
Library ConCert.Examples.FA1_2.FA1_2Correct

FA1.2 token contract

A basic FA1.2 implementation inspired by the Dexter2 liquidity token FA1.2 token implementation but with minting and burning removed.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ContractCommon.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Examples.FA1_2 Require Import FA1_2. Import FA12Instance.
From Coq Require Import ZArith_base.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
From Coq Require Import Lia.


Section Theories.
  Context `{ChainBase}.
  Open Scope N_scope.

Contract rejects money

receive only returns Some if the sender amount is zero
  Lemma contract_not_payable : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx msg new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state msg = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      ((ctx_amount ctx) <= 0)%Z.
    intros * receive_some.
    unfold receive, throwIf in receive_some; cbn in receive_some.
    destruct (0 <? _)%Z eqn:amount in receive_some.
    - (* case: ctx_amount > 0 *)
    - (* case: ctx_amount <= 0 *)
      now rewrite Z.ltb_ge in amount.

  Lemma contract_not_payable' : forall prev_state chain ctx msg,
    (0 < (ctx_amount ctx))%Z ->
      receive chain ctx prev_state msg = Err default_error.
    intros * ctx_amount_positive.
    unfold receive,throwIf; cbn.
    destruct (0 <? _)%Z eqn:amount.
    - (* case: ctx_amount > 0 *)
    - (* case: ctx_amount <= 0 *)
      now apply Z.ltb_ge in amount.

Default entrypoint correct

  (* Default entrypoint should never succeed *)
  Lemma default_entrypoint_none : forall prev_state chain ctx,
    receive chain ctx prev_state None = Err default_error.
    intros *.
    destruct_match eqn:e;
      destruct_throw_if e.

Transfer correct

  Definition transfer_balance_update_correct old_state new_state from to amount :=
    let get_balance addr state := with_default 0 (FMap.find addr state.(tokens)) in
    let from_balance_before := get_balance from old_state in
    let to_balance_before := get_balance to old_state in
    let from_balance_after := get_balance from new_state in
    let to_balance_after := get_balance to new_state in
    (* If the transfer is a self-transfer, balances should remain unchained *)
    if address_eqb from to
      (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after) &&
      (to_balance_before =? to_balance_after)
      (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after + amount) &&
      (to_balance_before + amount =? to_balance_after).

try_transfer correctly moves amount from from to to
  Lemma try_transfer_balance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
    transfer_balance_update_correct prev_state new_state param.(from) param.(to) param.(value) = true.
    intros * receive_some.
    match goal with
      [ H : with_default 0 _ <? _ = false |- _ ] => rename H into enough_balance
    rewrite N.ltb_ge in enough_balance.
    unfold transfer_balance_update_correct.
    destruct_match eqn:from_to_eqb.
    - (* from = to *)
      destruct (address_eqb_spec param.(from) param.(to)) as [<-|]; auto.
      rewrite !FMap.map_update_idemp.
      rewrite !FMap.find_update_eq with (map := prev_state.(tokens)).
      destruct (FMap.find (from param) _) eqn:from_prev; cbn in *.
      + now apply maybe_sub_add in enough_balance as [[-> ->] | ->]; rewrite N.eqb_refl.
      + rewrite N.add_0_l.
        apply N.le_0_r in enough_balance.
        now rewrite enough_balance.
    - (* from <> to *)
      destruct (address_eqb_spec param.(from) param.(to)) as [| from_to_eq]; auto.
      rewrite !FMap.find_update_ne with (map := prev_state.(tokens)) by auto.
      rewrite !FMap.find_update_ne by auto.
      rewrite !FMap.find_update_eq.
      destruct (FMap.find (from param) _) eqn:from_prev; cbn;
        [| apply N.le_0_r in enough_balance; rewrite enough_balance];
      destruct (FMap.find (to param) _) eqn:to_prev; cbn;
      rewrite ?N.add_0_l, ?N.add_0_r, ?N.sub_add, ?N.eqb_refl by auto;
      rewrite andb_true_iff, ?N.eqb_eq;
      cbn in enough_balance.
      * specialize (maybe_cases (n - value param)) as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]];
        specialize (maybe_cases (n0 + value param)) as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]];
        cbn; lia.
      * specialize (maybe_cases (n - value param)) as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]];
        specialize (maybe_cases (value param)) as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]];
        cbn; lia.
      * now specialize (maybe_cases n) as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
      * auto.

