
Library RustExtraction.RustExtract

From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import monad_utils.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import MCList.
From MetaCoq.Erasure.Typed Require Import ExAst.
From MetaCoq.Erasure.Typed Require Import Extraction.
From MetaCoq.Erasure.Typed Require Import CertifyingInlining.
From MetaCoq.Erasure.Typed Require Import Optimize.
From MetaCoq.Erasure.Typed Require Import ResultMonad.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
From Coq Require Import Ascii.
From Coq Require Import String.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq.Program Require Import Basics.
From RustExtraction Require Import Printing.
From RustExtraction Require Import TopLevelFixes.
From RustExtraction Require Import StringExtra.
From RustExtraction Require Import PrettyPrinterMonad.

Module P := MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICAst.
Module PT := MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICTyping.
Module T2P := MetaCoq.TemplatePCUIC.TemplateToPCUIC.
Module E := MetaCoq.Erasure.EAst.
Module T := MetaCoq.Template.Ast.
Module TUtil := MetaCoq.Template.AstUtils.
Module EF := MetaCoq.Erasure.ErasureFunction.
Module Ex := MetaCoq.Erasure.Typed.ExAst.

Local Open Scope string.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Local Definition indent_size := 2.

Local Notation "a ^ b" := (a ++ b)%string.

Section FixEnv.
Context (Σ : Ex.global_env).
Context (remaps : remaps).
(* A printing config for Rust *)
Class RustPrintConfig :=
  { term_box_symbol : string;
    type_box_symbol : string;
    any_type_symbol : string;
    print_full_names : bool (* use fully-qualified names as identifiers to avoid name clashes *)}.

Context `{RustPrintConfig}.

Import Kernames.

(* TODO: eventually, we should use bytestring everywhere, currently,
   we convert back and forth between Coq' standard string and MetaCoq's
  bytestring. *)

Notation bs_to_s := bytestring.String.to_string.
Notation s_to_bs := bytestring.String.of_string.

Local Coercion bytestring.String.of_string : string >-> bytestring.string.

Definition ind_attr_map := inductive -> string.

Context (ind_attrs : ind_attr_map).

Definition lookup_mind (name : kername) : option Ex.mutual_inductive_body :=
  match Ex.lookup_env Σ name with
  | Some (Ex.InductiveDecl mib) => Some mib
  | _ => None

Definition lookup_ind_decl (ind : inductive) : result Ex.one_inductive_body string :=
  match Ex.lookup_env Σ (inductive_mind ind) with
  | Some (Ex.InductiveDecl {| Ex.ind_bodies := oibs |}) =>
    match nth_error oibs (inductive_ind ind) with
    | Some body => Ok body
    | None => Err ("Could not find inductive "
                     ++ bs_to_s (string_of_nat (inductive_ind ind))
                     ++ " in mutual inductive " ++ bs_to_s (string_of_kername (inductive_mind ind)))
  | _ => Err ("Could not find inductive "
                ++ bs_to_s (string_of_kername (inductive_mind ind)) ++ " in environment")

(* We clean global identifiers but do not generate any form of fresh names
   to make it straightforward to know what extracted code maps to what. *)

Definition clean_global_ident (s : string) : string :=
  replace_char "." "_" (replace_char "'" "_" s).

(* Get identifier for a global constant function given its kername, without
   taking remappings into account *)

Definition const_global_ident_of_kername (kn : kername) :=
  clean_global_ident (if print_full_names then (bs_to_s (string_of_kername kn)) else (bs_to_s (snd kn))).

(* Get identifier for a global constant meant to be used as a type, without
   taking remappings into account. This is also used for inductive. *)

Definition ty_const_global_ident_of_kername (kn : kername) :=
  s_to_bs (capitalize (clean_global_ident (bs_to_s (if print_full_names then string_of_kername kn else (snd kn))))).

