
Library ConCert.Execution.InterContractCommunication

Properties and tactics related to two communicating contracts

From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.

Ltac trace_induction :=
  match goal with
  | trace : ChainTrace empty_state ?bstate |- _ =>
    remember empty_state;
    induction trace as [| * IH step];
    match goal with
    | H : ?x = empty_state |- _ => subst x
    [try discriminate |
    destruct_chain_step; try destruct_action_eval;
    match goal with
    | env_eq : EnvironmentEquiv _ _ |- _ =>
        try rewrite env_eq in *; try setoid_rewrite env_eq
    repeat (specialize (IH ltac:(auto)))]; auto

Section InterContractCommunication.
  Context {BaseTypes : ChainBase}.

  Definition txCallTo (addr : Address) (tx : Tx) : bool :=
    match tx.(tx_body) with
    | tx_call _ => (tx.(tx_to) =? addr)%address
    | _ => false

  Definition actTo (addr : Address) (act : ActionBody) : bool :=
    match act with
    | act_transfer to _ => (to =? addr)%address
    | act_call to _ _ => (to =? addr)%address
    | _ => false

  Definition callFrom {Msg : Type} (addr : Address)
                      (call_info : ContractCallInfo Msg) : bool :=
    (call_info.(call_from) =? addr)%address.

  Lemma deployed_incoming_calls_typed : forall bstate caddr
            {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
          `{Serializable Setup}
          `{Serializable Msg}
          `{Serializable State}
          `{Serializable Error}
            {contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error}
            (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    env_contracts bstate caddr = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists inc_calls,
      incoming_calls Msg trace caddr = Some inc_calls.
    intros * deployed.
    trace_induction; cbn in *.
    - (* Contract deployment *)
      destruct_address_eq; eauto.
      now rewrite undeployed_contract_no_in_calls.
    - (* Contract call *)
      destruct IH as [? IH].
      rewrite IH.
      clear IH.
      destruct (address_eqb_spec caddr to_addr) as [<-|];
        try rewrite ?address_eq_refl, ?address_eq_ne; eauto.
      rewrite deployed in deployed0.
      inversion deployed0.
      subst. clear deployed0.
      apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
        (prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state
          & msg_ser & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
      cbn in receive_some.
      destruct msg';
        try rewrite msg_ser; eauto.
      cbn in msg_ser.
      destruct msg; eauto.
      now rewrite msg_ser.

  Lemma undeployed_contract_no_state : forall bstate caddr (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate),
    env_contracts bstate caddr = None ->
    env_contract_states bstate caddr = None.
    intros * trace not_deployed.
    trace_induction; cbn in *;
      now destruct_address_eq.

  Lemma no_outgoing_txs_to_undeployed_contract : forall bstate caddrA caddrB
            (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate)
            {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
          `{Serializable Setup}
          `{Serializable Msg}
          `{Serializable State}
          `{Serializable Error}
            {contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error},
    env_contracts bstate caddrA = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    env_contracts bstate caddrB = None ->
      filter (txCallTo caddrB) (outgoing_txs trace caddrA) = [].
    intros * deployedA not_deployedB.
      repeat (cbn in *; destruct_address_eq); try easy; subst;
      eapply undeployed_contract_no_out_txs in not_deployed; auto;
      unfold outgoing_txs in not_deployed;
      now rewrite not_deployed.

  Lemma no_incoming_calls_from_undeployed_contract : forall bstate caddrA caddrB
            (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate)
            {Setup Msg State Error : Type}
          `{Serializable Setup}
          `{Serializable Msg}
          `{Serializable State}
          `{Serializable Error}
            {contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error},
    env_contracts bstate caddrA = None ->
    address_is_contract caddrA = true ->
    env_contracts bstate caddrB = Some (contract : WeakContract) ->
    exists inc_calls,
      incoming_calls Msg trace caddrB = Some inc_calls /\
      filter (callFrom caddrA) inc_calls = [].
    intros * not_deployedA A_is_contract deployedB.
    trace_induction; cbn in *;
      destruct_address_eq; subst; try easy.
    - now rewrite undeployed_contract_no_in_calls by auto.
    - rewrite deployedB in deployed.
      inversion deployed.
      subst. clear deployed.
      apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
        (prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state
        & msg_ser & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
      cbn in receive_some.
      destruct IH as (? & calls & ?).
      apply undeployed_contract_no_out_queue in not_deployedA; try easy.
      rewrite queue_prev in not_deployedA.
      destruct msg';
        [cbn in msg_ser; destruct msg; try easy|];
        setoid_rewrite msg_ser;
        rewrite calls;
        split; eauto;
        unfold callFrom; cbn;
        destruct_address_eq; auto;
        apply Forall_inv in not_deployedA;
        now rewrite address_eq_refl in not_deployedA.