  Definition transfer_allowances_update_correct old_state new_state sender from amount :=
    let get_allowance addr1 addr2 state := with_default 0 (FMap.find (addr1, addr2) state.(allowances)) in
    let allowance_before := get_allowance from sender old_state in
    let allowance_after := get_allowance from sender new_state in
    (* If from and sender is equal, allowances should remain unchained *)
    if address_eqb sender from
      (allowance_before =? allowance_after)
      (allowance_before =? allowance_after + amount).

try_transfer correctly subtracts amount from allowances if sender is not from
  Lemma try_transfer_allowance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
    transfer_allowances_update_correct prev_state new_state ctx.(ctx_from) param.(from) param.(value) = true.
    intros * receive_some.
    unfold transfer_allowances_update_correct.
    destruct_match eqn:sender_from_eqb.
    - (* sender = from *)
      match goal with
      [ H : Ok (allowances _) = Ok _ |- _ ] => rename H into allowances_eq
      inversion_clear allowances_eq.
      now rewrite N.eqb_refl.
    - (* sender <> from *)
      match goal with
      [ H : with_default 0 (FMap.find _ (allowances _)) <? _ = false |- _ ] => rename H into enough_allowance
      rewrite N.ltb_ge in enough_allowance.
      rewrite FMap.find_update_eq.
      destruct (FMap.find (from param, ctx_from ctx) (allowances prev_state)) eqn:from_prev; cbn.
      + unfold maybe.
        destruct (n - value param =? 0) eqn:n_eq_value; cbn.
        * apply N.eqb_eq in n_eq_value.
          rewrite N.sub_0_le in n_eq_value.
          erewrite (N.le_antisymm n _) by eassumption.
          now rewrite !N.eqb_refl.
        * now rewrite N.sub_add, N.eqb_refl.
      + apply N.le_0_r in enough_allowance.
        now rewrite enough_allowance.

try_transfer does not produce any new actions
  Lemma try_transfer_new_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts = [].
    intros * receive_some.

try_transfer does not change the total supply of tokens
  Lemma try_transfer_preserves_total_supply : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      total_supply prev_state = total_supply new_state.
    intros * receive_some.

try_transfer only modifies the from and to balances
  Lemma try_transfer_preserves_other_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> param.(from) -> account <> param.(to) ->
        FMap.find account (tokens prev_state) = FMap.find account (tokens new_state).
    intros * receive_some account account_not_from account_not_to.
    now rewrite !FMap.find_update_ne.

try_transfer only modifies the sender and from allowances
  Lemma try_transfer_preserves_other_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall allowance_key, allowance_key <> (param.(from), ctx.(ctx_from)) ->
        FMap.find allowance_key (allowances prev_state) = FMap.find allowance_key (allowances new_state).
    intros * receive_some account allowance_key_ne.
    match goal with
      [ H : _ = Ok _ |- _ ] => rename H into allowance_eq
    - (* from = sender *)
      now inversion_clear allowance_eq.
    - (* from <> sender *)
      destruct_match in allowance_eq;
        inversion_clear allowance_eq.
      now rewrite !FMap.find_update_ne.

try_transfer removes empty entries from allowances map
  Lemma try_transfer_remove_empty_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    (forall n, FMap.find (param.(from), ctx.(ctx_from)) (allowances prev_state) = Some n -> n > 0) ->
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall n, FMap.find (param.(from), ctx.(ctx_from)) (allowances new_state) = Some n -> n > 0.
    intros * IH receive_some *.
    destruct_match in *.
    - now contract_simpl.
    - contract_simpl.
      rewrite !FMap.find_update_eq.
      now edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> ?H]].

try_transfer removes empty entries from balance map
  Lemma try_transfer_remove_empty_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall n,
      (FMap.find param.(from) (tokens new_state) = Some n -> n > 0) /\
      (FMap.find param.(to) (tokens new_state) = Some n -> n > 0).
    intros * receive_some *.
    rewrite N.ltb_ge in *.
    destruct (address_eqb_spec param.(from) param.(to)) as [<-|]; auto.
    - rewrite !FMap.find_update_eq.
      now edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> ?H]].
    - rewrite !FMap.find_update_ne by auto.
      rewrite !FMap.find_update_eq.
      rewrite !FMap.find_update_ne with (map := prev_state.(tokens)) by auto.
      edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> ?H]];
      now edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> ?H]].