(* Get identifier for a global type alias taking remappings into account *)
Definition get_ty_const_ident (name : kername) : _ :=
  match remap_inline_constant remaps name with
  | Some s => s
  | None => ty_const_global_ident_of_kername name

(* Get identifier for an inductive taking remappings into account *)
Definition get_ind_ident (ind : inductive) : PrettyPrinter _ :=
  match remap_inductive remaps ind with
  | Some rem => ret (re_ind_name rem)
  | None =>
    oib <- wrap_result (lookup_ind_decl ind) id;;
    let kn := (fst (inductive_mind ind), Ex.ind_name oib) in
    ret (ty_const_global_ident_of_kername kn)

(* Fine to remove primes here as we generate fresh names *)
Definition clean_local_ident (name : ident) : string :=
  remove_char "'" (bs_to_s name).

Definition is_polymorphic (cst : Ex.constant_body) : bool :=
  (0 <? #|fst (Ex.cst_type cst)|)%nat.

Definition print_ind (ind : inductive) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  get_ind_ident ind >>= fun x => append (bs_to_s x).

Definition print_parenthesized
           (parenthesize : bool)
           (print : PrettyPrinter unit) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  if parenthesize then
    append "(";; print;; append ")"

Definition print_parenthesized_with par_start par_end :=
  fun (parenthesize : bool) (print : PrettyPrinter unit) =>
  if parenthesize then append par_start;; print;; append par_end else print.

Definition parenthesize_app_head (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tLambda _ _
  | tLetIn _ _ _
  | tCase _ _ _
  | tFix _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Definition parenthesize_app_arg (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tLambda _ _
  | tLetIn _ _ _
  | tApp _ _
  | tCase _ _ _
  | tProj _ _
  | tFix _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Definition parenthesize_case_discriminee (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tLetIn _ _ _
  | tCase _ _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Definition fresh (name : ident) (used : list ident) : ident :=
  if existsb (bytestring.String.eqb name) used then
    (fix f n i :=
       match n with
       | 0 => s_to_bs "unreachable"
       | S n =>
         let numbered_name := bytestring.String.append name (MCString.string_of_nat i) in
         if existsb (bytestring.String.eqb numbered_name) used then
           f n (S i)
       end) (S (List.length used)) 2

Import BasicAst.

Definition fresh_ident (name : name) (Γ : list ident) : PrettyPrinter ident :=
  used_names <- get_used_names;;
  match name with
  | nAnon => ret (fresh "x" (Γ ++ used_names))
  | nNamed name => ret (fresh (clean_local_ident name) (Γ ++ used_names))

Definition fresh_ty_arg_name (name : name) (Γ : list ident) : PrettyPrinter ident :=
  used_names <- get_used_names;;
  match name with
  | nAnon => ret (fresh "a" (Γ ++ used_names))
  | nNamed name => ret (fresh (clean_local_ident name) (Γ ++ used_names))

Definition parenthesize_ty_app_arg (t : box_type) : bool :=
  match t with
  | TApp _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Fixpoint print_type_aux (Γ : list ident) (t : box_type) (args : list (PrettyPrinter unit)) :=
  match t with
  | TBox => append type_box_symbol
  | TAny => append any_type_symbol
  | TArr dom cod =>
    append "&'a dyn Fn(";;
    print_type_aux Γ dom [];;
    append ") -> ";;
    print_type_aux Γ cod []
  | TApp head arg =>
    print_type_aux Γ head (print_type_aux Γ arg [] :: args)
  | TVar n =>
    match nth_error Γ n with
    | Some name => append (bs_to_s name)
    | None => printer_fail ("unbound TVar " ++ string_of_nat n)
  | TInd ind =>
    if remap_inductive remaps ind then
      print_ind ind;;
        "<" ">"
        (0 <? #|args|)%nat
        (monad_append_join (append ", ") args)
      append "&'a ";;
      print_ind ind;;
      append "<";;
      monad_append_join (append ", ") (append "'a" :: args);;
      append ">"

  | TConst name =>
    append (bs_to_s (get_ty_const_ident name) ++ "<");;
    monad_append_join (append ", ") (append "'a" :: args);;
    append ">"

Definition print_type Γ t := print_type_aux Γ t [].

