
Library ConCert.Embedding.Examples.Demo

Simple examples on how to use our framework

From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import Basics.
From Coq Require Import List.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EvalE.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICtoTemplate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import monad_utils.

Definition expr_to_tc Σ := compose trans (expr_to_term Σ).
Definition type_to_tc := compose trans type_to_term.
Definition global_to_tc := compose trans_minductive_entry trans_global_dec.

Module TC := Common.BasicAst.

Import ListNotations.
Import MCMonadNotation.
Import BaseTypes.
Import StdLib.

Module MC := MetaCoq.Template.Ast.
Import BasicAst.

MetaCoq demo

Section MCDemo.

  Import bytestring.

  Local Open Scope bs.

  (* Quote *)
  MetaCoq Quote Definition id_nat_syn := (fun x : nat => x).
  (* Print id_nat_syn. *)
  (* Ast.tLambda (nNamed "x")
     (Ast.tInd {| TC.inductive_mind := "nat"; TC.inductive_ind := 0 |}
        ) (Ast.tRel 0) : Ast.term *)

  (* Unquote *)
  MetaCoq Unquote Definition plus_one :=
    (MC.tLambda (aRelevant (nNamed "x"))
                (MC.tInd (mkInd (MPfile ["Datatypes"; "Init"; "Coq"], "nat") 0) nil)
                (MC.tApp (MC.tConstruct
                            (mkInd (MPfile ["Datatypes"; "Init"; "Coq"], "nat") 0) 1 nil)
                         (MC.tRel 0 :: nil))).

  (* fun x : nat => S x : nat -> nat *)
End MCDemo.

Definition x := "x".
Definition y := "y".
Definition z := "z".

Definition negb_app_true :=
     (\x : Bool =>
           case x : Bool return Bool of
           | True -> False
           | False -> True) True

(* Execute the program using the interpreter *)
Example eval_negb_app_true :
  expr_eval_n Σ 3 nil negb_app_true = Ok (vConstr Bool "false" nil).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_negb_app_true' :
  expr_eval_i Σ 3 nil (indexify nil negb_app_true) = Ok (vConstr Bool "false" nil).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

(* Make a Coq function from the AST of the program *)
MetaCoq Unquote Definition coq_negb_app_true :=
  (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify nil negb_app_true)).

Definition my_negb_syn :=
  [| \x : Bool => case x : Bool return Bool of
                   | True -> False
                   | False -> True |].

MetaCoq Unquote Definition my_negb :=
  (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify nil my_negb_syn)).

Lemma my_negb_coq_negb b :
  my_negb b = negb b.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_my_negb_syn :
  expr_eval_n Σ 3 nil my_negb_syn = Ok
         (vClos [] "x" cmLam [!Bool!]
            (eCase (Bool, [])
               [!Bool!] [|"x"|]
               [({| pName := "true"; pVars := [] |},
                [|$ "false" $ Bool|]);
               ({| pName := "false"; pVars := [] |},
               [|$ "true" $ Bool|])])).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_my_negb_true :
  expr_eval_i Σ 4 nil (indexify nil [| {my_negb_syn} True |]) =
  Ok (vConstr Bool "false" nil).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

MetaCoq Unquote Definition coq_my_negb := (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify nil my_negb_syn)).

Import MCMonadNotation.

Definition is_zero_syn :=

      \x : Nat =>
           case x : Nat return Bool of
           | Zero -> True
           | Suc y -> False


MetaCoq Unquote Definition is_zero' := (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify nil is_zero_syn)).

Definition pred_syn :=

      \x : Nat =>
           case x : Nat return Nat of
           | Zero -> x
           | Suc y -> y


MetaCoq Unquote Definition pred' := (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify nil pred_syn)).

Definition prog2 := [| Suc (Suc Zero) |].

Example value_eval :
  expr_eval_n Σ 3 nil prog2 = Ok (vConstr Nat "Suc"
                                  [vConstr Nat "Suc"
                                    [vConstr Nat "Z" []]]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_is_zero_true :
  expr_eval_i Σ 4 nil (indexify nil [|{is_zero_syn} Zero |]) =
  Ok (vConstr Bool "true" []).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_is_zero_false :
  expr_eval_i Σ 4 nil (indexify nil [|{is_zero_syn} {prog2} |]) =
  Ok (vConstr Bool "false" []).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Inductive blah :=
  Bar : blah -> blah -> blah
| Baz : blah.

Definition Σ' : global_env :=
  [gdInd "blah" 0 [("Bar", [(None,tyInd "blah"); (None,tyInd "blah")]); ("Baz", [])] false;
      gdInd Nat 0 [("Z", []); ("Suc", [(None,tyInd Nat)])] false].

