
Library ConCert.Embedding.Examples.AcornExamples

Examples of library code and contracts originating

from the actual Acorn implementation
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICtoTemplate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import TranslationUtils.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import Basics.
From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.

Import MCMonadNotation.
Import ListNotations.

Open Scope list.

All ASTs below were produced by a printing function implemented in Haskell and operating on Haskell representation of Acorn terms. We collect the outputs of our printing procedure for several modules in this Coq file. For the ListBase example, we give also a corresponding Acorn source code

Bool module from the standard library of Acorn

Module AcornBool.
  MetaCoq Run define_mod_prefix.

  Definition Data := [gdInd "Bool" 0 [("True_coq", []); ("False_coq", [])] false].
  Definition Functions := [
    ("not", eLambda "x"
                    (tyInd "Bool")
                    (eCase ("Bool", [])
                           (tyInd "Bool")
                           (eRel 0)
                           [(pConstr "True_coq" [], eConstr "Bool" "False_coq");
                            (pConstr "False_coq" [], eConstr "Bool" "True_coq")]))].

  MetaCoq Run (translateData [] Data).

  MetaCoq Run (translateDefs [] Data Functions).
End AcornBool.

Maybe module from the standard library of Acorn

Module AcornMaybe.
  MetaCoq Run define_mod_prefix.

  Definition Data := [gdInd "Maybe" 1 [("Nothing_coq", []);
                                       ("Just_coq", [(None, tyRel 0)])] false].
  Definition Functions := [
    ("isJust", eTyLam "A"
                (eLambda "x"
                  (tyApp (tyInd "Maybe") (tyRel 0))
                  (eCase ("Maybe",[tyRel 0])
                    (tyInd "Bool")
                    (eRel 0)
                    [(pConstr "Nothing_coq" [], eConstr "Bool" "False_coq");
                    (pConstr "Just_coq" ["x0"], eConstr "Bool" "True_coq")])))].

  MetaCoq Run (translateData [] Data).
  MetaCoq Run (translateDefs AcornBool.exported (Data ++ AcornBool.Data) Functions).

End AcornMaybe.

Import AcornMaybe.

Acorn pairs

Module AcornProd.

  Definition Data := [gdInd "Pair" 2 [("Pair_coq", [(None, tyRel 1);
                                                    (None, tyRel 0)])] false].

  Definition Functions :=
    [("fst", eTyLam "A"
              (eTyLam "A"
                (eLambda "x"
                  (tyApp (tyApp (tyInd "Pair") (tyRel 1)) (tyRel 0))
                  (eCase ("Pair",[(tyRel 1); (tyRel 0)])
                    (tyRel 1)
                    (eRel 0)
                    [(pConstr "Pair_coq" ["x0"; "x1"], eRel 1)]))));
     ("snd", eTyLam "A"
              (eTyLam "A"
                (eLambda "x"
                  (tyApp (tyApp (tyInd "Pair") (tyRel 1)) (tyRel 0))
                  (eCase ("Pair",[(tyRel 1); (tyRel 0)])
                    (tyRel 0)
                    (eRel 0)
                    [(pConstr "Pair_coq" ["x0"; "x1"], eRel 0)]))))].

  MetaCoq Run (translateData [] Data).

  MetaCoq Run (translateDefs [] Data Functions).
End AcornProd.

Acorn List module

We consider the example of verifying certain functions on Acorn lists in the paper. We provide a full source code for the Acorn ListBase we translated

module ListBase where

import Prod
import Bool

data List a = Nil  | Cons a, (List a)

definition singleton a (x :: a) = Cons a x (Nil a)

definition foldr a b (f :: a -> b -> b) (initVal :: b) =
  letrec go (xs :: List a) :: b =
         case xs of
            Nil -> initVal
            Cons x xs' -> f x (go xs')
  in go

definition map a b (f :: a -> b) =
    foldr a List b (fun (x :: a) = Cons b (f x)) (Nil b)