If the requirements are met then receive on transfer msg must succeed and if receive on transfer msg succeeds then requirements must hold
  Lemma try_transfer_is_some : forall state chain ctx param,
    (ctx_amount ctx <= 0)%Z /\
    param.(value) <= with_default 0 (FMap.find param.(from) (tokens state)) /\
    (param.(from) <> ctx.(ctx_from) ->
      param.(value) <= with_default 0 (FMap.find (param.(from), ctx.(ctx_from)) (allowances state)))
      <-> exists new_state new_acts, receive chain ctx state (Some (transfer param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts).
    - intros (amount_zero & enough_balance & enough_allowance).
      apply Z.ltb_ge in amount_zero.
      rewrite amount_zero; cbn.
      destruct_match eqn:receive_some;
      destruct_match eqn:allowances_eq in receive_some;
      destruct_match eqn:sender_from_eqb in allowances_eq; try congruence;
      try destruct_match eqn:enough_allowance_check in allowances_eq; try congruence;
      try destruct_match eqn:new_balance in receive_some;
      try destruct_match eqn:enough_balance_check in new_balance; try congruence.
      + (* case no contradictions *)
        now inversion_clear allowances_eq.
      + now inversion_clear allowances_eq.
      + (* enough balances contradiction *)
        apply N.ltb_lt in enough_balance_check.
        now apply N.le_ngt in enough_balance.
      + (* enough balances contradiction *)
        apply N.ltb_lt in enough_balance_check.
        now apply N.le_ngt in enough_balance.
      + (* enough allowance contradiction *)
        apply N.ltb_lt in enough_allowance_check.
        destruct (address_eqb_spec ctx.(ctx_from) param.(from)) as [| sender_from_ne]; try discriminate.
        now apply not_eq_sym, enough_allowance, N.le_ngt in sender_from_ne.
    - intros (new_state & new_acts & receive_some).
      rewrite Z.ltb_ge in *.
      split; try assumption.
      rewrite N.ltb_ge in *.
      destruct_match eqn:sender_from_eqb in *.
        destruct (address_eqb_spec ctx.(ctx_from) param.(from)) as
          [send_from_eq | sender_from_ne]; contract_simpl; try discriminate.
      + (* sender = from *)
        now split.
      + (* sender <> from *)
        destruct_match eqn:enough_allowance in *; try congruence.
        now apply N.ltb_ge in enough_allowance.

Approve correct

try_approve correctly sets allowance of (sender, spender) to value_
  Lemma try_approve_allowance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      FMap.find (ctx.(ctx_from), param.(spender)) (allowances new_state) = maybe param.(value_).
    intros * receive_some.
    now rewrite !FMap.find_update_eq.

try_approve does not produce any new actions
  Lemma try_approve_new_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts = [].
    intros * receive_some.

try_approve does not change allowances map of other addresses
  Lemma try_approve_preserves_other_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall allowance_key, allowance_key <> (ctx.(ctx_from), param.(spender)) ->
        FMap.find allowance_key (allowances prev_state) = FMap.find allowance_key (allowances new_state).
    intros * receive_some allowance_key allowance_key_ne.
    now rewrite FMap.find_update_ne.

try_approve does not change total supply of tokens
  Lemma try_approve_preserves_total_supply : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      total_supply prev_state = total_supply new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

try_approve does not change balances
  Lemma try_approve_preserves_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      tokens prev_state = tokens new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

try_approve removes empty entries from allowances map
  Lemma try_approve_remove_empty_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall n, FMap.find (ctx.(ctx_from), param.(spender)) (allowances new_state) = Some n -> n > 0.
    intros * IH receive_some *.
    rewrite FMap.find_update_eq.
    now edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> ?H]].

If the requirements are met then receive on approve msg must succeed and if receive on approve msg succeeds then requirements must hold
  Lemma try_approve_is_some : forall state chain ctx param,
    (ctx_amount ctx <= 0)%Z /\
    (with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx.(ctx_from), param.(spender)) (allowances state)) = 0 \/ param.(value_) = 0)
      <-> exists new_state new_acts, receive chain ctx state (Some (approve param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts).
      try easy.
    destruct_match eqn:H4 in H3; try congruence.
    destruct_throw_if H4.
    now propify.

Get allowance correct

try_get_allowance produces a callback to the correct contract with the requested allowance, the call should carry no balance
  Lemma try_get_allowance_new_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getAllowance param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts = [
        act_call param.(allowance_callback) 0%Z (serialize
          (receive_allowance (with_default 0 (FMap.find param.(request) (allowances prev_state)))))
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

try_get_allowance does not modify state
  Lemma try_get_allowance_preserves_state : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getAllowance param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      prev_state = new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

If the requirements are met then receive on get_allowance msg must succeed and if receive on get_allowance msg succeeds then requirements must hold
  Lemma try_get_allowance_is_some : forall prev_state chain ctx param,
    (ctx_amount ctx <= 0)%Z <->
    exists new_state new_acts, receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getAllowance param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts).
      now propify.