  Definition contract_call_info_to_tx
            `{X : Type}
            `{Serializable X}
            (caddr : Address)
            (call_info : ContractCallInfo X)
            : Tx :=
    let body :=
      match call_info.(call_msg) with
      | Some (msg) => tx_call (Some (serialize msg))
      | None => tx_call None
      end in
      tx_origin := call_info.(call_origin);
      tx_from := call_info.(call_from);
      tx_to := caddr;
      tx_amount := call_info.(call_amount);
      tx_body := body

  Definition tx_to_contract_call_info
            `{X : Type}
            `{Serializable X}
            (tx : Tx)
            : option (ContractCallInfo X) :=
    match tx.(tx_body) with
    | tx_call None => Some
        call_origin := tx.(tx_origin);
        call_from := tx.(tx_from);
        call_amount := tx.(tx_amount);
        call_msg := None
    | tx_call (Some m) => Some
        call_origin := tx.(tx_origin);
        call_from := tx.(tx_from);
        call_amount := tx.(tx_amount);
        call_msg := @deserialize X _ m
    | _ => None

  Lemma incomming_eq_outgoing : forall bstate caddrA caddrB
            (trace : ChainTrace empty_state bstate)
            {SetupA MsgA StateA ErrorA : Type}
            {SetupB MsgB StateB ErrorB : Type}
            `{Serializable SetupA} `{Serializable SetupB}
            `{Serializable MsgA} `{Serializable MsgB}
            `{Serializable StateA} `{Serializable StateB}
            `{Serializable ErrorA} `{Serializable ErrorB}
            {contractA : Contract SetupA MsgA StateA ErrorA}
            {contractB : Contract SetupB MsgB StateB ErrorB},
    (forall x (y : MsgB), deserialize x = Some y -> x = serialize y) ->
    env_contracts bstate caddrA = Some (contractA : WeakContract) ->
    env_contracts bstate caddrB = Some (contractB : WeakContract) ->
    exists inc_calls,
      incoming_calls MsgB trace caddrB = Some inc_calls /\
      (filter (txCallTo caddrB) (outgoing_txs trace caddrA)) =
      map (contract_call_info_to_tx caddrB) (filter (callFrom caddrA) inc_calls).
    intros * deserialize_right_inverse deployedA deployedB.
    trace_induction; cbn in *.
    - destruct_address_eq; auto.
    - destruct_address_eq; auto; subst;
        try (apply MCOption.some_inj in deployedA; subst);
        try (apply MCOption.some_inj in deployedB; rewrite deployedB in *; clear deployedB);
        try (rewrite undeployed_contract_no_in_calls by auto);
        try (eapply undeployed_contract_no_out_txs in not_deployed as no_txs; eauto;
              unfold outgoing_txs in no_txs; rewrite no_txs); cbn;
        try (eapply no_outgoing_txs_to_undeployed_contract in not_deployed as no_txs; cycle -1; eauto;
              unfold outgoing_txs in no_txs; rewrite no_txs);
        try (eapply no_incoming_calls_from_undeployed_contract in not_deployed; eauto;
          destruct not_deployed as (calls & inc_calls_eq & calls_eq);
          exists calls; now rewrite inc_calls_eq, calls_eq);
        try now exists [].
    - destruct_address_eq; subst; auto.
      + rewrite deployedB in deployed.
        inversion deployed.
        subst. clear deployed.
        apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
          (prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state & msg_ser & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
        cbn in receive_some.
        destruct IH as (? & calls & IH).
        destruct msg';
          [cbn in msg_ser; destruct msg; try easy|];
          setoid_rewrite msg_ser;
          rewrite calls;
          split; eauto.
        * unfold callFrom in *; cbn.
          rewrite !address_eq_refl.
          rewrite <- IH.
          unfold contract_call_info_to_tx. cbn.
          do 4 f_equal.
          now apply deserialize_right_inverse.
        * unfold callFrom in *; cbn.
          rewrite !address_eq_refl.
          now rewrite <- IH.
      + rewrite deployedB in deployed.
        inversion deployed.
        subst. clear deployed.
        apply wc_receive_strong in receive_some as
          (prev_state' & msg' & new_state' & serialize_prev_state & msg_ser & serialize_new_state & receive_some).
        cbn in receive_some.
        destruct IH as (? & calls & ?).
        destruct msg';
          [cbn in msg_ser; destruct msg; try easy|];
          setoid_rewrite msg_ser;
          rewrite calls;
          split; eauto;
          unfold callFrom; cbn;
          now destruct_address_eq.
      + cbn.
        now rewrite address_eq_ne.
End InterContractCommunication.