-- This definition corresponds to fold_left from the Coq's StdLib.
-- Recursion is on the first argument.
   This is the only case handled by Acorn -> Coq translation.
definition foldl_alt a b (f :: b -> a -> b) =
  letrec go (xs :: List a) (acc :: b) :: b =
     case xs of
       Nil -> acc
       Cons x xs' -> go xs' (f acc x)
  in go

definition foldl a b (f :: b -> a -> b) (x :: b) (xs :: List a) = foldl_alt a b f xs x

definition concat a (xs :: List a) (ys :: List a) =
   foldr a List a (Cons a) ys xs

definition zipWith a b c (f :: a -> b -> c) =
  letrec go (xs :: List a) :: (List b -> List c) =
    fun (ys :: List b) = case xs of
                           Nil -> Nil c
                           Cons x xs' -> case ys of
                                           Nil -> Nil c
                                           Cons y ys' -> Cons c (f x y) (go xs' ys')
  in go

definition reverse a =
   foldl a List a (fun (xs :: List a) (x :: a) = Cons a x xs) (Nil a)

definition zip a b = zipWith a b Prod.Pair a b (Prod.Pair a b)

definition filter a (p :: a -> Bool.Bool) =
  foldr a List a (fun (x :: a) (xs :: List a) =
      case p x of
        Bool.True -> Cons a x xs
        Bool.False -> xs) (Nil a)

Module AcornListBase.
  Import AcornBool.
  Import AcornProd.

  Definition Data := [
    gdInd "List"
      [("Nil_coq", []);
      ("Cons_coq", [(None, tyRel 0); (None, (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0)))])] false].

