
Library ConCert.Examples.BAT.BATAltFixTests

From ConCert.Utils Require Import Extras.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import BoundedN.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Containers.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution.Test Require Import QCTest.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Import BATCommon.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Import BATAltFix.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Import BATGens.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Export BATPrinters.
From ConCert.Examples.BAT Require Import BATTestCommon.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import ZArith_base.
Import ListNotations.

(* -------------------------- Tests of the BAT Implementation -------------------------- *)

Definition fundingStart_ := 1.
Definition fundingEnd_ := 4.
Definition tokenCap_ := 81%N.
Definition tokenMin_ := 43%N.

Definition bat_setup := BATCommon.build_setup initSupply_

(* In the initial chain we transfer some assets to a few accounts, just to make the addresses
   present in the chain state. The amount transferred is irrelevant. *)

Definition token_cb :=
  ResultMonad.unpack_result (TraceGens.add_block empty_chain
    build_transfer creator person_1 10;
    build_transfer creator person_2 7;
    build_transfer creator person_3 6;
    build_transfer creator person_4 10;
    build_transfer creator ethFund 2;
    build_transfer creator batFund 2;
    build_deploy creator 0 BATAltFix.contract bat_setup

Module TestInfo <: BATGensInfo.
  Definition contract_addr := contract_base_addr.
  Definition accounts := [batFund; ethFund] ++ test_chain_addrs_5.
  Definition gAccount := gAddress accounts.
  Definition bat_addr := batFund.
  Definition fund_addr := ethFund.
  Definition accounts_total_balance := 37%Z.
  Definition trace_length := 7.
  Definition bat_addr_refundable := true.
  Definition bat_addr_fundable := true.
  Definition eip20_transactions_before_finalized := true.
End TestInfo.
Module MG := BATGens TestInfo. Import MG.

Module NotationInfo <: TestNotationParameters.
  Definition gAction := gBATAction.
  Definition init_cb := token_cb.
End NotationInfo.
Module TN := TestNotations NotationInfo. Import TN.

(* Test generators *)

(* Sample generator to see quality of generated chains *)
(* Sample (gChain). *)

(* Unless something is wrong with the contract it should be
    the case that gBATActionValid only produces valid actions *)

(* QuickChick (forAll (gInvalidActions gBATActionValid)
            (fun x => collect (snd x) true)). *)

8970 :
20 : Action{act_from: _, act_body: (act_call 128256, 0, transfer_from _ _ 0)}
+++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards)

  We see that the only failed requests are transfers of 0 from accounts that are
  not in the contract state. This is because the EIP20 generator will generate
  transfers of 0 between random addresses when there are no addresses in the
  contract state. These shouldn't fail but it does not seem relate to BAT.

(* Verify hardness of finalizing BAToken.
   Goal is ~ 2/3 of generated chains are finalized *)

(* QuickChick (forAllChainBuilders (fun cb => collect (get_chain_finalized cb) true)). *)
  6979 : true
  3021 : false
  +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards)

(* Check height of the chains produced by the chain generator
   We want the average chain height to be close to full length
   since this is a sign that the generator does not generate
   invalid requests so often that it affects chain quality *)

(* QuickChick (forAllChainBuilders (fun cb => collect (get_chain_height cb) true)). *)
  9820 : 9
  53 : 6
  42 : 7
  35 : 8
  32 : 5
  11 : 1
  6 : 4
  1 : 3
  +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards)

(* Verify spread of tokens after funding period is over.
   We do this to see if it possible to hit the funding cap
   and how easy it is to do. *)

(* QuickChick (forAllChainBuilders (fun cb => collect (get_chain_tokens cb) true)). *)
  672 : 48
  662 : 54
  654 : 45
  648 : 57
  636 : 51
  591 : 63
  573 : 42
  572 : 60
  551 : 66
  513 : 69
  485 : 39
  433 : 36
  420 : 72
  375 : 33
  343 : 75
  341 : 78
  312 : 30
  296 : 81
  270 : 27
  211 : 24
  119 : 21
  102 : 18
  75 : 0
  70 : 15
  37 : 12
  31 : 9
  5 : 6
  3 : 3
  +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards)