Get balance correct

try_get_balance produces a callback to the correct contract with the requested balance, the call should carry no balance
  Lemma try_get_balance_new_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getBalance param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts = [
        act_call param.(balance_callback) 0%Z (serialize
          (receive_balance_of (with_default 0 (FMap.find param.(owner_) (tokens prev_state)))))
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

try_get_balance does not modify state
  Lemma try_get_balance_preserves_state : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getBalance param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      prev_state = new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

If the requirements are met then receive on getBalance msg must succeed and if receive on getBalance msg succeeds then requirements must hold
  Lemma try_get_balance_is_some : forall prev_state chain ctx param,
    (ctx_amount ctx <= 0)%Z <->
    exists new_state new_acts, receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getBalance param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts).
      now propify.

Get total supply correct

try_get_total_supply produces a callback to the correct contract with the total supply of tokens, the call should carry no balance
  Lemma try_get_total_supply_new_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getTotalSupply param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts = [
        act_call param.(supply_callback) 0%Z (serialize
          (receive_total_supply prev_state.(total_supply)))
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

try_get_total_supply does not modify state
  Lemma try_get_total_supply_preserves_state : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts param,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getTotalSupply param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      prev_state = new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

If the requirements are met then receive on get_total_supply msg must succeed and if receive on get_total_supply msg succeeds then requirements must hold
  Lemma try_get_total_supply_is_some : forall prev_state chain ctx param,
    (ctx_amount ctx <= 0)%Z <->
    exists new_state new_acts, receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (getTotalSupply param)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts).
      now propify.

Init correct

After initialization no accounts should hold tokens
  Lemma init_balances_correct : forall chain ctx setup state,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok state ->
      state.(tokens) = FMap.add setup.(lqt_provider) setup.(initial_pool) FMap.empty.
    intros * init_some.
    now contract_simpl.

After initialization no allowances should be set
  Lemma init_allowances_correct : forall chain ctx setup state,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok state ->
      state.(allowances) = FMap.empty.
    intros * init_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma init_total_supply_correct : forall chain ctx setup state,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok state ->
      state.(total_supply) = setup.(initial_pool).
    intros * init_some.
    now contract_simpl.

initialization should always succeed
  Lemma init_is_some : forall chain ctx setup,
    exists state, init chain ctx setup = state.

Outgoing acts facts

If contract emits self calls then they are for the receive entrypoints (which do not exist)
  Lemma only_getter_self_calls bstate caddr :
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    Forall (fun act_body =>
      match act_body with
      | act_transfer to _ => False
      | act_call to _ msg => to = caddr ->
          (exists n, msg = serialize (receive_allowance n)) \/
          (exists n, msg = serialize (receive_balance_of n)) \/
          (exists n, msg = serialize (receive_total_supply n))
      | _ => False
      end) (outgoing_acts bstate caddr).
    contract_induction; intros; auto.
    - now inversion IH.
    - apply Forall_app; split; auto.
      clear IH. simpl in *.
      destruct msg.
      + destruct m;
      + contract_simpl.
    - inversion_clear IH as [|? ? head_not_me tail_not_me].
      destruct head;
        try contradiction.
      destruct action_facts as (? & ? & ? & ?).
      destruct head_not_me as [[] | [[] | []]]; auto;
        now contract_simpl.
    - now rewrite <- perm.
    - solve_facts.

Contract never calls itself
  Lemma no_self_calls : forall bstate origin from_addr to_addr amount msg acts ctx prev_state new_state resp_acts,
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate to_addr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    chain_state_queue bstate =
    {| act_origin := origin;
      act_from := from_addr;
      act_body :=
        match msg with
        | Some msg => act_call to_addr amount msg
        | None => act_transfer to_addr amount
      end |} :: acts ->
    wc_receive contract bstate ctx prev_state msg = Ok (new_state, resp_acts) ->
    from_addr <> to_addr.
    intros * reach deployed queue receive_some.
    apply only_getter_self_calls in deployed as no_self_calls; auto.
    unfold outgoing_acts in no_self_calls.
    rewrite queue in no_self_calls.
    cbn in no_self_calls.
    destruct_address_eq; auto.
    inversion_clear no_self_calls as [|? ? hd _].
    destruct msg; auto.
    destruct hd as [[] | [[] | []]];
      auto; subst;
      eapply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as (_ & ? & _ & _ & msg_correct & _);
      now destruct_match in msg_correct.

