Library ConCert.Examples.Crowdfunding.CrowdfundingCameLIGO
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import String.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding.Extraction Require Import PreludeExt.
From ConCert.Embedding.Extraction Require SimpleBlockchainExt.
From ConCert.Examples.Crowdfunding Require Import CrowdfundingExt.
From ConCert.Examples.Crowdfunding Require CrowdfundingDataExt.
From ConCert.Extraction Require Import Common.
From ConCert.Extraction Require Import CameLIGOPretty.
From ConCert.Extraction Require Import CameLIGOExtract.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
Import MCMonadNotation.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Open Scope Z.
Existing Instance PrintConfShortNames.PrintWithShortNames.
Module Crowdfunding.
Notation storage := ((time_coq × Z × address_coq) × Maps.addr_map_coq × bool).
Definition crowdfunding_init (ctx : ContractCallContext)
(setup : (time_coq × Z × address_coq))
: result storage nat :=
if ctx.(ctx_amount) =? 0 then Ok (setup, (Maps.mnil, false)) else Err 0%nat.
Definition init (setup : (time_coq × Z × address_coq))
: result storage nat :=
Ok (setup, (Maps.mnil, false)).
Lemma crowdfunding_init_eq_init ctx setup :
ctx.(ctx_amount) =? 0 -> (* no money should be sent on deployment *)
crowdfunding_init ctx setup = init setup.
intros Hamount.
unfold crowdfunding_init.
now rewrite Hamount.
Open Scope Z.
Import SimpleBlockchainExt.AcornBlockchain.
Import CrowdfundingDataExt.
Import CrowdfundingContract.Receive.
(* We assume that there is a function converting addresses to nat *)
Parameter addr_to_nat : forall `{ChainBase}, Blockchain.Address -> nat.
Definition to_simple_ctx_addr `{ChainBase} (addr : Blockchain.Address) : address_coq :=
if address_is_contract addr then ContractAddr_coq (addr_to_nat addr) else
UserAddr_coq (addr_to_nat addr).
Definition crowdfunding_receive_inner
(c : Chain)
(ctx : ContractCallContext)
(params : msg_coq)
(st : storage)
: result (list SimpleActionBody_coq × storage) nat :=
let res := receive params st
(Time_coq c.(current_slot),
(to_simple_ctx_addr ctx.(ctx_from),
ctx.(ctx_contract_balance)))) in
result_of_option res 0%nat.
Definition crowdfunding_receive (c : Chain) (ctx : ContractCallContext) st msg :=
match msg with
| Some msg => crowdfunding_receive_inner c ctx msg st
| None => Err 0%nat
Definition CF_MODULE :
CameLIGOMod _ _ _ storage SimpleActionBody_coq nat :=
{| (* a name for the definition with the extracted code *)
lmd_module_name := "cameLIGO_crowdfunding" ;
(* definitions of operations on pairs and ints *)
lmd_prelude :=
++ nl
++ nl
++ "let test_account : address = (""tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"" : address)"
++ nl
++ "let init_storage : (timestamp * (tez * address)) = (Tezos.get_now (), (42tez,(""tz1KqTpEZ7Yob7QbPE4Hy4Wo8fHG8LhKxZSx"": address)))";
(* initial storage *)
lmd_init := init ;
(* init requires some extra operations *)
lmd_init_prelude := "";
lmd_receive_prelude := "";
(* the main functionality *)
lmd_receive := crowdfunding_receive;
(* code for the entry point *)
lmd_entry_point :=
"type storage = ((time_coq * (tez * address)) * ((address,tez) map * bool))" ++ nl
++ CameLIGOPretty.printMain "crowdfunding_receive"
We run the extraction procedure inside the TemplateMonad.
It uses the certified erasure from MetaCoq and the certified deboxing procedure
that removes application of boxes to constants and constructors.
End Crowdfunding.
Section CrowdfundingExtraction.
Import Crowdfunding.
Import SimpleBlockchainExt.AcornBlockchain.
Import CrowdfundingDataExt.
Import CrowdfundingContract.Receive.
Definition TT_remap_crowdfunding : list (kername * String.string) :=
[ (* types *)
remap <%% address_coq %%> "address"
; remap <%% SimpleActionBody_coq %%> "operation"
; remap <%% Maps.addr_map_coq %%> "(address,tez) map"
(* simple addresses and the execution layer addresses are treated as the same *)
; remap <%% @to_simple_ctx_addr %%> "(fun (x : address) -> x)"
(* operations *)
; remap <%% eqb_addr %%> "eq_addr"
; remap <%% Maps.add_map %%> "Map.add"
; remap <%% lookup_map' %%> "Map.find_opt"
A translation table of constructors and some constants. The corresponding definitions will be extracted and renamed.
Definition TT_rename :=
[ ("nil", "[]");
("mnil", "Map.empty") ].
Time MetaCoq Run
(CameLIGO_prepare_extraction [] TT_remap_crowdfunding (TT_rename ++ TT_rename_ctors_default) [] "cctx_instance" CF_MODULE).
Time Definition cameLIGO_crowdfunding := Eval vm_compute in cameLIGO_crowdfunding_prepared.
[ ("nil", "[]");
("mnil", "Map.empty") ].
Time MetaCoq Run
(CameLIGO_prepare_extraction [] TT_remap_crowdfunding (TT_rename ++ TT_rename_ctors_default) [] "cctx_instance" CF_MODULE).
Time Definition cameLIGO_crowdfunding := Eval vm_compute in cameLIGO_crowdfunding_prepared.
We redirect the extraction result for later processing and compiling with the CameLIGO compiler
Redirect "cameligo-extract/CrowdfundingCertifiedExtraction.mligo"
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (String.of_string cameLIGO_crowdfunding)).
End CrowdfundingExtraction.
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (String.of_string cameLIGO_crowdfunding)).
End CrowdfundingExtraction.