Local Open Scope N_scope.
(* Only create_tokens should be payable *)
(* QuickChick (
  {{fun state msg => negb (msg_is_create_tokens state msg)}}
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* Create_tokens should only accept calls with money in them *)
(* QuickChick (
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* EIP messages and create_tokens should not produce any actions *)
(* QuickChick (
  {{msg_is_eip_msg ||| msg_is_create_tokens}}
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* refund and finalize should produce an actions *)
(* QuickChick (
  {{msg_is_refund ||| msg_is_finalize}}
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* Chcker failing if any constants in BAT states are changed *)
Definition constants_unchanged (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                               (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), _) =>
    (* batFund and ethFund addresses should be constants *)
    let fund_deposit_check := address_eqb old_state.(fundDeposit) new_state.(fundDeposit) in
    let bat_deposit_check := address_eqb old_state.(batFundDeposit) new_state.(batFundDeposit) in
    (* Funding start block and end block should be constants *)
    let funding_start_check := Nat.eqb old_state.(fundingStart) new_state.(fundingStart) in
    let funding_end_check := Nat.eqb old_state.(fundingEnd) new_state.(fundingEnd) in
    (* Token exchange rate and initSupply should be constants *)
    let exchange_rate_check := N.eqb old_state.(tokenExchangeRate) new_state.(tokenExchangeRate) in
    let init_supply_check := N.eqb old_state.(initSupply) new_state.(initSupply) in
    (* Minimum and maximum token limits should be constants *)
    let creation_cap_check := N.eqb old_state.(tokenCreationCap) new_state.(tokenCreationCap) in
    let creation_min_check := N.eqb old_state.(tokenCreationMin) new_state.(tokenCreationMin) in
      checker (fund_deposit_check &&
               bat_deposit_check &&
               funding_start_check &&
               funding_end_check &&
               exchange_rate_check &&
               init_supply_check &&
               creation_cap_check &&
  (* if 'receive' failed then just discard this test *)
  | _ => checker false
(* No contract calls modify constants *)
(* QuickChick (
  {{fun state msg => true}}
). *)

(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- create_tokens -------------------- *)
Definition post_create_tokens_update_correct (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                             (old_state : State) (msg : Msg)
                                             (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, []), create_tokens) =>
    let amount := cctx.(ctx_amount) in
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    (* The token balance of from should be increased by amount * exchangerate *)
    let balance_correct :=
      N.eqb (get_balance new_state from)
      ((get_balance old_state from) + (Z.to_N amount * old_state.(tokenExchangeRate))) in
    (* The total supply field should be increased by amount * exchangerate *)
    let total_supply_correct :=
      N.eqb (total_supply new_state)
      ((total_supply old_state) + (Z.to_N amount * old_state.(tokenExchangeRate))) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (balance_correct &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not create_tokens
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Create_tokens updates output correct *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_create_tokens}} contract_base_addr {{post_create_tokens_update_correct}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition create_tokens_valid (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                               (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), create_tokens) =>
    let amount := cctx.(ctx_amount) in
    let current_slot := chain.(current_slot) in
    (* Create_tokens should only return some if amount is larger than zero *)
    let amount_valid := Z.leb 0 amount in
    (* Create_tokens should be callable if the token is not finalized *)
    let is_finalized_valid := negb old_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Create_tokens should be callable if the current slot is in the funding period *)
    let slot_valid := (old_state.(fundingStart) <=? current_slot)%nat &&
                      (current_slot <=? old_state.(fundingEnd))%nat in
    (* Create_tokens should be callable with an amount that does not cause
        the total_supply to go over the max tokens cap *)