The contract never produces actions carrying money
  Lemma new_acts_amount_zero : forall prev_state chain ctx msg new_state new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state msg = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      sumZ (fun act => act_body_amount act) new_acts = 0%Z.
    intros * receive_some.
    destruct msg.
    - destruct m; try_solve_acts_correct.
    - contract_simpl.

  Lemma outgoing_acts_amount_zero : forall bstate caddr,
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    Forall (fun act => act_body_amount act = 0%Z) (outgoing_acts bstate caddr).
    intros * reach deployed.
    apply (lift_outgoing_acts_prop contract); auto.
    intros * receive_some. simpl in *.
    destruct msg.
    - destruct m; try_solve_acts_correct.
    - contract_simpl.

Contract only produces contract call actions
  Lemma outgoing_acts_are_calls : forall bstate caddr,
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    Forall (fun act_body =>
      match act_body with
      | act_call _ _ _ => True
      | _ => False
      end) (outgoing_acts bstate caddr).
    intros * reach deployed.
    apply (lift_outgoing_acts_prop contract); auto.
    intros * receive_some; simpl in *.
    destruct msg.
    - destruct m; try_solve_acts_correct.
    - contract_simpl.

Contract balance facts

Contract balance should always be zero
  Lemma contract_initial_balance_bound : forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists deploy_info,
      deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some deploy_info
      /\ deploy_info.(deployment_amount) = 0%Z.
    contract_induction; intros; auto.
    - instantiate (DeployFacts := fun _ ctx => (0 <= ctx_amount ctx)%Z).
      unfold DeployFacts in facts.
      now propify.
    - solve_facts.
      now apply Z.ge_le.

  Lemma contract_balance_bound' : forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    let effective_balance := (env_account_balances bstate caddr - (sumZ (fun act => act_body_amount act) (outgoing_acts bstate caddr)))%Z in
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists deploy_info,
      deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some deploy_info
      /\ effective_balance = deploy_info.(deployment_amount).
    subst effective_balance.
    contract_induction; intros; auto.
    - cbn.
    - cbn in IH.
    - instantiate (CallFacts := fun _ ctx _ _ _ =>
        (0 <= ctx_amount ctx)%Z /\ ctx_from ctx <> ctx_contract_address ctx).
      destruct facts as (ctx_amount_positive & _).
      simpl in *.
      apply contract_not_payable in receive_some as not_payable.
      apply new_acts_amount_zero in receive_some as amount_zero_new_acts.
      apply Z.le_antisymm in ctx_amount_positive; auto.
      rewrite ctx_amount_positive, Z.sub_0_r in IH.
      now rewrite sumZ_app, amount_zero_new_acts, Z.add_0_l.
    - now destruct facts.
    - now erewrite sumZ_permutation in IH by eauto.
    - solve_facts.
      + now apply Z.ge_le.
      + rewrite deployed in *.
        match goal with
        | H : Some ?x = Some _ |- _ => inversion H; subst x; clear H
        eapply no_self_calls; eauto.
        now constructor.

  Lemma contract_balance_bound : forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
      env_account_balances bstate caddr = 0%Z.
    intros * trace deployed.
    edestruct contract_balance_bound' as (dep_info & deployment_info_eq & balance_bound); eauto.
    edestruct contract_initial_balance_bound as (dep_info' & deployment_info_eq' & balance_init_bound); eauto.
    rewrite deployment_info_eq in deployment_info_eq'.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
    injection deployment_info_eq' as ->.
    rewrite balance_init_bound in balance_bound.
    apply outgoing_acts_amount_zero in deployed as act_amount_zero;
      try now constructor.
    rewrite <- balance_bound.
    rewrite Zminus_0_l_reverse, Z.sub_cancel_l at 1.
    clear balance_init_bound balance_bound deployment_info_eq dep_info' trace deployed.
    induction (outgoing_acts bstate caddr).
    - reflexivity.
    - cbn.
      apply list.Forall_cons in act_amount_zero as (act_amount_zero & acts_amount_zero).
      rewrite act_amount_zero, Z.add_0_l.
      now apply IHl.

Total supply / token balance facts

Sum of all token balances
  Definition sum_balances state :=
    sumN (fun '(k, v) => v) (FMap.elements (tokens state)).

