Library RustExtraction.StringExtra
From Coq Require Import Ascii.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import NArith.
From Coq.Strings Require Import Byte.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import bytestring.
Import String.
Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope bs_scope.
Definition str_rev (s : string) : string :=
(fix f s acc :=
match s with
| EmptyString => acc
| String c s => f s (String c acc)
end) s EmptyString.
Local Open Scope positive.
Definition hex_of_positive (p : positive) : string :=
(fix f p acc :=
match p with
| xH => String "1" acc
| xH~0 => String "2" acc
| xH~1 => String "3" acc
| xH~0~0 => String "4" acc
| xH~0~1 => String "5" acc
| xH~1~0 => String "6" acc
| xH~1~1 => String "7" acc
| xH~0~0~0 => String "8" acc
| xH~0~0~1 => String "9" acc
| xH~0~1~0 => String "a" acc
| xH~0~1~1 => String "b" acc
| xH~1~0~0 => String "c" acc
| xH~1~0~1 => String "d" acc
| xH~1~1~0 => String "e" acc
| xH~1~1~1 => String "f" acc
| p~0~0~0~0 => f p (String "0" acc)
| p~0~0~0~1 => f p (String "1" acc)
| p~0~0~1~0 => f p (String "2" acc)
| p~0~0~1~1 => f p (String "3" acc)
| p~0~1~0~0 => f p (String "4" acc)
| p~0~1~0~1 => f p (String "5" acc)
| p~0~1~1~0 => f p (String "6" acc)
| p~0~1~1~1 => f p (String "7" acc)
| p~1~0~0~0 => f p (String "8" acc)
| p~1~0~0~1 => f p (String "9" acc)
| p~1~0~1~0 => f p (String "a" acc)
| p~1~0~1~1 => f p (String "b" acc)
| p~1~1~0~0 => f p (String "c" acc)
| p~1~1~0~1 => f p (String "d" acc)
| p~1~1~1~0 => f p (String "e" acc)
| p~1~1~1~1 => f p (String "f" acc)
end) p EmptyString.
Definition hex_of_N (n : N) : string :=
match n with
| N0 => "0"
| Npos p => hex_of_positive p
Definition hex_of_nat (n : nat) : string :=
hex_of_N (N.of_nat n).
Definition hex_of_Z (z : Z) : string :=
match z with
| Z0 => "0"
| Zpos p => hex_of_positive p
| Zneg p => String "-" (hex_of_positive p)
Definition Nlog2up_nat (n : N) : nat :=
match n with
| N0 => 1
| Npos p => Pos.size_nat p
Local Open Scope N.
Definition string_of_N (n : N) : string :=
(fix f n num acc :=
let (q, r) := N.div_eucl num 10 in
let char :=
match r with
| 0 => String "0"
| 1 => String "1"
| 2 => String "2"
| 3 => String "3"
| 4 => String "4"
| 5 => String "5"
| 6 => String "6"
| 7 => String "7"
| 8 => String "8"
| 9 => String "9"
| _ => String "x" (* unreachable *)
end in
let acc := char acc in
if q =? 0 then
match n with
| 0%nat => "" (* unreachable *)
| S n => f n q acc
end) (Nlog2up_nat n) n EmptyString.
Definition string_of_nat (n : nat) : string :=
string_of_N (N.of_nat n).
Definition string_of_positive (p : positive) : string :=
string_of_N (Npos p).
Definition string_of_Z (z : Z) : string :=
match z with
| Z0 => "0"
| Zpos p => string_of_positive p
| Zneg p => String "-" (string_of_positive p)
Definition replace_char (orig : byte) (new : byte) : string -> string :=
fix f s :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => if (c =? orig)%byte then
String new (f s)
String c (f s)
Definition remove_char (c : byte) : string -> string :=
fix f s :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c' s => if (c' =? c)%byte then
f s
String c' (f s)
Local Open Scope char.
From Coq Require Import List.
From Coq Require Import NArith.
From Coq.Strings Require Import Byte.
From MetaCoq.Utils Require Import bytestring.
Import String.
Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope bs_scope.
Definition str_rev (s : string) : string :=
(fix f s acc :=
match s with
| EmptyString => acc
| String c s => f s (String c acc)
end) s EmptyString.
Local Open Scope positive.
