfe; intros n Hl. *)
  (*   + inversion Hl. *)
  (*   + simpl in *. destruct x; destruct (Nat.eqb n 0); inversion Hl; subst; eauto. *)
  (* Qed. *)

  Lemma All_lookup_i {A} ρ n e (P : A -> Type) :
    AllEnv P ρ -> lookup_i ρ n = Some e -> P e.
    intros Hfe Hl.
    generalize dependent n.
    induction Hfe; intros n Hl.
    + inversion Hl.
    + simpl in *. destruct x; destruct (Nat.eqb n 0); inversion Hl; subst; eauto.

  Lemma iclosed_ty_geq ty : forall n m, m >= n -> iclosed_ty n ty = true -> iclosed_ty m ty = true.
    induction ty; intros n1 m1 H Hc; eauto.
    + simpl in *. assert (S m1 >= S n1) by lia. eapply IHty; eauto.
    + simpl in *. now propify.
    + simpl in *. now propify.
    + simpl in *. now propify.

  Lemma iclosed_ty_m_n ty : forall n m, iclosed_ty n ty = true -> iclosed_ty (n+m) ty = true.
    intros n m H.
    eapply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n); eauto. lia.

  Lemma iclosed_ty_0 ty : forall n, iclosed_ty 0 ty = true -> iclosed_ty n ty = true.
  Proof. apply iclosed_ty_m_n. Qed.

  Lemma iclosed_n_geq e : forall n m, m >= n -> iclosed_n n e = true -> iclosed_n m e = true.
    induction e using expr_elim_case; intros n1 m1 Hgeq H1; try inversion H1; auto.
    + simpl in *. rewrite H1.
      now propify.
    + simpl in *. rewrite H1. propify.
      apply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n1); auto; lia.
      eapply IHe with (n := S n1); auto; lia.
    + simpl in *. rewrite H1.
      eapply IHe with (n := S n1); auto; lia.
    + simpl in *. propify.
      clear H0. destruct H1 as [[Ht He1] He2].
      rewrite He1, He2, Ht. simpl.
      * apply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n1); auto; lia.
      * eapply IHe1; eauto.
      * eapply IHe2 with (n := S n1); eauto; lia.
    + simpl in *.
      propify. destruct H1 as [He1 He2].
      rewrite He1, He2. simpl.
      now propify.
    + simpl in *. propify.
      destruct H1 as [[[Hp Ht] He1] Hforall].
      rewrite Hp,Ht,He1,Hforall.
      cbn. propify.
      * eapply forallb_impl_inner; try eapply Hp; intros;
          apply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n1); auto; lia.
      * apply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n1); auto; lia.
      * erewrite IHe; eauto.
      * apply All_forallb.
        apply forallb_All in Hforall.
        apply All_impl_inner with (P := fun x => iclosed_n (#|pVars (fst x)|+n1) (snd x) = true).
        eapply All_impl. apply X.
        intros. simpl in *.
        now eapply H3 with (n := #|pVars x.1| + n1).
    + simpl in *. rewrite H1.
      propify. destruct_and_split.
      * now eapply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n1).
      * now eapply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n1).
      * now eapply IHe with (n := S (S n1)).
    + simpl. rewrite H0.
      now apply iclosed_ty_geq with (n := n1).

  Lemma iclosed_m_n e : forall n m, iclosed_n n e = true -> iclosed_n (n+m) e = true.
    intros n m H.
    now eapply iclosed_n_geq with (n := n).

  Lemma iclosed_n_0 e : forall n, iclosed_n 0 e = true -> iclosed_n n e = true.
  Proof. apply iclosed_m_n. Qed.

  Hint Resolve iclosed_ty_m_n iclosed_ty_0 iclosed_m_n iclosed_n_0 : facts.

  Hint Unfold is_true : facts.

  Open Scope nat.

  Lemma iclosed_ty_env_ok n ρ ty : iclosed_ty n ty -> ty_env_ok n ρ ty.
    revert n ρ.
    induction ty; intros n0 ρ Hc; eauto.
    + simpl in *.
      now propify.
    + simpl in *.
      assert (n0 <=? n = false) by (unfold is_true in *; propify; lia).
      now rewrite H.
    + simpl in *.
      now propify.

