
Library ConCert.Examples.BAT.BATCorrect

Basic Attention Token contract

Proofs for BAToken contract defined in ConCert.Examples.BAT.BAT.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
From Coq Require Import ZArith_base.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import RecordUpdate.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import BuildUtils.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ContractCommon.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Import BATCommon.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Import BAT.
From ConCert.Examples.EIP20 Require EIP20Token.
From ConCert.Examples.EIP20 Require EIP20TokenCorrect.

Contract properties

Section Theories.
  (* begind hide *)
  Context {BaseTypes : ChainBase}.
  Open Scope N_scope.
  (* Tactics to simplify proof steps *)
  Tactic Notation "contract_simpl" := contract_simpl @receive @init.

  Ltac destruct_message :=
    repeat match goal with
    | msg : option Msg |- _ => destruct msg
    | msg : Msg |- _ => destruct msg
    | msg : EIP20Token.Msg |- _ => destruct msg
    | H : Blockchain.receive _ _ _ _ None = Ok _ |- _ => now contract_simpl
    | H : receive _ _ _ None = Ok _ |- _ => now contract_simpl
  (* end hide *)

Transfer correct

  Lemma try_transfer_balance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
    EIP20TokenCorrect.transfer_balance_update_correct (token_state prev_state) (token_state new_state)
      ctx.(ctx_from) to amount = true.
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_balance_correct; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_preserves_total_supply : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (total_supply prev_state) = (total_supply new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_preserves_total_supply; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_preserves_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (allowances prev_state) = (allowances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_preserves_allowances; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_preserves_other_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> (ctx_from ctx) -> account <> to ->
        FMap.find account (balances prev_state) = FMap.find account (balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some account account_not_sender account_not_to.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_preserves_other_balances; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_is_some : forall state chain ctx to amount,
    (ctx_amount ctx <= 0)%Z /\
    amount <= with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances state))
      <-> isOk (receive chain ctx state (Some (transfer to amount))) = true.
    unfold balances. cbn.
    destruct_match eqn:receive;
      now erewrite EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_is_some, receive.

Transfer_from correct

  Lemma try_transfer_from_balance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx from to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer_from from to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
    EIP20TokenCorrect.transfer_balance_update_correct (token_state prev_state) (token_state new_state) from to amount = true /\
    EIP20TokenCorrect.transfer_from_allowances_update_correct (token_state prev_state) (token_state new_state) from ctx.(ctx_from) amount = true.
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_from_balance_correct; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_from_preserves_total_supply : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx from to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer_from from to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (total_supply prev_state) = (total_supply new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_from_preserves_total_supply; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_from_preserves_other_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx from to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer_from from to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> from -> account <> to ->
        FMap.find account (balances prev_state) = FMap.find account (balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_from_preserves_other_balances; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_from_preserves_other_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx from to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer_from from to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> from ->
        FMap.find account (allowances prev_state) = FMap.find account (allowances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_from_preserves_other_allowances; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_from_preserves_other_allowance : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx from to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer_from from to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> (ctx_from ctx) ->
        get_allowance (token_state prev_state) from account = get_allowance (token_state new_state) from account.
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_from_preserves_other_allowance; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_from_is_some : forall state chain ctx from to amount,
    let get_allowance_ account := FMap.find account (with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _) (FMap.find from (allowances state))) in
    (ctx_amount ctx >? 0)%Z = false ->
    isSome (FMap.find from (allowances state)) = true
    /\ isSome (get_allowance_ (ctx_from ctx)) = true
    /\ amount <= with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances state))
    /\ amount <= with_default 0 (get_allowance_ (ctx_from ctx))
      <-> isOk (receive chain ctx state (Some (transfer_from from to amount))) = true.
    intros * amount_zero.
    unfold balances, allowances, get_allowance_. cbn.
    destruct_match eqn:receive;
      now erewrite EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_from_is_some, receive.

Approve correct

  Lemma try_approve_allowance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx delegate amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve delegate amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
    EIP20TokenCorrect.approve_allowance_update_correct (token_state new_state) ctx.(ctx_from) delegate amount = true.
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_approve_allowance_correct; eauto.

  Lemma try_approve_preserves_total_supply : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx delegate amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve delegate amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (total_supply prev_state) = (total_supply new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_approve_preserves_total_supply; eauto.

  Lemma try_approve_preserves_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx delegate amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve delegate amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (balances prev_state) = (balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_approve_preserves_balances; eauto.

  Lemma try_approve_preserves_other_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx delegate amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve delegate amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> (ctx_from ctx) ->
        FMap.find account (allowances prev_state) = FMap.find account (allowances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_approve_preserves_other_allowances; eauto.

  Lemma try_approve_preserves_other_allowance : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx delegate amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve delegate amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> delegate ->
        get_allowance (token_state prev_state) (ctx_from ctx) account = get_allowance (token_state new_state) (ctx_from ctx) account.
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_approve_preserves_other_allowance; eauto.

  Lemma try_approve_is_some : forall state chain ctx delegate amount,
    (ctx_amount ctx >? 0)%Z = false <-> isOk (receive chain ctx state (Some (approve delegate amount))) = true.
    destruct_match eqn:receive;
      now erewrite EIP20TokenCorrect.try_approve_is_some, receive.

EIP20 functions only changes token_state

  Lemma eip_only_changes_token_state : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx m new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (tokenMsg m)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      prev_state<|token_state := (token_state new_state)|> = new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

EIP20 functions not payable

  Lemma eip20_not_payable : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx m new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (tokenMsg m)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (ctx_amount ctx <= 0)%Z.
    intros * receive_some.
    now eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.EIP20_not_payable.

