Library ConCert.Extraction.Tests.CameLIGOExtractionTests
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.
From ConCert.Extraction Require Import Common.
From ConCert.Extraction Require Import CameLIGOPretty.
From ConCert.Extraction Require Import CameLIGOExtract.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import String.
Import MCMonadNotation.
Parameter (cb : Blockchain.ChainBase).
Existing Instance cb.
Local Close Scope bs_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Notation s_to_bs := bytestring.String.of_string.
Existing Instance PrintConfShortNames.PrintWithShortNames.
Definition bindOptCont {A B} (a : option A) (f : A -> option B) : option B :=
match a with
| Some a => f a
| None => None
Module BoolRect.
Previously, this example extracted wrong, because some name
annotations of the bool_rect are these same, leading to
shadowing in the resulting code
One can see the variable names by quoting and printing the AST, as below
(* MetaCoq Quote Recursively Definition bool_rect_quoted := bool_rect. *)
(* Compute lookup_env bool_rect_quoted.1 <% bool_rect %>. *)
(* Compute lookup_env bool_rect_quoted.1 <% bool_rect %>. *)
This is, of course meaningless in eager languages, so usually we
inline such definitions, but here we keep is as it is for the
sake of testing
Definition my_stupid_if {A : Type} (cond : bool) (t_branch f_branch : A) :=
bool_rect _ t_branch f_branch cond.
Definition max_nat (n m : nat) := my_stupid_if (Nat.leb n m) m n.
Definition harness (func : string) : string :=
"let main (st : unit * nat option) : operation list * (nat option) = (([]: operation list), Some (" ++ func ++ " 2n 3n))".
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
"let lebN (a : nat) (b : nat) = a <= b"
(harness "max_nat")
max_nat ;;
tmDefinition "cameligo_max"%bs t).
bool_rect _ t_branch f_branch cond.
Definition max_nat (n m : nat) := my_stupid_if (Nat.leb n m) m n.
Definition harness (func : string) : string :=
"let main (st : unit * nat option) : operation list * (nat option) = (([]: operation list), Some (" ++ func ++ " 2n 3n))".
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
"let lebN (a : nat) (b : nat) = a <= b"
(harness "max_nat")
max_nat ;;
tmDefinition "cameligo_max"%bs t).
Extraction results in fully functional CameLIGO code
Redirect "cameligo-extract/max.mligo"
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (s_to_bs cameligo_max)).
End BoolRect.
Module FoldLeft.
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (s_to_bs cameligo_max)).
End BoolRect.
Module FoldLeft.
We test how the annotation machinery passes the context with erased variables to
annotate the type of the fixpoint, which doesn't abstract over the type
parameters itself.
Definition foldL {A B : Type} (f : A -> B -> A) : list B -> A -> A :=
fix foldL (l : list B) (a0 : A) {struct l} : A :=
match l with
| [] => a0
| b :: t => foldL t (f a0 b)
MetaCoq Quote Recursively Definition bbb := foldL.
Definition sum (xs : list nat) := foldL Nat.add xs 0.
Definition harness (sum_func : string) : string :=
"let main (st : unit * nat option) : operation list * (nat option) = (([]: operation list), Some (" ++ sum_func ++ "([1n;2n;3n])))".
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
"let addN (n : nat) (m : nat) = n + m"
(harness "sum")
sum ;;
tmDefinition (s_to_bs "cameligo_sum") t).
fix foldL (l : list B) (a0 : A) {struct l} : A :=
match l with
| [] => a0
| b :: t => foldL t (f a0 b)
MetaCoq Quote Recursively Definition bbb := foldL.
Definition sum (xs : list nat) := foldL Nat.add xs 0.
Definition harness (sum_func : string) : string :=
"let main (st : unit * nat option) : operation list * (nat option) = (([]: operation list), Some (" ++ sum_func ++ "([1n;2n;3n])))".
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
"let addN (n : nat) (m : nat) = n + m"
(harness "sum")
sum ;;
tmDefinition (s_to_bs "cameligo_sum") t).
Extraction results in fully functional CameLIGO code
Redirect "cameligo-extract/FoldL.mligo"
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (bytestring.String.of_string cameligo_sum)).
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (bytestring.String.of_string cameligo_sum)).
This definition is different from foldL. The type abstractions are part of the
fixpoint, and not bound by lambdas. Therefore, the type parameters are not
eliminated by optimizations. We test here another property, however, namely, how
the annotation machinery handles polymorphism when the node has a polymorphic type.