  Lemma subst_env_i_ty_closed :
    forall (ty : type) (n : nat) (ρ : env expr),
      ty_env_ok n ρ ty ->
      AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) ρ ->
      iclosed_ty (n + #|ρ|) ty = true -> iclosed_ty n (subst_env_i_ty n ρ ty) = true.
    intros ty.
    induction ty; intros n1 ρ Hok Henv Hc; auto.
    + simpl in *. eapply IHty; eauto.
    + simpl in *. now propify.
    + simpl in *. destruct (n1 <=? n) eqn:Hnle.
      * propify.
        assert (Hc' : n-n1 < length ρ) by lia.
        rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in *. unfold lookup_ty.
        destruct (lookup_i_length _ (n-n1) Hc') as [e0 He0].
        rewrite He0 in *. simpl. destruct e0; tryfalse.
        simpl in *. assert (H : iclosed_n 0 (eTy t)) by (eapply (All_lookup_i _ _ _ _ Henv); eauto).
        simpl in *. eauto with facts.
      * simpl in *. now propify.
    + simpl in *. now propify.

  Lemma subst_env_i_ty_closed_inv :
    forall (ty : type) (n : nat) (ρ : env expr),
      AllEnv (iclosed_n 0) ρ ->
      iclosed_ty n (subst_env_i_ty n ρ ty) = true ->
      iclosed_ty (n + #|ρ|) ty = true.
    intros ty.
    induction ty; intros n1 ρ Henv Hc; auto.
    + simpl in *.
      replace (S (n1 + #|ρ|)) with (S n1 + #|ρ|) by lia.
      eapply IHty; eauto.
    + simpl in *.
      now propify.
    + simpl in *.
      destruct (n1 <=? n) eqn:Hnle.
      * destruct (n <? n1 + #|ρ|) eqn:Hn; auto.
        assert (Hnk : #|ρ| <= n - n1) by lia.
        rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_ge in *.
        specialize (lookup_i_length_false _ _ Hnk) as HH.
        unfold lookup_ty in *.
        rewrite HH in *; simpl in *; tryfalse.
      * simpl in *.
        now propify.
    + simpl in *.
      now propify.

  Hint Resolve subst_env_i_ty_closed subst_env_i_ty_closed_inv iclosed_ty_env_ok : facts.

  Lemma subst_env_iclosed_n (e : expr) :
    forall n (ρ : env expr),
      ty_expr_env_ok ρ n e ->
      All (fun e => iclosed_n 0 (snd e) = true) ρ ->
      iclosed_n (n + #|ρ|) e = true -> iclosed_n n (e.[ρ]n) = true.
    induction e using expr_elim_case; intros n1 ρ Hok Hc Hec;
        simpl in *; propify; destruct_and_split; tryfalse; auto with facts.
      + (* eRel *)
        unfold subst_env_i. simpl.
        simpl in *.
        destruct (n1 <=? n) eqn:Hnle.
        * propify.
          assert (Hc' : n-n1 < length ρ) by lia.
          rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_lt in *.
          destruct (lookup_i_length _ (n-n1) Hc') as [e0 He0].
          rewrite He0. simpl.
          eapply All_lookup_i with (ρ := ρ) (P := fun e1 => iclosed_n n1 e1 = true); eauto.
          apply (All_impl (P := fun e1 => iclosed_n 0 (snd e1) = true)); eauto.
          intros a H. unfold compose.
          change (iclosed_n (0+n1) (snd a) = true); now apply iclosed_m_n.
        * simpl in *. now propify.
      + cbn in *.
        apply forallb_All in H3 as Hall3.
        apply forallb_All in H0 as Hall1.
        apply forallb_All in H as Hall0.
        apply forallb_All in H4 as Hall2.
        specialize (All_mix Hall3 Hall0) as Hall'. simpl in *.
        specialize (All_mix Hall2 Hall1) as Hall. simpl in *.
        propify. destruct_and_split; auto.
        * apply All_forallb. apply All_map. unfold compose. simpl.
          eapply All_impl_inner. apply Hall'. simpl in *.
          apply Forall_All.
          eapply Forall_forall;
            intros; eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed; auto with solve_subterm.
        * now eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed.
        * apply All_forallb. apply All_map. unfold compose. simpl.
          eapply All_impl_inner. apply Hall. simpl in *.
          eapply All_impl. apply X. intros. simpl in *.
          rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.add_assoc in *.
          now eapply H7.

