
Library ConCert.Embedding.pcuic.PCUICTranslate

Translation from λsmart expressions to PCUIC terms

From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICLiftSubst.
From MetaCoq.Common Require Import BasicAst.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import monad_utils.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import MCProd.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import MCList.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import MCString.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import bytestring.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import Loader.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Misc.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Utils.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Env.
From ConCert.Utils Require Extras.
From ConCert.Utils Require StringExtra.

From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import String.

Module TCString := bytestring.String.

Module P := PCUICAst.
Import MCMonadNotation.
Import ListNotations.

Translation of types

Reserved Notation "T⟦ ty ⟧ " (at level 0).

Translation of types to PCUIC terms. Universal types become Pi-types with the first argument being of type Set. Keeping them in Set is crucial, since we don't have to deal with universe levels
Fixpoint type_to_term (ty : type) : term :=
  match ty with
  | tyInd i => tInd (mkInd (kername_of_string i) 0) []
  | tyForall nm ty => tProd (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm))) (tSort Sort.type0) Tty
  | tyVar nm => tVar (TCString.of_string nm)
  | tyApp ty1 ty2 => tApp Tty1 Tty2
  | tyArr ty1 ty2 =>
    (* NOTE: we have to lift indices for the codomain,
       since in Coq arrows are Pi types and introduce a binder *)

    tProd (aRelevant nAnon) Tty1 (lift0 1 Tty2)
  | tyRel i => tRel i
where "T⟦ ty ⟧ " := (type_to_term ty).

Translating branches of the eCase construct. Note that MetaCoq uses indices to represent constructors. Indices are corresponding positions in the list of constructors for a particular inductive type
Definition etrans_branch (params : list type)(bs : list (pat * term))
           (c : constr) : branch term :=
  let nm := fst c in
  let tys := remove_proj c in
  let tparams := map type_to_term params in
  let o_pt_e := find (fun x =>(fst x).(pName) =? nm) bs in
  let dummy := tVar (TCString.of_string (nm ++ ": not found"))%string in
  match o_pt_e with
  | Some pt_e =>
      if (Nat.eqb #|(fst pt_e).(pVars)| #|tys|) then
        let bctx :=
          map (fun '(nm,ty) => vass (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm)))ty)
                      (combine (fst pt_e).(pVars) (map type_to_term tys)) in
        {| bcontext := bctx ;
           bbody := snd pt_e|}
        (* (List.length (fst pt_e).(pVars), pat_to_lam (snd pt_e) (rev tparams) vars_tys) *)
        {| bcontext := [];
           bbody := tVar (TCString.of_string (nm ++ ": arity does not match"))%string |}
  | None => {| bcontext := [] ;
               bbody := dummy |}

Open Scope list.

Translation of expressions

Reserved Notation "t⟦ e ⟧ Σ" (at level 5).

Fixpoint expr_to_term (Σ : global_env) (e : expr) : term :=
  match e with
  | eRel i => tRel i
  | eVar nm => tVar (TCString.of_string nm)
  | eLambda nm ty b => tLambda (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm))) Tty tbΣ
  | eTyLam nm b => tLambda (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm))) (tSort Sort.type0) tbΣ
  | eLetIn nm e1 ty e2 => tLetIn (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm))) te1Σ Tty te2Σ
  | eApp e1 e2 => tApp te1Σ te2Σ
  | eConstr i t =>
    match (resolve_constr Σ i t) with
    | Some c => tConstruct (mkInd (kername_of_string i) 0) (c.1.2) []
    | None => tConstruct (mkInd (kername_of_string (i ++ ":no_declaration_found")) 0) 0 []
  | eConst nm => tConst (kername_of_string nm) []
  | eCase nm_i ty2 e bs =>
      let (nm, params) := nm_i in
      let ctx := map (fun x => vass (aRelevant nAnon) (type_to_term x)) params in
      let pty := (mkApps (tInd (mkInd (kername_of_string nm) 0) [])
                         (to_extended_list ctx)) in
    let pinfo :=
      {| puinst := [];
         pparams := map type_to_term params;
         pcontext := [vass (aRelevant (nNamed "a"%bs)) pty];
         preturn := lift0 1 (type_to_term ty2) |} in
    match (resolve_inductive Σ nm) with
    | Some v =>
      if Nat.eqb (fst v) #|params| then
        let cs := snd v in
        let tbs := map (fun_prod id (expr_to_term Σ)) bs in
        let branches := map (etrans_branch params tbs) cs in
        let ci := {| ci_ind := mkInd (kername_of_string nm) 0;
                     ci_npar := fst v;
                     ci_relevance := Relevant |} in
        tCase ci pinfo teΣ branches
      else tVar (TCString.of_string "Case: number of params doesn't match with the definition")
    | None => tVar (TCString.of_string (nm ++ "not found")%string)
  | eFix nm nv ty1 ty2 b =>
    let tty1 := Tty1 in
    let tty2 := Tty2 in
    let ty := tProd (aRelevant nAnon) tty1 (lift0 1 tty2) in
    (* NOTE: we have to lift the indices in tty1 because tRel 0
             corresponds to the recursive call *)

    let body := tLambda (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nv))) (lift0 1 tty1) tbΣ in
    tFix [(mkdef _ (aRelevant (nNamed (TCString.of_string nm))) ty body 0)] 0
  | eTy ty => Tty
where "t⟦ e ⟧ Σ":= (expr_to_term Σ e).