EIP20 functions produces no acts

  Lemma eip20_new_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx m new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (tokenMsg m)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts = [].
    intros * receive_some.
    now eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.EIP20_no_acts.

Create_tokens correct

  Lemma try_create_tokens_balance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances prev_state)) =
      with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances new_state)) - ((Z.to_N (ctx_amount ctx)) * (tokenExchangeRate prev_state)).
    intros * receive_some.
    setoid_rewrite EIP20TokenCorrect.add_is_partial_alter_plus; auto.
    destruct (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances prev_state)) eqn:from_balance;
      setoid_rewrite from_balance;
      setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add; cbn;
      now rewrite N.add_sub.

  Lemma try_create_tokens_total_supply_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (total_supply prev_state) + ((Z.to_N (ctx_amount ctx)) * (tokenExchangeRate prev_state)) =
      (total_supply new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma try_create_tokens_preserves_other_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> (ctx_from ctx) ->
        FMap.find account (balances prev_state) = FMap.find account (balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some account account_not_sender.
    setoid_rewrite EIP20TokenCorrect.add_is_partial_alter_plus; auto.
    now setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add_ne.

  Lemma try_create_tokens_preserves_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (allowances prev_state) = (allowances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma try_create_tokens_only_change_token_state : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      prev_state<|token_state := (token_state new_state)|> = new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma try_create_tokens_is_some : forall state chain ctx, 0 (ctx_amount ctx)
    /\ (isFinalized state) = false
    /\ ((fundingStart state) <= (current_slot chain))%nat
    /\ ((current_slot chain) <= (fundingEnd state))%nat
    /\ (total_supply state) + ((Z.to_N (ctx_amount ctx)) * (tokenExchangeRate state)) <= (tokenCreationCap state)
      <-> exists x y, receive chain ctx state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (x, y).
      try easy.
    - rename H4 into receive_some.
      destruct_match eqn:funding_active in receive_some.
      destruct_match eqn:amount_nonnegative in receive_some.
      destruct_match eqn:cap_not_hit in receive_some; try congruence.
      all : contract_simpl;
        destruct_or_hyps; try easy.

  Lemma try_create_tokens_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts = [].

  Lemma try_create_tokens_amount_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) -> 0 ctx.(ctx_amount).
    now rewrite Z.leb_gt in *.

Finalize correct

  Lemma try_finalize_isFinalized_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some finalize) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (isFinalized prev_state) = false /\ (isFinalized new_state) = true.
    intros * receive_some.
    split; auto.
    now propify.

  Lemma try_finalize_only_change_isFinalized : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some finalize) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      prev_state<|isFinalized := (isFinalized new_state)|> = new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma try_finalize_preserves_total_supply : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some finalize) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (total_supply prev_state) = (total_supply new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    apply try_finalize_only_change_isFinalized in receive_some.
    now rewrite <- receive_some.

  Lemma try_finalize_is_some : forall state chain ctx,
    (ctx_amount ctx >? 0)%Z = false
    /\ (isFinalized state) = false
    /\ (ctx_from ctx) = (fundDeposit state)
    /\ (tokenCreationMin state) <= (total_supply state)
    /\ ((fundingEnd state) < (current_slot chain) \/ (tokenCreationCap state) = (total_supply state))%nat
      <-> exists x y, receive chain ctx state (Some finalize) = Ok (x, y).
      try easy;
      try now destruct_address_eq.

  Lemma try_finalize_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some finalize) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts =
        (fundDeposit prev_state)
        (ctx_contract_balance ctx)

Refund correct

  Lemma try_refund_balance_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some refund) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances new_state)) = 0.
    intros * receive_some.
    now setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add.

  Lemma try_refund_total_supply_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some refund) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (total_supply prev_state) - (with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances prev_state))) =
      (total_supply new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    now result_to_option.

  Lemma try_refund_preserves_other_balances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some refund) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      forall account, account <> (ctx_from ctx) ->
        FMap.find account (balances prev_state) = FMap.find account (balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some account account_not_sender.
    now setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add_ne.

  Lemma try_refund_preserves_allowances : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some refund) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (allowances prev_state) = (allowances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma try_refund_only_change_token_state : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some refund) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      prev_state<|token_state := (token_state new_state)|> = new_state.
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma try_refund_is_some : forall state chain ctx,
    (ctx_amount ctx >? 0)%Z = false
    /\ (isFinalized state) = false
    /\ ((fundingEnd state) < (current_slot chain))%nat
    /\ (total_supply state) < (tokenCreationMin state)
    /\ (ctx_from ctx) <> (batFundDeposit state)
    /\ 0 < with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances state))
      <-> exists x y, receive chain ctx state (Some refund) = Ok (x, y).
      try result_to_option;
      subst; cbn in *;
      try easy;
      now destruct_address_eq.

  Lemma try_refund_acts_correct : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some refund) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      new_acts =
        (ctx_from ctx)
        (Z.of_N (with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances prev_state)) / (tokenExchangeRate prev_state)))
    now result_to_option.

Init correct

  Lemma init_bat_balance_correct : forall state chain ctx setup,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok (state) ->
      with_default 0 (FMap.find state.(batFundDeposit) (balances state)) = setup.(_batFund).
    intros * init_some.
    now setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add.

  Lemma init_other_balances_correct : forall state chain ctx setup,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok (state) ->
      forall account, account <> state.(batFundDeposit) ->
      with_default 0 (FMap.find account (balances state)) = 0.
    intros * init_some account account_not_funddeposit.
    now setoid_rewrite FMap.find_add_ne.