  Lemma subst_env_iclosed_n_inv (e : expr) :
    forall n (ρ : env expr),
      All (fun e => iclosed_n 0 (snd e) = true) ρ ->
      iclosed_n n (e.[ρ]n) = true -> iclosed_n (n + #|ρ|) e = true.
    induction e using expr_ind_case; intros k ρ Hc Hec;
      simpl in *; propify; destruct_and_split; auto;
        try repeat rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.add_succ_l; tryfalse; auto with facts.
    + (* eRel *)
      unfold subst_env_i. simpl.
      simpl in *.
      destruct (k <=? n) eqn:Hnle.
      * destruct (n <? k + #|ρ|) eqn:Hn; propify; auto.
        assert (Hnk : #|ρ| <= n - k) by lia.
        rewrite <- PeanoNat.Nat.ltb_ge in *.
        specialize (lookup_i_length_false _ _ Hnk) as HH.
        rewrite HH in Hec; simpl in *; tryfalse.
      * simpl in *. now propify.
    + simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
      rewrite forallb_map in H0.
      eapply forallb_impl_inner. eapply H0. intros; simpl.
      eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed_inv; eauto.
    + simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
      eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed_inv; eauto.
    + simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
      apply IHe; auto.
    + simpl in *. propify. destruct_hyps.
      apply forallb_Forall.
      eapply Forall_forall. intros a Hin.
      rewrite forallb_map in H1. unfold compose in H1; simpl in H1.
      rewrite Forall_forall in H.
      rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.add_assoc.
      assert (HH : Forall (fun x : pat * expr =>
                              is_true (iclosed_n (#|pVars (fst x)| + k)
                                      ((snd x).[ ρ] (#|pVars (fst x)| + k)))) l) by
           now apply forallb_Forall.
      rewrite Forall_forall in HH.
      auto with solve_subterm.

  Lemma subst_env_iclosed_0 (e : expr) :
    forall (ρ : env expr),
      ty_expr_env_ok ρ 0 e ->
      All (fun e => iclosed_n 0 (snd e) = true) ρ ->
      iclosed_n #|ρ| e = true -> iclosed_n 0 (e.[ρ]) = true.
    intros; apply subst_env_iclosed_n with (n := 0); eauto with facts.

  Lemma subst_env_iclosed_0_inv (e : expr) :
    forall (ρ : env expr),
      All (fun e => iclosed_n 0 (snd e) = true) ρ ->
      iclosed_n 0 (e.[ρ]) = true -> iclosed_n #|ρ| e = true.
    intros; apply subst_env_iclosed_n_inv with (n := 0); eauto.

  Lemma of_value_closed Σ v n :
    val_ok Σ v (* this ensures that closures contain closed expressions *) ->
    iclosed_n n (of_val_i v) = true.
    revert n.
    induction v using val_elim_full; intros n1 Hv.
    + simpl. apply vars_to_apps_iclosed_n.
      inversion Hv; subst; clear Hv.
      eapply All_impl_inner. apply X0.
      now eapply (All_impl X).
    + simpl in *. destruct cm.
      * simpl in *.
        inversion Hv. subst. clear Hv.
        propify. destruct_and_split.
        - eapply iclosed_ty_0.
          eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed;
            auto with facts.
          eapply All_map. eapply (All_impl_inner _ _ _ X0).
          eapply (All_impl X); eauto.
        - eapply iclosed_m_n with (n := 1).
          apply subst_env_iclosed_n.
          ** easy.
          ** apply All_map.
              unfold AllEnv,compose,fun_prod in *.
              eapply All_impl_inner. apply X0.
              now eapply (All_impl X).
          ** now rewrite length_map.
      * unfold subst_env_i. simpl in *.
        inversion Hv. subst.
        propify. destruct_and_split.
        ** eapply iclosed_ty_0.
           eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed;
             auto with facts.
           eapply All_map. eapply (All_impl_inner _ _ _ X0).
           eapply (All_impl X); eauto.
        ** eapply iclosed_ty_0.
           eapply subst_env_i_ty_closed;
             auto with facts.
           eapply All_map. eapply (All_impl_inner _ _ _ X0).
           eapply (All_impl X); eauto.
        ** eapply iclosed_m_n with (n := 2).
           eapply subst_env_iclosed_n.
           *** easy.
           *** apply All_map.
               unfold AllEnv,compose,fun_prod in *.
               eapply All_impl_inner. apply X0.
               now eapply (All_impl X).
           *** now rewrite length_map.
    + simpl in *.
      inversion Hv. subst. clear Hv.
      eapply iclosed_m_n with (n := 1).
      apply subst_env_iclosed_n.
      ** easy.
      ** apply All_map.
          unfold AllEnv,compose,fun_prod in *.
          eapply All_impl_inner. apply X0. simpl.
          now eapply (All_impl X).
      ** now rewrite length_map.
    + simpl.
      inversion Hv. subst.
      eauto with facts.