The balance of a single account is always less than or equal to the sum of all balances
  Lemma balance_le_sum_balances : forall addr state,
    with_default 0 (FMap.find addr (tokens state)) <= sum_balances state.
    destruct FMap.find eqn:balance.
    - eapply FMap.In_elements, sumN_in_le in balance.
      eapply N.le_trans; cycle 1; eauto.
    - apply N.le_0_l.

  Ltac FMap_simpl_step :=
    match goal with
      | |- context [ FMap.find ?x (FMap.add ?x _ _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add
      | H : FMap.find ?t ?m = Some _ |- FMap.find ?t ?m = Some _ => cbn; rewrite H; f_equal; lia
      | H : ?x <> ?y |- context [ FMap.find ?x (FMap.add ?y _ _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add_ne; eauto
      | H : ?y <> ?x |- context [ FMap.find ?x (FMap.add ?y _ _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add_ne; eauto
      | H : FMap.find ?x _ = Some _ |- context [ FMap.elements (FMap.add ?x _ _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.elements_add_existing; eauto
      | |- context [ FMap.add ?x _ (FMap.add ?x _ _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.add_add
      | H : FMap.find ?x _ = None |- context [ FMap.elements (FMap.add ?x _ _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.elements_add; eauto
      | |- context [ FMap.remove ?x (FMap.add ?x _ _) ] => rewrite fin_maps.delete_insert_delete
      | |- context [ FMap.find ?x (FMap.partial_alter _ ?x _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.find_partial_alter
      | H : ?x' <> ?x |- context [ FMap.find ?x' (FMap.partial_alter _ ?x _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.find_partial_alter_ne; auto
      | H : ?x <> ?x' |- context [ FMap.find ?x' (FMap.partial_alter _ ?x _) ] => setoid_rewrite FMap.find_partial_alter_ne
      | H : context [ AddressMap.find _ _ ] |- _ => rewrite AddressMap_find_convertible in H
      | H : context [ AddressMap.add _ _ _ ] |- _ => rewrite AddressMap_add_convertible in H
      | |- context [ AddressMap.find _ _ ] => rewrite AddressMap_find_convertible
      | |- context [ AddressMap.add _ _ _ ] => rewrite AddressMap_add_convertible
      | H : ?x <> ?y |- context [ FMap.find ?x (FMap.remove ?y _) ] => rewrite FMap.find_remove_ne; eauto
      | H : ?y <> ?x |- context [ FMap.find ?x (FMap.remove ?y _) ] => rewrite FMap.find_remove_ne; eauto

  Tactic Notation "FMap_simpl" := repeat (FMap_simpl_step; cbn).

