
Library ConCert.Embedding.CertifyingTranslate

Certifying translation

Proving that concrete expressions translate correctly

From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EvalE.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EnvSubst.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICtoTemplate.
From Coq Require Import Basics.
From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import List.

Import ListNotations.
Import NamelessSubst.
Import BaseTypes.
Import StdLib.

Notation "'eval' ( Σ , n , e )" := (expr_eval_i Σ n [] e) (at level 100).

Definition expr_to_tc Σ := compose trans (expr_to_term Σ).
Definition type_to_tc := compose trans type_to_term.
Definition global_to_tc := compose trans_minductive_entry trans_global_dec.

Definition x := "x".
Definition y := "y".
Definition z := "z".

Negation on booleans

First we define a conversion function taking a bool and producing the corresponding syntactic λsmart value
Definition of_bool : bool -> val :=
  fun b => if b then vConstr Bool "true" []
        else vConstr Bool "false" [].

Definition my_negb_syn :=
  [| \x : Bool =>
          case x : Bool return Bool of
          | True -> False
          | False -> True |].

(* Compute expr_to_tc Σ (indexify nil my_negb_syn). *)

We translate and unquote using the ConCert embedding feature
MetaCoq Unquote Definition my_negb := (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify nil my_negb_syn)).

We prove that the running the interpreter with my_negb_syn applied to an expression originating from Coq' boolean value computes the same result as the unquoted function my_negb. As a result, we do not depend on correctness of unquote
Lemma my_negb_correct b :
  exists n v,
    eval(Σ, n,
         indexify nil ([| {my_negb_syn} {of_val_i (of_bool b)} |])) = Ok v
      /\ v = of_bool (negb b).
  destruct b; exists 3; eexists; simpl; eauto.

One can prove similar results any non-recursive definition. Proofs in this case would require just case analysis and computation. For recursive definitions proofs would require induction and some additional lemmas