
Library ConCert.Examples.BAT.BAT

Basic Attention Token contract

Implementation of the Basic Attention Token. Ported from
This file contains contract function definitions. All contract types and utility functions are defined in ConCert.Examples.BAT.BATCommon. Proofs for this contract can be found in ConCert.Examples.BAT.BATCorrect.
The BAT contract is a combination of a EIP20 token contract and a crowdsale contract. This implementation extends the EIP20 contract implemented in ConCert.Execution.Examples.EIP20Token.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
From Coq Require Import ZArith_base.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.
From ConCert.Utils Require Import RecordUpdate.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Monad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ContractCommon.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Import BATCommon.
From ConCert.Examples.EIP20 Require EIP20Token.

Contract functions

Section BAT.
  Context {BaseTypes : ChainBase}.

  Open Scope N_scope.


This function only gets called once when contract is deployed. Will set up the initial storage state of the contract.
  Definition init (chain : Chain)
                  (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                  (setup : Setup)
                  : result State Error :=
    let token_state := {|
        EIP20Token.balances := FMap.add setup.(_batFundDeposit)
        EIP20Token.total_supply := setup.(_batFund);
        EIP20Token.allowances := FMap.empty;
      |} in
    Ok {|
EIP20Token initialization:
      token_state := token_state;
BAT initialization:
      initSupply := setup.(_batFund);
      isFinalized := false;
      fundDeposit := setup.(_fundDeposit);
      batFundDeposit := setup.(_batFundDeposit);
      fundingStart := setup.(_fundingStart);
      fundingEnd := setup.(_fundingEnd);
      tokenExchangeRate := setup.(_tokenExchangeRate);
      tokenCreationCap := setup.(_tokenCreationCap);
      tokenCreationMin := setup.(_tokenCreationMin);

Create Tokens

This entrypoint allows users to fund the crowdsale in return for tokens
  Definition try_create_tokens (sender : Address)
                               (sender_payload : Amount)
                               (current_slot : nat)
                               (state : State)
                               : result State Error :=
    (* early return if funding is finalized, funding period hasn't
       started yet, or funding period is over *)

    do _ <- throwIf (state.(isFinalized)
            || (Nat.ltb current_slot state.(fundingStart))
            || (Nat.ltb state.(fundingEnd) current_slot)) default_error;
Here we deviate slightly from the reference implementation. They only check for = 0, but since ConCert's payloads may be negative numbers, we must extend this check to <= 0
Note: this conversion from Z to N is safe because by assumption sender_payload > 0


This entrypoint can be called if crowdsale is not successfully funded. Users calling this entrypoint will have their tokens removed and get their money refunded.
  Definition try_refund (sender : Address)
                        (current_slot : nat)
                        (state : State)
                        : result (State * list ActionBody) Error :=
Early return if funding is finalized, or funding period is NOT over, or if total supply exceeds or is equal to the minimum fund tokens.
    do _ <- throwIf (state.(isFinalized)
            || (Nat.leb current_slot state.(fundingEnd))
            || (state.(tokenCreationMin) <=? (total_supply state))) default_error;
Don't allow the batFundDeposit account to refund
Convert tokens back to the currency of the blockchain, to be sent back to the sender address


This entrypoint will end the crowdsale and pay out the money to the owner. Can only be called if funding was successful.
  Definition try_finalize (sender : Address)
                          (current_slot : nat)
                          (contract_balance : Amount)
                          (state : State)
                          : result (State * list ActionBody) Error :=
Early return if funding is finalized, or if sender is NOT the fund deposit address, or if the total token supply is less than the minimum required amount, or if it is too early to end funding and the total token supply has not reached the cap. Note: the last requirement makes it possible to end a funding early if the cap has been reached.
    do _ <- throwIf (state.(isFinalized) ||
                    (address_neqb sender state.(fundDeposit)) ||
                    ((total_supply state) <? state.(tokenCreationMin))) default_error;
    do _ <- throwIf ((Nat.leb current_slot state.(fundingEnd)) &&
                      negb ((total_supply state) =? state.(tokenCreationCap)))
Send the currency of the contract back to the fund


This is the main entrypoint function. All contract calls will be handled by this function
  Open Scope Z_scope.
  Definition receive_bat (chain : Chain)
                         (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                         (state : State)
                         (maybe_msg : option Msg)
                         : result (State * list ActionBody) Error :=
    let sender := ctx.(ctx_from) in
    let sender_payload := ctx.(ctx_amount) in
    let slot := chain.(current_slot) in
    let contract_balance := ctx.(ctx_contract_balance) in
    match maybe_msg with
    | Some create_tokens =>
        without_actions (try_create_tokens sender sender_payload slot state)
    | Some refund =>
        not_payable ctx (try_refund sender slot state) default_error
    | Some finalize =>
        not_payable ctx (try_finalize sender slot contract_balance state) default_error
    | _ => Err default_error
  Close Scope Z_scope.

Composes EIP20Token.receive and receive_bat by first executing EIP20Token.receive (if the message is an EIP20 message), and otherwise executes receive_bat
  Definition receive (chain : Chain)
                     (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                     (state : State)
                     (maybe_msg : option Msg)
                     : result (State * list ActionBody) Error :=
    match maybe_msg with
    | Some (tokenMsg msg) =>
        do res <- EIP20Token.receive chain ctx state.(token_state) (Some msg);
        let new_state := state<|token_state := fst res|> in
            Ok (new_state, snd res)
    | _ => receive_bat chain ctx state maybe_msg

  Definition contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error :=
    build_contract init receive.

End BAT.