  Lemma init_allowances_correct : forall state chain ctx setup,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok (state) ->
      (allowances state) = FMap.empty.
    intros * init_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma init_isFinalized_correct : forall state chain ctx setup,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok (state) ->
      state.(isFinalized) = false.
    intros * init_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma init_total_supply_correct : forall state chain ctx setup,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok (state) ->
      (total_supply state) = setup.(_batFund).
    intros * init_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma init_constants_correct : forall state chain ctx setup,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok (state) ->
      state.(fundDeposit) = setup.(_fundDeposit)
      /\ state.(batFundDeposit) = setup.(_batFundDeposit)
      /\ state.(fundingStart) = setup.(_fundingStart)
      /\ state.(fundingEnd) = setup.(_fundingEnd)
      /\ state.(tokenExchangeRate) = setup.(_tokenExchangeRate)
      /\ state.(tokenCreationCap) = setup.(_tokenCreationCap)
      /\ state.(tokenCreationMin) = setup.(_tokenCreationMin)
      /\ state.(initSupply) = setup.(_batFund).
    intros * init_some.
    now contract_simpl.

Functions preserve sum of balances

  Lemma try_transfer_preserves_balances_sum : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (sum_balances prev_state) = (sum_balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_preserves_balances_sum; eauto.

  Lemma try_transfer_from_preserves_balances_sum : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx from to amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (transfer_from from to amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (sum_balances prev_state) = (sum_balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_transfer_from_preserves_balances_sum; eauto.

  Lemma try_approve_preserves_balances_sum : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx delegate amount new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some (approve delegate amount)) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (sum_balances prev_state) = (sum_balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    eapply EIP20TokenCorrect.try_approve_preserves_balances_sum; eauto.

  Lemma try_create_tokens_update_balances_sum : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some create_tokens) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (sum_balances prev_state) + ((Z.to_N (ctx_amount ctx)) * (tokenExchangeRate prev_state)) = (sum_balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    unfold EIP20Token.sum_balances. cbn in *.
    setoid_rewrite EIP20TokenCorrect.add_is_partial_alter_plus; auto.
    destruct (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances prev_state)) eqn:from_balance.
    - setoid_rewrite from_balance.
      setoid_rewrite FMap.elements_add_existing; eauto.
      erewrite sumN_split with (x := (ctx_from ctx, _)) (y := (ctx_from ctx, _)) by eauto.
      rewrite sumN_swap.
      rewrite <- sumN_inv.
      now rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.
    - setoid_rewrite from_balance.
      setoid_rewrite FMap.elements_add; auto.
      now rewrite N.add_comm.

  Lemma try_finalize_preserves_balances_sum : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some finalize) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (sum_balances prev_state) = (sum_balances new_state).
    intros * receive_some.
    now contract_simpl.

  Lemma try_refund_update_balances_sum : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx new_acts,
    receive chain ctx prev_state (Some refund) = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (sum_balances prev_state) = (sum_balances new_state) + (with_default 0 (FMap.find (ctx_from ctx) (balances prev_state))).
    intros * receive_some.
    unfold EIP20Token.sum_balances.
    setoid_rewrite FMap.elements_add_existing; eauto.
    simpl with_default.
    rewrite N.add_0_l.
    change t with ((fun '(_, v) => v) (ctx_from ctx, t)).
    rewrite sumN_inv.
    now rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_delete.

  Lemma init_preserves_balances_sum : forall state chain ctx setup,
    init chain ctx setup = Ok (state) ->
      (sum_balances state) = (total_supply state).
    intros * receive_some.
    unfold EIP20Token.sum_balances.
    subst. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite FMap.elements_add; auto.
    rewrite fin_maps.map_to_list_empty.
    now apply N.add_0_r.

Sum of balances always equals total supply

In any reachable state the sum of token balance will be equal to the total supply of tokens
  Lemma sum_balances_eq_total_supply bstate caddr :
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists cstate,
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate
      /\ (total_supply cstate) = (sum_balances cstate).
    intros * reach deployed.
    apply (lift_contract_state_prop contract);
      intros *; auto; clear reach deployed bstate caddr.
    - intros init_some.
      now apply init_preserves_balances_sum in init_some.
    - intros IH receive_some.
      unfold Blockchain.receive in receive_some.
      cbn in receive_some.
      + now erewrite <- try_transfer_preserves_balances_sum,
                    <- try_transfer_preserves_total_supply.
      + now erewrite <- try_transfer_from_preserves_balances_sum,
                    <- try_transfer_from_preserves_total_supply.
      + now erewrite <- try_approve_preserves_balances_sum,
                    <- try_approve_preserves_total_supply.
      + now erewrite <- try_create_tokens_update_balances_sum,
                    <- try_create_tokens_total_supply_correct; eauto.
      + now erewrite <- try_finalize_preserves_balances_sum,
                    <- try_finalize_preserves_total_supply.
      + apply try_refund_update_balances_sum in receive_some as balance_sum.
        now apply try_refund_total_supply_correct in receive_some.

Total supply can only grow before funding fails

If funding period is active or funding goal was hit then the total supply of tokens cannot decrease
  Lemma receive_total_supply_increasing : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx msg new_acts,
    ((current_slot chain) <= (fundingEnd prev_state))%nat \/ tokenCreationMin prev_state <= total_supply prev_state->
    receive chain ctx prev_state msg = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
        (total_supply prev_state) <= (total_supply new_state).
    intros * funding_active receive_some.
    - apply try_transfer_preserves_total_supply in receive_some. lia.
    - apply try_transfer_from_preserves_total_supply in receive_some. lia.
    - apply try_approve_preserves_total_supply in receive_some. lia.
    - apply try_create_tokens_total_supply_correct in receive_some.
      rewrite <- receive_some. apply N.le_add_r.
    - apply try_finalize_preserves_total_supply in receive_some. lia.
    - edestruct try_refund_is_some as [_ refund_implications].
      rewrite receive_some in refund_implications.
      now destruct refund_implications.