    let new_token_amount_valid := (total_supply old_state) + (Z.to_N amount * old_state.(tokenExchangeRate))
                                  <=? old_state.(tokenCreationCap) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (amount_valid &&
              is_finalized_valid &&
              slot_valid &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not create_tokens
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Create_tokens contract calls are valid *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_create_tokens}} contract_base_addr {{create_tokens_valid}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_create_tokens_safe (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                                   (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), create_tokens) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    (* Create_tokens should not change whether the token is finalized *)
    let is_finalized_unchanged := Bool.eqb old_state.(isFinalized) new_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Create_tokens should not change the allowances of any accounts *)
    let allowances_unchanged := fmap_eqb (fun fmap fmap' => fmap_eqb N.eqb fmap fmap')
                                (allowances old_state) (allowances new_state) in
    (* Create_tokens must only change the balance of the sender *)
    let other_balances_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [from] N.eqb
                                    (balances old_state) (balances new_state) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (is_finalized_unchanged &&
              allowances_unchanged &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not create_tokens
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Create_tokens contract calls does not change anything they shouldn't *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_create_tokens}} contract_base_addr {{post_create_tokens_safe}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- finalize -------------------- *)
Definition post_finalize_update_correct (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                                        (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  (* finalize should produce a transfer action *)
  | (Some (new_state, [Blockchain.act_transfer to amount]), finalize) =>
    let contract_balance := cctx.(ctx_contract_balance) in
    (* If finalize returns some then if the token should be finalized *)
    let is_finalized_correct := Bool.eqb new_state.(isFinalized) true in
    (* The transfer action produced should transfer to the ethFund address *)
    let action_to_correct := address_eqb to ethFund in
    (* The transfer action produced should transfer the entire contract balance *)
    let action_amount_correct := Z.eqb amount contract_balance in
    let action_to_valid := address_not_contract to in
    let action_amount_valid := Z.leb amount contract_balance in
    (* The token balance of batFund should be increased by initSupply *)
    let balance_correct :=
      N.eqb (get_balance new_state batFund) ((get_balance old_state batFund) + (initSupply old_state)) in
    (* The total supply field should be increased by initSupply *)
    let total_supply_correct :=
      N.eqb (total_supply new_state) ((total_supply old_state) + (initSupply old_state)) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (is_finalized_correct &&
              action_to_correct &&
              action_amount_correct &&
              action_to_valid &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not finalize
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Finalize updates state correct and produces correct actions *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_finalize}} contract_base_addr {{post_finalize_update_correct}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition finalize_valid (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                          (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), finalize) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let current_slot := chain.(current_slot) in
    (* Only ethFund should be allowed to call finalize *)
    let from_valid := address_eqb from ethFund in
    (* Finalization should only be allowed if contract not already finalized *)
    let is_finalized_valid := negb old_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Finalization should only be allowed if funding period is over or we hit the token cap *)
    let can_finalize_valid := (old_state.(fundingEnd) <? current_slot)%nat ||
                              (N.eqb old_state.(tokenCreationCap) (total_supply old_state)) in
    (* Finalization should only be allowed if token amount
        is within valid (tokenCreationMin, tokenCreationCap) range *)

