
Library ConCert.Examples.Crowdfunding.CrowdfundingExt

We develop a deep embedding of a crowdfunding contract and prove some of its functional correctness properties using the corresponding shallow embedding

From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import TranslationUtils.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Prelude.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Utils.
From ConCert.Embedding.Extraction Require Import Liquidity.
From ConCert.Embedding.Extraction Require Import PreludeExt.
From ConCert.Embedding.Extraction Require Import SimpleBlockchainExt.
From ConCert.Examples.Crowdfunding Require Import CrowdfundingDataExt.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Env.

From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import Lia.

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.

Import ListNotations.
Import MCMonadNotation.
Import BaseTypes.
Open Scope list.

Note that we define the deep embedding (abstract syntax trees) of the data structures and programs using notations. These notations are defined in Ast.v and make use of the "custom entries" feature.
Brackets like [\ \] delimit the scope of data type definitions and like [| |] the scope of programs

The crowdfunding contract

Module CrowdfundingContract.

  Import AcornBlockchain PreludeExt.Maps.

  Notation "'Result'" := [! Prod (List SimpleActionBody) {full_state_ty} !]
                           (in custom type at level 2).

AST of the validation function

  Module Validate.
    Import Notations.

    Definition maybe_bind_unit_syn :=
     [| \"o" : Maybe Unit => \"b" : Maybe Result =>
        case "o" : Maybe Unit return Maybe Result of
        | Just "_" -> "b"
        | Nothing -> $Nothing$Maybe [: Result] |].

    MetaCoq Unquote Definition maybe_bind_unit :=
      (expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify nil maybe_bind_unit_syn)).

    Notation "a >> b" :=
      [| {eConst (to_string_name <% maybe_bind_unit %>)} {a} {b}|]
        (in custom expr at level 0,
            a custom expr,
            b custom expr).

We check if the amount is zero and then let this check pass, otherwise return Nothing, meaning failure
    Definition validate_syn :=
      [| \tx_amount : money =>
          if 0z == tx_amount then $Just$Maybe [: Unit] star
          else $Nothing$Maybe [: Unit] : Maybe Unit |].

    MetaCoq Unquote Definition validate :=
      (expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify nil validate_syn)).

    Notation "'VALIDATE' amt" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% validate %>)} {amt} |] (in custom expr at level 0).

  End Validate.

AST of the init function

  Module Init.
    Import Notations.
    Import Validate.

The last argument of the init function must be a CallCtx. The init function returns an options type. The init function in Liquidity cannot refer to global definitions, so we have to inline validation
    Definition crowdfunding_init : expr :=
      [| \setup : {params_ty} => \ctx : CallCtx =>
         (if sent_amount ctx == 0z then
            $Just$Maybe [:{full_state_ty}]
             (mkFullState setup (mkState MNil False))
          else $Nothing$Maybe [: {full_state_ty}] : Maybe {full_state_ty})|].

    (* Compute ((expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify nil crowdfunding_init))). *)
    MetaCoq Unquote Definition init :=
      (expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify nil crowdfunding_init)).

We prove that the initialization fails if we send money on contact deployment.
    Lemma init_validated setup call_ctx :
      (sc_sent_amount call_ctx <> 0)%Z ->
      init setup call_ctx = None.
      intros H. destruct call_ctx as [curr_time [sender [tx_amount total_bal]]].
      unfold init,maybe_bind_unit. destruct ?; auto.
      cbn in *. unfold validate in *.
      rewrite Z.eqb_eq in *. lia.

  End Init.

AST of the receive function

  Module Receive.

    Import CrowdfundingDataExt.Notations.
    Import Validate.

Constructors. Res is an abbreviation for Some (st, [action]) : option (State * list ActionBody)

    Definition actions_ty := [! List SimpleActionBody !].
    Notation "'Transfer' a b" :=
      [| {eConstr SActionBody "Act_transfer"} {b} {a} |]
        (in custom expr at level 0,
            a custom expr at level 1,
            b custom expr at level 1).

We specialise some polymorphic constructors to avoid writing types all the time
    Notation "'#Just' a" := [| $Just$Maybe [: Result] {a}|]
                            (in custom expr at level 0,
                                a custom expr at level 1).

    Notation "'#Pair' a b" := [| Pair {actions_ty} {full_state_ty} {a} {b} |]
                            (in custom expr at level 0,
                                a custom expr at level 1,
                                b custom expr at level 1).

    Notation "'#Nothing'" := [| $Nothing$Maybe [: Result] |]
                                (in custom expr at level 0).

    Notation "'#Nil'" := [| Nil SActionBody |]
                            (in custom expr at level 0).

