
Library ConCert.Embedding.SimpleBlockchain

A simply-typed version of the blockchain execution environment

(* We develop some blockchain infrastructure relevant for the contract execution. *)
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import TranslationUtils.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Utils.
From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Import ListNotations.
Import BaseTypes.
Open Scope list.

We create a simply-typed records and data types corresponding for the actual definitions of SmartContracts.Blockchain which are parameterized with BaseTypes

Module AcornBlockchain.

  Definition Address := Nat.
  Definition Money := Int.

  MetaCoq Run
         (mp_ <- tmCurrentModPath tt ;;
          let mp := (Utils.string_of_modpath mp_ ++ "@")%string in
          mkNames mp
                  ["SimpleChain" ; "Build_chain";
                  "SimpleContractCallContext" ; "Build_ctx" ;
                  "SimpleActionBody"] "_coq").

  Definition SimpleChainAcorn : global_dec :=
    [\ record SimpleChain :=
       Build_chain { "Chain_height" : BaseTypes.Nat;
                     "Current_slot" : BaseTypes.Nat;
                     "Finalized_height" : BaseTypes.Nat } \].

    (* TODO: MetaCoq does not generate projections at the moment.
     (However, it worked before somehow)
     Probably related to

     For now, we just define records explicitly.

  (* MetaCoq Unquote Inductive (global_to_tc SimpleChainAcorn). *)

  Record SimpleChain_coq : Set := Build_chain_coq
  { Chain_height : nat; Current_slot : nat; Finalized_height : nat }.

  Notation "'cur_time' a" := [| {eConst (to_string_name <% Current_slot %>)} {a} |]
                               (in custom expr at level 0).

  Definition SimpleContractCallContextAcorn : global_dec :=
    [\ record SimpleContractCallContext :=
       Build_ctx {
           (* Address initiating the transaction *)
           "Ctx_origin" : Address;
           (* Address sending the funds *)
           "Ctx_from" : Address;
           (* Address of the contract being called *)
           "Ctx_contract_address" : Address;
           "Ctx_contract_balance" : Money;
           (* Amount of currency passed in call *)
           "Ctx_amount" : Money} \].

  (* MetaCoq Unquote Inductive (global_to_tc SimpleContractCallContextAcorn). *)

  Record SimpleContractCallContext_coq : Set := Build_ctx_coq
  { Ctx_origin : nat;
    Ctx_from : nat;
    Ctx_contract_address : nat;
    Ctx_contract_balance : Z;
    Ctx_amount : Z }.

  Open Scope Z.

  Definition SimpleActionBodyAcorn : global_dec :=
    [\ data SimpleActionBody =
          "Act_transfer" [Address, Money,_] \].

  MetaCoq Unquote Inductive (global_to_tc SimpleActionBodyAcorn).

  Notation SActionBody := (to_string_name <% SimpleActionBody_coq %>).

End AcornBlockchain.