  Definition Functions :=
  [ ("singleton", eTyLam "A"
      (eLambda "x"
        (tyRel 0)
              (eConstr "List" "Cons_coq")
              (eTy (tyRel 0)))
            (eRel 0))
            (eConstr "List" "Nil_coq")
            (eTy (tyRel 0))))))
  ; ("foldr", eTyLam "A"
      (eTyLam "A"
        (eLambda "x"
            (tyRel 1)
            (tyArr (tyRel 0) (tyRel 0)))
          (eLambda "x"
            (tyRel 0)
            (eLetIn "f"
              (eFix "rec" "x"
                (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1))
                (tyRel 0)
                  ("List", [tyRel 1])
                  (tyRel 0)
                  (eRel 0)
                  [(pConstr "Nil_coq" [], eRel 2);
                  (pConstr "Cons_coq" ["x0"; "x1"],
                    (eApp (eRel 5) (eRel 1))
                    (eApp (eRel 3) (eRel 0)))]))
                (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1))
                (tyRel 0))
              (eRel 0))))))
  ; ("map", eTyLam "A"
      (eTyLam "A"
        (eLambda "x"
          (tyArr (tyRel 1) (tyRel 0))
                (eApp (eConst "foldr") (eTy (tyRel 1)))
                (eTy (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))))
              (eLambda "x"
                (tyRel 1)
                  (eApp (eConstr "List" "Cons_coq") (eTy (tyRel 0)))
                  (eApp (eRel 1) (eRel 0)))))
              (eConstr "List" "Nil_coq")
              (eTy (tyRel 0)))))))
  ; ("foldl_alt", eTyLam "A"
      (eTyLam "A"
        (eLambda "x"
          (tyArr (tyRel 0) (tyArr (tyRel 1) (tyRel 0)))
          (eLetIn "f"
            (eFix "rec" "x"
              ((tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1)))
              (tyArr (tyRel 0) (tyRel 0))
              (eLambda "x"
                (tyRel 0)
                  ("List", [tyRel 1])
                  (tyRel 0)
                  (eRel 1)
                  [(pConstr "Nil_coq" [], eRel 0);
                   (pConstr "Cons_coq" ["x0"; "x1"],
                    (eApp (eRel 4) (eRel 0))
                      (eApp (eRel 5) (eRel 2))
                      (eRel 1)))])))
                (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1))
                (tyArr (tyRel 0) (tyRel 0))) (eRel 0)))))
  ; ("foldl", eTyLam "A"
      (eTyLam "A"
        (eLambda "x"
            (tyRel 0)
            (tyArr (tyRel 1) (tyRel 0)))
          (eLambda "x"
            (tyRel 0)
            (eLambda "x"
              (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1))
                        (eConst "foldl_alt")
                        (eTy (tyRel 1)))
                      (eTy (tyRel 0)))
                    (eRel 2))
                  (eRel 0))
                (eRel 1)))))))
  ; ("concat", eTyLam "A"
      (eLambda "x"
        (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))
        (eLambda "x"
          (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))
                  (eApp (eConst "foldr") (eTy (tyRel 0)))
                  (eTy (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))))
                  (eConstr "List" "Cons_coq")
                  (eTy (tyRel 0))))
              (eRel 0))
            (eRel 1)))))
  ; ("zipWith", eTyLam "A"
      (eTyLam "A"
        (eTyLam "A"
          (eLambda "x"
              (tyRel 2)
              (tyArr (tyRel 1) (tyRel 0)))
            (eLetIn "f"
              (eFix "rec" "x"
                (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 2))
                  (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1))
                  (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0)))
                (eLambda "x"
                  (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1))
                    ("List", [tyRel 2])
                    (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))
                    (eRel 1)
                    [(pConstr "Nil_coq" [],
                      eApp (eConstr "List" "Nil_coq") (eTy (tyRel 0)));
                     (pConstr "Cons_coq"
                        ["x0"; "x1"],
                        ("List", [tyRel 1])
                        (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))
                        (eRel 2)
                        [(pConstr "Nil_coq" [],
                          eApp (eConstr "List" "Nil_coq") (eTy (tyRel 0)));
                         (pConstr "Cons_coq" ["x0"; "x1"],
                                (eConstr "List" "Cons_coq")
                                (eTy (tyRel 0)))
                                (eApp (eRel 7) (eRel 3))
                                (eRel 1)))
                              (eApp (eRel 6) (eRel 2))
                              (eRel 0)))])])))
                (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 2))
                  (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 1))
                  (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))))
              (eRel 0))))))
  ; ("reverse", eTyLam "A"
              (eConst "foldl")
              (eTy (tyRel 0)))
              (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))))
          (eLambda "x"
            (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))
            (eLambda "x"
              (tyRel 0)
                    (eConstr "List" "Cons_coq")
                    (eTy (tyRel 0)))
                  (eRel 0))
                (eRel 1)))))
          (eConstr "List" "Nil_coq")
          (eTy (tyRel 0)))))
  ; ("zip", eTyLam "A"
      (eTyLam "A"
                (eConst "zipWith")
                (eTy (tyRel 1)))
              (eTy (tyRel 0)))
                (tyApp (tyInd "Pair") (tyRel 1))
                (tyRel 0))))
              (eConstr "Pair" "Pair_coq")
              (eTy (tyRel 1)))
            (eTy (tyRel 0))))))
  ; ("filter", eTyLam "A"
      (eLambda "x"
          (tyRel 0)
          ((tyInd "Bool")))
                (eConst "foldr")
                (eTy (tyRel 0)))
              (eTy (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))))
            (eLambda "x"
              (tyRel 0)
              (eLambda "x"
                (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))
                  ("Bool", [])
                  (tyApp (tyInd "List") (tyRel 0))
                  (eApp (eRel 2) (eRel 1))
                  [(pConstr "True_coq" [],
                          (eConstr "List" "Cons_coq")
                          (eTy (tyRel 0)))
                        (eRel 1))
                      (eRel 0));
                   (pConstr "False_coq" [], eRel 0)]))))
            (eConstr "List" "Nil_coq")
            (eTy (tyRel 0))))))

  MetaCoq Run (translateData [] Data).