(* Get number of arguments that a constant expects when we print it *)
Definition get_num_inline_args (kn : kername) : PrettyPrinter nat :=
  cst <- wrap_option
           (Ex.lookup_constant Σ kn)
           ("Could not find constant " ++ bs_to_s (string_of_kername kn));;
  match Ex.cst_body cst with
  | None => ret #|fst (decompose_arr (snd (Ex.cst_type cst)))|
  | Some body =>
    let fix count body ty :=
        match body, ty with
        | tLambda _ body, TArr dom cod => S (count body cod)
        | _, _ => 0
        end in
    ret (count body (snd (Ex.cst_type cst)))

Definition print_app
           (head : PrettyPrinter unit)
           (args : list (PrettyPrinter unit)) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  col <- get_current_line_length;;
  push_indent (col + indent_size);;
  append "(";;
  (if 0 <? #|args| then append_nl else ret tt)%nat;;
  monad_append_join (append ",";; append_nl) args;;
  append ")";;

Definition print_constructor
           (ind : inductive)
           (c : nat)
           (args : list (PrettyPrinter unit)) :=
  match remap_inductive remaps ind with
  | Some rem =>
    s <- wrap_option (nth_error (re_ind_ctors rem) c)
                     (bs_to_s (string_of_inductive ind)
                      ^ "' does not remap enough constructors ");;
    if (0 <? #|args|)%nat then
      print_app (append (bs_to_s s)) args
      append (bs_to_s s)
  | None =>
    oib <- wrap_result (lookup_ind_decl ind) id;;
    '(ctor, _, _) <- wrap_option
                    (nth_error (Ex.ind_ctors oib) c)
                    ("Could not find ctor "
                     ^ string_of_nat c
                     ^ " for inductive "
                     ^ bs_to_s (string_of_inductive ind));;

    col <- get_current_line_length;;
    push_indent (col + indent_size);;
    append "self.alloc(";;
    let head := print_ind ind;; append "::";; append (clean_global_ident (bs_to_s ctor)) in
    let final_args := append "PhantomData" :: args in
    print_app head final_args;;
    append ")";;

Definition print_const (kn : kername) (args : list (PrettyPrinter unit)) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  num_inline_args <- get_num_inline_args kn;;
  let (expr, num_inline_args) :=
      if (#|args| <? num_inline_args)%nat then
        (* Not enough args, use curried version *)
        ("self." ^ const_global_ident_of_kername kn ^ "__curried", 0)
        (match remap_inline_constant remaps kn with
         | Some s => (bs_to_s s)
         | None => "self." ^ const_global_ident_of_kername kn
         end, num_inline_args) in
  head_col <- get_current_line_length;;
  let head := append expr in
  let args_in_head := firstn num_inline_args args in
  let args_in_tail := skipn num_inline_args args in
  print_app head args_in_head;;
  push_indent (head_col + indent_size);;
  let it_app a :=
      append "(";;
      append ")" in
  monad_append_concat (map it_app args_in_tail);;

Section print_term.
  Context (print_term : list ident -> term -> PrettyPrinter unit).

  Definition print_case Γ ind npars discr brs : PrettyPrinter unit :=
    col <- get_current_line_length;;
    push_indent col;;

    append "match ";;
    print_term Γ discr;;
    append " {";;

    oib <- wrap_result (lookup_ind_decl ind) id;;
    let rem := remap_inductive remaps ind in

    push_indent (col + indent_size);;
    (fix print_cases
         (brs : list (list name * term))
         (ctors : list (ident * list (name * box_type) * nat))
         (c : nat) :=
       match brs, ctors with
       | [], [] => ret tt
       | (bctx, t) :: branches, (ctor_name, data, _) :: ctors =>

         match rem with
         | Some rem =>
           s <- wrap_option (nth_error (re_ind_ctors rem) c)
                            (bs_to_s (string_of_inductive ind)
                             ^ "' does not remap enough constructors");;
           append (bs_to_s s)

         | None =>
           append "&";;
           print_ind ind;;
           append "::";;
           append (clean_global_ident (bs_to_s ctor_name))

