
Library ConCert.Examples.EIP20.EIP20TokenTests

From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution.Test Require Import QCTest.
From ConCert.Examples.EIP20 Require Import EIP20Token.
From ConCert.Examples.EIP20 Require Export EIP20TokenPrinters.
From ConCert.Examples.EIP20 Require Import EIP20TokenGens.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.

(* -------------------------- Tests of the EIP20 Token Implementation -------------------------- *)

Definition init_supply := (100%N).
Definition token_setup := EIP20Token.build_setup creator init_supply.
Definition deploy_eip20token := create_deployment.

(* In the initial chain we transfer some assets to a few accounts, just to make the addresses
   present in the chain state. The amount transferred is irrelevant. *)

Definition token_cb :=
  ResultMonad.unpack_result (TraceGens.add_block empty_chain
    build_transfer creator person_1 0;
    build_transfer creator person_2 0;
    build_transfer creator person_3 0;
    build_deploy creator 0 EIP20Token.contract token_setup

Module TestInfo <: EIP20GensInfo.
  Definition contract_addr := contract_base_addr.
  Definition gAccount := gTestAddrs5.
End TestInfo.
Module MG := EIP20Gens TestInfo. Import MG.

Module NotationInfo <: TestNotationParameters.
  Definition gAction := gEIP20TokenAction.
  Definition init_cb := token_cb.
End NotationInfo.
Module TN := TestNotations NotationInfo. Import TN.
(* Sample gChain. *)

Local Open Scope N_scope.
Extract Constant defNumDiscards => "(3 * defNumTests)".

Definition post_not_payable (chain : Chain)
                            (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                            (old_state : State)
                            (msg : Msg)
                            (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (_, _), _) =>
    (checker (cctx.(ctx_amount) =? 0)%Z)
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer_from
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false

(* QuickChick (
  {{fun _ _ => true}}
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_no_new_acts (chain : Chain)
                            (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                            (old_state : State)
                            (msg : Msg)
                            (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (_, new_acts), _) =>
    match new_acts with
    | [] => checker true
    | _ => checker false
  | _ => checker false

(* QuickChick (
  {{fun _ _ => true}}
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_total_supply_constant (chain : Chain)
                                      (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                      (old_state : State)
                                      (msg : Msg)
                                      (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), _) =>
    checker (old_state.(total_supply) =? new_state.(total_supply))
  | _ => checker false

(* QuickChick (
  {{fun _ _ => true}}
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition msg_is_transfer (cstate : EIP20Token.State)
                           (msg : EIP20Token.Msg)
                           : bool :=
  match msg with
  | transfer _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Definition msg_is_transfer_from (cstate : EIP20Token.State)
                                (msg : EIP20Token.Msg)
                                : bool :=
  match msg with
  | transfer_from _ _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Definition msg_is_approve (cstate : EIP20Token.State)
                          (msg : EIP20Token.Msg)
                          : bool :=
  match msg with
  | approve _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Definition transfer_balance_update_correct old_state new_state from to tokens :=
  let get_balance addr state := with_default 0 (FMap.find addr state.(balances)) in
  let from_balance_before := get_balance from old_state in
  let to_balance_before := get_balance to old_state in
  let from_balance_after := get_balance from new_state in
  let to_balance_after := get_balance to new_state in
  (* if the transfer is a self-transfer, balances should remain unchained *)
  if address_eqb from to
    (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after) &&
    (to_balance_before =? to_balance_after)
    (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after + tokens) &&
    (to_balance_before + tokens =? to_balance_after).

Definition post_transfer_correct (chain : Chain) cctx old_state msg (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), transfer to tokens) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (transfer_balance_update_correct old_state new_state from to tokens))
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer_from
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false

(* QuickChick (
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition get_allowance state from delegate :=
  with_default 0 (FMap.find delegate (with_default
    (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _) (FMap.find from (allowances state)))).

Definition transfer_from_allowances_update_correct (old_state new_state : State)
                                                   (from delegate : Address)
                                                   (tokens : TokenValue) :=
  let delegate_allowance_before := get_allowance old_state from delegate in
  let delegate_allowance_after := get_allowance new_state from delegate in
    delegate_allowance_before =? delegate_allowance_after + tokens.

Definition post_transfer_from_correct (chain : Chain)
                                      (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                      (old_state : State)
                                      (msg : Msg)
                                      (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), transfer_from from to tokens) =>
    let sender := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker ((transfer_balance_update_correct old_state new_state from to tokens) &&
              (transfer_from_allowances_update_correct old_state new_state from sender tokens)))
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer_from
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false

(* QuickChick (
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition approve_allowance_update_correct (new_state : State)
                                            (from delegate : Address)
                                            (tokens : TokenValue) :=
  let delegate_allowance_after := get_allowance new_state from delegate in
    delegate_allowance_after =? tokens.