Fixpoint foldLAlt {A B : Type} (f : A -> B -> A) (l : list B) (a0 : A) : A :=
match l with
| [] => a0
| b :: t => foldLAlt f t (f a0 b)
Definition sumAlt (xs : list nat) := foldLAlt Nat.add xs 0.
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
"let addN (n : nat) (m : nat) = n + m"
(harness "sumAlt")
sumAlt ;;
tmDefinition (s_to_bs "cameligo_sumAlt") t).
match l with
| [] => a0
| b :: t => foldLAlt f t (f a0 b)
Definition sumAlt (xs : list nat) := foldLAlt Nat.add xs 0.
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
"let addN (n : nat) (m : nat) = n + m"
(harness "sumAlt")
sumAlt ;;
tmDefinition (s_to_bs "cameligo_sumAlt") t).
Extraction results in fully functional CameLIGO code
Redirect "cameligo-extract/FoldLAlt.mligo"
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (s_to_bs cameligo_sumAlt)).
End FoldLeft.
Module SafeHead.
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (s_to_bs cameligo_sumAlt)).
End FoldLeft.
Module SafeHead.
This module shows how one can extract programs containing False_rect
We cannot make safe_head polymoprhic due to CameLIGO restrictions
Program Definition safe_head (l : list nat) (non_empty : List.length l > 0) : nat :=
match l as l' return l' = l -> nat with
| [] => (* this is an impossible case *)
(* NOTE: we use False_rect to have more control over the extracted code.
Leaving a hole for the whole branch potentially leads to polymorphic
definitions in the extracted code and type like eq, since we would have to
leave the whole goal branch transparent (use Defined instead of Qed).
In this case, one has to inspect the extracted code and inline such definitions *)
fun _ => ex_falso _ _
| hd :: tl => fun _ => hd
end eq_refl.
Next Obligation.
intros. subst. inversion non_empty.
Program Definition head_of_list_2 (xs : list nat) := safe_head (0 :: 0 :: xs) _.
Next Obligation.
intros. cbn. lia.
match l as l' return l' = l -> nat with
| [] => (* this is an impossible case *)
(* NOTE: we use False_rect to have more control over the extracted code.
Leaving a hole for the whole branch potentially leads to polymorphic
definitions in the extracted code and type like eq, since we would have to
leave the whole goal branch transparent (use Defined instead of Qed).
In this case, one has to inspect the extracted code and inline such definitions *)
fun _ => ex_falso _ _
| hd :: tl => fun _ => hd
end eq_refl.
Next Obligation.
intros. subst. inversion non_empty.
Program Definition head_of_list_2 (xs : list nat) := safe_head (0 :: 0 :: xs) _.
Next Obligation.
intros. cbn. lia.
We inline False_rect and False_rec to make sure
that no polymorphic definitions are left
Definition safe_head_inline :=
[<%%ex_falso %%>; <%% False_rect %%>; <%% False_rec %%>].
Definition TT_consts := [ remap <%% @hd_error %%> "List.head_opt" ].
Definition TT_ctors := [("O","0n")].
Definition harness : string :=
"let main (st : unit * nat option) : operation list * (nat option) = (([]: operation list), Some (head_of_list_2 ([] : nat list)))".
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
(TT_ctors ++ TT_rename_ctors_default)
head_of_list_2 ;;
tmDefinition (s_to_bs "cameligo_safe_head") t).
[<%%ex_falso %%>; <%% False_rect %%>; <%% False_rec %%>].
Definition TT_consts := [ remap <%% @hd_error %%> "List.head_opt" ].
Definition TT_ctors := [("O","0n")].
Definition harness : string :=
"let main (st : unit * nat option) : operation list * (nat option) = (([]: operation list), Some (head_of_list_2 ([] : nat list)))".
Time MetaCoq Run
(t <- CameLIGO_extract_single
(TT_ctors ++ TT_rename_ctors_default)
head_of_list_2 ;;
tmDefinition (s_to_bs "cameligo_safe_head") t).
Extraction results in fully functional CameLIGO code
Redirect "cameligo-extract/SafeHead.mligo"
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (s_to_bs cameligo_safe_head)).
End SafeHead.
MetaCoq Run (tmMsg (s_to_bs cameligo_safe_head)).
End SafeHead.