Constants are constant

Constants should never change after receiving msg
Constants are always equal to the initial assignment
  Lemma constants_are_constant bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate) :
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists deploy_info cstate,
      deployment_info _ trace caddr = Some deploy_info
      /\ contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate
      /\ let setup := deploy_info.(deployment_setup) in
          cstate.(fundDeposit) = setup.(_fundDeposit)
        /\ cstate.(batFundDeposit) = setup.(_batFundDeposit)
        /\ cstate.(fundingStart) = setup.(_fundingStart)
        /\ cstate.(fundingEnd) = setup.(_fundingEnd)
        /\ cstate.(tokenExchangeRate) = setup.(_tokenExchangeRate)
        /\ cstate.(tokenCreationCap) = setup.(_tokenCreationCap)
        /\ cstate.(tokenCreationMin) = setup.(_tokenCreationMin)
        /\ cstate.(initSupply) = setup.(_batFund).
    apply (lift_dep_info_contract_state_prop contract); intros *.
    - intros init_some.
      now apply init_constants_correct in init_some.
    - intros IH receive_some.
      now apply receive_preserves_constants in receive_some.

Finalize cannot be undone

Once the contract is in the finalized state it cannot leave it
  Lemma final_is_final : forall prev_state new_state chain ctx msg new_acts,
    (isFinalized prev_state) = true /\
    receive chain ctx prev_state msg = Ok (new_state, new_acts) ->
      (isFinalized new_state) = true.
    intros * (finalized & receive_some).
      try now rewrite <- (eip_only_changes_token_state _ _ _ _ _ _ receive_some).
    - now rewrite <- (try_create_tokens_only_change_token_state _ _ _ _ _ receive_some).
    - now apply try_finalize_isFinalized_correct in receive_some.
    - now rewrite <- (try_refund_only_change_token_state _ _ _ _ _ receive_some).

Cannot finalize if goal not hit

  Lemma no_finalization_before_goal bstate caddr :
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists cstate,
      contract_state bstate caddr = Some cstate
      /\ (total_supply cstate < tokenCreationMin cstate -> isFinalized cstate = false).
    intros * reach deployed.
    apply (lift_contract_state_prop contract);
      intros *; auto; clear reach deployed bstate caddr.
    - intros ? init_some.
      unfold Blockchain.init in *.
      now eapply init_isFinalized_correct.
    - intros IH receive_some ?.
        try apply eip_only_changes_token_state in receive_some as finalized_unchanged.
      + apply try_transfer_preserves_total_supply in receive_some as supply_unchanged.
        now rewrite supply_unchanged, <- finalized_unchanged in *.
      + apply try_transfer_from_preserves_total_supply in receive_some as supply_unchanged.
        now rewrite supply_unchanged, <- finalized_unchanged in *.
      + apply try_approve_preserves_total_supply in receive_some as supply_unchanged.
        now rewrite supply_unchanged, <- finalized_unchanged in *.
      + contract_simpl.
        now propify.
      + contract_simpl.
        now rewrite <- N.nlt_ge in *.
      + contract_simpl.
        now propify.

It is always possible to finalize

Prove that it is always possible to reach a state where the token is finalized if the funding goal was reached
  Lemma can_finalize_if_creation_min : forall bstate (reward : Amount) (caddr creator : Address),
    address_is_contract creator = false ->
    (reward >= 0)%Z ->
    reachable bstate ->
    emptyable (chain_state_queue bstate) ->
    (exists cstate,
      env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (BAT.contract : WeakContract)
      /\ env_contract_states bstate caddr = Some (serializeState cstate)
      /\ (tokenCreationMin cstate) <= (total_supply cstate)
      /\ address_is_contract (fundDeposit cstate) = false)
        exists bstate', reachable_through bstate bstate'
          /\ emptyable (chain_state_queue bstate')
          /\ exists cstate',
          env_contracts bstate' caddr = Some (BAT.contract : WeakContract)
          /\ env_contract_states bstate' caddr = Some (serializeState cstate')
          /\ (isFinalized cstate') = true.
    intros * Hcreator Hreward bstate_reachable bstate_queue H.
    (* Empty the action queue so that we can add new blocks *)
    empty_queue H; destruct H as (cstate & contract_deployed & contract_state & creation_min & fund_deposit_not_contract);
      (* Prove that H is preserved after transfers, discarding invalid actions, calling other contracts and deploying contracts *)
      only 3: destruct (address_eqdec caddr to_addr);
      try (now eexists; rewrite_environment_equiv; repeat split; eauto;
          cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy).
    - (* Prove that H is preserved after calls to the contract *)
      clear amount_nonnegative enough_balance reward Hreward creator Hcreator
        bstate_queue bstate_reachable bstate new_acts_eq act_eq.
      rewrite contract_deployed in deployed.
      inversion deployed. subst.
      rewrite contract_state in deployed_state.
      inversion deployed_state. subst.
      clear deployed_state deployed.
      apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
        (prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state & _ & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
      setoid_rewrite deserialize_serialize in serialize_prev_state.
      inversion serialize_prev_state. subst.
      clear serialize_prev_state.
      apply receive_total_supply_increasing in receive_some as total_supply_increasing; try (cbn; lia).
      apply receive_preserves_constants in receive_some as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
      repeat match goal with
      | H : _ prev_state' = _ new_state' |- _=> try rewrite H in *; clear H
      exists new_state'.
      rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; repeat split; eauto;
      cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy.
      eapply N.le_trans; eauto.
    - update_all.
      (* First check if contract is already finalized, if it is, we just use the current state to finish proof *)
      destruct (isFinalized cstate) eqn:finalized;
        [eexists; rewrite queue; split; eauto; split; eauto; eapply empty_queue_is_emptyable |].
      (* Fast forward time/slot to "fundingEnd" so that we know for sure that the funding period is not active
          in the next block *)

      forward_time (cstate.(fundingEnd)); eauto.
      (* forward_time gives us a new ChainState, so we no longer need the old one therefore
          we call update_all to replace all occurrences of the old ChainState with the new one *)