         push_indent (col + 2*indent_size);;
         (fix print_branch (bctx : list name) (args : list ident) (Γ : list ident) {struct bctx} :=
            match bctx with
            | [] =>
              (* In Coq, parameters are not part of branches. But
            erasure adds the parameters to each constructor, so we
            need to get those out of the way first. These won't have
            any uses so we just print _. In addition, we add a phantom
            data when not remapped to make it valid to always have
            lifetimes. That gives another underscores. *)

              let nextra := if rem then npars else S npars in
              let extra := List.repeat "_" nextra in
              let args := (extra ++ map bs_to_s (rev args))%list in
              print_parenthesized (0 <? #|args|)%nat (append_join ", " args);;
              append " => {";;
              append_nl ;;
              print_term Γ t
            | name :: bctx0 =>
              name <- fresh_ident name Γ;;
              print_branch bctx0 (name :: args) (name :: Γ)
            end) (List.rev bctx) [] Γ;;

         append "},";;

         print_cases branches ctors (S c)
       | _, _ => printer_fail "wrong number of case branches compared to inductive"
       end) brs (Ex.ind_ctors oib) 0;;

    append "}";;


  Definition print_remapped_case Γ ind discr brs eliminator : PrettyPrinter unit :=
    col <- get_current_line_length;;
    push_indent col;;

    append (eliminator ^ "(");;

    oib <- wrap_result (lookup_ind_decl ind) id;;

    push_indent (col + indent_size);;

    let fix map_cases (brs : list (list name * term)) :=
      match brs with
      | [] => []
      | (bctx, t) :: brs0 =>
          ((fix print_branch (bctx : list name) (args : list ident) (Γ : list ident) {struct bctx} :=
           match bctx with
           | [] =>
               let args := map bs_to_s (rev args) in

               append_concat (map (fun a => a ^ ", ") args);;
               append "{";;

               push_indent (col + 2*indent_size);;
               print_term Γ t;;

               append "},"

           | name :: bctx0 =>
               name <- fresh_ident name Γ;;
               print_branch bctx0 (name :: args) (name :: Γ)
           end) bctx [] Γ) :: map_cases brs0
      end in
    monad_append_concat (map_cases brs);;

    print_term Γ discr;;

    append ")";;
End print_term.

Definition needs_block (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tLetIn _ _ _
  | tFix _ _ => true
  | _ => false

Fixpoint print_term (Γ : list ident) (t : term) {struct t} : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  match t with
  | tBox => append term_box_symbol
  | tRel n =>
    match nth_error Γ n with
    | Some name => append (bs_to_s name)
    | None => printer_fail ("unbound tRel " ++ string_of_nat n)
  | tVar ident => printer_fail ("tVar " ++ bs_to_s ident)
  | tEvar _ _ => printer_fail "unexpected evar"
  | tLambda name t =>
    name <- fresh_ident name Γ;;
    col <- get_current_line_length;;
    push_indent col;;
    append ("self.closure(move |" ++ (bs_to_s name) ++ "| {");;

    push_indent (col + indent_size);;
    let Γ := name :: Γ in
    print_term Γ t;;
    append "})";;

  | tLetIn na val body =>
    name <- fresh_ident na Γ;;
    col <- get_current_line_length;;

    push_indent col;;
    append ("let " ++ (bs_to_s name) ++ " =");;
    (if needs_block val then append " {" else ret tt);;

    push_indent (col + indent_size);;
    print_term Γ val;;

    (if needs_block val then
       append "};"
       append ";");;


    print_term (name :: Γ) body;;

  | tApp head arg =>

    (fix f head args_printed {struct head} :=
       match head with
       | tApp head arg =>
         let printed_arg :=
             (if needs_block arg then append "{ " else ret tt);;
             print_term Γ arg;;
             if needs_block arg then append " }" else ret tt in
         f head (printed_arg :: args_printed)

       | tConstruct ind i [] => print_constructor ind i args_printed
       | tConstruct ind i (_ :: _) =>
           printer_fail ("Costructors-as-blocks is not supported: "
                         ^ bs_to_s (string_of_kername ind.(inductive_mind)))

