
Library ConCert.Examples.Dexter2.Dexter2CPMM

Dexter 2 CPMM contract

This file contains an implementation of the Dexter2 CPMM contract In addition this file contains proof of functional correctness w.r.t the informal specification
This contract is an implementation of a Constant Product Market Maker (CPMM). When paired with a FA1.2 or FA2 token contract and a Dexter2 liquidity contract, this contract serves as a decentralized exchange allowing users to trade between XTZ and tokens. Additionally, users can also add or withdraw funds from the exchanges trading reserves. Traders pay a 0.3
From ConCert.Utils Require Import RecordUpdate.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Blockchain.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Monad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ResultMonad.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import Serializable.
From ConCert.Execution Require Import ContractCommon.
From ConCert.Examples.FA2 Require Import FA2Token.
From ConCert.Examples.FA2 Require Import FA2LegacyInterface.
From ConCert.Examples.Dexter2 Require Import Dexter2FA12.
From Coq Require Import ZArith_base.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.

Contract types

Section DexterTypes.
  Context {BaseTypes : ChainBase}.
  Set Primitive Projections.
  Set Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes.
  Open Scope N_scope.

Type synonyms

Entrypoint types

  Record add_liquidity_param :=
    build_add_liquidity_param {
      owner : Address;
      minLqtMinted : N;
      maxTokensDeposited : N;
      add_deadline : nat

  Record remove_liquidity_param :=
    build_remove_liquidity_param {
      liquidity_to : Address;
      lqtBurned : N;
      minXtzWithdrawn : N;
      minTokensWithdrawn : N;
      remove_deadline : nat

  Record xtz_to_token_param :=
    build_xtz_to_token_param {
      tokens_to : Address;
      minTokensBought : N;
      xtt_deadline : nat

  Record token_to_xtz_param :=
    build_token_to_xtz_param {
      xtz_to : Address;
      tokensSold : N;
      minXtzBought : N;
      ttx_deadline : nat

  Record token_to_token_param :=
    build_token_to_token_param {
      outputDexterContract : Address;
      to_ : Address;
      minTokensBought_ : N;
      tokensSold_ : N;
      ttt_deadline : nat

  Record set_baker_param :=
    build_set_baker_param {
      baker : baker_address;
      freezeBaker_ : bool

  Inductive DexterMsg :=
  | AddLiquidity : add_liquidity_param -> DexterMsg
  | RemoveLiquidity : remove_liquidity_param -> DexterMsg
  | XtzToToken : xtz_to_token_param -> DexterMsg
  | TokenToXtz : token_to_xtz_param -> DexterMsg
  | SetBaker : set_baker_param -> DexterMsg
  | SetManager : Address -> DexterMsg
  | SetLqtAddress : Address -> DexterMsg
  | UpdateTokenPool : DexterMsg
  | TokenToToken : token_to_token_param -> DexterMsg.

  Definition Msg := @FA2Token.FA2ReceiverMsg _ DexterMsg.

Storage types

  Record State :=
    build_state {
      tokenPool : N;
      xtzPool : N;
      lqtTotal : N;
      selfIsUpdatingTokenPool : bool;
      freezeBaker : bool;
      manager : Address;
      tokenAddress : Address;
      tokenId : token_id;
      lqtAddress : Address

  Record Setup :=
    build_setup {
      lqtTotal_ : N;
      manager_ : Address;
      tokenAddress_ : Address;
      tokenId_ : token_id

  Definition Error : Type := nat.
  Definition default_error : Error := 1%nat.

End DexterTypes.

Module Type Dexter2Serializable.
  Section DS.
    Context `{ChainBase}.
    Axiom add_liquidity_param_serializable : Serializable add_liquidity_param.
    Existing Instance add_liquidity_param_serializable.

    Axiom remove_liquidity_param_serializable : Serializable remove_liquidity_param.
    Existing Instance remove_liquidity_param_serializable.

    Axiom xtz_to_token_param_serializable : Serializable xtz_to_token_param.
    Existing Instance xtz_to_token_param_serializable.

    Axiom token_to_xtz_param_serializable : Serializable token_to_xtz_param.
    Existing Instance token_to_xtz_param_serializable.

    Axiom set_baker_param_serializable : Serializable set_baker_param.
    Existing Instance set_baker_param_serializable.

    Axiom token_to_token_param_serializable : Serializable token_to_token_param.
    Existing Instance token_to_token_param_serializable.

    Axiom DexterMsg_serializable : Serializable DexterMsg.
    Existing Instance DexterMsg_serializable.