  Lemma subst_env_i_ty_empty k t : t = subst_env_i_ty k [] t.
    revert k.
    induction t; intros; simpl; try f_equal; eauto.
    destruct (k <=? n); auto.

  Hint Resolve subst_env_i_ty_empty : facts.

  Lemma subst_env_i_empty :
    forall (e : expr) (k : nat), e = subst_env_i_aux k [] e.
    intros e.
    induction e using expr_ind_case; simpl in *; auto with all facts; intros.
    + destruct (Nat.leb k n); eauto.
    + destruct p.
      apply f_equal4; eauto with facts.
      rewrite map_id_f; eauto with facts.
      rewrite <- map_id at 1.
      eapply forall_map_spec.
      eapply Forall_impl; eauto.
      intros p Hp; cbn in *.
      destruct p; rewrite <-Hp; eauto.

  Lemma expr_eval_econstr {n nm Σ ρ i v mode} :
    expr_eval_general mode Σ n ρ (eConstr i nm) = Ok v ->
    v = vConstr i nm [].
    destruct mode; intros H; destruct n; simpl in *;
      destruct (resolve_constr Σ i nm); tryfalse; inversion H; reflexivity.

  End Values.

  Section MapProperties.

    Context {A : Type}
            {B : Type}
            {C : Type}
            {D : Type}.

    Lemma map_funprod_id (f : B -> D) (l : list (A * B)) :
      map fst l = map fst (map (fun_prod id f) l).
      induction l; cbn; f_equal; auto.
  End MapProperties.

  Section FindLookupProperties.

  Context {A : Type}
          {B : Type}
          {C : Type}.

  Lemma lookup_ind_nth_error_False (ρ : env A) n m a key :
    lookup_with_ind_rec (1+n+m) ρ key = Some (n, a) -> False.
    generalize dependent m.
    generalize dependent n.
    induction ρ as [ |a0 ρ0]; intros n m H; tryfalse.
    simpl in *.
    destruct a0; destruct (s =? key).
    + inversion H; lia.
    + replace (S (n + m)) with (n + S m) in * by lia.

  Lemma lookup_ind_nth_error_shift (ρ : env A) n i a key :
    lookup_with_ind_rec (1+n) ρ key = Some (1+i, a) <->
    lookup_with_ind_rec n ρ key = Some (i, a).
    split; generalize dependent i; generalize dependent n;
    induction ρ; intros i1 n1 H; tryfalse; simpl in *;
      destruct a0; destruct (s =? key); inversion H; eauto.

  Lemma lookup_ind_nth_error (ρ : env A) i a key :
    lookup_with_ind ρ key = Some (i,a) -> nth_error ρ i = Some (key,a).
    generalize dependent ρ.
    induction i; simpl; intros ρ0 H.
    + destruct ρ0; tryfalse. unfold lookup_with_ind in H. simpl in *.
      destruct p as (nm,a0); destruct (nm =? key) eqn:Heq; try rewrite String.eqb_eq in *; subst.
      inversion H; subst; eauto.
      now apply (lookup_ind_nth_error_False _ 0 0) in H.
    + destruct ρ0; tryfalse. unfold lookup_with_ind in H. simpl in *.
      destruct p as (nm,a0); destruct (nm =? key) eqn:Heq;
        try rewrite String.eqb_eq in *; subst; tryfalse.
      apply IHi. now apply lookup_ind_nth_error_shift.

  Lemma lookup_i_nth_error (ρ : env A) i :
    lookup_i ρ i = option_map snd (nth_error ρ i).
    revert i.
    induction ρ; intros.
    + simpl. now rewrite nth_error_nil.
    + simpl. destruct a. simpl in *.
      destruct i; simpl; auto. now replace (i-0) with i by lia.

  Lemma find_map_eq p1 p2 a (f g : A -> B) (l : list A) :
    find p1 l = Some a -> (forall a, f a = g a) ->
    (forall a, p1 a = p2 (f a)) -> find p2 (map f l) = Some (g a).
    intros Hfind Hfeq Heq.
    induction l as [ | a' l']; tryfalse.
    simpl in *. rewrite <- Heq.
    destruct (p1 a'); inversion Hfind; subst; auto.
    now rewrite Hfeq.