       | tConst kn => print_const kn args_printed

       | _ =>
         (* For other heads we might need to guide type inference by repeatedly
            applying a hint function *)

         append (String.concat "" (repeat "hint_app(" #|args_printed|));;
         (if needs_block head then append "{ " else ret tt);;
         print_term Γ head;;
         (if needs_block head then append " }" else ret tt);;
         append ")";;
           (fun pref a => append pref;; a;; append ")";; ret ")(") args_printed "(";;
         ret tt

       end) head [if needs_block arg then
                    append "{ ";; print_term Γ arg;; append " }"
                    print_term Γ arg]

  | tConst kn => print_const kn []
  | tConstruct ind i [] => print_constructor ind i []
  | tConstruct ind i (_ :: _) =>
                 printer_fail ("Costructors-as-blocks is not supported: "
                         ^ bs_to_s (string_of_kername ind.(inductive_mind)))

  | tCase (ind, npars) discr brs =>
    match brs with
    | [] =>
      (* If it's a match on an empty type, we just panic, since we should never reach this code *)
      append "panic!(""Absurd case!"")"
    | _ =>
      match remap_inductive remaps ind with
      | Some rem =>
        match re_ind_match rem with
        | Some s => print_remapped_case print_term Γ ind discr brs (bs_to_s s)
        | None => print_case print_term Γ ind npars discr brs
      | None => print_case print_term Γ ind npars discr brs
  | tFix defs i =>
    (* Rust does not have recursive closures. Instead, we have to do a trick
       where we recurse through the heap: we first create a cell on the heap
       that will point to the closure. Then, we create the closure that unwraps
       the heap location to get itself. Finally, we put the closure into that heap
       location and it is ready to use. It is complicated by the fact that fix points
       are also mutual and we must create many heap cells before assigning the closures,
       and each closure also needs its own clone of each cell. *)

    col <- get_current_line_length;;
    push_indent col;;

    (* Generate names and allocate cells *)
    '(Γ, cells)
    <- monad_fold_left
         (fun '(Γ, cells) d =>
            (* This is hacky, but instead of putting proper names in the context,
               we put a string that unwraps the cell in the context.
               This is simpler for now, but as a side effect we need to push a use
               since the name won't be in the context. In the future we should unwrap it after the
               first closure or find a better way to handle this. *)

            na <- fresh_ident (EAst.dname d) Γ;;
            push_use na;;
            append ("let " ++ bs_to_s na ++ " = self.alloc(std::cell::Cell::new(None));");;
            ret ((bytestring.String.append na ".get().unwrap()") :: Γ, na :: cells))
         defs (Γ, []);;

    let cells := rev cells in

    (* Print closures. *)
      (fun _ '(print_def, cell) =>
         append (cell ++ ".set(Some(");;
         push_indent (col + indent_size);;
         append "));";;
         (map (fun d => print_term Γ (EAst.dbody d)) defs)
         (map bs_to_s cells))

    append (bs_to_s (nth i cells "") ++ ".get().unwrap()");;

  | tProj (mkProjection ind pars c) t =>
    printer_fail ("unhandled tProj on " ^ bs_to_s (string_of_kername (inductive_mind ind)))

  | tCoFix _ _ => printer_fail "Cannot handle tCoFix yet"
  | tPrim _ => printer_fail "Cannot handle Coq primitive types yet"
  | tLazy _ => printer_fail "Cannot handle lazy yet"
  | tForce _ => printer_fail "Cannot handle force yet"

Definition print_constant
           (kn : kername)
           (type : (list name * box_type))
           (body : E.term) : PrettyPrinter unit :=

  let rname := const_global_ident_of_kername kn in

  name_col <- get_current_line_length;;
  push_indent name_col;;

  let (type_vars, ty) := type in
  Γty <- monad_fold_left (fun Γty name => name <- fresh_ty_arg_name name Γty;;
                                          ret (Γty ++ [name])%list)
                         type_vars [];;