Definition post_approve_correct (chain : Chain)
                                (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                (old_state : State)
                                (msg : Msg)
                                (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), approve delegate tokens) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (approve_allowance_update_correct new_state from delegate tokens))
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer_from
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false

(* QuickChick (
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* One key property: the sum of the balances is always equal to the total supply *)
Definition sum_balances_eq_total_supply (state : EIP20Token.State) :=
  let balances_list := (map snd o FMap.elements) state.(balances) in
  let balances_sum : N := fold_left N.add balances_list 0%N in
  balances_sum =? state.(total_supply).

Definition checker_get_state {prop}
                            `{Checkable prop}
                             (pf : State -> prop)
                             (cs : ChainState)
                             : Checker :=
  match get_contract_state EIP20Token.State cs contract_base_addr with
  | Some state => checker (pf state)
  | None => checker true (* trivially true case *)

(* Time QuickChick (forAllBlocks (checker_get_state sum_balances_eq_total_supply)). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)
(* 6.67 seconds *)

(* One key property: the total supply is always equal to the initial supply *)
Definition init_supply_eq_total_supply (state : EIP20Token.State) :=
  init_supply =? state.(total_supply).

(* QuickChick (forAllBlocks (checker_get_state init_supply_eq_total_supply)). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* INVALID PROPERTY: accounts may allow multiple other accounts to transfer tokens, but the actual transfer ensures that
   no more tokens are sent than the balance of the sender. *)

Definition sum_allowances_le_init_supply (state : EIP20Token.State) :=
  (* debug_gEIP20Checker lc None *)
  let allowances := map_values_FMap
    (fun allowance_map => fold_left N.add ((map snd o FMap.elements) allowance_map) 0)
      state.(allowances) in
  let allowances_list := (map snd o FMap.elements) allowances in
  let allowances_sum := fold_left N.add allowances_list 0%N in
  allowances_sum <=? state.(total_supply).

Definition sum_allowances_le_init_supply_P :=
  {{checker_get_state sum_allowances_le_init_supply}}.

(* QuickChick (expectFailure sum_allowances_le_init_supply_P). *)
(* Chain{|
Block 1  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, transfer 10%256 100)};
Block 5  Action{act_from: 11%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 10%256 32)};
Block 6  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 11%256 33)};
Block 7  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 13%256 41)}; |}

ChainState{env: Environment{chain: Chain{height: 4, current slot: 7, final height: 0}, contract states:...}, queue: }
+++ Failed (as expected) after 14 tests and 10 shrinks. (0 discards)

Definition person_has_tokens person (n : N) :=
  fun cs =>
    match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
    | Some state => n =? (FMap_find_ person state.(balances) 0)
    | None => true (* trivial case *)

(* QuickChick (token_cb ~~> (person_has_tokens person_3 12)). *)
(* Chain{|
Block 1  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 11%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 12%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 13%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, transfer 10%256 100)}; |}

Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 1 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards)

(* QuickChick (token_cb ~~> person_has_tokens creator 0). *)
(* Chain{|
Block 1  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 11%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 12%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 13%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, transfer 10%256 100)}; |}

Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 1 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards)

(* This (false) property says that from the initial chain where the token contract has been deployed,
   if there is a reachable state where the creator has 5 tokens, then any trace afterwards
   will satisfy that the creator has 10 tokens. This is obviously not true, and QC will give us a counterexample. *)

(* reachableFrom_implies_chaintracePropSized *)
(* QuickChick (
    ~~~> (fun cs => if person_has_tokens creator 5 cs.(chain_state_env) then Some tt else None)
    ===> (fun _ _ post_trace => person_has_tokens creator 10 (last post_trace empty_state))
). *)

(* Chain{|
Block 1  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, transfer 10%256 100)};
Block 7  Action{act_from: 12%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 11%256 32)}; |}

*** Failed after 1 tests and 9 shrinks. (0 discards)

Definition get_approve_act (act : Action) : option (Address * Address * EIP20Token.Msg) :=
  match act.(act_body) with
  | act_call caddr _ ser_msg =>
    match deserialize EIP20Token.Msg _ ser_msg with
    | Some (approve _ _ as msg) => Some (caddr, act.(act_from), msg)
    | _ => None
  | _ => None

Definition get_transferFrom_act (act : Action) : option (Address * Address * EIP20Token.Msg) :=
  match act.(act_body) with
  | act_call caddr _ ser_msg =>
    match deserialize EIP20Token.Msg _ ser_msg with
    | Some (transfer_from _ _ _ as msg) => Some (caddr, act.(act_from), msg)
    | _ => None
  | _ => None

Definition state_has_some_approve_act (cs : ChainState) :=
  match find (isSome o get_approve_act) cs.(chain_state_queue) with
  | Some x => get_approve_act x
  | None => None