    Axiom Dexter2FA12_Msg_serialize : Serializable Dexter2FA12.Msg.
    Existing Instance Dexter2FA12_Msg_serialize.

    Axiom setup_serializable : Serializable Setup.
    Existing Instance setup_serializable.

    Axiom ClientMsg_serializable : Serializable (@FA2Token.FA2ReceiverMsg _ DexterMsg).
    Existing Instance ClientMsg_serializable.

    Axiom state_serializable : Serializable State.
    Existing Instance state_serializable.

    Axiom FA2Token_Msg_serializable : Serializable FA2Token.Msg.
    Existing Instance FA2Token_Msg_serializable.

  End DS.
End Dexter2Serializable.

Module Type NullAddress.
  Section NullAddress.
    Parameter BaseTypes : ChainBase.
    Existing Instance BaseTypes.

Null address that will newer contain contracts
    Parameter null_address : Address.

Placeholder for Tezos set delegate operation
    Parameter set_delegate_call : baker_address -> list ActionBody.
    Axiom delegate_call : forall addr, Forall (fun action =>
      match action with
      | act_transfer _ _ => False
      | act_call _ _ _ => False
      | act_deploy _ _ _ => False
      end) (set_delegate_call addr).
  End NullAddress.
End NullAddress.

Contract functions

Module Dexter2 (SI : Dexter2Serializable) (NAddr : NullAddress).
  Import SI.
  Export NAddr.

  Section DexterDefs.
    Open Scope N_scope.

Helper functions

Amount is defined as an alias to Z. We use these conversion functions to mark the places explicitly where the conversion from amounts happens.
    Definition amount_to_N : Amount -> N := Z.to_N.
    Definition N_to_amount : N -> Amount := Z.of_N.

    Definition Result : Type := result (State * list ActionBody) Error.
    Definition sub (n m : N) : result N Error :=
      do _ <- throwIf (n <? m) default_error; Ok (n - m).
    Definition div (n m : N) : result N Error :=
      do _ <- throwIf (m =? 0) default_error; Ok (n / m).
    Definition ceildiv (n m : N) : result N Error :=
      if N.modulo n m =? 0
      then div n m
      else do res <- div n m ; Ok (res + 1).
    Definition ceildiv_ (n m : N) : N :=
      if N.modulo n m =? 0
      then n / m
      else (n / m) + 1.
    Opaque ceildiv.
    Opaque ceildiv_.
    Opaque div.
    Opaque sub.

    Definition non_zero_amount (amt : Z) : bool := (0 <? amt)%Z.
    Global Arguments non_zero_amount _ /. (* always unfold, if applied *)

    Definition call_liquidity_token (addr : Address)
                                    (amt : N)
                                    (msg : Dexter2FA12.Msg)
                                    : ActionBody :=
      act_call addr (N_to_amount amt) (serialize msg).

Note that quantity is allowed to be negative. In this case it corresponds to burning
    Definition mint_or_burn (state : State)
                            (target : Address)
                            (quantitiy : Z)
                            : result ActionBody Error :=
        do _ <- throwIf (address_eqb state.(lqtAddress) null_address) default_error; (* error lqtAddress not set *)
        Ok (call_liquidity_token state.(lqtAddress)
                          (Dexter2FA12.build_mintOrBurn_param quantitiy target))).

    Definition call_to_token (token_addr : Address)
                             (amt : N)
                             (msg : FA2Token.Msg)
                             : ActionBody :=
      act_call token_addr (N_to_amount amt) (serialize msg).

    Definition token_transfer (state : State)
                              (from to : Address)
                              (amount : N)
                              : ActionBody :=
      call_to_token state.(tokenAddress)
                  [FA2LegacyInterface.build_transfer from
                  [FA2LegacyInterface.build_transfer_destination to state.(tokenId) amount] None]).

    Definition xtz_transfer (to : Address)
                            (amount : N)
                            : result ActionBody Error :=
      if address_is_contract to
      then Err default_error (* error_INVALID_TO_ADDRESS *)
      else Ok (act_transfer to (N_to_amount amount)).