      (* Now we know that the funding period is over or on its last slot and the funding minimum has been hit.
        So now we can add a new block containing a finalize call *)

      add_block [(finalize_act cstate caddr)] 1%nat; eauto. apply list.Forall_singleton, address_eq_refl.
      (* The hypothesis "slot_hit" no longer holds so we have to update it manually before calling update_all *)
      update (S (fundingEnd cstate) <= current_slot bstate0)%nat in slot_hit by
        (rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; easy).
      clear reward Hreward creator Hcreator.

      (* We can now evaluate the action we added giving us a ChainState where
          the token is in its finalized state *)

      evaluate_action BAT.contract; try easy.
      + (* Prove that there is enough balance to evaluate action *)
        now apply account_balance_nonnegative.
      + (* Prove that receive action returns Some *)
        edestruct (try_finalize_is_some cstate bstate0) as ((new_cstate & new_act & receive_some) & _); cycle 1.
        * edestruct try_finalize_isFinalized_correct as [_ finalized_new_cstate]; eauto.
          now erewrite <- (try_finalize_only_change_isFinalized _ _ _ _ _ receive_some),
                      finalized_new_cstate, (try_finalize_acts_correct _ _ _ _ _ receive_some) in receive_some.
        * repeat split; eauto.
      + cbn in *.
        clear contract_state slot_hit creation_min.
          [rewrite queue0; do 3 f_equal; repeat (rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy)|].
        (* Finally we need to evaluate the new transfer action that finalize produced *)
        evaluate_transfer; try easy.
        * (* Prove that the transfer is nonnegative *)
          try rewrite Z.add_0_r;
          now apply account_balance_nonnegative.
        * (* Prove that there is enough balance to evaluate the transfer *)
          try rewrite Z.add_0_r;
          apply Z.le_ge, Z.le_refl.
        * exists bstate0.
          split; eauto.
          rewrite queue.
          split; try apply empty_queue_is_emptyable.
          now repeat split; try (rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; eauto).

Prove that it is always possible to reach a state where the token is finalized if there is enough money in the blockchain and the contract constants have valid values
  Lemma can_finalize_if_deployed : forall deployed_bstate (reward : Amount) (caddr creator : Address) accounts,
    address_is_contract creator = false ->
    (reward >= 0)%Z ->
    reachable deployed_bstate ->
    emptyable (chain_state_queue deployed_bstate) ->
    NoDup accounts ->
    Forall (fun acc => address_is_contract acc = false) accounts ->
    (exists deployed_cstate,
      env_contracts deployed_bstate caddr = Some (BAT.contract : WeakContract)
      /\ env_contract_states deployed_bstate caddr = Some (serializeState deployed_cstate)
      /\ (((tokenCreationMin deployed_cstate) - (total_supply deployed_cstate))) <=
              ((Z.to_N (spendable_balance deployed_bstate accounts)) * (tokenExchangeRate deployed_cstate))
      /\ deployed_cstate.(tokenExchangeRate) <= deployed_cstate.(tokenCreationCap) - deployed_cstate.(tokenCreationMin)
      /\ ((fundingStart deployed_cstate) <= (current_slot (env_chain deployed_bstate)))%nat
      /\ ((current_slot (env_chain deployed_bstate)) < (fundingEnd deployed_cstate))%nat
      /\ address_is_contract (fundDeposit deployed_cstate) = false
      /\ deployed_cstate.(tokenExchangeRate) <> 0)
        exists bstate, reachable_through deployed_bstate bstate
          /\ emptyable (chain_state_queue bstate)
          /\ exists cstate,
          env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (BAT.contract : WeakContract)
          /\ env_contract_states bstate caddr = Some (serializeState cstate)
          /\ (isFinalized cstate) = true.
    intros * Hcreator Hreward reach' empty accounts_unique accounts_not_contracts H.
    (* Empty the action queue so that we can add new blocks *)
    empty_queue H; destruct H as
      (cstate & contract_deployed & contract_state & enough_balance_to_fund &
      can_hit_fund_min & funding_period_started & funding_period_not_over &
      fund_deposit_not_contract & echange_rate_nonzero);
      (* Prove that H is preserved after transfers, discarding invalid actions, calling other contracts and deploying contracts *)
      only 3: destruct (address_eqdec caddr to_addr);
      try now exists cstate;
          repeat split; eauto;
            try (rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; (easy || now destruct_address_eq));
          eapply N.le_trans; [apply enough_balance_to_fund | apply N.mul_le_mono_r, Z2N.inj_le; try now apply spendable_balance_positive];
          eapply spendable_consume_act; eauto;
            intros; rewrite_environment_equiv; subst; (try destruct msg);
            cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy; lia.
    - (* Prove that H is preserved after calls to the contract *)
      clear enough_balance reward Hreward creator Hcreator empty reach'
        deployed_bstate new_acts_eq accounts_unique accounts_not_contracts.
      rewrite contract_deployed in deployed.
      inversion deployed.
      rewrite contract_state in deployed_state.
      inversion deployed_state.
      clear deployed_state deployed.
      apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
        (prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state & serialize_msg & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
      setoid_rewrite deserialize_serialize in serialize_prev_state.
      inversion serialize_prev_state. subst.
      clear serialize_prev_state.
      apply receive_total_supply_increasing in receive_some as total_supply_increasing; try (cbn; lia).
      apply receive_preserves_constants in receive_some as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
      repeat match goal with
      | H : _ prev_state' = _ new_state' |- _=> try rewrite H in *; clear H
      eexists new_state'.
      repeat split; eauto;
        try (rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; (easy || now destruct_address_eq)).
      eapply N.le_trans in enough_balance_to_fund; [| apply N.sub_le_mono_l, total_supply_increasing].
      eapply N.le_trans.
      apply enough_balance_to_fund.
      apply N.mul_le_mono_r, Z2N.inj_le; try now apply spendable_balance_positive.
      eapply spendable_consume_act; eauto;
        intros; rewrite_environment_equiv; subst; destruct msg;
        cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy; lia.
    - (* Update goal and eliminate all occurrences of old ChainState *)
      (* Now that the queue is empty we can switch from using spendable_balance
        to total_balance to simplify the proof *)