  (* Print version with inlined args *)
  match remap_constant remaps kn with
  | Some s => append (StringExtra.replace "##name##" rname (bs_to_s s))
  | None =>
    if remap_inline_constant remaps kn then
      ret tt
      append ("fn " ++ rname);;
        "<" ">" (0 <? #|Γty|)%nat
        (append_join ", " (map (fun na => na ++ ": Copy") (map bs_to_s Γty)));;
      append "(&'a self";;

      (fix print_top Γ body ty :=
         match body, ty with
         | tLambda na body, TArr dom cod =>
           na <- fresh_ident na Γ;;
           append (", " ++ bs_to_s na ++ ": ");;
           print_type Γty dom;;
           print_top (na :: Γ) body cod
         | _, _ =>
           append ") -> ";;
           print_type Γty ty;;
           append " {";;

           push_indent (name_col + indent_size);;

           push_use rname;;
           print_term Γ body;;

           append "}"
         end) [] body ty

  (* Print curried version if there were inlined args *)
  num_inline_args <- get_num_inline_args kn;;
  (if (0 <? num_inline_args)%nat then
     append ("fn " ++ rname ++ "__curried");;
       "<" ">" (0 <? #|Γty|)%nat
       (append_join ", " (map (fun na => na ++ ": Copy") (map bs_to_s Γty)));;
     append "(&'a self) -> ";;
     print_type Γty ty;;
     append " {";;

     push_indent (name_col + indent_size);;

     push_use (rname ++ "__curried");;
     eta_term <-
     (fix make_eta_term n body ty :=
        match body, ty with
        | tLambda na body, TArr dom cod =>
          eta_term <- make_eta_term (S n) body cod;;
          ret (tLambda na eta_term)
        | _, _ => ret (mkApps (tConst kn) (rev_map tRel (seq 0 n)))
        end) 0 body ty;;
     print_term [] eta_term;;

     append "}"
     ret tt);;

  ret tt.

Open Scope program_scope.

Definition print_ind_ctor_definition
           (Γ : list ident)
           (ctor_name : ident)
           (data : list (name * box_type)) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  append (clean_global_ident (bs_to_s ctor_name));;

  (* Make sure we always take a lifetime parameter in data types *)
  append "(";;

  (* All constructors take a PhantomData as their first argument which ensures that
     Rust does not complained about unused lifetimes/type parameters.
     This phantom type is a 'a lifetimed reference to a tuple of all the type args. *)

  let print_phantom :=
      append "PhantomData<&'a ";;
      (if (#|Γ| =? 0)%nat then
         append "()"
         print_parenthesized (1 <? #|Γ|)%nat (append_join ", " (map bs_to_s Γ)));;
      append ">" in
  let print_datas := print_phantom :: map (print_type Γ snd) data in
  monad_append_join (append ", ") print_datas;;

  append ")".

Local Open Scope string.
Definition print_mutual_inductive_body
           (kn : kername)
           (mib : Ex.mutual_inductive_body) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  col <- get_current_line_length;;
  push_indent col;;

  names <-
  (fix print_ind_bodies
       (l : list Ex.one_inductive_body)
       (prefix : PrettyPrinter unit)
       (i : nat) :=
     match l with
     | [] => ret tt
     | oib :: l =>


       append (ind_attrs (mkInd kn i));;
       append "pub enum ";;
       print_ind (mkInd kn i);;

       (* Add type parameters. Note that since we are in prenex form,
          our context will have last type parameter last, not first. *)

       Γ <- monad_fold_left
              (fun Γ name =>
                 name <- fresh_ty_arg_name (tvar_name name) Γ;;
                 ret (Γ ++ [name])%list) (ind_type_vars oib) [];;

       append "<";;
       append_join ", " ("'a" :: map bs_to_s Γ);;
       append "> {";;

       (* Print constructors *)
       push_indent (col + indent_size);;

       monad_append_join (append ",";; append_nl)
                         (map (fun '(name, data, _) =>
                                 print_ind_ctor_definition Γ name data)
                              (Ex.ind_ctors oib));;

       append "}";;

       print_ind_bodies l append_nl (S i)
     end) (Ex.ind_bodies mib) (ret tt) 0;;
  ret names.