Add liquidity

    Definition add_liquidity (chain : Chain)
                             (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                             (state : State)
                             (param : add_liquidity_param)
                             : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (param.(add_deadline) <=? chain.(current_slot))%nat default_error; (* error_THE_CURRENT_TIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_THE_DEADLINE *)
      do lqt_minted <- div ((amount_to_N ctx.(ctx_amount)) * state.(lqtTotal)) state.(xtzPool) ; (* error_DIV_by_0 *)
      do tokens_deposited <- ceildiv ((amount_to_N ctx.(ctx_amount)) * state.(tokenPool)) state.(xtzPool) ; (* error_DIV_by_0 *)
      do _ <- throwIf (param.(maxTokensDeposited) <? tokens_deposited) default_error; (* error_MAX_TOKENS_DEPOSITED_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_TOKENS_DEPOSITED *)
      do _ <- throwIf (lqt_minted <? param.(minLqtMinted)) default_error; (* error_LQT_MINTED_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_MIN_LQT_MINTED *)
      let new_state := state<| lqtTotal := state.(lqtTotal) + lqt_minted |>
                            <| tokenPool := state.(tokenPool) + tokens_deposited |>
                            <| xtzPool := state.(xtzPool) + (amount_to_N ctx.(ctx_amount))|> in
      let op_token := token_transfer state ctx.(ctx_from) ctx.(ctx_contract_address) tokens_deposited in
      do op_lqt <- mint_or_burn state param.(owner) (Z.of_N lqt_minted) ;
      Ok (new_state, [op_token; op_lqt]).

Remove liquidity

    Definition remove_liquidity (chain : Chain)
                                (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                                (state : State)
                                (param : remove_liquidity_param)
                                : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (param.(remove_deadline) <=? chain.(current_slot))%nat default_error; (* error_THE_CURRENT_TIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_THE_DEADLINE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do xtz_withdrawn <- div (param.(lqtBurned) * state.(xtzPool)) state.(lqtTotal) ; (* error_DIV_by_0 *)
      do tokens_withdrawn <- div (param.(lqtBurned) * state.(tokenPool)) state.(lqtTotal) ; (* error_DIV_by_0 *)
      do _ <- throwIf (xtz_withdrawn <? param.(minXtzWithdrawn))default_error ; (* error_THE_AMOUNT_OF_XTZ_WITHDRAWN_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_MIN_XTZ_WITHDRAWN *)
      do _ <- throwIf (tokens_withdrawn <? param.(minTokensWithdrawn)) default_error; (* error_THE_AMOUNT_OF_TOKENS_WITHDRAWN_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_MIN_TOKENS_WITHDRAWN *)
      do new_lqtPool <- sub state.(lqtTotal) param.(lqtBurned) ; (* error_CANNOT_BURN_MORE_THAN_THE_TOTAL_AMOUNT_OF_LQT *)
      do new_tokenPool <- sub state.(tokenPool) tokens_withdrawn ; (* error_TOKEN_POOL_MINUS_TOKENS_WITHDRAWN_IS_NEGATIVE *)
      do new_xtzPool <- sub state.(xtzPool) xtz_withdrawn ; (* mutez subtraction run time error *)
      do op_lqt <- mint_or_burn state ctx.(ctx_from) (0 - (Z.of_N param.(lqtBurned)))%Z ;
      let op_token := token_transfer state ctx.(ctx_contract_address) param.(liquidity_to) tokens_withdrawn in
      do opt_xtz <- xtz_transfer param.(liquidity_to) xtz_withdrawn ;
      let new_state :=
        {| tokenPool := new_tokenPool;
          xtzPool := new_xtzPool;
          lqtTotal := new_lqtPool;
          selfIsUpdatingTokenPool := state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool);
          freezeBaker := state.(freezeBaker);
          manager := state.(manager);
          tokenAddress := state.(tokenAddress);
          tokenId := state.(tokenId);
          lqtAddress := state.(lqtAddress) |} in
      Ok (new_state, [op_lqt; op_token; opt_xtz]).

XTZ to tokens

    Definition xtz_to_token (chain : Chain)
                            (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                            (state : State)
                            (param : xtz_to_token_param)
                            : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (param.(xtt_deadline) <=? chain.(current_slot))%nat default_error; (* error_THE_CURRENT_TIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_THE_DEADLINE *)
      do tokens_bought <- div
        ((amount_to_N ctx.(ctx_amount)) * 997 * state.(tokenPool))
          (state.(xtzPool) * 1000 + ((amount_to_N ctx.(ctx_amount)) * 997)) ; (* error_DIV_by_0 *)
      do _ <- throwIf (tokens_bought <? param.(minTokensBought)) default_error; (* error_TOKENS_BOUGHT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_MIN_TOKENS_BOUGHT *)
      do new_tokenPool <- sub state.(tokenPool) tokens_bought ; (* error_TOKEN_POOL_MINUS_TOKENS_BOUGHT_IS_NEGATIVE *)
      let new_state := state<| xtzPool := state.(xtzPool) + (amount_to_N ctx.(ctx_amount)) |>
                            <| tokenPool := new_tokenPool |> in
      let op := token_transfer state ctx.(ctx_contract_address) param.(tokens_to) tokens_bought in
      Ok (new_state, [op]).