    let total_supply_valid := (N.leb old_state.(tokenCreationMin) (total_supply old_state)) &&
                              (N.leb (total_supply old_state) old_state.(tokenCreationCap)) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (from_valid &&
              is_finalized_valid &&
              can_finalize_valid &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not finalize
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Finalize contract calls are valid *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_finalize}} contract_base_addr {{finalize_valid}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_finalize_safe (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                              (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), finalize) =>
    (* Finalize should not change allowances *)
    let allowances_unchanged := fmap_eqb (fun fmap fmap' => fmap_eqb N.eqb fmap fmap')
                                (allowances old_state) (allowances new_state) in
    (* Finalize should not change balances *)
    let other_balances_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [batFund] N.eqb (balances old_state) (balances new_state) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (allowances_unchanged &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not finalize
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Finalize contract calls does not change anything they shouldn't *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_finalize}} contract_base_addr {{post_finalize_safe}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- refund -------------------- *)
Definition post_refund_update_correct (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                      (old_state : State) (msg : Msg)
                                      (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, [Blockchain.act_transfer to amount]), refund) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let contract_balance := cctx.(ctx_contract_balance) in
    let from_bal_old := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances old_state)) in
    let from_bal_new := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances new_state)) in
    let eth_to_refund := Z.of_N (from_bal_old / (tokenExchangeRate old_state)) in
    (* Refund should subtract the refunded account balance from total_supply *)
    let total_supply_correct := N.eqb (total_supply old_state)
                                ((total_supply new_state) + from_bal_old -
                                (N.modulo from_bal_old exchangeRate_)) in
    (* Refund should set the refunded account balance to 0 *)
    let from_balance_correct := N.eqb from_bal_new (N.modulo from_bal_old exchangeRate_) in
    (* Refund should pay the refunded account *)
    let action_to_correct := address_eqb from to in
    (* Refund should pay account_balance / exchange_rate *)
    let action_amount_correct := Z.eqb amount eth_to_refund in
    let action_to_valid := address_not_contract to in
    (* Contract should have enough money to refund *)
    let action_amount_valid := Z.leb amount contract_balance in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show cctx ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (total_supply_correct &&
              from_balance_correct &&
              action_to_correct &&
              action_amount_correct &&
              action_to_valid &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not refund
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* False property: Refund updates state correct and produces correct actions *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_refund}} contract_base_addr {{post_refund_update_correct}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition refund_valid (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                        (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), refund) =>
    let current_slot := chain.(current_slot) in
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let from_bal_old := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances old_state)) in
    (* Refund should only be allowed if contract not finalized *)
    let is_finalized_valid := negb old_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Refund should only be allowed if funding period is over *)
    let current_slot_valid := (old_state.(fundingEnd) <? current_slot)%nat in
    (* Refund should only be allowed if contract did not hit minimum token goal *)
    let total_supply_valid := N.ltb (total_supply old_state) old_state.(tokenCreationMin) in
    (* Refund should only be allowed if sender has tokens *)
    let balance_valid := N.ltb 0 from_bal_old in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (is_finalized_valid &&
              current_slot_valid &&
              total_supply_valid &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not refund
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Refund contract calls are valid *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_refund}} contract_base_addr {{refund_valid}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_refund_safe (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                            (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), refund) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    (* Refund should not change isFinalized *)
    let is_finalized_unchanged := Bool.eqb old_state.(isFinalized) new_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Refund should not change allowances *)
    let allowances_unchanged := fmap_eqb (fun fmap fmap' => fmap_eqb N.eqb fmap fmap')
                                  (allowances old_state) (allowances new_state) in
    (* Refund should not change other balances than the senders balance *)
    let other_balances_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [from] N.eqb
                                      (balances old_state) (balances new_state) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (is_finalized_unchanged &&
              allowances_unchanged &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not refund
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Refund contract calls does not change anything they shouldn't *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_refund}} contract_base_addr {{post_refund_safe}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- transfer -------------------- *)
Definition post_transfer_update_correct (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                        (old_state : State) (msg : Msg)
                                        (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, []), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.transfer to tokens)) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let from_balance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances old_state)) in
    let to_balance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find to (balances old_state)) in
    let from_balance_after := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances new_state)) in
    let to_balance_after := with_default 0 (FMap.find to (balances new_state)) in
    let from_to_same := address_eqb from to in
    (* Transfer must subtract the transferred tokens from the "from" address
        if the "from <> to" otherwise the balance should remain the same *)

    let from_balance_correct := if from_to_same
                                then (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after)
                                else (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after + tokens) in
    (* Transfer must add the transferred tokens from the "to" address
        if the "from <> to" otherwise the balance should remain the same *)