total_supply is always equal to the sum of all account token balances
  Lemma sum_balances_eq_total_supply : forall bstate caddr,
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists cstate,
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate
      /\ total_supply cstate = sum_balances cstate.
    intros * reach deployed.
    apply (lift_contract_state_prop contract);
      intros *; simpl in *; auto; clear reach deployed bstate caddr.
    - intros init_some.
      unfold sum_balances.
      erewrite init_total_supply_correct, init_balances_correct; eauto.
      rewrite FMap.elements_add, FMap.elements_empty by auto.
      now cbn.
    - intros IH receive_some.
      destruct msg. destruct m.
      + erewrite <- try_transfer_preserves_total_supply; eauto.
        rename t into param.
        unfold sum_balances.
        rewrite N.ltb_ge in *.
        destruct (address_eqb_spec param.(from) param.(to)) as
          [<-| from_to_ne];
          [rewrite FMap.find_update_eq | rewrite FMap.find_update_ne by auto];
          destruct (FMap.find (from param) _) eqn:from_balance;
          destruct (FMap.find (to param) (tokens cstate)) eqn:to_balance;
          destruct param; cbn in *.
          * rewrite FMap.map_update_idemp.
            unfold FMap.update.
            apply maybe_sub_add in H1 as [[-> ->] | ->].
            -- rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
               change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, 0)).
               rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
            -- FMap_simpl_step.
               rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
          * rewrite FMap.map_update_idemp.
            unfold FMap.update.
            apply maybe_sub_add in H1 as [[-> ->] | ->].
            -- rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
               change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, 0)).
               rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
            -- FMap_simpl_step.
               rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
          * rewrite FMap.map_update_idemp.
            unfold FMap.update.
            apply maybe_sub_add in H1 as [[-> _] | ->].
            -- now rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin.
            -- FMap_simpl_step.
          * rewrite FMap.map_update_idemp.
            unfold FMap.update.
            apply maybe_sub_add in H1 as [[-> _] | ->].
            -- now rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin.
            -- FMap_simpl_step.
          * unfold FMap.update.
            edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
            -- apply N.eq_add_0 in H3 as []; subst.
               edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_le in H3; apply N.le_antisymm in H3; auto; subst.
                  rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
                  change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (to, 0)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
                  change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, 0)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_r.
                  rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
                  change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (to, 0)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
            -- edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_le in H3; apply N.le_antisymm in H3; auto; subst.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite (sumN_split _ (to, n) (to, n0)) by lia.
                  rewrite <- sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  change n with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, n)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
              --- FMap_simpl_step.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite (sumN_split _ (to, value) (to, n0)) by lia.
                  rewrite <- sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  change value with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, value)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv.
                  rewrite <- (sumN_split _ _ _ (from, n)) by lia.
                  rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
          * rewrite N.add_0_l.
            unfold FMap.update.
            edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ->] | [-> _]].
            -- edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_le in H3; apply N.le_antisymm in H3; auto; subst.
                  rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
                  rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, 0)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_r.
                  rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
            -- edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_le in H3; apply N.le_antisymm in H3; auto; subst.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite <- sumN_inv.
                  change n with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, n)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
              --- FMap_simpl_step.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite <- sumN_inv.
                  change value with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, value)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv.
                  rewrite <- (sumN_split _ _ _ (from, n)) by lia.
                  rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete; auto.
          * unfold FMap.update.
            edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
            -- apply N.eq_add_0 in H3 as []; subst.
               edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_le in H3; apply N.le_antisymm in H3; auto; subst.
                  rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
                  change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (to, 0)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin; auto.
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_r.
                  rewrite <- N.add_0_r.
                  change 0 with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (to, 0)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
            -- edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_le in H3; apply N.le_antisymm in H3; auto; subst.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite N.add_0_r.
                  rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin; auto.
              --- FMap_simpl_step.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite (sumN_split _ (to, value) (to, n)) by lia.
                  rewrite <- sumN_inv, fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  change value with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, value)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv.
                  rewrite <- (sumN_split _ _ _ (from, 0)) by lia.
          * rewrite N.add_0_l.
            unfold FMap.update.
            edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ->] | [-> _]].
            -- rewrite N.sub_0_r. cbn.
               rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin.
               2: FMap_simpl_step.
               rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin; auto.
            -- edestruct maybe_cases as [[-> ?H] | [-> _]].
              --- rewrite N.sub_0_le in H3; apply N.le_antisymm in H3; auto; subst.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step. cbn.
                  rewrite fin_maps.delete_notin; auto.
              --- FMap_simpl_step.
                  2: FMap_simpl_step.
                  rewrite <- sumN_inv.
                  change value with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (from, value)).
                  rewrite sumN_inv.
                  rewrite <- (sumN_split _ _ _ (from, 0)) by lia.
      + erewrite <- try_approve_preserves_total_supply; eauto.
        unfold sum_balances.
        erewrite <- try_approve_preserves_balances; eauto.
      + try_solve_preserves_state.
      + try_solve_preserves_state.
      + try_solve_preserves_state.
      + now rewrite default_entrypoint_none in receive_some.

Account token balances are always less than or equal to total_supply
  Lemma token_balance_le_total_supply : forall bstate caddr,
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists cstate,
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate
      /\ forall addr, with_default 0 (FMap.find addr (tokens cstate)) <= total_supply cstate.
    intros * reach deployed.
    apply sum_balances_eq_total_supply in deployed as
      (cstate & deployed_state & sum_eq_supply); auto.
    rewrite deployed_state, sum_eq_supply.
    clear reach deployed_state sum_eq_supply caddr bstate.
    split; auto.
    apply balance_le_sum_balances.