  Definition gEnv := (Data ++ AcornBool.Data ++ AcornProd.Data)%list.

  Definition dependencies := AcornBool.exported ++ AcornProd.exported.

  MetaCoq Run (translateDefs dependencies gEnv Functions).

  Definition AcornList := List.

We prove that the imported definitions are equivalent to the corresponding definitions from the standard library of Coq
  Fixpoint from_acorn {A : Set} (acornL : AcornList A) : list A :=
    match acornL with
    | Cons_coq hd tl => hd :: from_acorn tl
    | Nil_coq => []

  Fixpoint to_acorn {A : Set} (coqL : list A) : AcornList A :=
    match coqL with
    | hd :: tl => Cons_coq _ hd (to_acorn tl)
    | nil => Nil_coq _

  Lemma to_from_acorn (A : Set) (l : AcornList A) : to_acorn (from_acorn l) = l.
    induction l; simpl; congruence.

  Lemma from_to_acorn (A : Set) (l : list A) : from_acorn (to_acorn l) = l.
    induction l; simpl; congruence.

  Arguments foldr {_ _}.
  Arguments concat {_}.

  Lemma acorn_foldr_coq_fold_right (A B : Set) (l : AcornList A) (f : A -> B -> B) a :
    foldr f a l = fold_right f a (from_acorn l).
    induction l; simpl; auto.
    f_equal. congruence.

  Open Scope list.

  Lemma concat_app (A : Set) (l1 l2 : AcornList A) :
  concat l1 l2 = to_acorn (from_acorn l1 ++ from_acorn l2).
    revert l2.
    induction l1; intros l2; destruct l2; simpl; try rewrite to_from_acorn; auto.
    f_equal. rewrite app_nil_r. rewrite to_from_acorn.
    clear IHl1; induction l1; simpl. congruence. now f_equal.
    change (a0 :: from_acorn l2) with (from_acorn (Cons_coq _ a0 l2)).
    now f_equal.

  Hint Rewrite acorn_foldr_coq_fold_right concat_app from_to_acorn : hints.

  Lemma concat_assoc :
    forall (A : Set) (l m n : AcornList A), concat l (concat m n) = concat (concat l m) n.
    intros. autorewrite with hints. f_equal.
    apply app_assoc.

  Lemma foldr_concat (A B : Set) (f : A -> B -> B) (l l' : AcornList A) (i : B) :
      foldr f i (concat l l') = foldr f (foldr f i l') l.
  Proof. autorewrite with hints; apply fold_right_app. Qed.

End AcornListBase.

Acorn blockchain-related data types

Module AcornBlochain.

  Definition ABl_data := [
    gdInd "Caller" 0
      [("CallerContract_coq", [(None, tyInd "nat")]);
       ("CallerAccount_coq", [(None, tyInd "string")])] false;
    gdInd "ChainContext" 0
        [(None, tyInd "nat");
         (None, tyInd "nat");
         (None, tyInd "nat")])] false;
    gdInd "InitContext" 0
        [(None, (tyInd "ChainContext"));
         (None, tyInd "string")])] false;
    gdInd "ReceiveContext" 0
        [(None, (tyInd "ChainContext"));
         (None, tyInd "string");
         (None, tyInd "nat")])] false
  Definition ABl_functions :=
    [ ("slotNumber", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "ChainContext")
          ("ChainContext", [])
          (tyInd "nat")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "ChainContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"; "x2"], eRel 2)]))
    ; ("blockHeight", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "ChainContext")
          ("ChainContext", [])
          (tyInd "nat")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "ChainContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"; "x2"], eRel 1)]))
    ; ("finalizedHeight", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "ChainContext")
          ("ChainContext", [])
          (tyInd "nat")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "ChainContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"; "x2"], eRel 0)]))
    ; ("initOrigin", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "InitContext")
          ("InitContext", [])
          (tyInd "string")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "InitContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"], eRel 0)]))
    ; ("initChain", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "InitContext")
          ("InitContext", [])
          (tyInd "ChainContext")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "InitContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"], eRel 1)]))
    ; ("receiveChain", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "ReceiveContext")
          ("ReceiveContext", [])
          (tyInd "ChainContext")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "ReceiveContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"; "x2"], eRel 2)]))
    ; ("receiveOrigin", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "ReceiveContext")
          ("ReceiveContext", [])
          (tyInd "string")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "ReceiveContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"; "x2"], eRel 1)]))
    ; ("receiveSelfAddress", eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "ReceiveContext")
          ("ReceiveContext", [])
          (tyInd "nat")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "ReceiveContext_coq" ["x0"; "x1"; "x2"], eRel 0)]))