    Notation "[ x ]" := [| Cons SActionBody {x} #Nil |]
                           (in custom expr at level 0,
                            x custom expr at level 1).

    Notation "'DONE'" := (eConst (to_string_name <% set_done %>))
                            (in custom expr at level 0).
    Notation "'UPDATE_CONTRIBS'" := (eConst (to_string_name <% update_contribs %>))
                                      (in custom expr at level 0).

We make the remapping to the Liquidity primitives easier by using this abbreviation for the lookup, since in Liquidity the arguments are swapped
    Definition lookup_map' k m := PreludeExt.Maps.lookup_map m k.
    Notation "'findm' a b" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% lookup_map' %>)} {a} {b} |]
          (in custom expr at level 0,
              a custom expr at level 1,
              b custom expr at level 1).

    Definition crowdfunding : expr :=
      [| \m : msg => \s : {full_state_ty} => \ctx : CallCtx =>
          let sender : address := sender_addr ctx in
          let bal : money := acc_balance ctx in
          let tx_amount : money := sent_amount ctx in
          let now : time := current_time ctx in
          let own : address := owner s in
          let accs : Map := contribs s in
          case m : msg return Maybe Result of
              | GetFunds ->
                if (own ==a sender) && (deadline s <t now) && (goal s <= bal) then
                  (VALIDATE tx_amount) >> (#Just (#Pair [Transfer bal sender] (DONE s)))
              else #Nothing : Maybe Result
              | Donate ->
                if now <=t deadline s then
                  (case (findm sender accs) : Maybe money return Maybe Result of
                    | Just v ->
                      let newmap : Map := madd sender (v + tx_amount) accs in
                      #Just (#Pair #Nil (UPDATE_CONTRIBS s newmap))
                    | Nothing ->
                      let newmap : Map := madd sender tx_amount accs in
                      #Just (#Pair #Nil (UPDATE_CONTRIBS s newmap)))
                else #Nothing : Maybe Result
            | Claim ->
              if (deadline s <t now) && (bal < goal s) && (~ done s) then
              (case (findm sender accs) : Maybe money return Maybe Result of
                | Just v -> let newmap : Map := madd sender 0z accs in
                  (VALIDATE tx_amount) >> (#Just (#Pair [Transfer v sender] (UPDATE_CONTRIBS s newmap)))
                | Nothing -> #Nothing)
              else #Nothing : Maybe Result |].

    MetaCoq Unquote Definition receive :=
      (expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify nil crowdfunding)).

We prove that the call to the receive fails (returns None) if the contract was called with non-zero amount and this is not the "donate" case
    Lemma receive_validated message state
          (call_ctx : SimpleCallCtx) :
      (sc_sent_amount call_ctx <> 0)%Z -> message <> Donate_coq ->
      receive message state call_ctx = None.
      intros Hneq Hmsg.
      destruct call_ctx as [curr_time [sender [tx_amount total_bal]]].
      cbn in *.
      destruct message; tryfalse.
      + simpl. destruct ?; auto.
        unfold maybe_bind_unit. destruct ?; auto.
        simpl in *. unfold validate in *.
        destruct ?; tryfalse.
        rewrite Z.eqb_eq in *. lia.
      + simpl. destruct ?; auto.
        destruct ?; auto.
        unfold maybe_bind_unit. destruct ?; auto.
        simpl in *. unfold validate in *.
        destruct ?; tryfalse.
        rewrite Z.eqb_eq in *. lia.

  End Receive.
End CrowdfundingContract.

Import CrowdfundingContract.

Packing together the data type definitions and functions
Definition CFModule : LiquidityModule :=
  {| datatypes := [msg_syn];
     storage := [! {full_state_ty} !];
     message := [! msg !];
     init := Init.crowdfunding_init;
     functions := [("update_contribs", update_contribs_syn);
                   ("maybe_bind_unit", Validate.maybe_bind_unit_syn);
                   ("validate", Validate.validate_syn);
                   ("set_done", set_done_syn);
                   ("receive", Receive.crowdfunding)
     main := "receive";
     (* The last argument is a tuple corresponding to SimpleCallCtx*)
     main_extra_args :=
       [simpleCallCtx] |}.

A translation table for types
A translation table for primitive binary operations
Definition TT :=
  [(to_string_name <% Z.add %>, "addTez");
  (to_string_name <% Z.eqb %>, "eqTez");
  (to_string_name <% Z.leb %>, "lebTez");
  (to_string_name <% Z.ltb %>, "ltbTez");
  (to_string_name <% negb %>, "not");
  (to_string_name <% Maps.add_map %>, "Map.add") ;
  (to_string_name <% CrowdfundingContract.Receive.lookup_map' %>, "Map.find")].

(* Compute liquidifyModule TT TTty CFModule. *)