Notation "'Bar'" := (eConstr "blah" "Bar") (in custom expr).
Notation "'Baz'" := (eConstr "blah" "Baz") (in custom expr).

Definition prog3 := [| Bar (Bar Baz Baz) Baz |].

Example eval_prog3 :
  expr_eval_n Σ' 5 [] prog3 = Ok
         (vConstr "blah" "Bar"
            [vConstr "blah" "Bar"
               [vConstr "blah" "Baz" []; vConstr "blah" "Baz" []];
            vConstr "blah" "Baz" []]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

(* Examples of a fixpoint *)

Definition fact := "fact".

Definition factorial_syn :=
   fix fact (x : Nat) : Nat :=
       case x : Nat return Nat of
       | Zero -> 1
       | Suc y -> x * (fact y)

MetaCoq Unquote Definition factorial :=
  (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify [] factorial_syn)).

Definition plus_syn : expr :=
  [| fix "plus" (x : Nat) : Nat -> Nat :=
       \y : Nat =>
           case x : Nat return Nat of
           | Zero -> y
           | Suc z -> Suc ("plus" z y) |].

MetaCoq Unquote Definition my_plus := (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify [] plus_syn)).

Lemma my_plus_correct n m :
  my_plus n m = n + m.
Proof. induction n; simpl; auto. Qed.

Definition two :=
  (vConstr Nat "Suc"
           [vConstr Nat "Suc" [vConstr Nat "Z" []]]).

Definition one_plus_one :=
  [| {plus_syn} 1 1 |].

Example eval_one_plus_one :
  expr_eval_n Σ 10 [] one_plus_one =
  Ok (vConstr Nat "Suc" [vConstr Nat "Suc" [vConstr Nat "Z" []]]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Definition two_arg_fun_syn := [| \x : Nat => \y : Bool => x |].

MetaCoq Unquote Definition two_arg_fun_app :=
  (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify [] [| {two_arg_fun_syn} 1 True |])).

Parameter bbb: bool.

MetaCoq Quote Definition two_arg_fun_app_syn' := ((fun (x : nat) (_ : bool) => x) 1 bbb).

Example one_plus_one_two :
  expr_eval_n Σ 10 [] one_plus_one = Ok two.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example one_plus_one_two_i :
  expr_eval_i Σ 10 [] (indexify [] one_plus_one) = Ok two.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Definition plus_syn' :=
  [| \x : Nat =>
          (fix "plus" (y : Nat) : Nat :=
           case y : Nat return Nat of
           | Zero -> x
           | Suc z -> Suc ("plus" z))

MetaCoq Unquote Definition my_plus' :=
  (expr_to_tc Σ (indexify [] plus_syn')).

Lemma my_plus'_0 : forall n, my_plus' 0 n = n.
  induction n; simpl; easy.

Lemma my_plus'_Sn : forall n m, my_plus' (S n) m = S (my_plus' n m).
  induction m; simpl; easy.

Lemma my_plus'_comm : forall n m, my_plus' n m = my_plus' m n.
  induction n; intros m; simpl.
  + rewrite my_plus'_0. reflexivity.
  + rewrite my_plus'_Sn. easy.

(* my_plus corresponds to addition of natural numbers defined in the standard library *)
Lemma my_plus'_correct : forall n m, my_plus' n m = n + m.
  intros n m.
  induction m; simpl; easy.

Definition id_rec :=
  [| (fix "plus" (y : Nat) : Nat :=
           case y : Nat return Nat of
           | Zero -> 0
           | Suc z -> Suc ("plus" z))