Definition hex_of_positive (p : positive) : string :=
(fix f p acc :=
match p with
| xH => String "1" acc
| xH~0 => String "2" acc
| xH~1 => String "3" acc
| xH~0~0 => String "4" acc
| xH~0~1 => String "5" acc
| xH~1~0 => String "6" acc
| xH~1~1 => String "7" acc
| xH~0~0~0 => String "8" acc
| xH~0~0~1 => String "9" acc
| xH~0~1~0 => String "a" acc
| xH~0~1~1 => String "b" acc
| xH~1~0~0 => String "c" acc
| xH~1~0~1 => String "d" acc
| xH~1~1~0 => String "e" acc
| xH~1~1~1 => String "f" acc
| p~0~0~0~0 => f p (String "0" acc)
| p~0~0~0~1 => f p (String "1" acc)
| p~0~0~1~0 => f p (String "2" acc)
| p~0~0~1~1 => f p (String "3" acc)
| p~0~1~0~0 => f p (String "4" acc)
| p~0~1~0~1 => f p (String "5" acc)
| p~0~1~1~0 => f p (String "6" acc)
| p~0~1~1~1 => f p (String "7" acc)
| p~1~0~0~0 => f p (String "8" acc)
| p~1~0~0~1 => f p (String "9" acc)
| p~1~0~1~0 => f p (String "a" acc)
| p~1~0~1~1 => f p (String "b" acc)
| p~1~1~0~0 => f p (String "c" acc)
| p~1~1~0~1 => f p (String "d" acc)
| p~1~1~1~0 => f p (String "e" acc)
| p~1~1~1~1 => f p (String "f" acc)
end) p EmptyString.
Definition hex_of_N (n : N) : string :=
match n with
| N0 => "0"
| Npos p => hex_of_positive p
Definition hex_of_nat (n : nat) : string :=
hex_of_N (N.of_nat n).
Definition hex_of_Z (z : Z) : string :=
match z with
| Z0 => "0"
| Zpos p => hex_of_positive p
| Zneg p => String "-" (hex_of_positive p)
Definition Nlog2up_nat (n : N) : nat :=
match n with
| N0 => 1
| Npos p => Pos.size_nat p
Local Open Scope N.
Definition string_of_N (n : N) : string :=
(fix f n num acc :=
let (q, r) := N.div_eucl num 10 in
let char :=
match r with
| 0 => String "0"
| 1 => String "1"
| 2 => String "2"
| 3 => String "3"
| 4 => String "4"
| 5 => String "5"
| 6 => String "6"
| 7 => String "7"
| 8 => String "8"
| 9 => String "9"
| _ => String "x" (* unreachable *)
end in
let acc := char acc in
if q =? 0 then
match n with
| 0%nat => "" (* unreachable *)
| S n => f n q acc
end) (Nlog2up_nat n) n EmptyString.
Definition string_of_nat (n : nat) : string :=
string_of_N (N.of_nat n).
Definition string_of_positive (p : positive) : string :=
string_of_N (Npos p).
Definition string_of_Z (z : Z) : string :=
match z with
| Z0 => "0"
| Zpos p => string_of_positive p
| Zneg p => String "-" (string_of_positive p)
Definition replace_char (orig : byte) (new : byte) : string -> string :=
fix f s :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => if (c =? orig)%byte then
String new (f s)
String c (f s)
Definition remove_char (c : byte) : string -> string :=
fix f s :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c' s => if (c' =? c)%byte then
f s
String c' (f s)
Local Open Scope char.
Structurally recursive starts_with with continuation from
rest of string if it does start with
Definition starts_with_cont
(with_char : byte)
(with_str : string)
(cont : string -> A)
(s : string)
: option A :=
(fix f s c ws :=
match s with
| EmptyString => None
| String sc s =>
if (sc =? c)%byte then
match ws with
| EmptyString => Some (cont s)
| String wsc ws => f s wsc ws
end) s with_char with_str.
Definition starts_with (with_str : string) (s : string) : bool :=
match with_str with
| EmptyString => true
| String wc ws => if starts_with_cont wc ws (fun _ => true) s then
Definition replace (orig : string) (new : string) : string -> string :=
match orig with
| EmptyString => fun s => s
| String origc origs =>
fix replace s :=
match starts_with_cont origc origs replace s with
| Some s => new ++ s
| None => match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String c (replace s)
Fixpoint substring_from (from : nat) (s : string) : string :=
match from, s with
| 0%nat, _ => s
| S n, String _ s => substring_from n s
| S n, EmptyString => EmptyString
Fixpoint substring_count (count : nat) (s : string) : string :=
match count, s with
| 0%nat, _ => EmptyString
| S n, String c s => String c (substring_count n s)
| S n, EmptyString => EmptyString
Definition str_map (f : byte -> byte) : string -> string :=
fix g s :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String (f c) (g s)
Definition last_index_of (c : byte) (s : string) : option nat :=
(fix f (s : string) (index : nat) (result : option nat) :=
match s with
| EmptyString => result
| String c' s =>
if (c' =? c)%byte then
f s (S index) (Some index)
f s (S index) result
end) s 0%nat None.
Local Open Scope N.
