
Library ConCert.Embedding.Wf

Well-formedness conditions

From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import utils.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EnvSubst.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EvalE.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Env.

Import NamelessSubst.

Definition is_type e : bool :=
  match expr_to_ty e with
  | Some _ => true
  | _ => false

Well-formed global environment (In the paper: (WF.i))

Well-formed constructor in the definition of an inductive
Definition constr_ok (nparam : nat) (c : constr) : bool :=
  forallb (iclosed_ty nparam) (map snd c.2).

Well-formed global declarations
Definition global_dec_ok (gd : global_dec) : bool :=
  match gd with
  | gdInd _ nparam cs _ => forallb (constr_ok nparam) cs

Well-formed global environment
Definition genv_ok Σ := forallb global_dec_ok Σ.

Well-formedness condition on evaluation environments wrt. a type: ρ is well-formed wrt. a type ty when for any type variables mentioned in ty, if there is a corresponding expression in ρ (starting from the index n) it corresponds to a type.
  Fixpoint ty_env_ok (n : nat) (ρ : env expr) (ty : type) : bool :=
    match ty with
    | tyInd x => true
    | tyForall v ty0 => ty_env_ok (S n) ρ ty0
    | tyApp ty1 ty2 => ty_env_ok n ρ ty1 && ty_env_ok n ρ ty2
    | tyVar _ => false
    | tyRel i => if Nat.leb n i then
                  match lookup_i ρ (i-n) with
                  (* if there is somethig in ρ, it must be a type *)
                  | Some e => is_type e
                  (* if nothing there, that's ok *)
                  | None => true
                else true
    | tyArr ty1 ty2 => ty_env_ok n ρ ty1 && ty_env_ok n ρ ty2

Well-formedness condition on evaluation environments wrt.

an expression (In the paper : (WF.ii))
ρ is well-formed wrt. an expression e when for any type variables mentioned in e, if there is a corresponding expression in ρ (starting from the index n) it corresponds to a type.

  Definition ty_expr_env_ok (ρ : env expr) : nat -> expr -> bool :=
    fix rec n e :=
      match e with
      | eRel i => true
      | eVar nm => false
      | eLambda nm ty b => ty_env_ok n ρ ty && rec (1+n) b
      | eTyLam nm b => rec (1+n) b
      | eLetIn nm e1 ty e2 => rec n e1 && ty_env_ok n ρ ty && rec (1+n) e2
      | eApp e1 e2 => rec n e1 && rec n e2
      | eConstr t i as e' => true
      | eConst nm => true
      | eCase nm_i ty e bs =>
        let bs'' := List.forallb
                      (fun x => rec (length (pVars (fst x)) + n) (snd x)) bs in
        forallb (ty_env_ok n ρ) (snd nm_i) && ty_env_ok n ρ ty && rec n e && bs''
      | eFix nm v ty1 ty2 b => ty_env_ok n ρ ty1 && ty_env_ok n ρ ty2 && rec (2+n) b
      | eTy ty => ty_env_ok n ρ ty

This predicate defines a subset of types which are values
  Inductive ty_val : type -> Type :=
  | vtyInd : forall ind, ty_val (tyInd ind)
  | vtyRel : forall i, ty_val (tyRel i)
  | vtyForall : forall nm ty , ty_val ty -> ty_val (tyForall nm ty)
  | vtyApp : forall ty1 ty2 ind tys,
      decompose_inductive ty1 = Some (ind, tys) ->
      ty_val ty1 ->
      ty_val ty2 ->
      ty_val (tyApp ty1 ty2)
  | vtyArr : forall ty1 ty2,
      ty_val ty1 ->
      ty_val ty2 ->
      ty_val (tyArr ty1 ty2).

Well-formed value (In the paper: (WF.iii))
 Inductive val_ok Σ : val -> Type :=
  | vokClosLam : forall e nm ρ ty1 ty2,
      AllEnv (val_ok Σ) ρ ->
      ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 1 e ->
      iclosed_n (1 + length ρ) e ->
      iclosed_ty 0 ty1 ->
      iclosed_ty 0 ty2 ->
      ty_val ty1 ->
      ty_val ty2 ->
      val_ok Σ (vClos ρ nm cmLam ty1 ty2 e)
  | vokClosFix : forall e nm fixename ρ ty1 ty2,
      AllEnv (val_ok Σ) ρ ->
      ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 2 e ->
      iclosed_n (2 + length ρ) e ->
      iclosed_ty 0 ty1 ->
      iclosed_ty 0 ty2 ->
      ty_val ty1 ->
      ty_val ty2 ->
      val_ok Σ (vClos ρ nm (cmFix fixename) ty1 ty2 e)
  | vokTyClos : forall e nm ρ,
      AllEnv (val_ok Σ) ρ ->
      ty_expr_env_ok (exprs ρ) 1 e ->
      iclosed_n (1 + length ρ) e ->
      val_ok Σ (vTyClos ρ nm e)
  | vokContr : forall i nm vs ci,
      All (val_ok Σ) vs ->
      resolve_constr Σ i nm = Some ci ->
      #|vs| <= ci.1.1 + #|ci.2| ->
      val_ok Σ (vConstr i nm vs)
  | vokTy : forall ty,
      iclosed_ty 0 ty ->
      ty_val ty ->
      val_ok Σ (vTy ty).

Well-formed evaluation environment contains well-formed values
 Definition env_ok Σ (ρ : env val) := AllEnv (val_ok Σ) ρ.