Definition print_type_alias
           (nm : kername)
           (tvars : list type_var_info)
           (bt : box_type) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  let rname := ty_const_global_ident_of_kername nm in
  match remap_constant remaps nm with
  | Some s => append (StringExtra.replace "##name##" (bs_to_s rname) (bs_to_s s))
  | None =>
    append ("type " ++ (bs_to_s rname) ++ "<");;
    Γrev <- monad_fold_left (fun Γ tvar => name <- fresh_ty_arg_name (tvar_name tvar) Γ;;
                                           ret (name :: Γ))
                          tvars [];;
    let Γ := rev Γrev in
    append_join ", " ("'a" :: map bs_to_s Γ);;
    append "> = ";;
    print_type Γ bt;;
    append ";"

Fixpoint print_decls_aux
         (decls : list (kername * bool * Ex.global_decl))
         (prefix : PrettyPrinter unit) : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  match decls with
  | [] => ret tt
  | (kn, has_deps, decl) :: decls =>
    match decl with
    | Ex.ConstantDecl {| Ex.cst_type := type; Ex.cst_body := Some body |} =>
      prefix;; print_constant kn type body
    | Ex.InductiveDecl mib =>
      if remap_inductive remaps (mkInd kn 0) then
        ret tt
        prefix;; print_mutual_inductive_body kn mib
    | Ex.TypeAliasDecl (Some (tvars, bt)) => prefix;; print_type_alias kn tvars bt
    | _ => ret tt
    print_decls_aux decls (append_nl;; append_nl)

Definition print_decls decls :=
  print_decls_aux decls (ret tt).

Class Preamble :=
  { top_preamble : list string;
    program_preamble : list string }.

Context `{Preamble}.

Definition print_program : PrettyPrinter unit :=
  sig_col <- get_current_line_length;;
  push_indent sig_col;;

  monad_append_join append_nl (map append top_preamble);;

  let is_const '(kn, decl) :=
      match decl with
      | Ex.ConstantDecl _ => true
      | _ => false
      end in

  (* Filtering out empty type declarations *)
  (* TODO: possibly, move to extraction (requires modifications of the correctness proof) *)
  let Σ := filter (fun '(kn,d) => negb (is_empty_type_decl d)) Σ in

  ind_names <- print_decls_aux (filter (negb is_const) (List.rev Σ))
                               (append_nl;; append_nl);;

  (* First print a structure that has the arena and all
     (non-polymorphic) constants in the program *)

  let constants :=
      flat_map (fun '(kn, has_deps, decl) =>
                  match decl with
                  | Ex.ConstantDecl cst => [(kn, has_deps, cst)]
                  | _ => []
                  end) (List.rev Σ) in

  push_indent (sig_col + indent_size);;

  append "struct Program {";;
  append "__alloc: bumpalo::Bump,";;

  append "}";;

  (* Next we print all the code as associated members. First
     we print a way to create such a program. *)

  append "impl<'a> Program {";;

  append "fn new() -> Self {";;

  push_indent (sig_col + indent_size);;
  append "Program {";;

  push_indent (sig_col + 2*indent_size);;
  append "__alloc: bumpalo::Bump::new(),";;

  append "}";;

  append "}";;

  monad_append_join append_nl (map append program_preamble);;

  (* Finally print all constants *)
  const_names <- print_decls_aux
                   (map (MCProd.on_snd Ex.ConstantDecl) constants)
                   (append_nl;; append_nl);;

  append "}";;

End FixEnv.

Definition extract_rust_within_coq
           (overridden_masks : Kernames.kername -> option bitmask)
           (should_inline : Kernames.kername -> bool) : extract_template_env_params :=
  {| check_wf_env_func := check_wf_env_func extract_within_coq;
     template_transforms := [template_inline should_inline];
     pcuic_args :=
       {| optimize_prop_discr := true;
          extract_transforms := [dearg_transform overridden_masks true false false false false;
                                 TopLevelFixes.transform] |} |}.