      rewrite spendable_eq_total_balance in enough_balance_to_fund; eauto.

      (* First check if contract is already finalized, if it is, we just use the current state to finish proof *)
      destruct (isFinalized cstate) eqn:finalized;
        [eexists; split; eauto; rewrite queue; split; eauto; apply empty_queue_is_emptyable |].

      (* Next add a new block containing enough create_tokens actions to reach funding goal *)
      add_block (create_token_acts (bstate<|env_account_balances := add_balance creator reward bstate.(env_account_balances)|>) caddr accounts
              ((tokenCreationMin cstate) - (total_supply cstate)) cstate.(tokenExchangeRate)) 1%nat;
        only 1: apply Hcreator; eauto; [now apply All_Forall.In_Forall, create_token_acts_is_account | apply create_token_acts_origin_correct |].
      (* Prove that the funding period is still not over *)
      update ((current_slot bstate0) <= (fundingEnd cstate))%nat in funding_period_not_over by
        (rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; lia).
      (* Prove that the environment in the new ChainState is correct *)
      update (setter_from_getter_Environment_env_account_balances
                (fun _ : Address -> Amount => add_balance creator reward (env_account_balances bstate)) bstate)
        with bstate0.(chain_state_env) in queue0 by
        (rewrite queue0; apply create_token_acts_eq; intros; now rewrite_environment_equiv).
      (* Prove that there is still enough balance in accounts to hit funding goal *)
      update bstate with bstate0 in enough_balance_to_fund.
      { eapply N.le_trans; eauto.
        apply N.mul_le_mono_r, Z2N.inj_le;
          try now apply total_balance_positive.
        apply (total_balance_le bstate).
        intros. rewrite_environment_equiv. cbn.
        destruct_address_eq; lia.
      generalize dependent bstate0.
      generalize dependent cstate.

      (* Next we do induction on account to evaluate all the actions added to the queue *)
      induction accounts; intros.
      + (* If the queue is empty then we know that the funding goal was hit
            and can then apply can_finalize_if_creation_min *)

        clear accounts_unique accounts_not_contracts can_hit_fund_min echange_rate_nonzero
              finalized funding_period_not_over funding_period_started.
        apply N.le_0_r, N.sub_0_le in enough_balance_to_fund.
        specialize (can_finalize_if_creation_min bstate0 reward caddr creator).
        intros []; eauto.
        rewrite queue0.
        apply empty_queue_is_emptyable.
      + clear reward Hreward creator Hcreator.
        apply NoDup_cons_iff in accounts_unique as [accounts_unique accounts_unique'].
        apply list.Forall_cons in accounts_not_contracts as [accounts_not_contracts accounts_not_contracts'].

        (* Check if funding goal was already hit *)
        destruct (tokenCreationMin cstate - total_supply cstate) eqn:tokens_left_to_fund.
        * (* If funding goal is reached then we know that create_token_acts will not
              produce any more actions, so the queue is actually empty.
            Therefore we can directly apply the induction hypothesis *)

          eapply IHaccounts; eauto.
        -- now rewrite tokens_left_to_fund.
        -- rewrite tokens_left_to_fund.
            apply N.le_0_l.
        * rewrite <- tokens_left_to_fund in *.
          (* We check if the account balance is 0 *)
          destruct (0 <? env_account_balances bstate0 a)%Z eqn:balance_positive; cycle 1;
            [apply Z.ltb_ge in balance_positive | apply Z.ltb_lt in balance_positive].
          { (* If account balance is 0 then we need to discard the action as it
                cannot be evaluated *)

            assert (amount_zero : (forall x, x <= 0 -> Z.to_N x = 0%N)%Z) by lia.
            rewrite create_token_acts_cons, amount_zero, N.min_0_r, N.mul_0_l, N.sub_0_r in queue0 by lia.
            discard_invalid_action; eauto.
            - (* Prove that the action cannot be evaluated since create_tokens
                  requires to be called with amount > 0 *)

              clear dependent accounts.
              clear dependent cstate.
              clear p reach0 accounts_not_contracts balance_positive.
              intros * eval.
                try destruct msg; inversion act_eq; subst.
              rewrite contract_deployed in deployed.
              inversion deployed. subst.
              clear deployed.
              apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
                (prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state & serialize_msg & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
              destruct_match in serialize_msg; try congruence.
              cbn in serialize_msg.
              setoid_rewrite deserialize_serialize in serialize_msg.
              inversion serialize_msg. subst.
              now apply try_create_tokens_amount_correct in receive_some.
            - (* Apply induction hypothesis *)
              edestruct IHaccounts with (bstate0 := bstate) (cstate := cstate) as
                (bstate_new & reach_new & emptyable_new & H); eauto; try (rewrite_environment_equiv; eauto).
              + rewrite queue.
                apply create_token_acts_eq.
                intros. now rewrite_environment_equiv.
              + rewrite total_balance_distr, N.add_comm in enough_balance_to_fund; eauto.
                erewrite (total_balance_eq _ bstate0) by (intros; now rewrite_environment_equiv).