  MetaCoq Run (translateData stdlib_prefixes ABl_data).

  MetaCoq Run (translateDefs stdlib_prefixes (StdLib.Σ ++ ABl_data)%list ABl_functions).
End AcornBlochain.

A simple Counter contract

Concrete syntax

module CoqExamples where

import Prim

data Msg = Inc Int64 | Dec Int64

data CState = CState Int64, {address}

definition owner (s :: CState) =
   case s of
     CState _ d -> d

definition balance (s :: CState) =
   case s of
     CState x _ -> x

definition count (s :: CState) (msg :: Msg) =
  case msg of
    Inc a ->
      CState (Prim.plusInt64 (balance s) a) (owner s)
    Dec a ->
      CState (Prim.minusInt64 (balance s) a) (owner s)

Data type definitions corresponding representation of the module CoqExamples above
Definition acorn_datatypes :=
  [ gdInd "Msg" 0
      [("Inc_coq", [(None, tyInd "Z")]);
       ("Dec_coq", [(None, tyInd "Z")])] false;
    gdInd "CState" 0
      [("CState_coq", [(None, tyInd "Z");
       (None, tyInd "string")])] false].

MetaCoq Run (translateData [] acorn_datatypes).

Definition Σ' :=
  (StdLib.Σ ++ acorn_datatypes)%list.

For now, we assume that data types are already translated

Section Prim.
  Definition plusInt64 := Z.add.
  Definition minusInt64 := Z.sub.
End Prim.

Function definitions corresponding representation of the module CoqExamples above
Definition acorn_module : list (string * expr) :=
  [ ("owner", eLambda "x"
      (tyInd "CState")
        ("CState", [])
        (tyInd "string")
        (eRel 0)
        [(pConstr "CState_coq" ["x0"; "x1"], eRel 0)]))
  ; ("balance", eLambda "x"
      (tyInd "CState")
        ("CState", [])
        (tyInd "Z")
        (eRel 0)
        [(pConstr "CState_coq" ["x0"; "x1"], eRel 1)]))
  ; ("count", eLambda "x"
      (tyInd "CState")
      (eLambda "x"
        (tyInd "Msg")
          ("Msg", [])
          (tyInd "CState")
          (eRel 0)
          [(pConstr "Inc_coq" ["x0"],
                (eConstr "CState" "CState_coq")
                    (eConst "plusInt64")
                    (eApp (eConst "balance") (eRel 2)))
                  (eRel 0)))
                (eConst "owner")
                (eRel 2)));
           (pConstr "Dec_coq" ["x0"],
                (eConstr "CState" "CState_coq")
                    (eConst "minusInt64")
                    (eApp (eConst "balance") (eRel 2)))
                  (eRel 0)))
              (eApp (eConst "owner") (eRel 2)))])))

MetaCoq Run (translateDefs [] Σ' acorn_module).

Open Scope Z_scope.

Lemma inc_correct init_state n i final_state :
  (* precondition *)
  balance init_state = n ->

  (* sending "increment" *)
  count init_state (Inc_coq i) = final_state ->

  (* result *)
  balance final_state = n + i.
  intros Hinit Hrun. subst. reflexivity.

