
Library ElmExtraction.Tests.RecordSet

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import Ast.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import AstUtils.
From MetaCoq.Common Require Import BasicAst.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import Loader.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import TemplateMonad.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import monad_utils.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import utils.

Global Unset Asymmetric Patterns.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Class SetterFromGetter {A B} (a : A -> B) :=
  setter_from_getter : (B -> B) -> A -> A.

Definition aRelevant (na : name) : aname :=
  {| binder_name := na; binder_relevance := Relevant |}.

Definition make_setters (T : Type) : TemplateMonad unit :=
  Tast <- tmQuote T;;
  ind <- match Tast with
        | tInd ind _ => ret ind
        | tApp (tInd ind _) _ => ret ind
        | _ => tmFail "Cannot extract inductive, are you sure you passed a type?"
  mib <- tmQuoteInductive (inductive_mind ind);;
  match ind_finite mib with
  | BiFinite => ret tt
  | _ => tmFail "Unexpected finite kind; are you sure you are creating setters for a record?"
  oib <- match nth_error (ind_bodies mib) (inductive_ind ind) with
         | Some oib => ret oib
         | None => tmFail "Could not find inductive in mutual inductive?"
  '(ctor, ar) <- match ind_ctors oib with
                 | [c] => ret (c.(cstr_type), c.(cstr_arity))
                 | _ => tmFail "Type should have exactly one constructor"

  let fix find_getter_kns (t : term) : TemplateMonad (list kername) :=
      match t with
      | tProd na A B =>
        kn <-
        match binder_name na with
        | nNamed id => ret ((inductive_mind ind).1, id)
        | nAnon => tmFail "Records with anonymous fields are not supported"
        kns <- find_getter_kns B;;
        ret (kn :: kns)
      | tLetIn na a A B => find_getter_kns B
      | _ => ret []
      end in

  getter_kns <- find_getter_kns ctor;;

  let fix create_setters (t : term) (idx : nat) : TemplateMonad unit :=
      match t with
      | tProd na A B =>
        match binder_name na with
        | nNamed id =>
          (* Create setter *)
          let getter_kn := ((inductive_mind ind).1, id) in

          let body :=
                (aRelevant (nNamed "f"))
                (tProd (aRelevant nAnon) A A)
                   (aRelevant (nNamed "r"))
                   (tInd ind [])
                      (tConstruct ind 0 [])
                         (fun i (gkn : kername) =>
                            let get := tApp (tConst gkn []) [tRel 0] in
                            if eq_kername gkn getter_kn then
                              tApp (tRel 1) [get]
                         getter_kns))) in

          let setter_id := "set_" ^ ind_name oib ^ "_" ^ id in
          tmMkDefinition setter_id body;;

          (* Create SetterFromGetter instance *)
          setter_gr <- tmLocate1 setter_id;;
          setter_kn <- match setter_gr with
          | ConstRef kn => ret kn
          | _ => tmFail "Unexpected global_reference after unquoting"

          (* I could not find a way to specify the type of an unquoted constant,
             so we always unquote as a cast *)

          let body :=
                (tConst setter_kn [])
                   <% @SetterFromGetter %>
                   [tInd ind []; A; tConst getter_kn []]) in

          let setter_from_getter_id := "setter_from_getter_" ^ ind_name oib ^ "_" ^ id in
          tmMkDefinition setter_from_getter_id body;;

          tmLocate1 setter_from_getter_id >>= tmExistingInstance global
        | nAnon => ret tt
        create_setters B (S idx)
      | tLetIn na a A B => create_setters B idx
      | _ => ret tt
      end in
  create_setters ctor 0.

Module RecordSetNotations.
  Declare Scope record_set.
  Delimit Scope record_set with rs.
  Open Scope rs.
  Notation "x <| proj ::= f |>" := ((_ : SetterFromGetter proj) f x)
                                   (at level 12, f at next level, left associativity) : record_set.
  Notation "x <| proj := v |>" := ((_ : SetterFromGetter proj) (fun _ => v) x)
                                  (at level 12, left associativity) : record_set.
  Notation "x <| proj1 ; proj2 ; .. ; projn ::= f |>" :=
    ((_ : SetterFromGetter proj1)
       ((_ : SetterFromGetter proj2) .. ((_ : SetterFromGetter projn) f) ..) x)
    (at level 12, left associativity).
  Notation "x <| proj1 ; proj2 ; .. ; projn := v |>" :=
    ((_ : SetterFromGetter proj1)
       ((_ : SetterFromGetter proj2) .. ((_ : SetterFromGetter projn) (fun _ => v)) ..) x)
    (at level 12, left associativity).
End RecordSetNotations.