Tokes to XTZ

    Definition token_to_xtz (chain : Chain)
                            (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                            (state : State)
                            (param : token_to_xtz_param)
                            : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (param.(ttx_deadline) <=? chain.(current_slot))%nat default_error; (* error_THE_CURRENT_TIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_THE_DEADLINE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do xtz_bought <- div
        (param.(tokensSold) * 997 * state.(xtzPool))
          (state.(tokenPool) * 1000 + (param.(tokensSold) * 997)) ; (* error_DIV_by_0 *)
      do _ <- throwIf (xtz_bought <? param.(minXtzBought)) default_error; (* error_XTZ_BOUGHT_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_MIN_XTZ_BOUGHT *)
      do new_xtzPool <- sub state.(xtzPool) xtz_bought ; (* mutez subtraction run time error *)
      let op_token := token_transfer state ctx.(ctx_from) ctx.(ctx_contract_address) param.(tokensSold) in
      do op_tez <- xtz_transfer param.(xtz_to) xtz_bought ;
      let new_state := state<| tokenPool := state.(tokenPool) + param.(tokensSold) |>
                            <| xtzPool := new_xtzPool |> in
      Ok (new_state, [op_token; op_tez]).

Default entrypoint

    Definition default_ (chain : Chain)
                        (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                        (state : State)
                        : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      let new_state := state<| xtzPool := state.(xtzPool) + amount_to_N ctx.(ctx_amount) |> in
        Ok (new_state, []).

Set baker

    Definition set_baker (chain : Chain)
                         (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                         (state : State)
                         (param : set_baker_param)
                         : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do _ <- throwIf (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) state.(manager)) default_error; (* error_ONLY_MANAGER_CAN_SET_BAKER *)
      do _ <- throwIf (state.(freezeBaker)) default_error; (* error_BAKER_PERMANENTLY_FROZEN *)
        Ok (state<| freezeBaker := param.(freezeBaker_) |>, set_delegate_call param.(baker)).

Set manager

    Definition set_manager (chain : Chain)
                           (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                           (state : State)
                           (new_manager : Address)
                           : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do _ <- throwIf (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) state.(manager)) default_error; (* error_ONLY_MANAGER_CAN_SET_MANAGER *)
        Ok (state<| manager := new_manager |>, []).

Set liquidity address

    Definition set_lqt_address (chain : Chain)
                               (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                               (state : State)
                               (new_lqt_address : Address)
                               : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do _ <- throwIf (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) state.(manager)) default_error; (* error_ONLY_MANAGER_CAN_SET_LQT_ADRESS *)
      do _ <- throwIf (address_neqb state.(lqtAddress) null_address) default_error; (* error_LQT_ADDRESS_ALREADY_SET *)
        Ok (state<| lqtAddress := new_lqt_address |>, []).

Update token pool

    Definition update_token_pool (chain : Chain)
                                 (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                                 (state : State)
                                 : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) ctx.(ctx_origin)) default_error; (* error_CALL_NOT_FROM_AN_IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_UNEXPECTED_REENTRANCE_IN_UPDATE_TOKEN_POOL *)
      let balance_of_request :=
        FA2LegacyInterface.Build_balance_of_request ctx.(ctx_contract_address) state.(tokenId) in
      let balance_of_param :=
        FA2LegacyInterface.Build_balance_of_param [balance_of_request] (FA2LegacyInterface.Build_callback _ None ctx.(ctx_contract_address)) in
      let op := call_to_token state.(tokenAddress) 0 (FA2Token.msg_balance_of balance_of_param) in
        Ok (state<| selfIsUpdatingTokenPool := true |>, [op]).

Update token pool internal

    Definition update_token_pool_internal (chain : Chain)
                                          (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                                          (state : State)
                                          (token_pool : update_token_pool_internal_)
                                          : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf ((negb state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool)) ||
                        (address_neqb ctx.(ctx_from) state.(tokenAddress))) default_error; (* error_THIS_ENTRYPOINT_MAY_ONLY_BE_CALLED_BY_GETBALANCE_OF_TOKENADDRESS *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do token_pool <-
        match token_pool with
        | [] => Err default_error (* error_INVALID_FA2_BALANCE_RESPONSE *)
        | x :: xs => Ok x.(balance)
        end ;
      let new_state := state<| tokenPool := token_pool |>
                            <| selfIsUpdatingTokenPool := false |> in
      Ok (new_state, []).

