
Library ConCert.Execution.ChainedList

(* This file implements a 'chained list'. This can essentially be
thought of as the proof-relevant transitive reflexive closure of
a relation. That is, each link (element) has a "from" point that
must match the previous element's "to" point. *)

From ConCert.Utils Require Import Automation.
Section ChainedList.
Context {Point : Type} {Link : Point -> Point -> Type}.

Inductive ChainedList : Point -> Point -> Type :=
  | clnil : forall {p}, ChainedList p p
  | snoc : forall {from mid to},
      ChainedList from mid -> Link mid to -> ChainedList from to.

Fixpoint clist_app
           {from mid to}
           (xs : ChainedList from mid)
           (ys : ChainedList mid to) : ChainedList from to :=
  match ys with
  | clnil => fun xs => xs
  | snoc ys' y => fun xs => snoc (clist_app xs ys') y
  end xs.

Infix "++" := clist_app (right associativity, at level 60).

Definition clist_prefix
           {from mid to}
           (prefix : ChainedList from mid)
           (full : ChainedList from to) : Prop :=
  exists suffix, full = prefix ++ suffix.

Definition clist_suffix
           {from mid to}
           (suffix : ChainedList mid to)
           (full : ChainedList from to) : Prop :=
  exists prefix, full = prefix ++ suffix.

Infix "`prefix_of`" := clist_prefix (at level 70).
Infix "`suffix_of`" := clist_suffix (at level 70).

Section Theories.
Lemma app_clnil_l {from to} (xs : ChainedList from to) :
  clnil ++ xs = xs.
Proof. induction xs; auto; cbn; solve_by_rewrite. Qed.

Lemma clist_app_assoc
      {c1 c2 c3 c4}
      (xs : ChainedList c1 c2)
      (ys : ChainedList c2 c3)
      (zs : ChainedList c3 c4) :
  xs ++ ys ++ zs = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs.
Proof. induction zs; intros; auto; cbn; solve_by_rewrite. Qed.
End Theories.

Lemma prefix_of_app
      {from mid to to'}
      {prefix : ChainedList from mid}
      {xs : ChainedList from to}
      {suffix : ChainedList to to'} :
  prefix `prefix_of` xs ->
  prefix `prefix_of` xs ++ suffix.
  intros [ex_suffix ex_suffix_eq_app].
  exists (ex_suffix ++ suffix).
  rewrite clist_app_assoc; congruence.
End ChainedList.

Declare Scope clist_scope.
Delimit Scope clist_scope with trace.
Bind Scope clist_scope with ChainedList.
Infix "++" := clist_app (right associativity, at level 60) : clist_scope.

Infix "`prefix_of`" := clist_prefix (at level 70) : clist_scope.
Infix "`suffix_of`" := clist_suffix (at level 70) : clist_scope.

Arguments ChainedList : clear implicits.