Definition delegate_made_no_transferFroms (approve_act_p : (Address * Address * EIP20Token.Msg))
                                          (cs : ChainState) :=
  let caddr := fst (fst approve_act_p) in
  let approver := snd (fst approve_act_p) in
  match (snd approve_act_p) with
  | approve delegate amount =>
    let acts := cs.(chain_state_queue) in
    let act_not_transferFrom_delegate act :=
        match get_transferFrom_act act with
        | Some (caddr', caller, (transfer_from from to _)) =>
          if (address_eqb caddr' caddr)
          then negb ((address_eqb caller delegate) || (address_eqb from approver))
          else true
        | _ => true
        end in
    forallb act_not_transferFrom_delegate acts
  | _ => false

Definition allower_addr (approve_act_p : (Address * Address * EIP20Token.Msg)) :=
  match snd approve_act_p with
  | (approve _ _) => snd (fst approve_act_p)
  | (transfer_from allower _ _) => allower
  | _ => zero_address
Definition delegate_addr (approve_act_p : (Address * Address * EIP20Token.Msg)) :=
  match (snd approve_act_p) with
  | (approve delegate _) => Some delegate
  | (transfer_from _ _ _) => Some (snd (fst approve_act_p))
  | _ => None

Definition approve_amount (approve_act_p : (Address * Address * EIP20Token.Msg)) :=
  match (snd approve_act_p) with
  | (approve _ amount) => amount
  | _ => 0

Definition transfer_from_amount (transferFrom_act_p : (Address * Address * EIP20Token.Msg)) :=
  match (snd transferFrom_act_p) with
  | (transfer_from _ _ amount) => amount
  | _ => 0

Definition allower_reapproves_delegate_step allower delegate (cs : ChainState) :=
  let acts := cs.(chain_state_queue) in
  match find isSome (map get_approve_act acts) with
  | Some (Some (caddr, caller, (approve delegate' amount)) as act) =>
    if address_eqb caller allower && address_eqb delegate delegate'
    then Some amount
    else None
  | _ => None

Definition delegate_transferFrom_sum_of_approver approver delegate (trace : list ChainState) :=
  fold_left (fun acc step =>
    let transfer_from_acts := fold_left (fun acc act =>
      match get_transferFrom_act act with
      | Some x => x :: acc
      | None => acc
    ) (step.(chain_state_queue)) [] in
    let filter_p p := if address_eqb (allower_addr p) approver
                      then match delegate_addr p with
                           | Some delegate' => address_eqb delegate delegate'
                           | None => false
                      else false in
    let relevant_transfer_from_acts := filter filter_p transfer_from_acts in
    let step_sum := fold_left (fun acc p => (transfer_from_amount p) + acc) relevant_transfer_from_acts 0 in
    step_sum + acc
  ) trace 0.

Definition allower_reapproves_transferFrom_correct (pre_trace post_trace : list ChainState)
                                                   (first_approval_amount : N) :=
  let trace := pre_trace ++ post_trace in
  let reapprove_correct cs :=
  (* Checks if a ChainState has a re-approval act, and if so, then checks that the spent amount in between
     the first approval and the re-approval is not greater than expected. *)

  let res := (allower_reapproves_delegate_step allower delegate cs) in
    isSomeCheck res (fun new_approval_amount =>
      let p := split_at_first_satisfying (isSome o (allower_reapproves_delegate_step allower delegate)) trace in
      match p with
      | Some (trace_until_reapproval, _) =>
        let delegate_spent_until_reapproval := delegate_transferFrom_sum_of_approver allower delegate trace_until_reapproval in
        let delegate_spent_incl_reapproval_act :=
          delegate_transferFrom_sum_of_approver allower delegate trace in
        let total_allowed := delegate_spent_until_reapproval + new_approval_amount in
        (new_approval_amount <? first_approval_amount) ==>
        whenFail (show delegate ++ " spent "
          ++ show delegate_spent_incl_reapproval_act
          ++ " on behalf of " ++ show allower
          ++ " when they were only allowed to spend at most "
          ++ show total_allowed ++ nl)
        (delegate_spent_incl_reapproval_act <=? total_allowed)
      | None => checker false
      end) in
  conjoin_map reapprove_correct trace.

Definition reapprove_transfer_from_safe_P :=
  token_cb ~~~> state_has_some_approve_act ===>
  (fun approve_act_p pre_trace post_trace =>
    isSomeCheck (delegate_addr approve_act_p) (fun delegate =>
      allower_reapproves_transferFrom_correct pre_trace
                                              (allower_addr approve_act_p)
                                              (approve_amount approve_act_p))).

(* QuickChick reapprove_transfer_from_safe_P. *)

Block 1  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 11%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 12%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 13%256, 0)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, transfer 10%256 100)};
Block 2  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, transfer 11%256 7)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, transfer 12%256 34)};
Block 3  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 12%256 32)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 11%256 23)};
Block 4  Action{act_from: 12%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, transfer_from 10%256 10%256 25)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 12%256 8)}; |}

12256 when they were only allowed to spend at most 8

*** Failed after 1 tests and 0 shrinks. (216 discards)