Empty map entries removed

The tokens map never stores entries of zero
  Lemma zero_balances_removed : forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists depinfo cstate,
      deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some depinfo /\
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
      let initial_tokens := initial_pool (deployment_setup depinfo) in
      initial_tokens > 0 ->
      forall addr n, FMap.find addr (tokens cstate) = Some n -> n > 0.
    intros * deployed.
    apply (lift_dep_info_contract_state_prop contract);
      auto; intros *; clear deployed trace bstate caddr.
    - intros init_some initial_pool_positive * addr_some.
      unfold Blockchain.init in *.
      erewrite init_balances_correct in addr_some; eauto.
      cbn in *.
      destruct (address_eqb_spec addr (lqt_provider setup)) as [<-| addr_ne] in addr_some.
      + now rewrite FMap.find_add in addr_some.
      + now rewrite FMap.find_add_ne in addr_some.
    - intros IH receive_some initial_pool_positive * addr_some.
      unfold Blockchain.receive in receive_some.
      simpl in receive_some.
      destruct msg. destruct m.
      + destruct t.
        specialize (address_eqb_spec addr from) as [<- | addr_from_ne];
        only 2: specialize (address_eqb_spec addr to) as [<- | addr_to_ne].
        * (* case: addr = from *)
          now eapply try_transfer_remove_empty_balances in receive_some.
        * (* case: addr = to *)
          now eapply try_transfer_remove_empty_balances in receive_some.
        * (* case: addr is not related to transaction *)
          eapply try_transfer_preserves_other_balances in receive_some; eauto.
          now rewrite <- receive_some in addr_some.
      + now erewrite <- try_approve_preserves_balances in addr_some.
      + apply try_get_allowance_preserves_state in receive_some.
        now subst.
      + apply try_get_balance_preserves_state in receive_some.
        now subst.
      + apply try_get_total_supply_preserves_state in receive_some.
        now subst.
      + contract_simpl.

The allowances map never stores entries of zero
  Lemma zero_allowances_removed : forall bstate caddr,
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists cstate,
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
      forall sender from n, FMap.find (sender, from) (allowances cstate) = Some n -> n > 0.
    intros * reach deployed.
    apply (lift_contract_state_prop contract);
      intros *; auto; clear reach deployed bstate caddr.
    - intros init_some * addr_some. unfold Blockchain.init in *.
      erewrite init_allowances_correct in addr_some by eauto.
      now rewrite FMap.find_empty in addr_some.
    - intros IH receive_some * addr_some.
      unfold Blockchain.receive in receive_some.
      simpl in receive_some.
      destruct msg. destruct m.
      + destruct t.
        specialize (address_eqb_spec ctx.(ctx_from) from) as [<- | addr_from_ne];
        only 1: specialize (address_eqb_spec from0 sender) as [<- | addr_from_ne].
        * now eapply try_transfer_remove_empty_allowances in receive_some.
        * eapply try_transfer_preserves_other_allowances in receive_some.
        -- now rewrite <- receive_some in addr_some.
        -- intros HH.
            now inversion HH.
        * eapply try_transfer_preserves_other_allowances in receive_some.
        -- now rewrite <- receive_some in addr_some.
        -- intros HH.
            now inversion HH.
      + destruct a.
        specialize (address_eqb_spec ctx.(ctx_from) sender) as [<- | addr_from_ne];
        only 1: specialize (address_eqb_spec spender from) as [<- | addr_from_ne].
        * now eapply try_approve_remove_empty_allowances in receive_some.
        * eapply try_approve_preserves_other_allowances in receive_some.
        -- now rewrite <- receive_some in addr_some.
        -- intros HH.
            now inversion HH.
        * eapply try_approve_preserves_other_allowances in receive_some.
        -- now rewrite <- receive_some in addr_some.
        -- intros HH.
            now inversion HH.
      + apply try_get_allowance_preserves_state in receive_some.
        now subst.
      + apply try_get_balance_preserves_state in receive_some.
        now subst.
      + apply try_get_total_supply_preserves_state in receive_some.
        now subst.
      + contract_simpl.

Total supply correct

  Open Scope Z_scope.

total_supply is equal to the initial tokens
  Lemma total_supply_correct : forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists cstate depinfo,
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate /\
      deployment_info Setup trace caddr = Some depinfo /\
      let initial_tokens := initial_pool (deployment_setup depinfo) in
        cstate.(total_supply) = initial_tokens.
      intros; auto.
    - cbn. unfold Blockchain.init in *.
      now erewrite init_total_supply_correct by eauto.
    - instantiate (CallFacts := fun _ ctx state _ _ =>
        ctx_from ctx <> ctx_contract_address ctx).
      unfold Blockchain.receive in receive_some.
      simpl in *.
      destruct msg. destruct m.
      + erewrite <- try_transfer_preserves_total_supply; eauto.
      + erewrite <- try_approve_preserves_total_supply; eauto.
      + now eapply try_get_allowance_preserves_state in receive_some.
      + now eapply try_get_balance_preserves_state in receive_some.
      + now eapply try_get_total_supply_preserves_state in receive_some.
      + contract_simpl.
    - now destruct facts.
    - solve_facts.
      rewrite deployed in *.
      match goal with
      | H : Some ?x = Some _ |- _ => inversion H; subst x; clear H
      eapply no_self_calls; eauto.
      now constructor.

End Theories.