    let to_balance_correct := if from_to_same
                              then (to_balance_before =? to_balance_after)
                              else (to_balance_before + tokens =? to_balance_after) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (from_balance_correct &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Transfer updates output correct *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_transfer}} contract_base_addr {{post_transfer_update_correct}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition transfer_valid (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                          (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.transfer to tokens)) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let amount := cctx.(ctx_amount) in
    let from_balance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances old_state)) in
    (* Transfer should only return some if "from" has enough tokens *)
    let from_balance_valid := N.leb tokens from_balance_before in
    (* Transfer call must not be payable *)
    let amount_valid := Z.eqb amount 0 in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (amount_valid &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Transfer contract calls are valid *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_transfer}} contract_base_addr {{transfer_valid}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_transfer_safe (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                              (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.transfer to tokens)) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    (* Transfer should not change the finalization state of the token *)
    let is_finalized_unchanged := Bool.eqb old_state.(isFinalized) new_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Transfer should not change the total supply of tokens *)
    let total_supply_unchanged := N.eqb (total_supply old_state) (total_supply new_state) in
    (* Transfer must not change the allowances of any account *)
    let allowances_unchanged := fmap_eqb (fun fmap fmap' => fmap_eqb N.eqb fmap fmap')
                                  (allowances old_state) (allowances new_state) in
    (* Transfer must only change the balance of from and to *)
    let other_balances_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [from; to] N.eqb
                                      (balances old_state) (balances new_state) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (is_finalized_unchanged &&
              total_supply_unchanged &&
              allowances_unchanged &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Transfer contract calls does not change anything they shouldn't *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_transfer}} contract_base_addr {{post_transfer_safe}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- transfer_from -------------------- *)
Definition post_transfer_from_update_correct (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                             (old_state : State) (msg : Msg)
                                             (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, []), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.transfer_from from to tokens)) =>
    let delegate := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let from_balance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances old_state)) in
    let to_balance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find to (balances old_state)) in
    let from_balance_after := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances new_state)) in
    let to_balance_after := with_default 0 (FMap.find to (balances new_state)) in
    let delegate_allowance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find delegate
      (with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                    (FMap.find from (allowances old_state)))) in
    let delegate_allowance_after := with_default 0 (FMap.find delegate
      (with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                    (FMap.find from (allowances new_state)))) in
    let from_to_same := address_eqb from to in
    (* Transfer_from must subtract the transferred tokens from the "from" address
        if the "from <> to" otherwise the balance should remain the same *)

    let from_balance_correct := if from_to_same
                                then (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after)
                                else (from_balance_before =? from_balance_after + tokens) in
    (* Transfer_from must add the transferred tokens to the "to" address
        if the "from <> to" otherwise the balance should remain the same *)

    let to_balance_correct := if from_to_same
                              then (to_balance_before =? to_balance_after)
                              else (to_balance_before + tokens =? to_balance_after) in
    (* Transfer_from must subtract the number of transferred tokens from the delegates' allowance *)
    let delefate_allowance_correct := delegate_allowance_before =?
                                      delegate_allowance_after + tokens in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (from_balance_correct &&
              to_balance_correct &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer_from
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Transfer_from updates output correct *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_transfer_from}} contract_base_addr {{post_transfer_from_update_correct}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition transfer_from_valid (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                               (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.transfer_from from to tokens)) =>
    let delegate := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let amount := cctx.(ctx_amount) in
    let from_balance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find from (balances old_state)) in
    let delegate_allowance_before := with_default 0 (FMap.find delegate
      (with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                    (FMap.find from (allowances old_state)))) in
    (* Transfer_from must only succeed if "from" has enough tokens *)
    let from_balance_valid := N.leb tokens from_balance_before in
    (* Transfer_from must only succeed if "delegate" is allowed
        to transfer the requested amount of tokens on behalf of "from" *)

