
Library ConCert.Examples.FA1_2.FA1_2

FA1.2 token contract

A basic FA1.2 implementation inspired by the Dexter2 liquidity token FA1.2 token implementation but with minting and burning removed.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import RecordUpdate.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Monad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ContractCommon.
From Coq Require Import ZArith_base.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.

Definition non_zero_amount (amt : Z) : bool := (0 <? amt)%Z.

Contract types

Section FA12Types.
  Context {BaseTypes : ChainBase}.
  Open Scope N_scope.
  Set Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes.

  (* Dummy implementation of callbacks. *)
  Record callback := {
    return_addr : Address;

  Definition callback_addr (c : callback)
                           : Address :=
  Coercion callback_addr : callback >-> Address.

  Record transfer_param :=
    build_transfer_param {
      from : Address;
      to : Address;
      value : N

  Record approve_param :=
    build_approve_param {
      spender : Address;
      value_ : N

  Record getAllowance_param :=
    build_getAllowance_param {
      request : (Address * Address);
      allowance_callback : callback

  Record getBalance_param :=
    build_getBalance_param {
      owner_ : Address;
      balance_callback : callback

  Record getTotalSupply_param :=
    build_getTotalSupply_param {
      request_ : unit;
      supply_callback : callback

  Record State :=
    build_state {
      tokens : FMap Address N;
      allowances : FMap (Address * Address) N;
      total_supply : N

  Record Setup :=
    build_setup {
      lqt_provider : Address;
      initial_pool : N

  Definition Error : Type := nat.
  Definition default_error : Error := 1%nat.

  (* Any contract that wants to receive callback messages from the FA1.2 liquidity contract
    should have this type as its Msg type. The contract may have other endpoints,
    as composed in the 'other_msg' constructor. *)

  Inductive FA12ReceiverMsg {Msg' : Type} :=
  | receive_allowance : N -> FA12ReceiverMsg
  | receive_balance_of : N -> FA12ReceiverMsg
  | receive_total_supply : N -> FA12ReceiverMsg
  | other_msg : Msg' -> FA12ReceiverMsg.

  (* FA1.2 Endpoints. *)
  Inductive Msg :=
  | transfer : transfer_param -> Msg
  | approve : approve_param -> Msg
  | getAllowance : getAllowance_param -> Msg
  | getBalance : getBalance_param -> Msg
  | getTotalSupply : getTotalSupply_param -> Msg.

End FA12Types.

Module Type FA12Serializable.
  Section FA12Serializable.
    Context `{ChainBase}.

    Axiom callback_serializable : Serializable callback.

    Axiom transfer_param_serializable : Serializable transfer_param.

    Axiom approve_param_serializable : Serializable approve_param.

    Axiom getAllowance_param_serializable : Serializable getAllowance_param.

    Axiom getBalance_param_serializable : Serializable getBalance_param.

    Axiom getTotalSupply_param_serializable : Serializable getTotalSupply_param.

    Axiom FA12ReceiverMsg_serializable :
      forall {Msg : Type} `{Serializable Msg}, Serializable (@FA12ReceiverMsg Msg).

    Axiom msg_serializable : Serializable Msg.

    Axiom state_serializable : Serializable State.

    Axiom setup_serializable : Serializable Setup.
  End FA12Serializable.
End FA12Serializable.

Module FA12SInstances <: FA12Serializable.
  Section Serialization.
    Context `{ChainBase}.

    Instance callback_serializable : Serializable callback :=
    Derive Serializable callback_rect <Build_callback>.

    Instance transfer_param_serializable : Serializable transfer_param :=
      Derive Serializable transfer_param_rect <build_transfer_param>.

    Instance approve_param_serializable : Serializable approve_param :=
      Derive Serializable approve_param_rect <build_approve_param>.

    Instance getAllowance_param_serializable : Serializable getAllowance_param :=
      Derive Serializable getAllowance_param_rect <build_getAllowance_param>.

    Instance getBalance_param_serializable : Serializable getBalance_param :=
      Derive Serializable getBalance_param_rect <build_getBalance_param>.

    Instance getTotalSupply_param_serializable : Serializable getTotalSupply_param :=
      Derive Serializable getTotalSupply_param_rect <build_getTotalSupply_param>.

    Instance FA12ReceiverMsg_serializable {Msg : Type}
                                         `{Serializable Msg}
                                          : Serializable (@FA12ReceiverMsg Msg) :=
      Derive Serializable (@FA12ReceiverMsg_rect Msg) <
        (@receive_allowance Msg),
        (@receive_balance_of Msg),
        (@receive_total_supply Msg),
        (@other_msg Msg)>.

    Instance msg_serializable : Serializable Msg :=
      Derive Serializable Msg_rect <transfer,

    Instance state_serializable : Serializable State :=
      Derive Serializable State_rect <build_state>.

    Instance setup_serializable : Serializable Setup :=
      Derive Serializable Setup_rect <build_setup>.
  End Serialization.
End FA12SInstances.

Contract functions

Module FA12 (SI : FA12Serializable).
  Import SI.

  Section FA12Defs.
    Context `{BaseTypes : ChainBase}.
    Open Scope N_scope.