Module ForPeresentation.

This is how functions would look like, if we defined them by hand

Definition owner : CState -> string := fun x =>
  match x with
  | CState_coq _ x1 => x1

Definition balance : CState -> Z := fun x =>
  match x with
  | CState_coq x0 _ => x0

Definition count
  : CState -> Msg -> CState := fun x x0 =>
 match x0 with
 | Inc_coq x1 =>
     CState_coq (plusInt64 (balance x) x1)
                (owner x)
 | Dec_coq x1 =>
   CState_coq (minusInt64 (balance x) x1)
              (owner x)
End ForPeresentation.

Module Recursion.

  Definition R_data := [
    gdInd "Nat" 0 [("Zero_coq", []); ("Suc_coq", [(None, (tyInd "Nat"))])] false

  Open Scope nat.

  Definition R_functions :=
    [ ("add", eLetIn "f"
        (eFix "rec" "x"
          (tyInd "Nat")
          (tyArr (tyInd "Nat") (tyInd "Nat"))
          (eLambda "x"
            (tyInd "Nat")
              ("Nat", [])
              (tyInd "Nat")
              (eRel 1)
              [(pConstr "Zero_coq" [], eRel 0);
               (pConstr "Suc_coq" ["x0"],
                  (eConstr "Nat" "Suc_coq")
                    (eApp (eRel 3) (eRel 0))
                    (eRel 1)))])))
          (tyInd "Nat")
          (tyArr (tyInd "Nat") (tyInd "Nat")))
        (eRel 0))

  MetaCoq Run (translateData [] R_data).

  MetaCoq Run (translateDefs [] (StdLib.Σ ++ R_data)%list R_functions).

  Fixpoint Nat_nat (n : Nat) : nat :=
    match n with
    | Zero_coq => O
    | Suc_coq n' => S (Nat_nat n')

  Fixpoint nat_Nat (n : nat) : Nat :=
    match n with
    | O => Zero_coq
    | S n' => Suc_coq (nat_Nat n')

  Lemma Nat_nat_left n : nat_Nat (Nat_nat n) = n.
  Proof. induction n; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

  Lemma Nat_nat_right n : Nat_nat (nat_Nat n) = n.
  Proof. induction n; simpl; f_equal; auto. Qed.

  Hint Resolve Nat_nat_left Nat_nat_right : hints.

  Set Warnings "-ambiguous-paths".

  Coercion Nat_nat : Nat >-> nat.
  Coercion nat_Nat : nat >-> Nat.

  Lemma add_correct (n m : Nat) :
  add n m = n + m.
  Proof. induction n; simpl; f_equal; auto with hints. Qed.

End Recursion.

Module Predicativity.
Definition id := fun (A : Set) (a : A) => a.

Definition id_id_syn :=
      (eConst "id")
      (eTy (tyForall "A" (tyArr (tyRel 0) (tyRel 0)))))
    (eConst "id").

(* Eval compute in (expr_to_term StdLib.Σ (reindexify 0 id_id_syn)). *)

Definition id_forall :=
  eLambda "x"
    (tyForall "A" (tyArr (tyRel 0) (tyRel 0)))
    (eRel 0).

(* Compute (expr_to_term StdLib.Σ (reindexify 0 id_forall)). *)

Application id id fails, since A must be Set, but type of id is forall A, A -> A, which lives in Type
(* Compute (expr_to_tc StdLib.Σ (reindexify 0 id_id_syn)). *)
Fail MetaCoq Run (translateDefs [] [] [("id_id", id_id_syn)]).
(* Illegal application:
The term "id" of type "forall A : Set, A -> A"
cannot be applied to the terms
 "forall A : Set, A -> A" : "Type"
 "id" : "forall A : Set, A -> A"
The 1st term has type "Type" which should be coercible to

End Predicativity.