    let delegate_allowance_valid := N.leb tokens delegate_allowance_before in
    (* Tranfer_from must not be payable*)
    let amount_valid := Z.eqb amount 0 in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (amount_valid &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer_from
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Transfer_from contract calls are valid *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_transfer_from}} contract_base_addr {{transfer_from_valid}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_transfer_from_safe (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                                   (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.transfer_from from to tokens)) =>
    let delegate := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let from_allowances_before := with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                                               (FMap.find from (allowances old_state)) in
    let from_allowances_after := with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                                              (FMap.find from (allowances new_state)) in
    (* Transfer_from must not change the finalization state of the token *)
    let is_finalized_unchanged := Bool.eqb old_state.(isFinalized) new_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Transfer_from must not change the total supply of tokens *)
    let total_supply_unchanged := N.eqb (total_supply old_state) (total_supply new_state) in
    (* Transfer_from must not change the allowances of other accounts than from *)
    let other_allowances_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [from]
                                        (fun fmap fmap' => fmap_eqb N.eqb fmap fmap')
                                        (allowances old_state) (allowances new_state) in
    let other_allowance_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [delegate] N.eqb
                                      from_allowances_before from_allowances_after in
    (* Transfer_from must not change the balances of other accounts than from and to *)
    let other_balances_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [from; to] N.eqb
                                      (balances old_state) (balances new_state) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (is_finalized_unchanged &&
              total_supply_unchanged &&
              other_allowances_unchanged &&
              other_allowance_unchanged &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not a transfer_from
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Transfer_from contract calls does not change anything they shouldn't *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_transfer_from}} contract_base_addr {{post_transfer_from_safe}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- approve -------------------- *)
Definition post_approve_update_correct (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext)
                                       (old_state : State) (msg : Msg)
                                       (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, []), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.approve delegate tokens)) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let delegate_allowance_after := with_default 0 (FMap.find delegate
      (with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                    (FMap.find from (allowances new_state)))) in
    (* Approve should update the allowance of "delegate" correctly *)
    let delefate_allowance_correct := delegate_allowance_after =? tokens in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker delefate_allowance_correct)
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not approve
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Approve updates output correct *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_approve}} contract_base_addr {{post_approve_update_correct}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition approve_valid (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                         (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.approve delegate tokens)) =>
    let amount := cctx.(ctx_amount) in
    (* Approve must not be payable *)
    let amount_valid := Z.eqb amount 0 in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker amount_valid)
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not approve
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Approve contract calls are valid *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_approve}} contract_base_addr {{approve_valid}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition post_approve_safe (chain : Chain) (cctx : ContractCallContext) (old_state : State)
                             (msg : Msg) (result_opt : option (State * list ActionBody)) :=
  match (result_opt, msg) with
  | (Some (new_state, _), tokenMsg (EIP20Token.approve delegate tokens)) =>
    let from := cctx.(ctx_from) in
    let from_allowances_before := with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                                               (FMap.find from (allowances old_state)) in
    let from_allowances_after := with_default (@FMap.empty (FMap Address TokenValue) _)
                                              (FMap.find from (allowances new_state)) in
    (* Approve must not change the finalization state of the token *)
    let is_finalized_unchanged := Bool.eqb old_state.(isFinalized) new_state.(isFinalized) in
    (* Transfer_from must not change the total supply of tokens *)
    let total_supply_unchanged := N.eqb (total_supply old_state) (total_supply new_state) in
    (* Transfer_from must not change the allowances of other accounts than "delegate" *)
    let other_allowances_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [from]
                                      (fun fmap fmap' => fmap_eqb N.eqb fmap fmap')
                                      (allowances old_state) (allowances new_state) in
    let other_allowance_unchanged := fmap_filter_eqb [delegate] N.eqb
                                      from_allowances_before from_allowances_after in
    (* Transfer_from must not change the balances of any accounts *)
    let balances_unchanged := fmap_eqb N.eqb (balances old_state) (balances new_state) in
    whenFail (show old_state ++ nl ++ show result_opt)
    (checker (is_finalized_unchanged &&
              total_supply_unchanged &&
              other_allowances_unchanged &&
              other_allowance_unchanged &&
  (* if 'receive' failed, or msg is not approve
     then just discard this test *)

  | _ => checker false
(* Approve contract calls does not change anything they shouldn't *)
(* QuickChick ({{msg_is_approve}} contract_base_addr {{post_approve_safe}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- contract balance tests -------------------- *)
Definition contract_balance_lower_bound (cs : ChainState) :=
  let contract_balance := env_account_balances cs contract_base_addr in
  match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
  | Some cstate =>
    let is_finalized := cstate.(isFinalized) in
    let contract_balance_correct := Z.geb contract_balance
      (Z.of_N ((total_supply cstate) / cstate.(tokenExchangeRate))) in
      if is_finalized
      then checker true
      else checker contract_balance_correct
  | None => checker true
(* Contract balance should always be at least as big as the number of refundable tokens
    divided by the exchange rate unless the token was successfully funded.
   If this property does not hold then it implies that there can be cases where a user
    will not be able to get a refund should the funding fail.

