
Library ConCert.Embedding.Examples.FinMap

Finite maps

From Coq Require Import FMaps.
From Coq Require Import String.
Import ListNotations.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import All.

From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Ast.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Notations.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICTranslate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import PCUICtoTemplate.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import EvalE.
From ConCert.Embedding Require Import Utils.

Import MCMonadNotation.
Import BaseTypes.
Import StdLib.
Open Scope list.
Open Scope nat.

Definition expr_to_tc Σ := compose trans (expr_to_term Σ).
Definition type_to_tc := compose trans type_to_term.
Definition global_to_tc := compose trans_minductive_entry trans_global_dec.

Implementing a simple finite map data type using our embedding. We pick a simple representation of finite maps which is isomorphic to lists of key-value pairs

The deep embedding of data structures for finite maps

We generate names for inductives and constants (prefixed with a module path)
MetaCoq Run
        (mp_ <- tmCurrentModPath tt ;;
          let mp := (Utils.string_of_modpath mp_ ++ "@")%string in
          mkNames mp ["Maybe"; "Map"] "Acorn").

And constructors (just names, no module path prefix)
MetaCoq Run (mkNames "" ["Nothing"; "Just"; "MNil"; "MCons"] "Acorn").

Now we can use Maybe as a name for a data type in our deep embedding. Maybe contains a string "MaybeAcorn"

(* Maybe = "MaybeAcorn" *)
(*      : string *)

Now, we define an AST (a deep embedding) for MaybeAcorn data type. MaybeAcorn is the same as option of Coq and Maybe of Haskell. First, we define a new datatype without using notations

Definition maybe_syn :=
  gdInd Maybe 1 [(Nothing, []); (Just, [(None,tyRel 0)])] false.

MetaCoq Unquote Inductive (global_to_tc maybe_syn).

Now, we define a type of finite maps using notations based on Custom Entries
Definition map_syn :=
  [\ data Map # 2 =
       MNil [_]
     | MCons [^1, ^0, (Map ^1 ^0), _] \].

MetaCoq Unquote Inductive (global_to_tc map_syn).

Definition Σ' :=
  Σ ++ [ maybe_syn; map_syn ].

We generate string constants for variable names as well to make our examples look nicer
MetaCoq Run
      (mkNames "" ["A"; "B"; "C"; "f"; "a";
                   "b"; "c"; "m"; "n"; "k";
                   "v"; "w"; "x"; "y"; "z";
                   "lookup"; "add"] "_coq").

Notation " ' x " := (eTy (tyVar x))
                    (in custom expr at level 1,
                        x constr at level 2).

if .. then .. else is just a shortcut for case of a boolean expression
Notation "'if' cond 'then' b1 'else' b2 : ty" :=
    (eCase (Bool,[]) ty cond
           [(pConstr true_name [],b1); (pConstr false_name [],b2)])
      (in custom expr at level 2,
          cond custom expr at level 4,
          ty custom type at level 4,
          b1 custom expr at level 4,
          b2 custom expr at level 4).

Functions on finite maps

AST for lookup function
Definition lookup_syn :=
  [| \\A => \\B =>
     \f : 'A -> 'A -> Bool =>
     \k : 'A =>
     fix lookup (m : Map 'A 'B) : Maybe 'B :=
     case m : Map 'A ,'B return Maybe 'B of
     | MNil -> $Nothing$Maybe 'B
     | MCons x y z -> if (f k x) then
                       $Just$Maybe 'B y
                       else lookup z : Maybe 'B |].

(* Compute (indexify  lookup_syn). *)

Unquoting the lookup_syn to produce a Coq function
MetaCoq Unquote Definition lookup_map := (expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify [] lookup_syn)).