    Definition call_to_other_token (token_addr : Address)
                                   (amount : N)
                                   (msg : @FA2Token.FA2ReceiverMsg _ DexterMsg)
                                   : ActionBody :=
      act_call token_addr (N_to_amount amount) (serialize msg).

Tokens to tokens

    Definition token_to_token (chain : Chain)
                              (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                              (state : State)
                              (param : token_to_token_param)
                              : Result :=
      do _ <- throwIf state.(selfIsUpdatingTokenPool) default_error; (* error_SELF_IS_UPDATING_TOKEN_POOL_MUST_BE_FALSE *)
      do _ <- throwIf (non_zero_amount ctx.(ctx_amount)) default_error; (* error_AMOUNT_MUST_BE_ZERO *)
      do _ <- throwIf (param.(ttt_deadline) <=? chain.(current_slot))%nat default_error; (* error_THE_CURRENT_TIME_MUST_BE_LESS_THAN_THE_DEADLINE *)
      do xtz_bought <- div
        (param.(tokensSold_) * 997 * state.(xtzPool))
          (state.(tokenPool) * 1000 + (param.(tokensSold_) * 997)) ; (* error_DIV_by_0 *)
      do new_xtzPool <- sub state.(xtzPool) xtz_bought ; (* mutez subtraction run time error *)
      let new_state := state<| tokenPool := state.(tokenPool) + param.(tokensSold_) |>
                            <| xtzPool := new_xtzPool |> in
      let op1 := token_transfer state ctx.(ctx_from) ctx.(ctx_contract_address) param.(tokensSold_) in
      let op2 := call_to_other_token
                  (FA2Token.other_msg (XtzToToken {|
                                            tokens_to := param.(to_);
                                            minTokensBought := param.(minTokensBought_);
                                            xtt_deadline := param.(ttt_deadline)
                                          |})) in
      Ok (new_state, [op1; op2]).


    Definition receive_cpmm (chain : Chain)
                            (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                            (state : State)
                            (maybe_msg : option Msg)
                            : Result :=
      match maybe_msg with
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (AddLiquidity param)) =>
          add_liquidity chain ctx state param
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (RemoveLiquidity param)) =>
          remove_liquidity chain ctx state param
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (SetBaker param)) =>
          set_baker chain ctx state param
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (SetManager param)) =>
          set_manager chain ctx state param
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (SetLqtAddress param)) =>
          set_lqt_address chain ctx state param
      | None =>
          default_ chain ctx state
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg UpdateTokenPool) =>
          update_token_pool chain ctx state
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (XtzToToken param)) =>
          xtz_to_token chain ctx state param
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (TokenToXtz param)) =>
          token_to_xtz chain ctx state param
      | Some (FA2Token.other_msg (TokenToToken param)) =>
          token_to_token chain ctx state param
      | Some (FA2Token.receive_balance_of_param responses) =>
          update_token_pool_internal chain ctx state responses
      | _ => Err default_error


    Definition init_cpmm (chain : Chain)
                         (ctx : ContractCallContext)
                         (setup : Setup)
                         : result State Error :=
      Ok {|
        tokenPool := 0;
        xtzPool := 0;
        lqtTotal := setup.(lqtTotal_);
        selfIsUpdatingTokenPool := false;
        freezeBaker := false;
        manager := setup.(manager_);
        tokenAddress := setup.(tokenAddress_);
        tokenId := setup.(tokenId_);
        lqtAddress := null_address

    Definition contract : Contract Setup Msg State Error :=
      build_contract init_cpmm receive_cpmm.

  End DexterDefs.
End Dexter2.

Module DSInstances <: Dexter2Serializable.
  (* Serialization instances (omitted).

      NOTE: we use <: to make the definitions transparent, so the
      implementation details can be revealed, if needed *)

End DSInstances.

Module NullAddressAxiom <: NullAddress.
  Section NAddr.
    Parameter BaseTypes : ChainBase.
    Existing Instance BaseTypes.

    Parameter null_address : Address.
    Parameter set_delegate_call : baker_address -> list ActionBody.
    Axiom delegate_call : forall addr, Forall (fun action =>
      match action with
      | act_transfer _ _ => False
      | act_call _ _ _ => False
      | act_deploy _ _ _ => False
      end) (set_delegate_call addr).
  End NAddr.
End NullAddressAxiom.

Instantiating the implementaion with required instances for serialisation/deserialisation