(* QuickChick ({{contract_balance_lower_bound}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition partially_funded_cb :=
  ResultMonad.unpack_result (TraceGens.add_block empty_chain
    build_transfer creator person_1 10;
    build_transfer creator person_2 7;
    build_transfer creator person_3 6;
    build_transfer creator person_4 10;
    build_deploy creator 0 BATAltFix.contract bat_setup;
    build_call person_1 contract_base_addr 1 create_tokens
(* Check that it is possible to fully refund from a state
    where at least one token was created
    i.e. contract balance = 0 and token not funded.
   Note that this does not mean that the correct people got refunds
   the tests only states that all money put into the contract was
   refunded, i.e. no money get stuck in the contract *)

(* QuickChick (partially_funded_cb ~~> is_fully_refunded). *)
Block 1  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 11%256, 10)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 12%256, 7)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 13%256, 6)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 14%256, 10)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, transfer 19%256 17)}; Action{act_from: 11%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 1, create_tokens)};
Block 2  Action{act_from: 17%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, transfer 14%256 3)}; Action{act_from: 12%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 4, create_tokens)};
Block 3  Action{act_from: 11%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 4, create_tokens)}; Action{act_from: 14%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 12%256 0)};
Block 4  Action{act_from: 12%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, transfer_from 14%256 17%256 0)}; Action{act_from: 12%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 11%256 0)};
Block 5  Action{act_from: 11%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 3, create_tokens)}; Action{act_from: 12%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 2, create_tokens)};
Block 6  Action{act_from: 11%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, refund)}; Action{act_from: 12%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, refund)}; |}

Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 13 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards)

Definition can_always_fully_refund (cs : ChainState) :=
  let no_actions_from_contract :=
    fold_left (fun b action => b && (address_not_contract (act_from action)))
              (chain_state_queue cs) true in
  let contract_balance := env_account_balances cs contract_base_addr in
  match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
  | Some cstate =>
    let contract_balance_correct := Z.leb (contract_balance * Z.of_N cstate.(tokenExchangeRate))
                                          (Z.of_N (total_supply cstate)) in
      if no_actions_from_contract
        if cstate.(isFinalized)
        then checker true
        else checker contract_balance_correct
      else checker true
  | None => checker true
(* Above we showed that it is possible to completely empty the contract balance,
    however the ideally it should always be possible to empty the contract balance.
   If not then it would mean that money could get stuck contract implying that some
    funded money may not be refundable.
   If "contract_balance * exchange_rate <= total_supply" then it should be
    possible to withdraw the entire contract balance.

(* QuickChick ({{can_always_fully_refund}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

(* -------------------- finalization tests -------------------- *)

(* Check that it is possible to finalize *)
(* QuickChick (token_cb ~~> is_finalized). *)
Block 1  Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 11%256, 10)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 12%256, 7)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 13%256, 6)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 14%256, 10)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 16%256, 2)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_transfer 17%256, 2)}; Action{act_from: 10%256, act_body: (act_deploy 0, transfer 19%256 17)};
Block 2  Action{act_from: 17%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, transfer 13%256 16)}; Action{act_from: 11%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 9, create_tokens)};
Block 3  Action{act_from: 16%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 1, create_tokens)}; Action{act_from: 13%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 3, create_tokens)};
Block 4  Action{act_from: 16%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, approve 17%256 2)}; Action{act_from: 14%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 8, create_tokens)};
Block 5  Action{act_from: 17%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 2, create_tokens)}; Action{act_from: 17%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, transfer_from 16%256 17%256 0)};
Block 6  Action{act_from: 16%256, act_body: (act_call 128%256, 0, finalize)}; |}

Success - found witness satisfying the predicate!
+++ Failed (as expected) after 6 tests and 0 shrinks. (0 discards)

Definition can_always_finalize check_setup :=
  let build_init_cb setup :=
    TraceGens.add_block empty_chain
      build_transfer creator person_1 10;
      build_transfer creator person_2 7;
      build_transfer creator person_3 6;
      build_transfer creator person_4 10;
      build_deploy creator 0 BATAltFix.contract setup
    ] in
  forAll gBATSetup
         (fun setup =>
            match (build_init_cb setup) with
            | ResultMonad.Ok init_cb => check_setup setup init_cb ==> (init_cb ~~> is_finalized)
            | ResultMonad.Err _ => false ==> true
(* We would like that BAToken has the property that it is
    always possible to successfully fund the token for any
    setup used when deploying the token *)

Extract Constant defNumTests => "100".
QuickChick (expectFailure (can_always_finalize (fun _ _ => true))).
Extract Constant defNumTests => "10000".