          (* Now we know that the action is valid we need to evaluate it *)
          evaluate_action BAT.contract; try easy;
            only 1-4: clear fund_deposit_not_contract accounts_not_contracts IHaccounts.
          -- (* Prove that there is an action in the queue *)
            now rewrite create_token_acts_cons by lia.
          -- (* Prove that amount is nonnegative *)
            apply Z.le_ge, N2Z.is_nonneg.
          -- (* Prove that amount <= account balance *)
          -- (* Prove that receive returns Some *)
            clear dependent accounts.
            clear contract_deployed contract_state.
            apply Nat.ltb_ge in funding_period_started.
            apply Nat.ltb_ge in funding_period_not_over.
            rewrite finalized, funding_period_started, funding_period_not_over, N2Z.inj_min,;
              try (apply Z.ge_le, account_balance_nonnegative; eauto).
            clear finalized funding_period_started funding_period_not_over.
            destruct_match eqn:receive_some.
            destruct_match eqn:match_amount in receive_some; destruct_throw_if match_amount.
            destruct_match eqn:match_cap in receive_some; destruct_throw_if match_cap;
              injection receive_some as <-; reflexivity.
            destruct_match eqn:match_amount in receive_some; destruct_throw_if match_amount.
            destruct_match eqn:match_cap in receive_some; destruct_throw_if match_cap.
          --- (* Prove contradiction between match_amount, match_cap and can_hit_fund_min *)
              apply N.ltb_lt in match_cap.
              apply Z.leb_gt, Z.min_glb_lt_iff in match_amount as [min_left min_right].
              rewrite Z2N.inj_min,, <- N.mul_min_distr_r, <- N.add_min_distr_l, N.min_glb_lt_iff in match_cap.
              destruct match_cap as [match_cap_left match_cap_right].
              apply N.lt_le_trans with (p := (tokenCreationMin cstate) + tokenExchangeRate cstate) in match_cap_left.
              rewrite N.mul_add_distr_r, N.mul_1_l.
              rewrite N.add_assoc, N.add_comm, N.add_assoc.
              rewrite <- N.add_le_mono_r.
              apply N_le_sub. lia.
              now apply N_div_mul_le.
          --- (* Prove contradiction between match_amount, balance_positive *)
              apply Zle_bool_imp_le, Z.min_le in match_amount as [min_left | min_right].
            ---- rewrite <- N2Z.inj_0 in min_left.
                now apply N2Z.inj_le, N_le_add_distr in min_left.
            ---- lia.
          -- assert (caddr_not_in_accounts : ~ In caddr accounts) by
              (intro; rewrite Forall_forall in accounts_not_contracts'; apply accounts_not_contracts' in H; now apply contract_addr_format in contract_deployed).
            (* Apply induction hypothesis *)
            edestruct IHaccounts as (bstate_new & reach_new & emptyable_new & H);
              clear IHaccounts accounts_not_contracts balance_positive queue0 tokens_left_to_fund p;
              only 12: (rewrite deployed_state; eauto);
              try (rewrite_environment_equiv; eauto);
              cbn; try rewrite Z2N.inj_min,;
              clear deployed_state contract_deployed funding_period_started funding_period_not_over
              can_hit_fund_min fund_deposit_not_contract finalized contract_state.
          --- (* Prove that the queues of the two ChainStates are equivalent *)
              rewrite queue, N.sub_add_distr.
              apply create_token_acts_eq.
              intros. rewrite_environment_equiv. cbn. now destruct_address_eq.
          --- (* Prove that there still is enough balance to hit funding goal *)
              clear queue accounts_not_contracts'.
              edestruct N.min_dec.
            ---- cbn. rewrite e.
                eapply N.le_trans; [| apply N.le_0_l].
                rewrite N.mul_add_distr_r, N.mul_1_l.
                apply N.le_0_r.
                rewrite N.sub_add_distr.
                rewrite N.sub_add_distr.
                apply N.sub_0_le.
                now apply N_le_div_mul.
            ---- rewrite total_balance_distr, N.add_comm in enough_balance_to_fund; eauto.
                erewrite (total_balance_eq _ bstate0) by
                  (intros; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; now destruct_address_eq).
                apply N.le_sub_le_add_r in enough_balance_to_fund.
                rewrite <- N.sub_add_distr in enough_balance_to_fund.
                eapply N.le_trans; [| apply enough_balance_to_fund].
                apply N.sub_le_mono_l, N.add_le_mono_l, N.mul_le_mono_r.