Translation of inductives

Import Basics.

Definition of_ename (e : option ename) : aname :=
  match e with
  | Some e' =>
    let (mp,unqualified_nm) := kername_of_string e' in
    aRelevant (nNamed unqualified_nm)
  | None => aRelevant nAnon

Translation of constructors of parameterized inductive types requires non-trivial manipulation of De Bruijn indices.
Definition mkArrows_rec (ind_name : ename) (nparam : nat) :=
  fix rec (n : nat) (proj_tys : list (option ename * type)) :=
  match proj_tys with
  | [] => (* this is a return type of the constructor *)
    mkApps (tRel (n + nparam)) (map tRel (rev (seq n nparam)))
  | (proj, ty) :: tys' =>
    let res :=
        match ty with
        | tyInd nm => if eqb nm ind_name then
                       tRel n else type_to_term ty
        | tyApp ty1 ty2 =>
          match (decompose_inductive ty1) with
          | Some (nm, tys) =>
            if eqb nm ind_name then
              mkApps (tRel (n+nparam)) (map (compose (lift0 n) type_to_term)
                                 (tys ++ [ty2])) else type_to_term ty
          | None => type_to_term ty
        | tyRel i => tRel (i+n)
        | _ => type_to_term ty (* TODO: check how it works for other
          type constructors applied to parameters of the inductive *)

        end in tProd (of_ename proj) res (rec (1+n) tys')

Definition mkArrows indn nparam := mkArrows_rec indn nparam 0.

Definition trans_one_constr (ind_name : ename) (nparam : nat) (c : constr) : term :=
  let (ctor_name, tys) := c in mkArrows ind_name nparam tys.

Fixpoint gen_params n := match n with
                         | O => []
                         | S n' => let nm := ("A" ++ string_of_nat n)%bs in
                                  let decl := (tSort Sort.type0) in
                                  gen_params n' ++ [mkdecl (aRelevant (nNamed nm)) None (decl)]

Definition trans_global_dec (gd : global_dec) : mutual_inductive_entry :=
  match gd with
  | gdInd nm nparam cs r =>
    let (mp,unqualified_nm) := kername_of_string nm in
    let oie := {|
          mind_entry_typename := unqualified_nm;
          mind_entry_arity := tSort Sort.type0;
          mind_entry_template := false;
          mind_entry_consnames :=
            map (fun c => let (mp,unqualified_nm) := kername_of_string c.1 in
                         unqualified_nm) cs;
          mind_entry_lc := map (trans_one_constr nm nparam) cs |}
   let mie := {| mind_entry_record := if r then (Some (Some unqualified_nm)) else None;
                mind_entry_finite := if r then BiFinite else Finite;
                mind_entry_params := gen_params nparam;
                mind_entry_inds := [oie];
                mind_entry_universes := Monomorphic_ctx;
                mind_entry_private := None; |} in

Fixpoint add_prefix_ty (ty : type) (ps : env string) :=
  match ty with
  | tyInd nm =>
    let p := Extras.with_default "" (lookup ps nm) in
    tyInd (p ++ nm)%string
  | tyForall nm ty1 => tyForall nm (add_prefix_ty ty1 ps)
  | tyApp ty1 ty2 => tyApp (add_prefix_ty ty1 ps) (add_prefix_ty ty2 ps)
  | tyVar _ | tyRel _ => ty
  | tyArr ty1 ty2 => tyArr (add_prefix_ty ty1 ps) (add_prefix_ty ty2 ps)