Definition final_is_final :=
  token_cb ~~~> bool_to_option is_finalized ===>
    checkForAllStatesInTrace (fun _ cs => is_finalized cs).
(* Check that once finalized it cannot be undone *)
(* QuickChick final_is_final. *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (4648 discards) *)

Definition can_only_finalize_once :=
  let chain_gen := gChain in
  let blocks cb := trace_states_step_block (builder_trace cb) in
  let is_finalize action :=
    match action.(act_body) with
    | Blockchain.act_call _ _ ser_msg =>
      match @deserialize Msg _ ser_msg with
      | Some finalize => 1
      | _ => 0
    | _ => 0
    end in
  let finalize_calls' block := fold_left (fun count action => count + is_finalize action)
                                         (chain_state_queue block) 0 in
  let finalize_calls blocks := fold_left (fun count block => count + finalize_calls' block)
                                         blocks 0 in
    forAll chain_gen (fun cb => checker (finalize_calls (blocks cb) <=? 1)).
(* Check that it is not possible to finalize more than once *)
(* QuickChick can_only_finalize_once. *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition final_implies_total_supply_in_range :=
  let total_supply_in_range cs :=
    match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
    | Some state => (tokenMin_ + (initSupply state) <=? (total_supply state)) &&
                    ((total_supply state) <=? tokenCap_ + (initSupply state))
    | None => false
    end in
  token_cb ~~~> bool_to_option is_finalized ===>
    checkForAllStatesInTrace (fun _ cs => total_supply_in_range cs).
(* Check that once finalized then total supply of tokens is:
    1) at least _tokenMin
    2) no bigger than _tokenCap *)

(* QuickChick final_implies_total_supply_in_range. *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (4589 discards) *)

Definition final_implies_total_supply_constant :=
  let get_satisfying_state trace := last trace empty_state in
  let get_total_supply cs :=
    match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
    | Some state => total_supply state
    | None => 0
    end in
  let finalized_total_supply trace := get_total_supply (get_satisfying_state trace) in
    token_cb ~~~> bool_to_option is_finalized ===>
      checkForAllStatesInTrace (fun pre_trace cs =>
        get_total_supply cs =? finalized_total_supply pre_trace).
(* Check that once finalized then total supply of tokens does not change *)
(* QuickChick final_implies_total_supply_constant. *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (4717 discards) *)

Definition final_implies_contract_balance_is_zero :=
  let contract_balance_empty trace cs := Z.eqb (env_account_balances cs contract_base_addr) 0 in
    token_cb ~~~> bool_to_option is_finalized ===>
      checkForAllStatesInTrace contract_balance_empty.
(* Check that once finalized then the contract balance is 0 *)
(* QuickChick final_implies_contract_balance_is_zero. *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (4675 discards) *)

(* -------------------- total_supply tests -------------------- *)
Definition total_supply_bounds (cs : ChainState) :=
  match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
  | Some cstate =>
    if cstate.(isFinalized)
    then checker true
    else checker ((0 <=? (total_supply cstate)) &&
                 ((total_supply cstate) <=? tokenCap_))
  | None => checker true
(* Check that when the contract is not finalized
   then total supply of tokens is always
    1) larger than or equal to 0
    2) less than or equal to the funding cap

(* QuickChick ({{total_supply_bounds}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition total_supply_eq_sum_balances (cs : ChainState) :=
  match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
  | Some cstate =>
    let balances_list := (map snd o FMap.elements) (balances cstate) in
    let balances_sum : N := fold_left N.add balances_list 0%N in
      checker ((total_supply cstate) =? balances_sum)
  | None => checker true
(* Check that total supply of tokens is always equal
    to the sum of all token balances *)

(* QuickChick ({{total_supply_eq_sum_balances}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)

Definition (cs : ChainState) :=
  match get_contract_state State cs contract_base_addr with
  | Some cstate =>
      let := (total_supply cstate) - (initSupply cstate) in
      if cstate.(isFinalized)
      then checker (0 =? N.modulo paid_tokens exchangeRate_)
      else checker (0 =? N.modulo (total_supply cstate) exchangeRate_)
  | None => checker true
(* We check that the total supply of tokens minus the initial supply
    is a multiple of exchange rate. *)

(* QuickChick ({{paid_tokens_modulo_exchange_rate}}). *)
(* +++ Passed 10000 tests (0 discards) *)