    Definition find_allowance (k : Address * Address)
                              (m : FMap (Address * Address) N)
                              : option N :=
      FMap.find k m.

    Definition update_allowance (k : Address * Address)
                                (val : option N)
                                (m : FMap (Address * Address) N) :=
      FMap.update k val m.

    Definition empty_allowance : FMap (Address * Address) N :=


Transfers amount tokens, if from has enough tokens to transfer and sender is allowed to send that much on behalf of from
    Definition try_transfer (sender : Address)
                            (param : transfer_param)
                            (state : State)
                            : result State Error :=
      let allowances_ := state.(allowances) in
      let tokens_ := state.(tokens) in
      do allowances_ <- (* Update allowances *)
        (if address_eqb sender param.(from)
        then Ok allowances_
          let allowance_key := (param.(from), sender) in
          let authorized_value := with_default 0 (find_allowance allowance_key allowances_) in
            do _ <- throwIf (authorized_value <? param.(value)) default_error; (* NotEnoughAllowance *)
            Ok (update_allowance allowance_key (maybe (authorized_value - param.(value))) allowances_)
        ) ;
      do tokens_ <- (* Update from balance *)
        (let from_balance := with_default 0 (AddressMap.find param.(from) tokens_) in
          do _ <- throwIf (from_balance <? param.(value)) default_error; (* NotEnoughBalance *)
          Ok (AddressMap.update param.(from) (maybe (from_balance - param.(value))) tokens_)
        ) ;
      let tokens_ :=
        let to_balance := with_default 0 (AddressMap.find param.(to) tokens_) in
          AddressMap.update param.(to) (maybe (to_balance + param.(value))) tokens_ in
        Ok (state<|tokens := tokens_|>
                  <|allowances := allowances_|>).


The caller approves the spender to transfer up to amount tokens on behalf of the sender
    Definition try_approve (sender : Address)
                           (param : approve_param)
                           (state : State)
                           : result State Error :=
      let allowances_ := state.(allowances) in
      let allowance_key := (sender, param.(spender)) in
      let previous_value := with_default 0 (find_allowance allowance_key allowances_) in
      do _ <- throwIf (andb (0 <? previous_value) (0 <? param.(value_))) default_error; (* UnsafeAllowanceChange *)
      let allowances_ := update_allowance allowance_key (maybe param.(value_)) allowances_ in
        Ok (state<|allowances := allowances_|>).

    Definition mk_callback (to_addr : Address)
                           (msg : @FA12ReceiverMsg unit)
                           : ActionBody :=
      act_call to_addr 0 (serialize msg).

    Definition receive_allowance_ n := @receive_allowance unit n.
    Definition receive_balance_of_ n := @receive_balance_of unit n.
    Definition receive_total_supply_ n := @receive_total_supply unit n.

Get allowance

Get the quantity that snd request is allowed to spend on behalf of fst request
    Definition try_get_allowance (sender : Address)
                                 (param : getAllowance_param)
                                 (state : State)
                                 : list ActionBody :=
      let value := with_default 0 (find_allowance param.(request) state.(allowances)) in
        [mk_callback param.(allowance_callback) (receive_allowance_ value)].

Get balance

Get the quantity of tokens belonging to owner
    Definition try_get_balance (sender : Address)
                               (param : getBalance_param)
                               (state : State)
                               : list ActionBody :=
      let value := with_default 0 (AddressMap.find param.(owner_) state.(tokens)) in
        [mk_callback param.(balance_callback) (receive_balance_of_ value)].

Get total supply

Get the total supply of tokens
    Definition try_get_total_supply (sender : Address)
                                    (param : getTotalSupply_param)
                                    (state : State)
                                    : list ActionBody :=
      let value := state.(total_supply) in
        [mk_callback param.(supply_callback) (receive_total_supply_ value)].


Initalize contract storage
    Definition init (chain : Chain)
                    (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                    (setup : Setup)
                    : result State Error :=
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* DontSendTez *)
      Ok {|
        tokens := AddressMap.add setup.(lqt_provider) setup.(initial_pool) AddressMap.empty;
        allowances := empty_allowance;
        total_supply := setup.(initial_pool);


Contract main entrypoint
    Open Scope Z_scope.
    Definition receive (chain : Chain)
                       (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                       (state : State)
                       (maybe_msg : option Msg)
                       : result (State * list ActionBody) Error :=
      let sender := ctx.(ctx_from) in
      let without_statechange acts := Ok (state, acts) in
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* DontSendTez *)
      match maybe_msg with
      | Some (transfer param) =>
          without_actions (try_transfer sender param state)
      | Some (approve param) =>
          without_actions (try_approve sender param state)
      | Some (getAllowance param) =>
          without_statechange (try_get_allowance sender param state)
      | Some (getBalance param) =>
          without_statechange (try_get_balance sender param state)
      | Some (getTotalSupply param) =>
          without_statechange (try_get_total_supply sender param state)
      (* Transfer actions to this contract are not allowed *)
      | None => Err default_error
    Close Scope Z_scope.

    Definition contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error :=
      build_contract init receive.

  End FA12Defs.
End FA12.

Module FA12Instance := FA12 FA12SInstances.