Fixpoint add_prefix (e : expr) (ps : env string) :=
  match e with
  | eRel _ | eVar _ => e
  | eLambda nm ty e1 => eLambda nm (add_prefix_ty ty ps) (add_prefix e1 ps)
  | eTyLam nm e1 => eTyLam nm (add_prefix e1 ps)
  | eLetIn nm e1 ty e2 => eLetIn nm (add_prefix e1 ps)
                                 (add_prefix_ty ty ps)
                                 (add_prefix e2 ps)
  | eApp e1 e2 => eApp (add_prefix e1 ps) (add_prefix e2 ps)
  | eConstr ind_nm ctor_nm =>
    let p := Extras.with_default "" (lookup ps ind_nm) in
    eConstr (p ++ ind_nm)%string ctor_nm
  | eConst nm =>
    let p := Extras.with_default "" (lookup ps nm) in
    eConst (p ++ nm)%string
  | eCase (ind_nm, tys) ty e1 brs =>
    let p := Extras.with_default "" (lookup ps ind_nm) in
    eCase ((p ++ ind_nm)%string, map (fun ty => add_prefix_ty ty ps) tys)
          (add_prefix_ty ty ps)
          (add_prefix e1 ps)
          (map (on_snd (fun e => add_prefix e ps)) brs)
  | eFix fix_nm nm ty1 ty2 e1 =>
    eFix fix_nm nm
         (add_prefix_ty ty1 ps)
         (add_prefix_ty ty2 ps)
         (add_prefix e1 ps)
  | eTy ty => eTy (add_prefix_ty ty ps)

Definition add_prefix_gd (gd : global_dec) (ps : env string) :=
  match gd with
  | gdInd nm i ctors b =>
    let p := Extras.with_default "" (lookup ps nm) in
    let ctors' :=
        map (fun '(c_nm, tys) =>
               (c_nm, map (on_snd (fun ty => add_prefix_ty ty ps)) tys)) ctors in
    gdInd (p ++ nm)%string i ctors' b

Definition add_prefix_genv (Σ : Ast.global_env) (ps : env string) :=
  map (fun x => add_prefix_gd x ps) Σ.

A "library" of data types available by default

Module BaseTypes.
  Definition Nat_name := to_string_name <% nat %>.
  Definition Nat := Nat_name.

  Definition Bool_name := to_string_name <% bool %>.
  Definition Bool := Bool_name.

  Definition List_name := to_string_name <% list %>.
  Definition List := List_name.

  Definition Prod_name := to_string_name <% prod %>.
  Definition Prod := Prod_name.

  Definition Unit_name := to_string_name <% unit %>.
  Definition Unit := Unit_name.

  Definition String_name := to_string_name <% string %>.
  Definition String := String_name.

  Import ZArith.
  Definition Int_name := to_string_name <% Z %>.
  Definition Int := Int_name.

End BaseTypes.

Module StdLib.
  Import BaseTypes.

  Definition Σ : global_env :=
    [gdInd Unit 0 [("tt", [])] false;
     gdInd Bool 0 [("true", []); ("false", [])] false;
     gdInd Nat 0 [("Z", []); ("Suc", [(None,tyInd Nat)])] false;
     (* we omit other constructors for now, since in general integer literals are not supported yet *)
     gdInd Int 0 [("Z0", [])] false ;
     (* just for remapping string to Coq string, constructors are not necessary *)
     gdInd String 0 [] false;
     gdInd List 1 [("nil", []); ("cons", [(None,tyRel 0);
                                         (None,tyApp (tyInd List) (tyRel 0))])] false;
     gdInd Prod 2 [("pair", [(None,tyRel 1); (None,tyRel 0)])] false].

  Notation "a + b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% Nat.add %>)} {a} {b} |]
                        (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "a * b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% Nat.mul %>)} {a} {b} |]
                        (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "a - b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% Nat.sub %>)} {a} {b} |]
                        (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "a == b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% Nat.eqb %>)} {a} {b} |]
                         (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "a < b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% Nat.ltb %>)} {a} {b} |]
                        (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "a <= b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% Nat.leb %>)} {a} {b} |]
                        (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "'Zero'" := (eConstr Nat "Z") (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "'Suc'" := (eConstr Nat "Suc") (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "0" := [| Zero |] (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "1" := [| Suc Zero |] (in custom expr at level 0).

  Notation "'Zero'" := (pConstr "Z" [])
                  (in custom pat at level 0).

  Notation "'Suc' x" := (pConstr "Suc" [x])
                    (in custom pat at level 0,
                        x constr at level 4).

  Notation "a && b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% andb %>)} {a} {b} |]
                         (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "~ a" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% negb %>)} {a} |]
                        (in custom expr at level 0).

  Definition true_name := "true".
  Definition false_name := "false".
  Notation "'True'" := (pConstr true_name []) (in custom pat at level 0).
  Notation "'False'" := (pConstr false_name []) (in custom pat at level 0).

  Notation "'Nil'" := (pConstr "nil" []) (in custom pat at level 0).
  Notation "'Cons' y z" := (pConstr "cons" [y; z])
                             (in custom pat at level 0,
                                 y constr at level 4,
                                 z constr at level 4).

  Notation "'True'" := (eConstr Bool true_name) (in custom expr at level 0).
  Notation "'False'" := (eConstr Bool false_name) (in custom expr at level 0).

  Notation "'star'" :=
    (eConstr Unit "")
      (in custom expr at level 0).

End StdLib.