Definition is_letter (c : byte) : bool :=
let n := to_N c in
(65 (* A *) <=? n) && (n <=? 90 (* Z *)) ||
(97 (* a *) <=? n) && (n <=? 122 (* z *))%bool%N.
Definition char_to_upper (c : byte) : byte :=
if is_letter c then
let '(b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (b5, (b6, b7))))))) := Byte.to_bits c in
Byte.of_bits (b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (false, (b6, b7)))))))
Definition char_to_lower (c : byte) : byte :=
if is_letter c then
let '(b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (b5, (b6, b7))))))) := Byte.to_bits c in
Byte.of_bits (b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (true, (b6, b7)))))))
Definition to_upper : string -> string :=
str_map char_to_upper.
Definition to_lower : string -> string :=
str_map char_to_lower.
Definition capitalize (s : string) : string :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String (char_to_upper c) s
Definition uncapitalize (s : string) : string :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String (char_to_lower c) s
Definition str_split (on : string) : string -> list string :=
match on with
| EmptyString => fun s => [s]
| String onc ons =>
(fix split cur s :=
match starts_with_cont onc ons (split EmptyString) s with
| Some l => str_rev cur :: l
| None => match s with
| EmptyString => [str_rev cur]
| String sc s => split (String sc cur) s
end) EmptyString
Definition lines (l : list string) :=
String.concat (String x0a "") l.
Notation "<$ x ; y ; .. ; z $>" :=
(lines (List.cons x (List.cons y .. (List.cons z List.nil) ..))) : bs_scope.
(with_char : byte)
(with_str : string)
(cont : string -> A)
(s : string)
: option A :=
(fix f s c ws :=
match s with
| EmptyString => None
| String sc s =>
if (sc =? c)%byte then
match ws with
| EmptyString => Some (cont s)
| String wsc ws => f s wsc ws
end) s with_char with_str.
Definition starts_with (with_str : string) (s : string) : bool :=
match with_str with
| EmptyString => true
| String wc ws => if starts_with_cont wc ws (fun _ => true) s then
Definition replace (orig : string) (new : string) : string -> string :=
match orig with
| EmptyString => fun s => s
| String origc origs =>
fix replace s :=
match starts_with_cont origc origs replace s with
| Some s => new ++ s
| None => match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String c (replace s)
Fixpoint substring_from (from : nat) (s : string) : string :=
match from, s with
| 0%nat, _ => s
| S n, String _ s => substring_from n s
| S n, EmptyString => EmptyString
Fixpoint substring_count (count : nat) (s : string) : string :=
match count, s with
| 0%nat, _ => EmptyString
| S n, String c s => String c (substring_count n s)
| S n, EmptyString => EmptyString
Definition str_map (f : byte -> byte) : string -> string :=
fix g s :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String (f c) (g s)
Definition last_index_of (c : byte) (s : string) : option nat :=
(fix f (s : string) (index : nat) (result : option nat) :=
match s with
| EmptyString => result
| String c' s =>
if (c' =? c)%byte then
f s (S index) (Some index)
f s (S index) result
end) s 0%nat None.
Local Open Scope N.
Definition is_letter (c : byte) : bool :=
let n := to_N c in
(65 (* A *) <=? n) && (n <=? 90 (* Z *)) ||
(97 (* a *) <=? n) && (n <=? 122 (* z *))%bool%N.
Definition char_to_upper (c : byte) : byte :=
if is_letter c then
let '(b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (b5, (b6, b7))))))) := Byte.to_bits c in
Byte.of_bits (b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (false, (b6, b7)))))))
Definition char_to_lower (c : byte) : byte :=
if is_letter c then
let '(b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (b5, (b6, b7))))))) := Byte.to_bits c in
Byte.of_bits (b0, (b1, (b2, (b3, (b4, (true, (b6, b7)))))))
Definition to_upper : string -> string :=
str_map char_to_upper.
Definition to_lower : string -> string :=
str_map char_to_lower.
Definition capitalize (s : string) : string :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String (char_to_upper c) s
Definition uncapitalize (s : string) : string :=
match s with
| EmptyString => EmptyString
| String c s => String (char_to_lower c) s
Definition str_split (on : string) : string -> list string :=
match on with
| EmptyString => fun s => [s]
| String onc ons =>
(fix split cur s :=
match starts_with_cont onc ons (split EmptyString) s with
| Some l => str_rev cur :: l
| None => match s with
| EmptyString => [str_rev cur]
| String sc s => split (String sc cur) s
end) EmptyString
Definition lines (l : list string) :=
String.concat (String x0a "") l.
Notation "<$ x ; y ; .. ; z $>" :=
(lines (List.cons x (List.cons y .. (List.cons z List.nil) ..))) : bs_scope.