Example eval_id_rec :
  expr_eval_n Σ 20 [] [| {id_rec} (Suc (Suc (Suc 1))) |] =
  Ok (vConstr Nat "Suc"
      [vConstr Nat "Suc"
        [vConstr Nat "Suc"
          [vConstr Nat "Suc"
            [vConstr Nat "Z" []]]]]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_id_rec' :
  expr_eval_i Σ 20 [] (indexify [] [| {id_rec} (Suc (Suc (Suc 1))) |]) =
  Ok (vConstr Nat "Suc"
      [vConstr Nat "Suc"
        [vConstr Nat "Suc"
          [vConstr Nat "Suc"
            [vConstr Nat "Z" []]]]]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example id_rec_named_and_indexed :
  let arg := [| Suc (Suc (Suc 1)) |] in
  expr_eval_n Σ 20 [] [| {id_rec} {arg} |] =
  expr_eval_i Σ 20 [] (indexify [] [| {id_rec} {arg} |]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example plus_named_and_indexed :
  let two := [| (Suc 1)|] in
  let three := [| Suc {two} |] in
  expr_eval_n Σ 20 [] [| ({plus_syn} {two}) {three} |] =
  expr_eval_i Σ 20 [] (indexify [] [| ({plus_syn} {two}) {three} |]).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_plus_syn_one :
  expr_eval_i Σ 10 [] (indexify [] [| {plus_syn} 1 |]) =
  Ok (vClos
        vConstr Nat "Suc"
          [vConstr Nat "Z" []]);
      vClos [] "x" (cmFix "plus") [!Nat!]
        (tyArr [!Nat!]
        [|\ "y" : Nat =>
          {eCase (Nat, [])
              [!Nat!] (eRel 1)
              [({| pName := "Z"; pVars := [] |}, eRel 0);
              ({| pName := "Suc"; pVars := ["z"] |},
              eApp [|$ "Suc" $ Nat|]
                (eApp (eApp (eRel 3) (eRel 0)) (eRel 1)))]}|])] "y"
      cmLam [!Nat!] [!Nat!]
      (eCase (Nat, [])
          [!Nat!] (eRel 1)
          [({| pName := "Z"; pVars := [] |}, eRel 0);
          ({| pName := "Suc"; pVars := ["z"] |},
          eApp [|$ "Suc" $ Nat|]
            (eApp (eApp (eRel 3) (eRel 0)) (eRel 1)))])).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_plus_syn :
  indexify [] [| {plus_syn}|] =
  [|fix "plus" ("x" : Nat)
    : Nat -> Nat :=
      \ "y" : Nat =>
      {eCase (Nat, [])
          [!Nat!] (eRel 1)
          [({| pName := "Z"; pVars := [] |}, eRel 0);
          ({| pName := "Suc"; pVars := ["z"] |},
          eApp [|$ "Suc" $ Nat|]
            (eApp (eApp (eRel 3) (eRel 0)) (eRel 1)))]}|].
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example eval_plus_syn_zero :
  expr_eval_n Σ 10 [] [| {plus_syn} 0 |] =
  Ok (vClos
      [("x", vConstr Nat "Z" []);
      vClos [] "x" (cmFix "plus") [!Nat!]
        (tyArr [!Nat!]
        [|\ "y" : Nat =>
          {eCase (Nat, [])
              [!Nat!] [|"x"|]
              [({| pName := "Z"; pVars := [] |}, [|"y"|]);
              ({| pName := "Suc"; pVars := ["z"] |},
              eApp [|$ "Suc" $ Nat|]
                (eApp (eApp [|"plus"|] [|"z"|]) [|"y"|]))]}|])] "y"
      cmLam [!Nat!] [!Nat!]
      (eCase (Nat, [])
          [!Nat!] [|"x"|]
          [({| pName := "Z"; pVars := [] |}, [|"y"|]);
          ({| pName := "Suc"; pVars := ["z"] |},
          eApp [|$ "Suc" $ Nat|]
            (eApp (eApp [|"plus"|] [|"z"|]) [|"y"|]))])).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Definition fun_app := [| (\x : Nat => \y : Nat => y + x) Zero |].

Example eval_fun_app :
  expr_eval_n Σ' 10 [] fun_app =
  Ok (vClos [("x", vConstr Nat "Z" [])] "y" cmLam
      [!Nat!] [!Nat!]
      (eApp (eApp (eConst "Coq/Init/Nat@add") [|"y"|]) [|"x"|])).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Inductive mybool :=
| mfalse
| mtrue.

Definition stupid_case (b : mybool) : nat :=
  match b with
  | mtrue => 1
  | mfalse => 0

Definition stupid_case' (b : mybool * mybool) : nat :=
  match b with
  | (mtrue, _) => 1
  | (mfalse, _) => 0

Definition is_zero (n : nat) :=
  match n with
  | S n => mfalse
  | O => mtrue

MetaCoq Quote Definition q_stupid_case := Eval compute in stupid_case.
(* Nested patters are transformed into the nested "case" expressions *)
MetaCoq Quote Definition q_stupid_case' := Eval compute in stupid_case'.

Inductive Bazz :=
  cBazz : nat -> nat -> nat -> Bazz.

Definition Bazz_match b :=
  match b with
    cBazz n m k => n

MetaCoq Quote Definition q_Bazz_match := Eval compute in Bazz_match.

Definition Nat_syn :=
  [\ data "MyNat" =
       "Z" [_]
     | "Suc" ["MyNat", _] \].

MetaCoq Unquote Inductive (global_to_tc Nat_syn).


Import Template.Ast.

Unset Primitive Projections.

Definition State_syn :=
  [\ record "State" := "mkState" { "balance" : Nat ; "day" : Nat } \].

MetaCoq Unquote Inductive (global_to_tc State_syn).

(* Print State. *)