AST for a function that adds an element to a map
Definition add_map_syn :=
    [| \\A => \\B =>
     \f : 'A -> 'A -> Bool =>
     \k : 'A =>
     \v : 'B =>
     fix add (m : Map 'A 'B) : Map 'A 'B :=
     case m : Map 'A , 'B return Map 'A 'B of
     | MNil -> $MCons$Map 'A 'B k v ($MNil$Map 'A 'B)
     | MCons x y z -> if (f k x) then
                       $MCons$Map 'A 'B k v z
                     else $MCons$Map 'A 'B x y (add z) : Map 'A 'B |].

MetaCoq Unquote Definition add_map := (expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify [] add_map_syn)).


We can prove correctness of "library" definitions like finite maps by comparing them to Coq's standard library definitions
Since Coq's FMap is a module, we fix the type of keys to be nat
Conversion function from our type of finite maps to the one in the standard library
Fixpoint from_amap {A} (m : MapAcorn nat A) : NatMap.Raw.t A :=
  match m with
  | MNilAcorn => []
  | MConsAcorn k v m' => (k,v) :: from_amap m'

Import PeanoNat.Nat.

Showing that add function on Acorn finite maps are behaves the same way as one of the Coq's Stdlib implementations (up to converting the results)
Lemma add_map_eq_stdlib {A : Set} k v m :
  NatMap.Raw.add k v (from_amap m) = from_amap (add_map _ A PeanoNat.Nat.eqb k v m).
  induction m.
  + reflexivity.
  + simpl in *.
    destruct (Nat_as_OT.eq_dec k a0). subst. rewrite eqb_refl.
    reflexivity. rewrite <- eqb_neq in n0. rewrite n0.
    simpl. now f_equal.

Computing with the interpreter

Section MapEval.

  Definition tyNat := eTy (tyInd Nat).

Boolean equality of two natural numbers in Acorn
  Definition eqb_syn : expr :=
    [| (fix "eqb" (n : Nat) : Nat -> Bool :=
           case n : Nat return Nat -> Bool of
           | Zero -> \m : Nat => (case m : Nat return Bool of
                   | Zero -> True
                   | Suc z -> False)
           | Suc a ->
             \m : Nat =>
             (case m : Nat return Bool of
                   | Zero -> False
                   | Suc b -> "eqb" a b))

  MetaCoq Unquote Definition nat_eqb :=
    (expr_to_tc Σ' (indexify [] eqb_syn)).

Showing that Acorn boolean equality is in fact the same as Nat.eqb
  Lemma nat_eqb_correct n m : nat_eqb n m = Nat.eqb n m.
    revert m.
    induction n; intros m; now destruct m.

The syntactic representation of the following map 1 ~> 1; 0 ~> 0
  Definition aMap :=
    [| $MCons$Map {tyNat} {tyNat} 1 1
        ($MCons$Map {tyNat} {tyNat} 0 0 ($MNil$Map {tyNat} {tyNat})) |].

Computing boolean equality with the interpreter
  Example compute_eqb_true :
    (expr_eval_i Σ' 10 [] (indexify [] [|{eqb_syn} 1 1 |])) =
    Ok (vConstr Bool true_name []).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Example compute_eqb_false :
    (expr_eval_i Σ' 10 [] (indexify [] [|{eqb_syn} 1 0 |])) =
    Ok (vConstr Bool false_name []).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Computing lookup with using the interpreter for the named representation of variables
  Example compute_lookup_named :
    (expr_eval_n Σ' 10 []
                 [| {lookup_syn} {tyNat} {tyNat} {eqb_syn} 0 {aMap} |]) =
  Ok (vConstr Maybe "JustAcorn" [vTy (tyInd Nat); vConstr Nat "Z" []]).
  Proof. compute. reflexivity. Qed.

Computing lookup with using the interpreter for variables represented with De Bruijn indices
  Example compute_lookup_debruijn :
    (expr_eval_i Σ' 10 []
                 (indexify []
                           [| {lookup_syn} {tyNat} {tyNat} {eqb_syn} 0 {aMap} |])) =
  Ok (vConstr Maybe "JustAcorn" [vTy (tyInd Nat); vConstr Nat "Z" []]).
  Proof. compute. reflexivity. Qed.

End MapEval.