  Lemma can_deploy_and_finalize : forall bstate (reward : Amount) (caddr creator : Address) accounts setup,
    address_is_contract creator = false ->
    (reward >= 0)%Z ->
    reachable bstate ->
    chain_state_queue bstate = [] ->
    NoDup accounts ->
    Forall (fun acc => address_is_contract acc = false) accounts ->
    address_is_contract caddr = true ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = None ->
    (((_tokenCreationMin setup) - (_batFund setup))) <=
              ((Z.to_N (spendable_balance bstate accounts)) * (_tokenExchangeRate setup)) ->
    setup.(_tokenExchangeRate) <= setup.(_tokenCreationCap) - setup.(_tokenCreationMin) ->
    ((_fundingStart setup) < (_fundingEnd setup))%nat ->
    (S (current_slot (env_chain bstate)) < (_fundingStart setup))%nat ->
    address_is_contract (_fundDeposit setup) = false ->
    setup.(_tokenExchangeRate) <> 0 ->
    exists bstate',
      reachable_through bstate bstate'
      /\ emptyable (chain_state_queue bstate')
      /\ exists cstate,
      env_contracts bstate' caddr = Some (BAT.contract : WeakContract)
      /\ env_contract_states bstate' caddr = Some (serializeState cstate)
      /\ (isFinalized cstate) = true.
    intros * Hcreator Hreward

    add_block [(deploy_act setup BAT.contract creator)] 1%nat; eauto. apply list.Forall_singleton, address_eq_refl.
    update ((current_slot bstate0) < _fundingStart setup)%nat in funding_period_not_started by
      (rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; lia).
    update bstate with bstate0 in enough_balance_to_fund by
      (eapply N.le_trans; [apply enough_balance_to_fund | apply N.mul_le_mono_r, Z2N.inj_le; try now apply spendable_balance_positive];
      unfold spendable_balance, pending_usage; rewrite queue, bstate_queue; apply sumZ_le;
      intros; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; destruct_address_eq; try lia).

    deploy_contract BAT.contract; eauto; try lia; try now apply account_balance_nonnegative.
    edestruct constants_are_constant as (dep_info & cstate' & deploy_info' & deployed_state' & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
    unfold contract_state in deployed_state'. cbn in deployed_state'.
    rewrite deployed_state, deserialize_serialize in deployed_state'.
    inversion deployed_state'. subst cstate'. clear deployed_state'.
    rewrite deploy_info in deploy_info'.
    inversion deploy_info'. subst dep_info. clear deploy_info'.
    cbn in *.
    repeat match goal with
    | H : _ cstate = _ setup |- _=> rewrite <- H in *; clear H
    update (initSupply cstate) with (total_supply cstate) in enough_balance_to_fund by
      (eapply N.le_trans; [apply N.sub_le_mono_l, N.eq_le_incl | apply enough_balance_to_fund]; now rewrite Heqcstate).
    update bstate0 with bstate in enough_balance_to_fund by
      (eapply N.le_trans; [apply enough_balance_to_fund | apply N.mul_le_mono_r, Z2N.inj_le; try now apply spendable_balance_positive];
      eapply spendable_consume_act; eauto; intros; rewrite_environment_equiv; subst; cbn; destruct_address_eq; try easy; lia).
    clear dependent trace.

    forward_time_exact (cstate.(fundingStart)); eauto.
    update bstate with bstate0 in enough_balance_to_fund by
      (inversion header_valid;
      eapply N.le_trans; [apply enough_balance_to_fund | apply N.mul_le_mono_r, Z2N.inj_le; try now apply spendable_balance_positive];
      unfold spendable_balance, pending_usage; rewrite queue, queue0; apply sumZ_le;
      intros; rewrite_environment_equiv; cbn; destruct_address_eq; try lia).
    clear funding_period_not_started.

    eapply can_finalize_if_deployed; eauto.
    - rewrite queue. apply empty_queue_is_emptyable.
    - eexists.
      destruct_and_split; eauto; lia.

Refund guarantee

The BAToken contract should guarantee that all tokens (except for the free initSupply given to batFundDeposit) can be fully refunded. However, as shown in the property based tests this is not the case, so we can only prove a weaker result stating that refund msgs can always be consumed. This does not guarantee refunding as the proof does not state that the new actions produced by refund entrypoint can be evaluated. Thus, it is not guaranteed that the state changes will be applied
  Lemma weak_refund_guarantee : forall bstate cstate caddr account acts,
    let refund_act := build_act account account (act_call caddr 0 refund) in
    reachable bstate ->
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (BAT.contract : WeakContract) ->
    env_contract_states bstate caddr = Some (serialize cstate) ->
    chain_state_queue bstate = refund_act :: acts ->
    (fundingEnd cstate < current_slot bstate)%nat -> (* funding period is over *)
    total_supply cstate < tokenCreationMin cstate -> (* funding failed *)
    account <> batFundDeposit cstate -> (* sender is not batFundDeposit *)
    0 < with_default 0 (FMap.find account (balances cstate)) -> (* account owns some tokens *)
    exists new_bstate new_acts, chain_state_queue new_bstate = new_acts ++ acts /\
      inhabited (ActionEvaluation bstate refund_act new_bstate new_acts).
    intros * reach deployed deployed_state queue funding_over funding_failed account_not_batfund has_tokens.
    subst refund_act.
    eapply no_finalization_before_goal in reach as not_finalized; eauto.
    destruct not_finalized as (cstate' & deployed_state' & not_finalized).
    cbn in deployed_state'.
    rewrite deployed_state, deserialize_serialize in deployed_state'.
    inversion deployed_state'.
    subst cstate'. clear deployed_state'.
    eexists {| chain_state_env := _; chain_state_queue := _ |}.
    split; cycle 1.
    - constructor.
      eapply eval_call with (msg := Some _); eauto.
      + lia.
      + now apply Z.ge_le, account_balance_nonnegative.
      + edestruct try_refund_is_some as [[new_cstate [resp_acts receive_some]] _]; cycle 1.
        * apply wc_receive_to_receive.
          unfold Blockchain.receive.
          rewrite receive_some.
          rename H1 into account_balance_some.
          replace t with (with_default 0 (FMap.find account (balances cstate))); auto.
          now rewrite account_balance_some.
        * repeat split; eauto.
      + now constructor.
    - eauto.

End Theories.