  Lemma find_map p1 p2 a (f : A -> B) (l : list A) :
    find p1 l = Some a -> (forall a, p1 a = p2 (f a)) -> find p2 (map f l) = Some (f a).
    intros Hfind Heq. now eapply find_map_eq.

  Lemma find_forallb_map {X Y} {xs : list X} {p0 : X -> bool} {p1 : Y -> bool} {f : X -> Y} :
    forall x : X, find p0 xs = Some x -> forallb p1 (map f xs) = true -> p1 (f x) = true.
    induction xs; intros x Hfnd Hall.
    + easy.
    + simpl in *. destruct (p0 a).
      * inversion Hfnd; subst. now destruct (p1 (f x)); tryfalse.
      * destruct (p1 (f a)); tryfalse; auto.

  Lemma find_forallb {xs : list A} {p1 : A -> bool} {p} :
    forall x, find p xs = Some x -> forallb p1 xs = true -> p1 x = true.
    intros x Hfnd Hall.
    replace xs with (map id xs) in Hall by apply map_id.
    eapply @find_forallb_map with (f := id); eauto.

  Lemma find_none_fst {p} (l1 l2 : list (A * B)) :
    map fst l1 = map fst l2 ->
    find (p fst) l1 = None -> find (p fst) l2 = None.
    generalize dependent l2.
    induction l1 as [ | ab l1']; intros l2 Hmap Hfnd.
    + destruct l2; simpl in *; easy.
    + destruct l2; simpl in *; tryfalse.
      unfold compose,id in *; simpl in *.
      destruct ab as [a b]; simpl in *.
      inversion Hmap; subst.
    destruct (p (fst p0)); simpl in *; eauto; tryfalse.

  Lemma find_some_fst_map_snd {p} {f : A * B -> C} (l : list (A * B)) (v1 : A * B) :
    find (p fst) l = Some v1 ->
     {v2 | find (p fst) (map (fun x => (fst x, f x)) l) = Some v2
              × fst v1 = fst v2
              × f v1 = snd v2 }.
    revert v1.
    induction l as [ | ab l']; intros v1 Hfnd.
    + easy.
    + unfold compose,id in *; simpl in *.
      destruct (p ab.1); inversion Hfnd; subst; simpl in *; eauto.

  Lemma find_some_fst {p} (l1 : list (A * B)) (l2 : list (A * C)) v1 :
    map fst l1 = map fst l2 ->
    find (p fst) l1 = Some v1 ->
    exists v2, find (p fst) l2 = Some v2
               /\ fst v1 = fst v1.
    generalize dependent l2.
    revert v1.
    induction l1 as [ | ab l1']; intros v1 l2 Hmap Hfnd.
    + destruct l2; simpl in *; easy.
    + destruct l2; simpl in *; tryfalse.
      unfold compose,id in *; simpl in *.
      destruct ab as [a b]; simpl in *.
      inversion Hmap; subst.
      destruct (p (fst p0)); inversion Hfnd; subst; simpl in *; eauto; tryfalse.

End FindLookupProperties.

Section Validate.

  Open Scope nat.

  Lemma valid_ty_env_ty_env_ok ρ n ty :
    valid_ty_env n ρ ty -> ty_env_ok n (exprs ρ) ty.
    revert n ρ.
    induction ty; intros; simpl in *; unfold is_true in *;
      propify; auto with solve_subterm; eauto.
    rewrite lookup_i_nth_error.
    rewrite lookup_i_nth_error in H.
    destruct (n0 <=? n); auto.
    rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct (nth_error ρ (n - n0)); simpl in *; auto.
    destruct p.2; simpl; auto.

  Hint Resolve valid_ty_env_ty_env_ok : facts.

  Lemma valid_env_ty_expr_env_ok ρ n e :
    valid_env ρ n e -> ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) n e.
    revert n ρ.
    induction e using expr_elim_case; intros;
      simpl in *; unfold is_true in *; propify; destruct_and_split; auto;
        try eapply valid_ty_env_ty_env_ok; eauto.
    + simpl in *.
      eapply forallb_impl_inner.
      eapply H. intros.
      now eapply valid_ty_env_ty_env_ok.
    + apply All_forallb.
      apply forallb_All in H0.
      eapply All_impl_inner.
      apply H0. simpl.
      eapply (All_impl X); eauto.
End Validate.